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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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QoT says he's smart, plus he seems to effectively strategize against the iron born in AFFC.

I'll post links when I get home but there's a lot of talk about the Others and CoTF being the same. Allegedly the Others first appeared shortly after the Andals burned the weir woods.

edit: look up the Heresy theory on westeros.org

The Children of the Forest allied with the first men to fight the Others. Look up The Long Night.
gunna call that prettttyyyyy far from "obvious".

Obvious in retrospect. Not that it was obvious or anything before Dance, I was just saying that now it's very obvious when you go back and re-read the books to see what things were being influenced by Bloodraven, and the actions of Mormont's raven and Balerion take on new meaning.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So if Bloodraven's the "Great Evil", what do you think he's going to end up using Bran for? Mellisandre's vision pretty much confirms that it's him and Bran (even if she might misinterpret it), but I can't remember any hinting in the book as to his need for another Greenseer like Bran. Maybe he's gonna take his body (warg him?) to get out from under the hill? Sounds like his current one is kind of a mess.

Yeah cause warging into the cripple is a great idea.


You guys really think it will devolve into a clear evil vs good battle at the end? I think that's exactly what GRRM doesn't want to do. It's kind of the whole foundation of these books: grey characters. GRRM has even said that he didn't want to do the cliche good guys versus the bad guys when he started writing this story. I think it will get very interesting once people have to try and decide who they like more: Dany or the Starks. At least that's where it looks like it's headed right now.

Hey, stupid question, but I haven't done a reread in a long time, and I had a pet theory that you guys can likely tear to pieces in a second. :p

How old is Tyrion? I sorta had this theory after the last book that he could be a Targaryan as well. It's been mentioned a few times now that the Mad King was crushing on Tywin's wife pretty hard core. Is this a theory other people have, or am I just dumb?

Pretty sure that's a well-established theory already. I can't remember all of the evidence right now, but I know it all sort of ties to Tywin and his hatred for whores.
Hey, stupid question, but I haven't done a reread in a long time, and I had a pet theory that you guys can likely tear to pieces in a second. :p

How old is Tyrion? I sorta had this theory after the last book that he could be a Targaryan as well. It's been mentioned a few times now that the Mad King was crushing on Tywin's wife pretty hard core. Is this a theory other people have, or am I just dumb?

It's an existing theory, as is the theory that Jaime and Cersei were the children of Aerys, and Tyrion being Tywin's only real child. There's some evidence for both theories.

Tyrion is 23, I think, at the start of the series. Either 23 or 24.
Ohhh, I didn't think about it being the other way around. That would be a huge fuck you to the ghost of Tywin at least lulz.

Good to know I am not just reading things incorrectly and being dumb.

Edit: Is there a theory break down for this like the excellent one for Jon Snow?

This essay on Tower of the Hand has a good breakdown of the evidence. It was written before Dance, so it doesn't have anything from that book in it, but it considers all of the evidence for both sets of character from the first 4 books.


Ohhh, I didn't think about it being the other way around. That would be a huge fuck you to the ghost of Tywin at least lulz.

Good to know I am not just reading things incorrectly and being dumb.

Edit: Is there a theory break down for this like the excellent one for Jon Snow?

that should be the subtitle of this thread :)

It's an existing theory, as is the theory that Jaime and Cersei were the children of Aerys, and Tyrion being Tywin's only real child. There's some evidence for both theories.

without necessarily believing this, it would be pretty sweet for Jaime to be the dragon's third head.


This essay on Tower of the Hand has a good breakdown of the evidence. It was written before Dance, so it doesn't have anything from that book in it, but it considers all of the evidence for both sets of character from the first 4 books.

Holy shit. That would actually make so much sense if Tywin was impotent.

Jaime and Cersei's incest would have been completely acceptable if they had their real names haha?


This essay on Tower of the Hand has a good breakdown of the evidence. It was written before Dance, so it doesn't have anything from that book in it, but it considers all of the evidence for both sets of character from the first 4 books.

Whoever wrote this is a terrrrrrrrible writer.

It might seem like a stretch to say that this passage could be evidence, depending on the circumstances; indeed, it is a stretch. However, that hardly means it isn't the case.

It also doesn't mean that it is.

How many words can we write in a row without communicating anything?


The Children of the Forest allied with the first men to fight the Others. Look up The Long Night.

More recently, Leaf helped Bran & co against the wight ambush at their cave.

If this was some sort of ploy to gain their trust, it was an extremely dangerous one.


Pretty sure that's a well-established theory already. I can't remember all of the evidence right now, but I know it all sort of ties to Tywin and his hatred for whores.

Tywin's hatred for whores stems from his father issues though (edit: and his own personal failings it seems). Would be weird to try to tie it to his children's parentage too?

With that said, I'm not too fond of the Jaime/Cersi are Targaryen's or Tyrion is a Targaryen theory myself. I think the familial relationship of the Lannister's is far more interesting than any additional secret Targ fantasies. And, to be honest, more secret Targ's is the last thing this series needs now that it is lurching towards the end.
Watch the first Mellisandre chapter begin with:

"The red priestess could only watch as the corpse of Jon Snow, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and last living son of Eddard Stark, was burned on a pyre.

'And now his watch has ended...' she finally managed, as firey tears streamed down her normally placid face."

Good luck resurrecting a pile of cinder.

Or maybe they will show him being burned...

...and then in the morning they will find his intact (but still dead) body lying on the pyre, in a similar fashion to Danaerys' ordeal?

Then Melisandre could resurrect him or something, and it would maybe hint to people around there that he is a Targaryen.

Not likely, I know!


Tywin's hatred of whores is like a homophobe that is gay.



So not worth it
He doesn't hate whores though, he hates his son openly bedding and even dating whores. It shames the house. Tyrion might be an imp, he's still a highborn son of one of the leading houses in Westeros, he's also the only son Tywin has to marry off to a highborn lady of equal standing. Which is a pisstake in itself since no lord will marry of their daughter to Tyrion. I very much loved Tywin in the show explaining to Tyrion he should be happy he was finally being married off to a lady and one with the heritage and looks of Sansa Stark at that.

I'm probably taking that post way too seriously lol, but hey, it gave me something to talk about.


Pretty obvious. There's a great bit of foreshadowing from Sansa II in Clash when she goes to the Godswood and meets Dontos.

"When something brushed against her leg, she almost jumped out of her skin, a ragged black tom with a chewed-of ear. The creature spit at her and leapt away." Then, the very next paragraph, she thinks about the godswood, and we get "you could feel the old gods watching with a thousand unseen eyes."

Is that the same cat that Arya was chasing at the behest of Syrio? She had its' measure...

Couldn't Stannis know, since he was investigating Robert's bastards with Jon Arryn? Or had Stannis already left by the time Jon found Gendry?

Out of interest, isn't Gendry's bloodline irrelevant now? He was important when it came to the matter of who was the trueborn heirs to Robert (the seed is strong/John Arryn's inquiry etc), but now that we know there are at least two (possibly three) Targaryens running around, it doesn't matter one bit if the illegitimate dead king has a few bastards running around.


So not worth it
The Targaryens are not the heirs to the kingdom though, so even if there are 3 of them running around, Robert's heir (technically speaking) still sits on the throne right now.


Is that the same cat that Arya was chasing at the behest of Syrio? She had its' measure...

That same cat also once stole food from Tywin's plate. It's almost certainly Balerion, princess Rhaenys' kitten.

Out of interest, isn't Gendry's bloodline irrelevant now?

Any trueborn son of Robert is also the heir of the Stormlands. So if Dany shows up and reclaims her throne, she could legitimize Gendry. I think legitimized sons take precedence over siblings (Stannis).
If any of Robert's bastards are going to be legitimized it will be Edric Storm. His mother was highborn.

edit: he's also the natural choice for Stannis' heir if something happens to his daughter


If any of Robert's bastards are going to be legitimized it will be Edric Storm. His mother was highborn.

edit: he's also the natural choice for Stannis' heir if something happens to his daughter

True. He was also raised in a noble family and Robert actually spent some time with him. He would make a fine heir.
Out of interest, isn't Gendry's bloodline irrelevant now? He was important when it came to the matter of who was the trueborn heirs to Robert (the seed is strong/John Arryn's inquiry etc), but now that we know there are at least two (possibly three) Targaryens running around, it doesn't matter one bit if the illegitimate dead king has a few bastards running around.

Gendry's bloodline was never important in itself, it was only a way to discredit Cersei's kids. His mother was commonborn and he was never acknowledged by Robert, it's not like he was ever going to inherit anything.

So technically, the moment Tommen is proven to be illegitimate, who then is heir? The one with the strongest army?
Essentially. This is a medieval monarchy, strict legalism isn't important. The rightful heir is whoever can get people to acknowledge them as such, be it by force, diplomacy, marriage, etc.
Or maybe they will show him being burned...

...and then in the morning they will find his intact (but still dead) body lying on the pyre, in a similar fashion to Danaerys' ordeal?

Then Melisandre could resurrect him or something, and it would maybe hint to people around there that he is a Targaryen.

Not likely, I know!

That would be amazing.

Wh0 N0se

If we're going by right of conquest then technically Tommen is the rightful king as they did win the battle of Blackwater bay and I'm pretty sure he's the one sitting the Iron Throne at the moment.

The others just have a claim to it. :p


Hang on, you post in the no book spoiler thread! Why?! Why do people do this?! Boggles my mind.

I've seen his posts and I'm certain that he didn't spoil anything. I, too, occasionally post in that thread and I am extremely careful so as to not spoil anything. I just really like talking about the franchise.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Hey now, Gendry is like a knight and stuff!


Hey, he said he remembered his mom was blonde. Maybe his mom is, wait for the M. Night twist...Cersei!!! =V.

So technically, the moment Tommen is proven to be illegitimate, who then is heir? The one with the strongest army?

If we're going by pure ancestral rights down from Aegon I, then Daenerys Targaryen =V =V Well, okay, discounting Dany, then it would be Stannis Baratheon. Like Robert, his maternal grandmother was a Targaryen princess, hence Robert's claim to the throne in the first plae (which in reality was a technicality and he's king by virtue of winning a war with Aerys).


Hang on, you post in the no book spoiler thread! Why?! Why do people do this?! Boggles my mind.

He doesn't spoil or hint at anything. You can still post in the thread and comment on just the TV stuff. Like how well you like or dislike a scene or a character's performance. It's not a big deal unless you are being a douche and teasing people about what's coming up next.
If any of Robert's bastards are going to be legitimized it will be Edric Storm. His mother was highborn.

edit: he's also the natural choice for Stannis' heir if something happens to his daughter

Something tells me Edric Storm isn't going to be important at all given his removal from the Show which is clearly going to focus on Gendry as the all important baratheon bastard.

I am hoping the show is maybe just delaying his reveal but given the names that Selyse gave for their still borns (one being Edric) my guess is they have no interest in bringing Edric into the show. Which is what leads me to believe that Gendry is clearly more important in the books as well. A part of me does sort of think it could also simply be an issue of "Fuck these characters, we have established this one, lets just move his shit here" but given that the show runners do know where the books are supposed to go, it is still possible that Gendry is the on of importance.
Something tells me Edric Storm isn't going to be important at all given his removal from the Show which is clearly going to focus on Gendry as the all important baratheon bastard.

I am hoping the show is maybe just delaying his reveal but given the names that Selyse gave for their still borns (one being Edric) my guess is they have no interest in bringing Edric into the show. Which is what leads me to believe that Gendry is clearly more important in the books as well.

The show has made plenty of changes even with characters who are important in the books. Martin outright told them that a character was going to play a major role in Winds and they still killed that character off in the first season.

Plus, the fact that they're combining Gendry and Edric doesn't necessarily mean that Gendry will be more important in the future, just that they'll give whatever important role Edric has to play to Gendry.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
The show has made plenty of changes even with characters who are important in the books. Martin outright told them that a character was going to play a major role in Winds and they still killed that character off in the first season.

Plus, the fact that they're combining Gendry and Edric doesn't necessarily mean that Gendry will be more important in the future, just that they'll give whatever important role Edric has to play to Gendry.

Which character would that be?
Xaro is another one that's interesting, in that he returns in Dance, but that's probably not going to happen in the show given how things ended in Season 2.

Which character would that be?

Mago. The Dothraki guy who raped Eroeh, and then became a bloodrider for Jhaqo (the khal that Dany meets at the end of Dance). Dany gave a speech vowing that he would die screaming back in the first book, and Martin mentioned that he was going to be a significant character in Winds and that he had mentioned that to the producers when they decided to kill him off (but they went ahead with it anyway).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The show has made plenty of changes even with characters who are important in the books. Martin outright told them that a character was going to play a major role in Winds and they still killed that character off in the first season.

Plus, the fact that they're combining Gendry and Edric doesn't necessarily mean that Gendry will be more important in the future, just that they'll give whatever important role Edric has to play to Gendry.

That isn't what he said at all. He simply commented that Mago was alive in the books and was killed in the show to add an action scene.

Also, when you say "they," recall that the episode you're referring to was written by George R.R. Martin. This is all contained in the commentary for that episode (which is done by Martin himself). Martin doesn't say anything like that, he just comments on the "butterfly effect" that occurs when you change things that way.
That isn't what he said at all. He simply commented that Mago was alive in the books and was killed in the show to add an action scene.

Also, when you say "they," recall that the episode you're referring to was written by George R.R. Martin. This is all contained in the commentary for that episode (which is done by Martin himself). Martin doesn't say anything like that, he just comments on the "butterfly effect" that occurs when you change things that way.

Well, he said in that interview that he was going to be a recurring character in Book 6, and noted that he had told them that when they had decided to kill him off, but they went ahead with it anyway.

Martin wrote the episode, but he didn't write that scene as I recall. I remember him specifically mentioning in another interview that he had told D&D about him playing a larger role in the future, but they had decided to go ahead and kill him off anyway.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Well, he said in that interview that he was going to be a recurring character in Book 6, and noted that he had told them that when they had decided to kill him off, but they went ahead with it anyway.
The interview you're referring to is when he said this:

"So Mago is not dead in the books. And, in fact, he’s going to be a recurring character in Winds of Winter. He’s a particularly nasty bloodrider to one of the other Khals that’s broken away after Drogo dies. This is the challenge the shows face as we go forward. There will be divergences, they’re trying to be faithful and Dan and David are doing a wonderful job. But the books are plotted so intricately that you do step on a butterfly in season one and in season four you’re going to have to deal with that. There’s also another character, [the singer] Marillion, who also got his tongue ripped out in season one, and that doesn’t happen with the books. Joffrey makes that decision, but it’s an unnamed bard. Marillion [has more to do]. We ought to call it The Tongue Effect instead of The Butterfly Effect."

Its a drastic stretch to say Mago is important. Every character that occurs more than once is recurring.


I'm not reading any of the posts in this thread because fuck getting spoiled, but goddamn this series (well, book, still on GoT) is waaaay addicting. The last time I got caught up into a novel's universe was the Harry Potter franchise years back (and that one took at least 3 books). I just picked GoT up on a whim's notice too because it wasn't too expensive and I had seen the fanbase here and there on websites, and now I'm already planning on ordering the rest of the series published so far.

The only question I have is whether the quality is consistent throughout the 5 books released so far, and I feel this thread might be better suited for that than the thread about the series.. I really like the smooth writing and the many perspective changes in GoT.

Please reply through the quote function so I can read your post through User CP. Makes it easier to ignore other posts.
Well, when you combine that with the fact that Dany meeting Khal Jhaqo was the end cliffhanger for her storyline, and the fact that Dany gave a whole speech about how she was going to make Mago die screaming, I think it isn't too hard to understand that he's not just going to be some minor cameo with a couple of lines.

All I was saying is that the character is going to play a role in the story in the future, and that as such we can't really say 'Character X being cut from the show/killed off means they won't have some important role to play'.


I'm not reading any of the posts in this thread because fuck getting spoiled, but goddamn this series (well, book, still on GoT) is waaaay addicting. The last time I got caught up into a novel's universe was the Harry Potter franchise years back (and that one took at least 3 books). I just picked GoT up on a whim's notice too because it wasn't too expensive and I had seen the fanbase here and there on websites, and now I'm already planning on ordering the rest of the series published so far.

The only question I have is whether the quality is consistent throughout the 5 books released so far, and I feel this thread might be better suited for that than the thread about the series.. I really like the smooth writing and the many perspective changes in GoT.

Please reply through the quote function so I can read your post through User CP. Makes it easier to ignore other posts.

Up to book 3, it is fantastic. Books 4 and 5 represent a bit of a fall-off in quality, in most people's opinion.

BTW there is another thread about the books where you have to hide your spoilers. You can hang out there until you are all caught up.



So I've been trying to get my girlfriend to read the books, but although she loves the show, she insists it's not her "kind of book". Her native language is Spanish, so I'm thinking of getting her the Spanish language translation of Game of Thrones so she can at least give it a try. Has anyone here read the Spanish version and can comment on the quality of the translation?
The show has made plenty of changes even with characters who are important in the books. Martin outright told them that a character was going to play a major role in Winds and they still killed that character off in the first season.

Plus, the fact that they're combining Gendry and Edric doesn't necessarily mean that Gendry will be more important in the future, just that they'll give whatever important role Edric has to play to Gendry.

Well, Marillion I think could be replaced by anyone to be honest... Unlike Marillion, among others (like the Dothraki that Dany meets at the end of DwD... this could really be any Dothraki lord), I have always thought Gendry has been important since his first introduction. But again, I am not saying it is a defiinite issue, it could very well be nothing and simply me reaching at straws trying to predict an ending.

Although I will say the Xaro one is somewhat confusing...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Well, when you combine that with the fact that Dany meeting Khal Jhaqo was the end cliffhanger for her storyline, and the fact that Dany gave a whole speech about how she was going to make Mago die screaming, I think it isn't too hard to understand that he's not just going to be some minor cameo with a couple of lines.

All I was saying is that the character is going to play a role in the story in the future, and that as such we can't really say 'Character X being cut from the show/killed off means they won't have some important role to play'.
No, I don't think that's a valid presuppostion to make. Cleos Frey's analogue died in Season 2; yet he was certainly a recurring character with dialogue in ASOS. He certainly wasn't an important character; you could make the same argument for any number of other characters, e.g. the Tickler.


I'm not reading any of the posts in this thread because fuck getting spoiled, but goddamn this series (well, book, still on GoT) is waaaay addicting. The last time I got caught up into a novel's universe was the Harry Potter franchise years back (and that one took at least 3 books). I just picked GoT up on a whim's notice too because it wasn't too expensive and I had seen the fanbase here and there on websites, and now I'm already planning on ordering the rest of the series published so far.

The only question I have is whether the quality is consistent throughout the 5 books released so far, and I feel this thread might be better suited for that than the thread about the series.. I really like the smooth writing and the many perspective changes in GoT.

Please reply through the quote function so I can read your post through User CP. Makes it easier to ignore other posts.

This was almost exactly my story of how I got into reading the books and I loved reading them all, the series got me back into reading as a whole really.

There's more action in some books then others and in certain ones you get denied POV's for popular characters but it's fun enough throughout regardless.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I've seen his posts and I'm certain that he didn't spoil anything. I, too, occasionally post in that thread and I am extremely careful so as to not spoil anything. I just really like talking about the franchise.

He doesn't spoil or hint at anything. You can still post in the thread and comment on just the TV stuff. Like how well you like or dislike a scene or a character's performance. It's not a big deal unless you are being a douche and teasing people about what's coming up next.

Thank you.

My posts about the Starks was to dispell a belief that all Starks act like Ned. The blu-rays for the show have excellent supplementary material. Those materials mention Brandon. We know Arya takes after Ned's sister. I didn't mention much about Benjen, because most of you book readers know why lol, at most we know how he was as a kid through the story of the Knight of Laughing Tree and Bran's Weirwood internet viewing of Lyanna and Benjen. All personality information I took can be inferred through the show.
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