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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Rubashov said:
For some reason I always thought Quentyn Martell convinced/hired the Golden Company and was taking them to Dany. But I guess I totally made that up in my head.
That's certainly implied in the book - why do you think you were wrong about this?


So, I ordered the hardcover of Dance with Dragons on Amazon and paid for the delivery option that said "Get this the day it comes out, July 12" or whatever. How reliable is Amazon's release day delivery? Should I be worried about maybe not getting it on July 12? I was planning on just driving the the Barnes and Noble down the street from my work the day it releases, but I had $10 of Amazon credit and they had it on sale for $18.


I found, on Reddit, a really great summary of the ancient history of Westeros and the first 2 books (so far).

Part 1 - Ancient History
Part 2 - The Dragon Kings
Part 3 - Game of Thrones and Clash of Kings

Hopefully they weren't already posted!

KingK said:
So, I ordered the hardcover of Dance with Dragons on Amazon and paid for the delivery option that said "Get this the day it comes out, July 12" or whatever. How reliable is Amazon's release day delivery? Should I be worried about maybe not getting it on July 12? I was planning on just driving the the Barnes and Noble down the street from my work the day it releases, but I had $10 of Amazon credit and they had it on sale for $18.
They've always managed to get it to me on time when I've done release date delivery with games, so I'm confident in them. I ordered it from them also.


KingK said:
So, I ordered the hardcover of Dance with Dragons on Amazon and paid for the delivery option that said "Get this the day it comes out, July 12" or whatever. How reliable is Amazon's release day delivery? Should I be worried about maybe not getting it on July 12? I was planning on just driving the the Barnes and Noble down the street from my work the day it releases, but I had $10 of Amazon credit and they had it on sale for $18.
I always pre order games from amazon and get em release day delivery. So far they have come release day every time so I wouldn't be worried.


AcciDante said:
I found, on Reddit, a really great summary of the ancient history of Westeros and the first 2 books (so far).

Part 1 - Ancient History
Part 2 - The Dragon Kings
Part 3 - Game of Thrones and Clash of Kings

Hopefully they weren't already posted!


They've always managed to get it to me on time when I've done release date delivery with games, so I'm confident in them. I ordered it from them also.

I remember someone posting the first two links a couple days ago, but the one with GoT and CoK is new to me. The ancient history ones were pretty great.

And that's good to hear about the release delivery. I would assume with a big release like this they would get their shit in order and make sure people get the book in time, or risk receiving thousands of nerd-rage emails. lol.

I've also just realized how busy I'm going to be the week the book comes out. I have a couple grad parties to go to, a friend coming up to visit from out of state, and the Harry Potter movie midnight showing, with a marathon of the previous films with friends beforehand. Add in however much I have to work that week and I might not be able to finish it in one week :(
Wish I could just take the whole week off and read.
elrechazao said:
I'm glad it hasn't happened, but am still kind of shocked that the book hasn't leaked online.

Books don't really seem to leak early that often. And for this one, I guess why bother scanning a huge book when there will be a retail ebook out in 2 weeks.


May contain jokes =>
Yeah, I don't think anybody bothers leaking books now that Harry Potter is over. It definitely happened with that though.
Basileus777 said:
Books don't really seem to leak early that often. And for this one, I guess why bother scanning a huge book when there will be a retail ebook out in 2 weeks.
I mean the retail ebook, i doubt anyone would scan this in this day and age.


Rubashov said:
For some reason I always thought Quentyn Martell convinced/hired the Golden Company and was taking them to Dany. But I guess I totally made that up in my head.

Hm, that would make sense then. I knew it was something simple that I was just not getting. This entire scene is going in a 1000 different directions right now.
elrechazao said:
I mean the retail ebook, i doubt anyone would scan this in this day and age.

There are still scans. There are plenty of books that don't have ebook versions or have the ebook released some time after the actual book.


I tried reading the second book after the first season on tv ended and I think I got up to chapter 18 before I grew too impatient and just read the plot summaries on wiki. And I'm kinda glad I did as I wasn't really all too happy with what I read. It's a bummer when guys you root for have their plans foiled by random betrayals and backstabbings, or some previously unmentioned plot element comes in and turns everything to shit for them, or when you find out that ultimately all the character's actions were pretty much meaningless.

It's an interesting story but I don't think it's suited for me in the 1000 page format as I imagine I'd be rather unsatisfied at the end of the book. Especially because I know there are still 2 books to come and it will probably take more than 6 years to actually find out the ending to all of this...assuming the author doesn't die first.


Visceir said:
I tried reading the second book after the first season on tv ended and I think I got up to chapter 18 before I grew too impatient and just read the plot summaries on wiki. And I'm kinda glad I did as I wasn't really all too happy with what I read. It's a bummer when guys you root for have their plans foiled by random betrayals and backstabbings, or some previously unmentioned plot element comes in and turns everything to shit for them, or when you find out that ultimately all the character's actions were pretty much meaningless.

It's an interesting story but I don't think it's suited for me in the 1000 page format as I imagine I'd be rather unsatisfied at the end of the book. Especially because I know there are still 2 books to come and it will probably take more than 6 years to actually find out the ending to all of this...assuming the author doesn't die first.
dude... ruined them! -_-
So I finished reading Book 4.

I absolutely must say that Book 4 is the worst in the series so far, but also in some ways I enjoyed it the most simply because of the ending?

I don't know why...

I think though, Book 5 will be my favorite, simply because the characters that it focuses on are my favorites, it also has had the interlude of showing everything else that has happened in Kings landing, at Old Town and for the characters of Book 4 already... so you know what's happening down there while everything is happening to these characters - it's a good way of doing it I must say, it is just going to SUCK waiting for the final book.

Do we think that Jamie is going to go back and save Cersei? He's not right? I think Cersei is royally fucked up the realm SO BAD by arming the High Septon, although perhaps he may clean the realm of the scourge that it has experienced... it might end up being good for the people... probably bad for the Lords though. Such a dumb and arrogant biyatch!

Arya isn't going to be blind forever right? I will be so upset if she is blind forever.

The preview of ADWD at the end of AFFC was certainly interesting... I am so scared for Drogon... he's a human killer all because Dany let him kill humans too young. Going to be VERY interesting, there's no way to stop it from happening, because if you chain him up he can't grow, but if he doesn't grow you might as well kill him.

I saw in this thread people mentioning some other preview chapters? Where can I read more? I feel like there is a hole in my life since I finished reading book 4. The two weeks that it took me to read all four were perhaps the best four weeks of my life, but now that they're over I'm sad... I wish it would have gone on forever!

Are there any other books from G R R M in Westeros? Any others from him that anyone would like to recommend me?

I haven't ever read before these four books since high school and it's this type of story that I'm looking for again...
ColonialRaptor said:
I saw in this thread people mentioning some other preview chapters? Where can I read more? I feel like there is a hole in my life since I finished reading book 4. The two weeks that it took me to read all four were perhaps the best four weeks of my life, but now that they're over I'm sad... I wish it would have gone on forever!

There's a Jon sample chapter here. Amazon had a sample chapter too, but I can't find it right now. And you can find summaries of the sample chapters and readings he's done at events here.
Are there any other books from G R R M in Westeros?

GRRM has written three short stories taking place about 100 years before AGOT. These Dunk and Egg stories have been in various fantasy anthologies, but I'm not certain if all of them are still in print.
I couldn't finish Book 4. I dropped it halfway through and then just went on Wiki and read what happened in the rest of the book. I don't think it was such a good idea to drop all those new PoVs in the middle of the series and then also have the plot move at a snail's pace.
perfectnight said:
I couldn't finish Book 4. I dropped it halfway through and then just went on Wiki and read what happened in the rest of the book. I don't think it's such a good idea to drop all these new PoVs in the middle of the story and then also have the plot move at a nail's pace.

I'm a firm believer in finishing a book if it's in a series you enjoy. I know what you mean though.


Gah, I really need to get cracking on starting my re-read. I think I'll just skip Game of Thrones, as I just finished the first season. fffffff


Neo Member
If you have already read or re-read the first 4 books you should read the Tales of Dunk and Egg, there are three Novellas under these tales that are already out and there are more to come. They take place I think about 90 years before the current story line in the first book.
I just noticed that after a Dance with Dragon's there is still two more books after?

I thought there was only supposed to be six books in the story?

So it's true then... a Feast for Crows and a Dance with Dragon's are one book split into two parts huh? Nice!

BaDJuJU said:
If you have already read or re-read the first 4 books you should read the Tales of Dunk and Egg, there are three Novellas under these tales that are already out and there are more to come. They take place I think about 90 years before the current story line in the first book.

Where can I find this "Tales of Dunk and Egg"?


Neo Member
ColonialRaptor said:
I just noticed that after a Dance with Dragon's there is still two more books after?

I thought there was only supposed to be six books in the story?

So it's true then... a Feast for Crows and a Dance with Dragon's are one book split into two parts huh? Nice!

Yeah, Feast and the new book were originally supposed to be one book, but he had to split them up otherwise it would have been over 2k pages.


So I'm hoping Arya's training is like a Luke Skywalker deal. She picks up a whole bunch of good skills - enough to make her awesome, but not enough to completely turn her into a Jedi...I mean Faceless Man. She leaves the training because she needs to go help her family or something.
How About No said:
An ASOIAF spoiler thread we can't safely tread in any longer?

Nothing is the same.

A Son of Ice And Fire.

Well... of course you can tread safely, Dance isn't available yet - but as of 12th of July, well - that's a different story.

Unless Dance is available somewhere that I don't know about?
Restarting AFFC again. Started the series a couple years ago (actually finished AGoT one week before HBO initially announced the show), and the last few hundred pages of ASoS was my favorite part of the series so far, but man, I just can't get into Feast. I make it a few hundred pages in and get too bored to finish. It's not even the characters we do and don't see, there's something about the way it's written that is... stale, somehow.


petethepanda said:
Restarting AFFC again. Started the series a couple years ago (actually finished AGoT one week before HBO initially announced the show), and the last few hundred pages of ASoS was my favorite part of the series so far, but man, I just can't get into Feast. I make it a few hundred pages in and get too bored to finish. It's not even the characters we do and don't see, there's something about the way it's written that is... stale, somehow.

Feast loses focus completely. Cersei is the only character in it with a compelling story. It feels like there's so many POV characters none of them really has the number of pages to develop into something interesting. Worst is Brienne, who at best seems like a very long-winded vehicle with which to reintroduce Catelyn. I have no idea where Brienne's story is leading nor do I care.

I figure with Dance having a focus on Jon, Tyrion and Danaerys the series will get back on track.


Dresden said:
NDAs means that I don't expect any reviews until the middle of July.

They're reading the books now or have read them. GRRM said he sent out copies to a dozen or so select people.

The reviews will "unlock" on July 12th.
ColonialRaptor said:
Where can I find this "Tales of Dunk and Egg"?

They're all in anthologies. You can easily get The Mystery Knight which is an anthology called Warriors which came out just last year. And actually just looking at Amazon you can get Legends 1 & 2 which each contain one of the other two stories, The Hedge Knight and the Sworn Sword.

For my money the Hedge Knight is as good as anything else written in the series. Awesome stuff. I didn't care much for the Sworn Sword, but liked the Mystery Knight a bit better. Maybe I'll read the Sworn Sword again.


Visceir said:
I tried reading the second book after the first season on tv ended and I think I got up to chapter 18 before I grew too impatient and just read the plot summaries on wiki. And I'm kinda glad I did as I wasn't really all too happy with what I read. It's a bummer when guys you root for have their plans foiled by random betrayals and backstabbings, or some previously unmentioned plot element comes in and turns everything to shit for them, or when you find out that ultimately all the character's actions were pretty much meaningless.

It's an interesting story but I don't think it's suited for me in the 1000 page format as I imagine I'd be rather unsatisfied at the end of the book. Especially because I know there are still 2 books to come and it will probably take more than 6 years to actually find out the ending to all of this...assuming the author doesn't die first.
It took me a while to finish book 2, it'd be loads better if GRRM cut like 3/4 of the Catelyn chapters.

Don't skip book 3, the greatness cannot be expressed in summaries.


Neo Member
ColonialRaptor said:
Where can I find this "Tales of Dunk and Egg"?

You can find them on Amazon, just don't search by the Author, for some reason they done pop up, just look them up individually. I believe there were comic's made from these as well.

The first three novellas are:
1. The Hedge Knight

2. The Sworn Sword

3. The Mystery Knight (which is included in the Warriors Anthology).

There is supposed to be up to 9 more or 9 total stories about Dunk and Egg. Both characters real names will be familiar if you read them.


I really hope we learn more about Summerhall in this book.

That said, I don't think we'll ever know the full story until the final Dunk and Egg book since...well...it's not a spoiler because it takes place 80 years before Ice and Fire and it's already been revealed what happened...but if you've forgotten and would rather not have it spoiled:

Egg and Dunk die there


bengraven said:
That said, I don't think we'll ever know the full story until the final Dunk and Egg book since...well...it's not a spoiler because it takes place 80 years before Ice and Fire and it's already been revealed what happened...but if you've forgotten and would rather not have it spoiled:
Hmm, I didn't know that. It'll be years till we see the end of Dunk and Egg, so I kinda hope we get at least a quick look in DwD.
Kinda saddened to see so much AFFC bashing on this page. I thought it was easily the best written novel in the series (by virtue of the prose, not necessarily the plot).
bengraven said:
I really hope we learn more about Summerhall in this book.

That said, I don't think we'll ever know the full story until the final Dunk and Egg book since...well...it's not a spoiler because it takes place 80 years before Ice and Fire and it's already been revealed what happened...but if you've forgotten and would rather not have it spoiled:

Egg and Dunk die there

I wish GRRM had Aemon talk about it when he was delirious with fever before he died.

I also wanna know more about Duncan "The small" Targaryen (the prince of Dragonflies) and his relationship with Jenny of Oldstones.


ZephyrFate said:
Kinda saddened to see so much AFFC bashing on this page. I thought it was easily the best written novel in the series (by virtue of the prose, not necessarily the plot).

I'm with you there, but you'll find people enjoy massive plot turns and crazy story hooks more than well written prose.


elrechazao said:
I would like more summerhall info too. Rhaegar apparently used to go spend time brooding at summerhall.

Yeah, whatever they were doing there, he mourned. Maybe he was mourning the loss of the last good king or maybe he mourns that they couldn't finish what they started.

Theory is that Summerhall is where they were trying to create dragons and it went horribly bad.

velvet_nitemare said:
I wish GRRM had Aemon talk about it when he was delirious with fever before he died.

I also wanna know more about Duncan "The small" Targaryen (the prince of Dragonflies) and his relationship with Jenny of Oldstones.

Yep, same. Some believe Jenny is the prophetic old hag on the weirwood stumps that Arya meets while with the Brotherhood. I'm still convinced that said old hag is actually Maggie the Frog.


ZephyrFate said:
Kinda saddened to see so much AFFC bashing on this page. I thought it was easily the best written novel in the series (by virtue of the prose, not necessarily the plot).
Yeah, I loved AFFC. It's not my personal favourite, but I think it's easily on par with the first three.

I'm technically not a long time fan, though. Got into the series four years ago, but that was still way after AFFC was published. I've read on various sites and whatnot that some fans were disappointed that after waiting all those years, Feast didn't include all of the characters they had grown to love (or hate) in the first three books. But for me, I knew going in who and what wasn't covered in the book and how it was only one half of GRRM's original vision for Feast. That might have made it more enjoyable for me since I didn't have any expectations that it failed to meet.
Fjordson said:
Yeah, I loved AFFC. It's not my personal favourite, but I think it's easily on par with the first three.

I'm technically not a long time fan, though. Got into the series four years ago, but that was still way after AFFC was published. I've read on various sites and whatnot that some fans were disappointed that after waiting all those years, Feast didn't include all of the characters they had grown to love (or hate) in the first three books. But for me, I knew going in who and what wasn't covered in the book and how it was only one half of GRRM's original vision for Feast. That might have made it more enjoyable for me since I didn't have any expectations that it failed to meet.
I think that the whole "well my favorite characters aren't there!" complaint is a bit old hat. The world is supposed to entice you, not just the characters, and being able to see new perspectives of players who will play a much larger role in the overarching story is necessary because, why the hell should we ignore Dorne or the Iron Islands?

And for people expecting more of what ASOS brought... that's impossible. SO much happened in that book that AFFC needed to be the falling action after the insanity -- ASOIAF can be seen like a roller coaster ride. We spent three books getting to insanity, and now we're going down a little bit as the dust settles and everyone gets their shit back together again. From here on out we should expect yet another climb to greatness.

But as far as the story goes -- it needs that tension and release, the CATHARSIS, the eye of the storm, et. al. Plus, watching Cersei destroy herself, as well as seeing Jaime become a much better person, was worth all of Feast.


Neo Member
I enjoyed AFFC but it was my least favorite of the books, I found myself getting pissed when the next Chapter wasn't about Arya. The Brienne chapters angered me because they were a lot like the Arya chapters in the second book, they reminded me of getting drunk in college and trying to find my way home. (I was drunk, I went over here, oops wrong place so lets go over here. Shit cops, I am really drunk, better go this way. Shit I ran into that annoying chick from Scuba Diving, shit I am caught, shit what was the point of what she was saying. Shit I am passed out in a snowbank. end chapter).

I am not trying to be harsh, but with Brienne and Cersei I just didn't enjoy their parts in the story in this book. I think maybe because I spent 4 books hoping for someone to take a few inches off of Cersei's height.
bengraven said:
Yep, same. Some believe Jenny is the prophetic old hag on the weirwood stumps that Arya meets while with the Brotherhood. I'm still convinced that said old hag is actually Maggie the Frog.

I think it's the prophetic old hag. She always wanted a particular song, Her Jenny's song, and she said she "gorged on grief at summerhall". We'll see.
I'm not following why Brienne NEEDED to take the right path. I feel like the whole point of her meandering is that we get to see Westeros from the peasantry level, and that she's also kind of directionless (even though we know where she needs to go).

Though I guess I'm one of those crazies who enjoyed her chapters.
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