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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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I was just re-reading the Blackwater chapters in ACOK.

How is it that Tyrion 'The Imp' aka 'Half-man' aka 'Giant of Lannister' is able to cut off
heads and defeat at least 5 enemy soldiers? It seemed rather 'rich' to me.

Am I underestimating his battle prowess? Or should I just accept that he is able to chop off heads in one fell swoop. Something just did not feel right.


Am I crazy or have they never pronounced "R'hllor" on the show?

no they have several times. I am sure because I still would have no idea how to pronounce it.

When did arya ask "and who is this rulor anway?" I dont know why but this one stuck with me and I'd love to have it in the show. was that with the BWB?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So I was randomly reading some things on the ASOIAF wiki and stumbled upon this (which is currently on topic in here right now):

Bran and Robb? Or Bran and Jon?


It's supposed to be Blood Raven and Bran, which she is looking at now. Her guess that they are The Great Other's champions is as good as her guess that Stannis is Azor Ahai reborn.

It's amusing how The Others in the book are supposed to be human lookingand in the show they are ghoul like. According to what Martin says they might have never been human at all. They are supposed to be Sidhe like creatures (Think Supernatural Irish creatures), and they are also cryomancers apparently. That and they also have camouflage Armour. It's amazing that Sam even killed one.


May contain jokes =>
no they have several times. I am sure because I still would have no idea how to pronounce it.

When did arya ask "and who is this rulor anway?" I dont know why but this one stuck with me and I'd love to have it in the show. was that with the BWB?

I think you're mistaken. I can't remember the show ever using the term R'hllor, always only The Lord of Light.
I was just re-reading the Blackwater chapters in ACOK.

How is it that Tyrion 'The Imp' aka 'Half-man' aka 'Giant of Lannister' is able to cut off
heads and defeat at least 5 enemy soldiers? It seemed rather 'rich' to me.

Am I underestimating his battle prowess? Or should I just accept that he is able to chop off heads in one fell swoop. Something just did not feel right.

I would assume that with top of the line weaponry, and moving quickly on horseback he would be able to do so. While he is "the imp" he isn't described as physically weak, and its likely that being a Lannister he did receive some form of combat training. The show makes it out to seem that Tyrion did not, but I'm not sure that the books state that he didn't.

On a different note, I'm close to 700 pages into aFfC. Is it just me or are most of Brienne's chapters painfully slow and hard to read? It's not that I don't care about the character, it just seems that her chapters are descriptions of the environment time and time again.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I would assume that with top of the line weaponry, and moving quickly on horseback he would be able to do so. While he is "the imp" he isn't described as physically weak, and its likely that being a Lannister he did receive some form of combat training. The show makes it out to seem that Tyrion did not, but I'm not sure that the books state that he didn't.

On a different note, I'm close to 700 pages into aFfC. Is it just me or are most of Brienne's chapters painfully slow and hard to read? It's not that I don't care about the character, it just seems that her chapters are descriptions of the environment time and time again.

It's not just you. Brienne's whole arc in AFFC is terrible until the cliffhanger.
The blackwater chapters also describe how Tyrion feels like he's going into the same kind of berserker battle-rage state that he's heard about from Jaime but never seen or felt for himself before. At one point he gets hit by an arrow and doesn't even feel it


Brienne's AFFC chapters are probably the worst batch of chapters in the entire series. You know it's bad when Quentyn/Damphair chapters are an improvement


Brienne's AFFC chapters are probably the worst batch of chapters in the entire series. You know it's bad when Quentyn/Damphair chapters are an improvement

On my re read Brienne/Quentyn chapters were awesome.

Coming off of the 2nd half of ASOS it's hard to deal with any chapter where shit isn't constantly popping off.

Wh0 N0se

The last books are just essentially the first two, you've got them setting the board again getting ready for the big finish. They have their big 'omg' moments but not as many as ASOS, which had loads and because of this it was a leaner book with more plot than filler.

TWOW is going to be much faster in terms of pace because everything has to be set up for the last book, you can't have characters still getting into position by ADOS. I'm pretty sure by the time we reach the end of TWOW the White Walkers are going to launch their attack. (At least, that's what I'm hoping!)

EDIT: Wow, has anyone else seen the ratings for the TV show? They're going up and up! Although, we kind of expected it with ASOS I guess. I'd love to see the ratings comparison for episodes 9 then 10 :p


The last books are just essentially the first two, you've got them setting the board again getting ready for the big finish. They have their big 'omg' moments but not as many as ASOS, which had loads and because of this it was a leaner book with more plot than filler.

With that difference stuff actually happened in ACoK and AGoT. Cat getting in King's Landing in 1 chapter for instance instead of endless travels.
Yup, Bran will play one of the biggest roles in the books to come, and will probably lead an attack to the south against Danny and her dragons (who meanwhile have landed on Westeros).

It's been my theory since Danny had that hallucination where she rode a dragon and charged north to battle the Ice.


Just finished ADWD chapter where Theon shows Lady Dustin the tombs in Winterfell and she explains

a) her unrequited love for Brandon Stark (boring)

b) that Eddard's bones never made it to Winterfell, but in fact went missing somewhere south of Moat Cailin after the ironborn took it... putting the bones somewhere in the Neck... putting the bones probably under the care of... you guessed it!... MOTHA. FUCKIN'. HOWLAND REED.

aww yiss
Where is the evidence that Willas is the second smartest Tryell when we haven't seen him?
QoT says he's smart, plus he seems to effectively strategize against the iron born in AFFC.

I'll post links when I get home but there's a lot of talk about the Others and CoTF being the same. Allegedly the Others first appeared shortly after the Andals burned the weir woods.

edit: look up the Heresy theory on westeros.org


Well who knows how George will end up handling Gendry's namesake, but it looks like in the show Melisandre figures it out quite easily. Wonder what that means for the books.
When did Gendry and Melissandre even meet in the show?

They're about to, because it looks like she's going to meet up with the Brotherhood and probably chat with Thoros. This may be the point where show-watchers find out that not every red priest believes that Stannis is Azor Ahai.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Couldn't Stannis know, since he was investigating Robert's bastards with Jon Arryn? Or had Stannis already left by the time Jon found Gendry?

Yes, I forgot about him. He does.

When did Brienne become aware of Gendry's father's identity?

So, are Mya Stone and Edric Storm the only recognized bastards of Robert then?

She met him in AFFC and recognized him instantly because he looked like Renly. Its possible I'm misremembering that she knew explicitly that Robert was his father.


Someone in the Lannister fold has to know who Gendry's father is, otherwise they wouldn't have known to send men after him on his way up the Kingsroad. Granted, we have no idea who it is (probably Cersei with all her spies) and they have no idea where his is now and likely don't even know if he's dead or alive, but theyre aware of his heritage. Pretty sure Varys knows as well, and I'm sure some other people who've got spies all over (maybe Littlefinger) know that there's a Baratheon bastard named Gendry.

Going back to the last page:

God dammit. It makes so much sense for Bran to turn into the big bad. If we haven't been introduced to the big bad 5 books into the series, it has to be someone we know. And GRRM's whole MO is building up these characters we love and showing us the path to them being awesome then destroying them. It's almost a cheap way of getting an emotional response.

Bran the Builder in the old legends, Bran the Destroyer in the new.
When did Brienne become aware of Gendry's father's identity?

So, are Mya Stone and Edric Storm the only recognized bastards of Robert then?

Yeah I don't think Brienne is necessarily aware of his Identity, GRRM makes it apparent that she suspects something. When she first sees him, she thinks he looks like Renly. After that she starts asking some questions, but I don't think she ever thougth "Oh yeah, definitely baratheon"

And I don't buy the Bran as the big bad theory (This whole Jojen paste theory as well, WTF? Reading these theories are just crazy). If it is anyone we have already been introduced to it will be Littlefinger.


Why would Bran and co be attacked by wights on there way to the Three Eyed Crow then?

Bran hasn't "ascended" yet or some shit? Do we actually know the relationship between Others and wights? Maybe Others aren't pumped about making wights / wights aren't really intelligent enough to be directed. Others just happen to not get attached by them because they give off no heat?
Why would Bran and co be attacked by wights on there way to the Three Eyed Crow then?

I don't necessarily disagree with the idea of Wights being under their control, but Why do they need to be used for evil is my point. Lets say Bran does Control them at some point... why couldn't he use them for "good" (or atleast what he thinks is good) like rescuing Sansa?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Also wouldn't it make it less likely then that The Three Eyed Crow was warging Mormont's Crow, especially during the Lord Commander vote, if The Three Eyed Crow is evil/works with The Others?
Ive always been of the mind that Bran is warging Mormont's crow... Which is why its constantly calling out Jon's name. Although I don't know if its possible to warg into animals in the past like he can with Weirwoods... but that was my theory :p
That crow has been doing that long before Bran began to master his warging though I thought.

again, it was under the assumption that like the Weirwoods, he could warg into animals in any time past, present, future

but thats not confirmed, so yeah its out there.


again, it was under the assumption that like the Weirwoods, he could warg into animals in any time past, present, future

but thats not confirmed, so yeah its out there.

Are there any particular events you can think of once Bran is on the other side of the wall and Jon is lord commander with the crow flying around? I always just sort of assumed that some old Night's Watch guy was warging that thing. Or maybe even Benjen.
I thoguht there was at least one moment that we see Bran warg into the crow after he becomes TreeBran, but I may have been wrong. I think the general theory is that it is Bloodraven?


Well, I'd say the days of Lord Commander Snow are definitely over after ADWD. Quick question then: which road do you think undead vengeful Jon will follow? North, beyond the Wall (possibly towards Bran and Bloodraven), or South, to Winterfell (and Ramsay, Stannis etc.)? There's always the chance of him being stuck in Ghost until the end of the series...but probably not.


Well, I'd say the days of Lord Commander Snow are definitely over after ADWD. Quick question then: which road do you think undead vengeful Jon will follow? North, beyond the Wall (possibly towards Bran and Bloodraven), or South, to Winterfell (and Ramsay, Stannis etc.)? There's always the chance of him being stuck in Ghost until the end of the series...but probably not.

Lord Commander Snow's days are over for sure. But Wight Snow's days are just about to begin! He and Coldhands are gonna be besties.


naw there's no way Jon is dead or undead in any sense. I guess like at most, Mellisandre gives him one of those Thoros smooches and then discovers he's Azor Ahai or something.

As the only living legitimate male Targaryen, he's got too much to do with Dany to be iced.


Unconfirmed Member
Watch the first Mellisandre chapter begin with:

"The red priestess could only watch as the corpse of Jon Snow, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and last living son of Eddard Stark, was burned on a pyre.

'And now his watch has ended...' she finally managed, as firey tears streamed down her normally placid face."

Good luck resurrecting a pile of cinder.


naw there's no way Jon is dead or undead in any sense. I guess like at most, Mellisandre gives him one of those Thoros smooches and then discovers he's Azor Ahai or something.

As the only living legitimate male Targaryen, he's got too much to do with Dany to be iced.

Ahah there are too many kinds of undead in this series, I have to be careful with words. I meant resurrected by Melisandre, not as a mindless wright. A new Beric/Stoneheart, if you will.

Watch the first Mellisandre chapter begin with:

"The red priestess could only watch as the corpse of Jon Snow, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and last living son of Eddard Stark, was burned on a pyre.

'And now his watch has ended...' she finally managed, as firey tears streamed down her normally placid face."

Good luck resurrecting a pile of cinder.

I would actually dig that, there are way too many "fake" deaths in the last two books. But it's Jon Snow we're talking about, probably not going to happen.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Watch the first Mellisandre chapter begin with:

"The red priestess could only watch as the corpse of Jon Snow, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and last living son of Eddard Stark, was burned on a pyre.

'And now his watch has ended...' she finally managed, as firey tears streamed down her normally placid face."

Good luck resurrecting a pile of cinder.

Then Ghost wargs into a form that looks like Jon Snow, but with white hair and red eyes.


Watch the first Mellisandre chapter begin with:

"The red priestess could only watch as the corpse of Jon Snow, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and last living son of Eddard Stark, was burned on a pyre.

'And now his watch has ended...' she finally managed, as firey tears streamed down her normally placid face."

Good luck resurrecting a pile of cinder.

Seems about right since she would assume all of those wrong facts from her visions haha.


So if Bloodraven's the "Great Evil", what do you think he's going to end up using Bran for? Mellisandre's vision pretty much confirms that it's him and Bran (even if she might misinterpret it), but I can't remember any hinting in the book as to his need for another Greenseer like Bran. Maybe he's gonna take his body (warg him?) to get out from under the hill? Sounds like his current one is kind of a mess.
Bloodraven is warging Mormont's raven and Princess Rhaenys' cat Balerion in Kings Landing.

Pretty obvious. There's a great bit of foreshadowing from Sansa II in Clash when she goes to the Godswood and meets Dontos.

"When something brushed against her leg, she almost jumped out of her skin, a ragged black tom with a chewed-of ear. The creature spit at her and leapt away." Then, the very next paragraph, she thinks about the godswood, and we get "you could feel the old gods watching with a thousand unseen eyes."


wouldn't the children of the forest and the others be enemies? does bloodraven have enough juice to convince the children that he is their friend?


Pretty obvious. There's a great bit of foreshadowing from Sansa II in Clash when she goes to the Godswood and meets Dontos.

"When something brushed against her leg, she almost jumped out of her skin, a ragged black tom with a chewed-of ear. The creature spit at her and leapt away." Then, the very next paragraph, she thinks about the godswood, and we get "you could feel the old gods watching with a thousand unseen eyes."

gunna call that prettttyyyyy far from "obvious".
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