Ignatz Mouse
Martin is nto Robert Jordan.
People seem absoultely convinced Martin is on his deathbed or something.
People seem absoultely convinced Martin is on his deathbed or something.
I just have my doubts that Martin really will abe able to adequately finish the series with just TWOW and ADOS. Robert Jordan apparently was dead serious that he could finish Wheel of Time with just a single book, but when Sanderson read the notes he was like, "there's no way" and ended up turning A Memory of Light into like three of them.
Martin is nto Robert Jordan.
People seem absoultely convinced Martin is on his deathbed or something.
He's 64, it's not like he's 80.
I'm not saying it isn't possible, but people seem to think he's going to keel over any minute.
I think it's perfectly fair to ask that Martin share the results of his yearly physical in his blog.
Hehehe. Those are funnier than the lame comics.
Yeah, I agree. After I finished Dance, I said 'no way that he can do this in just two more books'. I think an eighth book is all but a certainty at this point. There are too many different plots running at the current point, and the characters are too spread out.
I think it's perfectly fair to ask that Martin share the results of his yearly physical in his blog.
No, it's really not.
I also want to know the state of his finances, and how his marriage is going.
cubicle got Poe'd, I guess. :\
Martin is nto Robert Jordan.
People seem absoultely convinced Martin is on his deathbed or something.
I think it's perfectly fair to ask that Martin share the results of his yearly physical in his blog.
Fuck you. The price of a book doesn't entitle you to invade the author's privacy.
Martin literally writes ASOIAF on a DOS machine running WordStar 4.I always imagine him sitting behind one of these things writing
Oh HELL no.
Fuck you. The price of a book doesn't entitle you to invade the author's privacy.
I believe that is in fact sarcasm.
YupMartin literally writes ASOIAF on a DOS machine running WordStar 4.
Nopethe philosophical tinge was new and interesting (to me at least) and Drusas Achamian has to be one of the best written characters ever. And Cnaiur
Oh wow I thought that DOS/Wordstar4 comment was a joke
I need to imagine 80s PCs not 90s lol
I finished Dunk and Egg 3 (The Mystery Knight) over lunch. Best of the three. They're all good, though Sworn Sword is IMHO the weakest.
I then read a lot of history stuff (which I should not have done before Mystery Knight) and I'm all into this Bloodraven stuff. Why do people think he's still alive (as the Three-Eyed Crow or Coldhands) other than that it would be cool? Just that?
He is indeed very cool.
The Second Apocalypse is my second favourite fantasy series, right after ASOIAF. It's dark and grim, the philosophical tinge was new and interesting (to me at least) and Drusas Achamian has to be one of the best written characters ever. And Cnaiur.
Still waiting for the sixth book of both series.
He's the 3-Eyed crow all right. Too lazy to explain right now so here's the evidence:
Edit: that reminds me, I need to turn the page on my ASoIaF calendar.April was this cool pic of Bran with the 3-eyed crow: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6uqsdT9Jx1qezj1no1_500.jpg
Martin literally writes ASOIAF on a DOS machine running WordStar 4.
The Second Apocalypse is my second favourite fantasy series, right after ASOIAF. It's dark and grim, the philosophical tinge was new and interesting (to me at least) and Drusas Achamian has to be one of the best written characters ever. And Cnaiur.
Still waiting for the sixth book of both series.
I read the entire series, and the Branderson books were some of the most fast paced books of the series. I'm not sure it could have been done in two books.Which apparently wasn't needed at all, two would have been more than enough, based on reviews I read of the last volume...
Edit: that reminds me, I need to turn the page on my ASoIaF calendar.April was this cool pic of Bran with the 3-eyed crow: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6uqsdT9Jx1qezj1no1_500.jpg
As an avid fan of two out of five Song of Ice and Fire books, I believe it is well within my rights to demand that Martin tell me the intimate details of his sex life.
Martin literally writes ASOIAF on a DOS machine running WordStar 4.
Probably why it takes him so long to write.
^ This. It has nothing to do with the electronic equipment. He's just... slow. A "gardener". Sigh. :| Why can't he be a productive prolific writer like Robin Hobb.. xD