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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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ZephyrFate said:
But as far as the story goes -- it needs that tension and release, the CATHARSIS, the eye of the storm, et. al. Plus, watching Cersei destroy herself, as well as seeing Jaime become a much better person, was worth all of Feast.
Agreed. If Martin settled into a long series of attempts to outdo the craziness of ASoS the series would probably get pretty shitty pretty fast. And as you said, to fully flesh out the world and the current conflict we need to know what's going on in places like Dorne and the Iron Islands.

And yeah, I loved Jaime's chapters, everything in Dorne and Cersei's descent. I even loved Brienne's chapters. I know people who hated them, but they felt like some sort of fantasy western to me.
Fjordson said:
Agreed. If Martin settled into a long series of attempts to outdo the craziness of ASoS the series would probably get pretty shitty pretty fast. And as you said, to fully flesh out the world and the current conflict we need to know what's going on in places like Dorne and the Iron Islands.

And yeah, I loved Jaime's chapters, everything in Dorne and Cersei's descent. I even loved Brienne's chapters. I know people who hated them, but they felt like some sort of fantasy western to me.

I liked reading Brienne because her stupidity was from innocence and naivete and was a good contrast to Cersei's paranoid dumb bitch story. Catelyn's quote from ACOK "they are the knights of summer, and winter is coming" comes full circle when they meet the second time in AFFC.


Basileus777 said:
I'd say that theory is pretty much confirmed. HBO's viewers guide even mentions that.

But how is the question.

velvet_nitemare said:
I think it's the prophetic old hag. She always wanted a particular song, Her Jenny's song, and she said she "gorged on grief at summerhall". We'll see.

Oh interesting, so that's the evidence as to why she is. Well that works as well.
ColonialRaptor said:
A Son of Ice And Fire.

Well... of course you can tread safely, Dance isn't available yet - but as of 12th of July, well - that's a different story.

Unless Dance is available somewhere that I don't know about?

Wait I confused July and June again. I thought it might have silently released a week ago or something :p


Neo Member
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
I have it, and the Hodor chapters are fucking amazing.

I am not going to lie, I started laughing my ass of when I read this. I told my wife, that some time when we are having sex I am just going to keep say HODOR!


So, guys, shall we start making predictions / bets about ADWTD? It would be quite cool to see said predictions once we read the next book and Martin crush all our hopes and dreams yet again, me thinks.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
looks like we got ourselves "one of those kids" :lol

devildog820 said:
I'm curious to see what happens with Theon. He was a little punk early on, I thought. But the way he pledged at the end was intense.

Grimm Fandango said:
I'm guessing he'll turn on the Starks eventually. He's still very proud to be a Greyjoy.

yea good guess bro


Exactly two weeks to go!

Also, lol at jon bones's post. I can't wait for someone to guess "he will be accused of murdering Bran and Rickon and the world will hate him".


Ikael said:
So, guys, shall we start making predictions / bets about ADWTD? It would be quite cool to see said predictions once we read the next book and Martin crush all our hopes and dreams yet again, me thinks.
Ned, Brandon and Rob come back from the dead to muder all the Lannisters with an army of dead ala Return of the King. Then they take stop off at the Wall and the White Walkers come up and they're like nope. And they start to fend off the assault and then Dany comes in with her dragons and kills all the Others. Then the undead Starks give the crown to Bran and he marries Dany and they keep Cersei as their personal fool. Then the undead Starks take Cat and pass on to the afterlife and Jon dismantles the Watch since there's no more use for them and becomes Hand of the King. Also, Hodor is appointed Lord Commander of the King's Guard and he carries Bran around still to this day. The End.


May contain jokes =>
Ikael said:
So, guys, shall we start making predictions / bets about ADWTD? It would be quite cool to see said predictions once we read the next book and Martin crush all our hopes and dreams yet again, me thinks.

I think:

- Benjen comes back
- Neither Davos nor Brienne is dead
- Only one major character death

I hope:

- Howland Reed shows up
- We see more of the Brotherhood
- We see more of Sandor (if he's alive)
The two things I am hoping for the most from ADWD is some additional clarity when it comes to Bran's training with the 3 eyed crow and the background/history of the Others. I know Dany, Jon, and Tyrion are going to feature heavily in the book. I'm not so confident when it comes to the aforementioned characters however, especially the Others.
We still won't know who Coldhands is.
Jon will grow paranoid of potential threats amongst the Night's Watch and fuck Melisandre setting in motion his downfall.
Barristan will continue to be badass.
Dany will continue to bore me.


Things that I expect to see in ADWTD:

- Dany travelling eastwards and actually circunventing the world, arriving to Westeros on the West (Ironborne islands), and passing trought Yi - Ti and Asshai (remember the Quarth prophecy: you shall go east if you want to arrive to the west)

- The Jon = R +L theory getting confirmed

- Stannis bending his knee once he knows the existance of a true Tagaryen heir, thus fucking with Melissandre's plans.

- Jon slowly becoming the villain of the book, and Westeros headed towards a North VS South civil war

- Tyrion becoming Daenery's hand. It HAS to happen, period.

Things that I hope to see in ADWTD:

- Holand mother fucking Reed. Most baddass character in Westeros and he hasn't even appeared in flesh

- Moar Valyria please. I want to know a little bit of what happened to it, or its history

- Tyrion getting to know what the hell happened with his lost love

- The Maesters kicking ass. I am tired of the whole "magic is cool, science sucks" approach of the books. I want to see the Others getting teared appart by byzantine flametrowers or arballistas.

- The Ironborn getting fucked over. Bunch of barbarian idiots.


Ikael said:
- Stannis bending his knee once he knows the existance of a true Tagaryen heir, thus fucking with Melissandre's plans.
He made the decision a long time ago; after Robert's rebellion, he's done with the incest dragons. He's not going to kneel for any Targ; to him, it's his throne, his kingdom, and he'll die before he hands it over.


Things I think will happen:
-We find out what happened to Benjen Stark
-Someone encounters Rickon and Asha (maybe Theon?)
-Tyrion and Dany don't meet up until the very end of the book.
-Arya will no longer be blind by the end of the book.
-That Daario guy betrays Dany.
-Dany leaves Mereen before the end of the book, and heads for Asshai.

I Hope:
-The Ironborn get royally ass-fucked
-The Blackfish makes an appearance
-Howland Reed makes an appearance
-Bran gets a substantial amount of chapters
-Roose Bolton gets killed
-Freys continue to drop like flies
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
So I'm reading through the second book..

Are Bran and his group really fucking dead??!! I find it really hard to believe Theon would behead them. WTF??
get out of this thread now.
Keikoku said:
Unmarked spoilers for ADWD ? Dumbest rule ever.
Why? this is the unmarked spoilers for the series thread. A new book is out. Gtfo till you've read it. It's easiest to know that if you come in here, nothing is spoilered. Period.


May contain jokes =>
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
So I'm reading through the second book..

Are Bran and his group really fucking dead??!! I find it really hard to believe Theon would behead them. WTF??
Get out. Some people will intentionally spoil you just to make a point. If you really want to ask PM me.
The fuck? I'm sorry, I thought this thread read A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD** - Page 25 and I even took the effort to MARK my damn question. What is wrong with you people?
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
The fuck? I'm sorry, I thought this thread read A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD** - Page 25 and I even took the effort to MARK my damn question. What is wrong with you people?
Because this is a thread for EVERY book, i.e. we have ALL read the books and you have to have ALSO read the books to post in here. The Game of Thrones thread that does not have (NO BOOK SPOILERS) is the place to go for people who are in limbo like you are.
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
The fuck? I'm sorry, I thought this thread read A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD** - Page 25 and I even took the effort to MARK my damn question. What is wrong with you people?
OK, fine. They are fucking stone cold dead.
Er, I asked the question, so clearly I was wanting to be spoiled. Anyway, I've read ahead, so its irrelevant now.

It seemed to matter of fact to me, which is why I asked. Until I started going back and noticing odd phrasing. Fucking devious ;)
Dresden said:
Thread makes it pretty obvious, dude. If you're not caught up you will get spoiled.

Tyrion dies in Book 3.
That's a lie, he died in book one. Eaten by grumkins. The tyrion in the rest of the books is a snark replacement doppeganger.

Paradoxal_Utopia said:
Er, I asked the question, so clearly I was wanting to be spoiled. Anyway, I've read ahead, so its irrelevant now.

[/spoiler]It seemed to matter of fact to me, which is why I asked. Until I started going back and noticing odd phrasing. Fucking devious ;)
We're harsh in here because we don't want people to ruin their experience, or get accidentally spoiled, which has happened.
elrechazao said:
That's a lie, he died in book one. Eaten by grumkins. The tyrion in the rest of the books is a snark replacement doppeganger.

We're harsh in here because we don't want people to ruin their experience, or get accidentally spoiled, which has happened.

How the hell does one get 'accidentally spoiled' by intentionally opening a thread with this title? You cant prevent people from WANTING to spoil themselves.
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
How the hell does one get 'accidentally spoiled' by intentionally opening a thread with this title? You can prevent people from WANTING to spoil themselves.
Well, by doing what you're doing now... coming into a thread where you've only read the second book while the topic has spoilers for all four current novels and will spoil the fifth one when it releases.
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
How the hell does one get 'accidentally spoiled' by intentionally opening a thread with this title? You can prevent people from WANTING to spoil themselves.
It's happened in this thread where people came in for something then got spoiled for something else. You asked for book two spoilers. what if someone replied with book 3 and 4 major spoilers?
What's the logic behind Stannis bending the knee to a "true" Targ heir? The Targ line is finished, it lost its claim on the Iron Throne; the throne legally belongs to the Baratheons until they are overthrown; obviously Tommen is not a Baratheon but the point stands. Stannis might feel Dany possesses some true power and is a worthy ally, but I don't see him bending the knee.

I'm more interested in Melisandre's reaction to Dany. Stannis is leaving the Wall to fight Boltons, so any news of Dany would most likely reach her and Jon first.
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
How the hell does one get 'accidentally spoiled' by intentionally opening a thread with this title? You can prevent people from WANTING to spoil themselves.

People here are overreacting, but if you want spoilers, best go to this thread where it's not a free-for-all.
Paradoxal_Utopia said:
The fuck? I'm sorry, I thought this thread read A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD** - Page 25 and I even took the effort to MARK my damn question. What is wrong with you people?

Jamie Lannister kills Cersei (thats right) now get out.
PhoenixDark said:
What's the logic behind Stannis bending the knee to a "true" Targ heir? The Targ line is finished, it lost its claim on the Iron Throne; the throne legally belongs to the Baratheons until they are overthrown; obviously Tommen is not a Baratheon but the point stands. Stannis might feel Dany possesses some true power and is a worthy ally, but I don't see him bending the knee.

I'm more interested in Melisandre's reaction to Dany. Stannis is leaving the Wall to fight Boltons, so any news of Dany would most likely reach her and Jon first.
As someone pointed out, no way stannis bends the knee. It's not like he doesn't know viserys or dany existed. He was on the small council after all. He made a conscious decision to join the rebellion, and is not going to suddenly become a targ loyalist.
I think Stannis is pretty much doomed. His character is basically a spin on the archetypical fantasy hero. He has a magical adviser, a magical sword, he's the subject of an ancient prophecy, he has visions of a great battle between good and evil...that means if he fails, all of humanity will be extinguished. The tragedy is that Stannis isn't that hero, he isn't the prince that was promised, but his belief that he is will drive him to commit some terrible mistake.
elrechazao said:
As someone pointed out, no way stannis bends the knee. It's not like he doesn't know viserys or dany existed. He was on the small council after all. He made a conscious decision to join the rebellion, and is not going to suddenly become a targ loyalist.

I agree with you. He has risked everything to claim the throne that is his by rights. Stannis is all in on chips by now and I don't think he will survive by the end of Dance. Mel will obviously stay with Jon at the Wall because I believe she isn't at all concerned with Stannis and his game of thrones. Besides, it is clear Mel's purpose is fighting the Others because Azor Ahai saved the realm thousands of years ago when the threat of the Others was real, and the threat for Westeros now is real as well. That explains why she feels her role to find Azor Ahai reborn is paramount for Westeros's existence. If Stannis isn't AAR then who could it be? I'm opposed to theories that support Dany, and I don't think it is Jon either. The only way Jon could be AAR is if Lightbringer is hidden away in the realm somewhere and he finds it.
I'm not convinced Melisandre's true intentions are to save Westeros from anything. I think she's involved with the Great Other somehow, and is merely deceiving and derailing man's attempts to stop it. With Stannis heading to war, she'll be in position to seduce Jon, which is already suggested in the ADWD chapters released so far.

We know she has magical power and can view parts of the future. That makes her deception of Stannis, who clearly is not AAR, seem sinister.
True Mel's intentions are up in the air at this point.

I tried searching for "The Great Other" on the Ice and Fire wiki but couldn't find anything
on it. Can you elaborate on what the Great Other is? I'm pretty sure it is fan speculation
shadowsdarknes said:
True Mel's intentions are up in the air at this point.

I tried searching for "The Great Other" on the Ice and Fire wiki but couldn't find anything
on it. Can you elaborate on what the Great Other is? I'm pretty sure it is fan speculation
I've never heard him called the great other. There are multiple times when mel talks about "there is only rhllor and the other."

Which makes "the others" an interesting word. Is it "the others" plural, referring to the white walkers collectively, or is it "the other's", meaning the minions of the other?

I bet the latter is how the term "came to be" in westeros.
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