no that's not the oneThe one I'm referring to actually has all the evidence laid out, like actual quotes and everything.
OH snap I found it by accident:
That's the one. Really good stuff.
The whole point of the Willas union was that Sansa would be safe in Highgarden and The Tyrell's were mainly doing it to plot and get a potential Stark heir (if Robb dies) married to the heir of their family. Besides being a power play it would piss the Lannisters off. The other thing is that Willas might have been loving to Sansa, while we know Loras has no interest towards her. Has it ever been said Loras is the heir of Highgarden on the show either? Logic would dictate it would be dumb as fuck for the Tyrell's to bring both children to Kings Landing. There is a reason Willas was left in Highgarden, and it isn't because he is a cripple.
one big change though that they haven't shown is Loras' fighting ability. he was supposed to be 2nd to jaime when it comes to swordfighting.
i mean, he killed what, 3 knights in his rage when Renly died?
I'm still not seeing what the big deal is.
1) Sansa would still go to Highgarden, as is mentioned on the show.
2) Even if Loras is not the heir to Highgarden, being married to Sansa would still give the Tyrells the North.
3) The move would still piss the Lannisters off.
4) Willas might have been loving to Sansa, true. What's your point?
I might be wrong but I seem to remember Garlan being the most skilled Tyrell with a sword whilst Loras was more able with lance and steed. However given Loras is an amalgamation of all the Tyrell boys in the show I guess it's possible he's more proficient with a blade.
Never mind the implied relationship between him and Oberyn.![]()
Hell, I'm the token book purist here and even I think it's fine. I only object to changes that significantly alter the plot, or that alter character personalities and/or motivations. This does absolutely nothing of the sort.I loved seeing people complain about the significance of Willas being who Sansa is proposed to, as if that significance is lost if Loras is the one Sansa is proposed to. Book purism at its finest.
Why would you? Why would anyone think they had anything more?Shit! I knew they talked and had an amiable relationship, but I never put those two together.
true, he didnt kill him, yet.He didn't actually kill the sorcerer. In character he might be planning to use him to understand more about magic or gain knowledge for his own needs.
If this was the case though, showing him to Tyrion was somewhat out of character as he gave up a potential advantage.
true, he didnt kill him, yet.
but anyway, this still does not the match the varys I know from the books, I never saw him as a "man you dont want to mess with", not at all. and in the show thats now exactly what he is. a player in the game that plays for himself, like anyone else, and not for the realm, like in the books. its what made him special. for me, this is the biggest change of a character we've seen so far. but apparently no one else seems to be bothered by this.
crazy stuff eh, the stuff you pick up by reading analysis online. Makes me want to go back and read things.holy shit.
crazy stuff eh, the stuff you pick up by reading analysis online. Makes me want to go back and read things.
The whole point of the Willas union was that Sansa would be safe in Highgarden and The Tyrell's were mainly doing it to plot and get a potential Stark heir (if Robb dies) married to the heir of their family. Besides being a power play it would piss the Lannisters off. The other thing is that Willas might have been loving to Sansa, while we know Loras has no interest towards her. Has it ever been said Loras is the heir of Highgarden on the show either? Logic would dictate it would be dumb as fuck for the Tyrell's to bring both children to Kings Landing. There is a reason Willas was left in Highgarden, and it isn't because he is a cripple.
I'm still not seeing what the big deal is.
1) Sansa would still go to Highgarden, as is mentioned on the show.
2) Even if Loras is not the heir to Highgarden, being married to Sansa would still give the Tyrells the North.
3) The move would still piss the Lannisters off.
4) Willas might have been loving to Sansa, true. What's your point?
Agreed 100%. I've also heard people argue changing it from Willas to Loras makes the emotional hit less dramatic or something. If anything it makes it even bigger of a blow; going from Loras to Tyrion is definitely worse than Willas to Tyrion, from Sansa's perspective.
Sansa shippers and fans are pretty annoying. We don't have any on GAF but if you listen to the Podcast of Ice and Fire you know what I'm talking about.
This is going to make my series reread before tWoW comes out in 4 years much better.
Thats the only one I know of, I think there are supposed to be a few variations though
This is going to make my series reread before tWoW comes out in 4 years much better.
Yeah, they tell Sansa she can marry Loras instead.
That's right, I swore he became a Kingsguard to replace the Hound right after the engagement of his sister was announced.
Holy shit.
Who is Wylla? So she's a wetnurse to Jon and Edric, right? Some nurse that Ned trusted his deepest, darkest secret to?
What if Wylla wasn't actually Wylla, but someone else claiming to be a Dayne wetnurse? Some significant person.
Maybe the Septa that traveled with Tyrion. Fuck, maybe Lyanna herself.
That's the version I'm re-reading.
It even makes sense considering the books since Sansa originally presumed that the QoT meant Loras since we weren't particularly familiar with either Garlan or Willas.
I always thought it was rather odd that Willas is unmarried as it is given the way marraige pacts work in Westeros plus the fact that Willas is the heir to Highgarden. I may have missed something in the book that explained why.
Wait, you didn't know about the R+L=J theory?
Or what exactly are you "holy shit'ing" at?
Edit: Or were you referring to the AFFC/ADWD combined reading guide?
From AGOT, Bran III:
One shadow was dark as ash, with the terrible face of a hound. Another was armored like the sun, golden and beautiful. Over them both loomed a giant in armor made of stone, but when he opened his visor, there was nothing inside but darkness and thick black blood.
Holy shit.
Who is Wylla? So she's a wetnurse to Jon and Edric, right? Some nurse that Ned trusted his deepest, darkest secret to?
What if Wylla wasn't actually Wylla, but someone else claiming to be a Dayne wetnurse? Some significant person.
Maybe the Septa that traveled with Tyrion. Fuck, maybe Lyanna herself.
That's the version I'm re-reading.
No, what I'm saying is:
Why did Ned trust his secret to a wetnurse in some faraway land (even if he was fucking her or loved her in his young way), but couldn't tell his wife?
What's make Wylla more important than Cat when it comes to the secret of his nephew's origin? Maybe convenience: she was there, he needed her at the moment to feed this kid. Or maybe she never even knew that it wasn't his kid.
But she obviously knew she had to pretend to be it's mom.
Why couldn't he tell Cat, but he could tell her?
From The Golem and the Gravedigger
GRRM sure knows how to play the long-game. He hinted at the battle over Cersei's fate all the way back in GoT.
Garlan had some interesting info in ASOS, he sounds like a badass (and is married). I agree about Willis though, his situation is very odd. Definitely a character I'm very interested in; I don't know how we'd see him in a POV but I hope it happens. He sounds like the second smartest Tyrell behind QoT.
Seems like Arrianne and Connington are the only POV chapters in that vicinity, and they're still pretty far away from him.
Yeah I've always wondered why he couldn't tell Cat. Just because Lyanna made him promise not to? Seems like there's something more to it than just that. Maybe Lyanna knew that Cat was good at fucking things up lol.
And Howland Reed must know too...or maybe he just knows a fraction of it or something. Either way though, whether anyone knows anything, it still makes you wonder why.
Tell no one Ned.
To Ned that means no one.
Finally finished ADWD
What should I do now?
Finally finished ADWD
What should I do now?
Tell no one Ned.
To Ned that means no one.
He probably told "The Gods" though. So it's only a matter of time until Bran knows.
Finally finished ADWD
What should I do now?
Oooo. Didn't think about that. Bran will know all. Except how will that play out...
"I know who Jon's parents are."
"Oh yeah, who told you?"
"...the trees..."
Poor Branstuck inside the tree internet forever
Finally finished ADWD
What should I do now?
Finally finished ADWD
What should I do now?
I always thought it was rather odd that Willas is unmarried as it is given the way marraige pacts work in Westeros plus the fact that Willas is the heir to Highgarden. I may have missed something in the book that explained why.
I think Bran knows already. Remember the crow cawing "Jon Snow! King!" in his last chapter?
But yeah, Bran ain't going anywhere. He probably won't even get a POV anymore either.
We'll see a near-dead and horrified Meera halfway through Winds drag herself to the Wall to let us know of Jojen's horrific fate and warn everyone of Bloodraven's evil intents.
I haven't read the Dunk and Egg stories, but why do people think Bloodraven is evil? It doesn't sound like he was all that evil, people just hated him due to the kinslaying stigma.
He's also believed to be a practitioner of black magic.