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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Jaime definitely became one of the best characters after a few books, but he's quite the mopy little bitch.

Qorin Halfhand (or half fingers or w/e) was an absolute boss after he lost the use of his main sword arm.

Jaime's still crying about not being able to fight. He's definitely training to become stronger again but I doubt Qorin was as whiny as he is.


No bald cap? Lies!
Enduin said:
Im curious as to the chances that Cersei or Margaery could demand a Trial of Seven, as used in the Hedge Knight novella, especially cause theyre being held captive by the Faith and a Trial of Seven is a religiously inspired trial by combat.

Its not abundantly clear as to who can and cannot demand such a trial and it could be in Margaery's interests to so in order to possibly level the playing field if a Super Mutant Gregor Clegane does enter the picture as hes like to do. Though at the same time this is an extremely rare and widely unknown rite so they may not even know of its existence, its only known use was almost 100 years prior.

Regardless though, I would love to see it be used. It would simply just be an awesome fight, but as well with each side needing to gather 7 champions to fight for them that whole process and who either side gets to fight for them would in itself be really interesting.


Also this a fantastic, though highly imaginative, theory on Coldhands and the Three-Eyed Crow, make sure to show the spoilers. http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/35861-coldhands/

Here it is for the lazy.
Prince of the North said:
1) I think Coldhands is Benjen Stark who was killed while ranging.
2) I think he was never a wight but was resurrected by the Three-Eyed Crow as an ally or assistant in much the same way as Beric Donderrion and Lady Stoneheart were brought back - this explains his autonomy compared to wights.
3) I think the fact that Benjen was dead for awhile in the cold North before being brought back accounts for his black hands (i.e. frostbite would quickly set into the extremities).
4) I think the Three-Eyed Crow is Bryndon Rivers aka Bloodraven who may or may not be "bodiless" now and has survived so long due to being able to warg from creature to creature or maybe even with many creatures at once (may even be warged with Mormont's raven?)
5) I believe the spoiler chapter notes that we've seen concerning Varamyr Six-Skins may lend some support for #4 above.
6) I think the name "Three-Eyed Crow" is a big clue that he is Bloodraven. First, Bloodraven with his one eye warged with a crow or raven would literally make a three-eyed crow. Or, second, a NW brother or "crow" who had the ability to warg and/or perform sorcery could be thought of as "opening their third eye" and, thus, would be a "three-eyed crow".
7) I don't think Coldhands controlled the elk and ravens when he rescued Bran and the other kids from the wights. I think it was the Three-Eyed Crow helping them.
8) I don't believe there are different kinds of magic (i.e. fire, blood, shadow, warging, etc.) I believe there is only "magic" that is manifested, or used, in countless different ways. A possible exception to this is the magic of the Old Gods (i.e. warging, green dreams, etc.) It could be that Bloodraven is/was a very unique individual in that he was Valyrian on his father's side and Blood of the First Men on his mother's side so he could both perform sorcery and Old God magic? Hmm...maybe? :dunno: Also, if this is the case, what could it mean for Jon who "might" have a similar heritage? ;)
9) I think Coldhands couldn't pass through the Black Gate because the Wall, or at least the Black Gate, is warded against sorcery in general and not just so-called "Other" magic.


elrechazao said:
Martin has basically said syrio is dead. As much as everyone wants syrio to be alive because he's awesome, he's just not :(

From "The Citadel":

In 2005, GRRM pointed out that Syrio seems to have been left in a hopeless situation when he was last seen, and suggested readers should "draw your own conclusions" based on this (SSM), which seems to imply that Syrio Forel was in fact killed. More recent reports (but, it should be said, unconfirmed) indicate GRRM does not understand why he gets asked the question repeatedly, pointing out that Syrio is not immortal; if accurate, this seems to more heavily imply that Syrio Forel is dead.

Enduin said:

Also this a fantastic, though highly imaginative, theory on Coldhands and the Three-Eyed Crow, make sure to show the spoilers. http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/35861-coldhands/

Here it is for the lazy.

I agree with a lot of that, including that I think Bloodraven is still alive. If so, I'll need to re-read the Dunk and Egg stories. Some is iffy or dead wrong, the magic part comes to mind. But there are likely truths in your spoiler.


bengraven said:
From "The Citadel":

I agree with a lot of that, including that I think Bloodraven is still alive. If so, I'll need to re-read the Dunk and Egg stories. Some is iffy or dead wrong, the magic part comes to mind. But there are likely truths in your spoiler.
I haven't read everything in a while...which book is Bloodraven in?


May contain jokes =>
I was a bit disheartened when I originally read that Syrio quote from GRRM too. But he really, really went out of his way to leave it ambiguous in his episode. Like more so than in the book.
I've never understood why anyone thought Syrio was Jaqen. I can't recall there being any compelling evidence for it. If Syrio had lived, Martin would have hinted at it by now. And him being alive wouldn't really serve any purpose in the story.
Emerson said:
I was a bit disheartened when I originally read that Syrio quote from GRRM too. But he really, really went out of his way to leave it ambiguous in his episode. Like more so than in the book.
Totally. No on screen death, and multiple screams.


No bald cap? Lies!
bengraven said:
I agree with a lot of that, including that I think Bloodraven is still alive. If so, I'll need to re-read the Dunk and Egg stories. Some is iffy or dead wrong, the magic part comes to mind. But there are likely truths in your spoiler.

Yeah the magic stuff Im not really keen on, thats a real stretch without much credence or real purpose, but the Bloodraven stuff is really intriguing and something I would love to be true because Bryndan "Bloodraven" Rivers was so damn interesting in the Dunk and Egg Novellas, no doubt we'll see much more him in future entries as well.

Also Bloodraven was forced into the Nights Watch by Egg when he became King and eventually Bloodraven became Night Commander, he was already super fucking smart and crafty so it wouldnt surprise me if in his time there he came into contact with wildling wargs, found he had the ability himself and then lived on through it.

Hell he might have already had the ability before then since everyone sang the "Thousand eyes and one" song about him since he had spies and eyes everywhere, he could have quite possibly been warging creatures all around Westeros to spy on people. His mother was a Blackwood, whose family has blood of the First Men in their veins, same as the Starks, so I think he really could be the Three-Eye Crow.

Basileus777 said:
I've never understood why anyone thought Syrio was Jaqen. I can't recall there being any compelling evidence for it. If Syrio had lived, Martin would have hinted at it by now. And him being alive wouldn't really serve any purpose in the story.

While I agree that Syrio is not Jaqen, I do think his living could serve a purpose if the speculation that Arya will return to Westeros as an identity-less and emotionless killer and Syrio could possibly be useful in that situation in bringing her back to reality so to speak and helping her remember who she was. But none of that is set in stone so Im still pretty sure hes dead.


Where can I read the Dunk and Egg stories? Is there a book that has all 3 of them that I can get or something?


zmoney said:
I haven't read everything in a while...which book is Bloodraven in?

The Sworn Sword he's mentioned quite a bit, then actually shows up in Mystery Knight.

Remember: "How many eyes does Bloodraven have? A Thousand Eyes, and One".

Emerson said:
I was a bit disheartened when I originally read that Syrio quote from GRRM too. But he really, really went out of his way to leave it ambiguous in his episode. Like more so than in the book.

Right, fuel on the fire. You'd think George would be like "let's nip this in the bud right now and show it". Then again, I think the creators liked the mystery as well so they made sure it was not shown and gave him an out.

Enduin said:
Yeah the magic stuff Im not really keen on, thats a real stretch without much credence or real purpose, but the Bloodraven stuff is really intriguing and something I would love to be true because Bryndan "Bloodraven" Rivers was so damn interesting in the Dunk and Egg Novellas, no doubt we'll see much more him in future entries as well.

Also Bloodraven was forced into the Nights Watch by Egg when he became King and eventually Bloodraven became Night Commander, he was already super fucking smart and crafty so it wouldnt surprise me if in his time there he came into contact with wildling wargs, found he had the ability himself and then lived on through it.

Hell he might have already had the ability before then since everyone sang the "Thousand eyes and one" song about him since he had spies and eyes everywhere, he could have quite possibly been warging creatures all around Westeros to spy on people. His mother was a Blackwood, whose family has blood of the First Men in their veins, same as the Starks, so I think he really could be the Three-Eye Crow.

Imagine if Bloodraven was the main villain behind the entire series, having woken the Others, etc. Somehow I doubt George would ever do something so cliche as have this super genius evil man named Bloodraven as the main villain, but I could still see it happening.

I hope we get to the Three Eyed Crow at least by the end of Dance. One thing I'm looking for when I read the reviews will be how many "surprises" or answered questions we get. Because what I've gathered is at least one mystery (Jon's parents) might get even more confusing.

KingK said:
Where can I read the Dunk and Egg stories? Is there a book that has all 3 of them that I can get or something?

Hedge Knight - Legends 1
Sworn Sword - Legends II
Mystery Knight - Warriors anthology by Martin

He said once he gets a few/all of them done, he'll put them into one big book. Won't be for a long time though.


May contain jokes =>
bengraven said:
Right, fuel on the fire. You'd think George would be like "let's nip this in the bud right now and show it". Then again, I think the creators liked the mystery as well so they made sure it was not shown and gave him an out.

I could see either way, but I think the whole God of death "not today" thing is really above and beyond. It's not just leaving an out, it's outright hinting that he got away. Everyone I know who only watches the show is convinced he survived.


elrechazao said:
I have to assume that the others have some backstory though that goes back 9k plus years or whenever the long night was though.

True and speaking of which, has anyone ever thought of what the long night means?

Like in Alaska, when winter comes, it will bring darkness at some point that will last for years. Imagine a novel series taking place during this time, I can't fucking wait. I have a feeling it won't be until the last novel though (A Dream of Spring) and wonder if there will be a gap as the characters live in this dark world and nothing major happens.

I also wonder how closely it will follow the "Ant and the Grasshopper" story as people who aren't prepared for winter are killed off and there are few humans who survive the first thaw.

Emerson said:
I could see either way, but I think the whole God of death "not today" thing is really above and beyond. It's not just leaving an out, it's outright hinting that he got away. Everyone I know who only watches the show is convinced he survived.

Right and if George really was annoyed by people ("he's not immortal") then make it obvious.

It was like a Duncan Idaho moment, only it was actually confirmed later that Duncan was killed. Let's hope we don't get a brainwashed Syrio clone being given to Arya as a gift.
Emerson said:
I could see either way, but I think the whole God of death "not today" thing is really above and beyond. It's not just leaving an out, it's outright hinting that he got away. Everyone I know who only watches the show is convinced he survived.
I could see them easily combining syrio and jaqen for the show only. Think about how much sense it would make for show watchers. In fact, I am going to say right now that this is what they do for the show.

Books have timeline problems that basically make it impossible, but the show can easily combine characters like this.


elrechazao said:
I could see them easily combining syrio and jaqen for the show only. Think about how much sense it would make for show watchers. In fact, I am going to say right now that this is what they do for the show.

Books have timeline problems that basically make it impossible, but the show can easily combine characters like this.
I wouldn't complain b/c I would have loved it if thats how it turned out in the book as well.


How many eyes does Beng Raven have? 1000 eyes and 1.

zmoney said:
Valar Morghulis

Also will Arya appear in ADWD?


Here's who has a POV in Dance:

(SPOILERS of course)

Actually, though, it might be easier to tell you who they aren't. Sansa, Sam, Aeron Damphair, Arianne, and Brienne have no chapters in A DANCE WITH DRAGONS. Several of those characters had chapters written, completed, and polished that have been moved into THE WINDS OF WINTER. Part of that editorial process I mentioned up above.

Back when I split A FEAST FOR CROWS into two books, I said in my infamous afterword, "Meanwhile, Back at the Wall..." that Tyrion, Dany, and Jon Snow would be back in the next book, and so they are. Those three characters dominate A DANCE WITH DRAGONS. Out of 73 chapters, 35 concern their exploits; sixteen viewpoints, aye, but just three of them make up almost half of the book. The next largest chunk o' chapters belongs to an old POV character who has been missing for a couple of books, but now returns to us... rather the worse for wear.

Yes, some of the characters who were featured as POVs in A FEAST FOR CROWS will reappear, since the timeframe covered by DANCE extends well beyond that of FEAST. Tyrion is not the only Lannister with a viewpoint. Cersei and Jaime will have chapters as well, though... be warned... not a lot of them. Arya is also on hand. And we'll check in with Bran and his companions as well, on their long cold trek beyond the Wall. There are two Dornish POVs (one old, one new), and three ironborn(all previous POVs).

And there are some new viewpoint characters. Some of them are new CHARACTERS, introduced for the first time in this book. Others are established characters, but new VIEWPOINTS; they have been around, but you've never gone inside their heads before. Once, a few years back, I said that I only meant to introduce one new viewpoint character in the book. Which just goes to show why I should never sound off about these things before the book is done. In the end, I wound up with.... hmmm, let me count 'em... one, two, three... ah... FOUR new viewpoint characters. And that doesn't even include the Prologue and Epilogue. So...

Doesn't seem like she's got a ton, but she has some.

Jon, Dany and Tyrion get the most and it sounds like Reek gets the next largest group, which is a bit shocking to me to read.

I'm going to assume that at some point when Bolton goes south to grab Fake Arya that they run into Asha and she rescues him back from the Bastard.


bengraven said:
How many eyes does Beng Raven have? 1000 eyes and 1.


Here's who has a POV in Dance:

(SPOILERS of course)

Actually, though, it might be easier to tell you who they aren't. Sansa, Sam, Aeron Damphair, Arianne, and Brienne have no chapters in A DANCE WITH DRAGONS. Several of those characters had chapters written, completed, and polished that have been moved into THE WINDS OF WINTER. Part of that editorial process I mentioned up above.

Back when I split A FEAST FOR CROWS into two books, I said in my infamous afterword, "Meanwhile, Back at the Wall..." that Tyrion, Dany, and Jon Snow would be back in the next book, and so they are. Those three characters dominate A DANCE WITH DRAGONS. Out of 73 chapters, 35 concern their exploits; sixteen viewpoints, aye, but just three of them make up almost half of the book. The next largest chunk o' chapters belongs to an old POV character who has been missing for a couple of books, but now returns to us... rather the worse for wear.

Yes, some of the characters who were featured as POVs in A FEAST FOR CROWS will reappear, since the timeframe covered by DANCE extends well beyond that of FEAST. Tyrion is not the only Lannister with a viewpoint. Cersei and Jaime will have chapters as well, though... be warned... not a lot of them. Arya is also on hand. And we'll check in with Bran and his companions as well, on their long cold trek beyond the Wall. There are two Dornish POVs (one old, one new), and three ironborn(all previous POVs).

And there are some new viewpoint characters. Some of them are new CHARACTERS, introduced for the first time in this book. Others are established characters, but new VIEWPOINTS; they have been around, but you've never gone inside their heads before. Once, a few years back, I said that I only meant to introduce one new viewpoint character in the book. Which just goes to show why I should never sound off about these things before the book is done. In the end, I wound up with.... hmmm, let me count 'em... one, two, three... ah... FOUR new viewpoint characters. And that doesn't even include the Prologue and Epilogue. So...

Doesn't seem like she's got a ton, but she has some.

Jon, Dany and Tyrion get the most and it sounds like Reek gets the next largest group, which is a bit shocking to me to read.

I'm going to assume that at some point when Bolton goes south to grab Fake Arya that they run into Asha and she rescues him back from the Bastard.

Yay Arya...

Fuck Yes no Damphair.
For everything that Martin says to suggest that Syrio is dead, he is still dancing around actually saying as much, both in persona quotes and in the books. That's a ginormous red flag that Syrio's not really dead.


No bald cap? Lies!
zmoney said:
Yea...he's also known as Reek

Weird, it will be interesting see why he takes, or is given, the moniker of Ramsays dead deranged sidekick, and former alias of his own to boot.

elrechazao said:
I really hope not.

Theres really no one else, maybe Davos but hes only missed one book. Plus I like him, especially with where hes at in the plot, so Im down.


Enduin said:
Weird, it will be interesting see why he takes, or is given, the moniker of Ramsays dead deranged sidekick, and former alias of his own to boot.
Well I'm assuming its because Ramsay's been torturing the shit out of him for the last 2 books


Enduin said:
Weird, it will be interesting see why he takes, or is given, the moniker of Ramsays dead deranged sidekick, and former alias of his own to boot.

Welllll, you could find out yourself!

That chapter was released about 5 years ago by Martin himself, so it's parfectly regal.

zmoney said:
Well I'm assuming its because Ramsay's been torturing the shit out of him for the last 2 books

That's exactly what has been happening. "Reek" seems to be Ramsay's favorite moniker for his slaves. He had a Reek earlier, when that Reek died he chose the name for himself to trick Theon, and now he's forced Theon to be Reek.

And Theon has
lost his fucking mind


zmoney said:
I love their reaction to the reveal....

Ramsay's lords reaction?

“He smells of nightsoil and stale vomit.” The stoop-shouldered old lord tossed aside the bone that he’d been gnawing on and wiped his fingers on the tablecloth. “Is there some reason you must needs inflict him upon us whilst we’re eating?”

The straight-backed old man in the mail byrnie studied Reek with flinty eyes. “Look again,” he urged the other lord. “His hair’s gone white and he is three stone thinner, but this is no serving man. Have you forgotten?”

The crookback lord looked again and gave a sudden snort. “Him? Can it be? Stark’s ward. Smiling, always smiling.”

“He smiles less often now
,” Lord Ramsay confessed. “I may have broken some of his pretty white teeth.”

I don't know if you meant that, but I loved that part myself.


bengraven said:
Ramsay's lords reaction?

“He smells of nightsoil and stale vomit.” The stoop-shouldered old lord tossed aside the bone that he’d been gnawing on and wiped his fingers on the tablecloth. “Is there some reason you must needs inflict him upon us whilst we’re eating?”

The straight-backed old man in the mail byrnie studied Reek with flinty eyes. “Look again,” he urged the other lord. “His hair’s gone white and he is three stone thinner, but this is no serving man. Have you forgotten?”

The crookback lord looked again and gave a sudden snort. “Him? Can it be? Stark’s ward. Smiling, always smiling.”

“He smiles less often now
,” Lord Ramsay confessed. “I may have broken some of his pretty white teeth.”

I don't know if you meant that, but I loved that part myself.
And that...but your part is included in my reaction as well


No bald cap? Lies!
The wait is already bad as it is. I dont think reading some early released chapters and adding more flames to the fire is gonna help. Plus Im putting all my concentration towards re-reading all 4 books by ADWDs release so every tiny little bit of info is fresh in my mind. Already took out AGoT last week in 3 days and Im 1/3 the way through ACoK, trying to take it slow since I'll likely be done with them all before July even begins, which will be a bit too soon.


Enduin said:
The wait is already bad as it is. I dont think reading some early released chapters and adding more flames to the fire is gonna help. Plus Im putting all my concentration towards re-reading all 4 books by ADWDs release so every tiny little bit of info is fresh in my mind. Already took out AGoT last week in 3 days and Im 1/3 the way through ACoK, trying to take is slow since I'll likely be done with them all before July even begins, which will be a bit too soon.
I was planning on taking it slow, and was halfway through ACOK this past Sat...i'm now on the 2nd Brienne Chapter in AFFC. Ugh this sucks...books are too engrossing, you can't put them down.

Speaking of which, Brienne is the most worthless fucking character in the book. I like watching Cersei fall apart though.
Enduin said:
The wait is already bad as it is. I dont think reading some early released chapters and adding more flames to the fire is gonna help. Plus Im putting all my concentration towards re-reading all 4 books by ADWDs release so every tiny little bit of info is fresh in my mind. Already took out AGoT last week in 3 days and Im 1/3 the way through ACoK, trying to take it slow since I'll likely be done with them all before July even begins, which will be a bit too soon.
some of them have clearly been cut or rewritten. The one out there with jon is from before he has sent sam away, so unless this next book has flashbacks, I wouldn't be too set on the "released" chapters being canon after adwd is released.
zmoney said:
I was planning on taking it slow, and was Arya in Harrenhal this past Sunday...i'm now on the 2nd Brienne Chapter in AFFC. Ugh this sucks...books are too engrossing, you can't put them down.

Speaking of which, Brienne is the most worthless fucking character in the book. I like watching Cersei fall apart though.
I really loved brienne's journey as a look at the smallfolk and how "normal" people live in westeros. Really underrated.


zmoney said:
And that...but your part is included in my reaction as well

haha, I see.

I'm just curious how he can sustain a POV for so long. He HAS to be returning to the Iron men at some point, broken, etc.

I'll spoiler this, but from one of the first Asha POVs in the book:
Asha's hanging out in Moat Caillan (I believe), fucking one of her men, when she realizes she can't do this forever and she needs to take power back from Euron. But the only way to do that would be with someone who has a bigger claim than Euron.

And that's Theon. It's kind of hinted from the summary that she needs to find Theon. She probably won't like what she finds.

elrechazao said:
some of them have clearly been cut or rewritten. The one out there with jon is from before he has sent sam away, so unless this next book has flashbacks, I wouldn't be too set on the "released" chapters being canon after adwd is released.

I really loved brienne's journey as a look at the smallfolk and how "normal" people live in westeros. Really underrated.

I'm loving Feast as I'm reading, but I'm a bit worried about getting to the Brienne chapters. They were so fucking boring, except the last two or three (starting when she was jumped by Rorge and Biter). I'm really loving the Dorne and Ironman stuff more this time around.

That said, I think a large part of my enjoyment is because in just over 1 month we get to finally see the other/possibly better half.


bengraven said:
haha, I see.

I'm just curious how he can sustain a POV for so long. He HAS to be returning to the Iron men at some point, broken, etc.

I'll spoiler this, but from one of the first Asha POVs in the book:
Asha's hanging out in Moat Caillan (I believe), fucking one of her men, when she realizes she can't do this forever and she needs to take power back from Euron. But the only way to do that would be with someone who has a bigger claim than Euron.

And that's Theon. It's kind of hinted from the summary that she needs to find Theon. She probably won't like what she finds.
I'm all for Asha getting skinned...hate that chick. Although not as much as the rest of her family. Even Theon is OK as far as i'm concerned, but Damphair needs to drown...Permanently.

I'm loving Feast as I'm reading, but I'm a bit worried about getting to the Brienne chapters. They were so fucking boring, except the last two or three (starting when she was jumped by Rorge and Biter). I'm really loving the Dorne and Ironman stuff more this time around.

Yea, Dorne is great and as much as I hate some of the Ironman I love their chapters.
bengraven said:
I'm loving Feast as I'm reading, but I'm a bit worried about getting to the Brienne chapters. They were so fucking boring, except the last two or three (starting when she was jumped by Rorge and Biter). I'm really loving the Dorne and Ironman stuff more this time around.

That said, I think a large part of my enjoyment is because in just over 1 month we get to finally see the other/possibly better half.
I found I skimmed them sometimes after my first read, and now I really read them carefully and really enjoyed them because of it. I loved the glimpse into the common smallfolk soldier and how they get fucked by the wars and lords. Even liked the nimble dick character this time around and appreciated more about brienne than just "I'm a big chick who can fight and was in love with renly".

I think I hated them so much the first time because I wanted to get to *BIG EVENTS*, and now I can appreciate what the sequences actually brought to the series.


zmoney said:
I'm all for Asha getting skinned...hate that chick. Although not as much as the rest of her family. Even Theon is OK as far as i'm concerned, but Damphair needs to drown...Permanently.

Yea, Dorne is great and as much as I hate some of the Ironman I love their chapters.

Damphair would have made a great prologue character: just one chapter of his insane piety, but you're probably right and he's given too much screen time. I also found the Reader to be a good character, but really unneccessary. Really George, how many characters do you need to introduce now? He could have combined characters.

The only character I really found boring though was Areo Hotah. His chapter was fine and all, but his character itself was lame.

elrechazao said:
I found I skimmed them sometimes after my first read, and now I really read them carefully and really enjoyed them because of it. I loved the glimpse into the common smallfolk soldier and how they get fucked by the wars and lords. Even liked the nimble dick character this time around and appreciated more about brienne than just "I'm a big chick who can fight and was in love with renly".

I think I hated them so much the first time because I wanted to get to *BIG EVENTS*, and now I can appreciate what the sequences actually brought to the series.

Brienne feels like she should have just got her own novella. Right now she's wandering around like Dunk or like an Arthurian knight. I can appreciate that, but a novella inside a bigger novel may have won him awards in the past (see Blood of the Dragon), but when the books are getting this thick he needs to relax.

I do appreciate that she's taken Pod as her kind-of-squire.

I mean, let's be honest here, other than her being highborn, she's on a very similar path to being just like Dunk.

Maybe she'll end up the Lord Commander of the King's Guard.
bengraven said:
Damphair would have made a great prologue character: just one chapter of his insane piety, but you're probably right and he's given too much screen time. I also found the Reader to be a good character, but really unneccessary. Really George, how many characters do you need to introduce now? He could have combined characters.

The only character I really found boring though was Areo Hotah. His chapter was fine and all, but his character itself was lame.

Brienne feels like she should have just got her own novella. Right now she's wandering around like Dunk or like an Arthurian knight. I can appreciate that, but a novella inside a bigger novel may have won him awards in the past (see Blood of the Dragon), but when the books are getting this thick he needs to relax.

I do appreciate that she's taken Pod as her kind-of-squire.

I mean, let's be honest here, other than her being highborn, she's on a very similar path to being just like Dunk.

Maybe she'll end up the Lord Commander of the King's Guard.

Well, she's got his standard on her shield, so who knows :)


Basileus777 said:
She's not surviving this series. I'm sure Martin has some horrid end in store for her.

Nah, I think if anyone she'll survive. She's Martin's Jar Jar Binks.

elrechazao said:
Well, she's got his standard on her shield, so who knows :)

Ha, that's right! Probably where my thought came from seeing it.


Basileus777 said:
She's not surviving this series. I'm sure Martin has some horrid end in store for her.
I didn't think she would survive Harrenhal but I was wrong there. Although I agree she's a goner.


I wonder what's going through Jeyne Poole's mind right now.

zmoney said:
I didn't think she would survive Harrenhal but I was wrong there. Although I agree she's a goner.

Yep, the only question is: does she die a maiden or does someone (and if so who) pop her cherry?


bengraven said:
I wonder what's going through Jeyne Poole's mind right now.

Yep, the only question is: does she die a maiden or does someone (and if so who) pop her cherry?
Also isn't Jeyne dead?

I'm calling Jaime doing the deed.


sparkle this bitch
All the Ironmen are broken records.
Theon on his rights
Asha with having tits
Aeron married to his drowned god
And Victorian with being a little bitch
shintoki said:
All the Ironmen are broken records.
Theon on his rights
Asha with having tits
Aeron married to his drowned god
And Victorian with being a little bitch
asha whipping the dirk out or showing the axe she's married got old the 2nd time, and then happened 20 more times after that.
The Ironborn stuff would have been much better without 800 POVs there. Martin used to be able to give us the information we needed with everyone getting their own POVs. Theon, Asha, Victarion, Aerion...it's too many POVs for one family that isn't the Starks. I wish he had focused on 2 of those characters.

That's probably one of my biggest concerns with ADWD, that Martin is going to do the same thing. The book has 18 POVs...


Basileus777 said:
The Ironborn stuff would have been much better without 800 POVs there. Martin used to be able to give us the information we needed with everyone getting their own POVs. Theon, Asha, Victarion, Aerion...it's too many POVs for one family that isn't the Starks. I wish he had focused on 2 of those characters.

That's probably one of biggest concerns with ADWD, that Martin is going to do the same thing. The book has 18 POVs...

Yeah, I think if Theon and Asha were the only 2 POVs for the ironborn, I wouldn't hate them so much. I still wouldn't like them, but it would be much more bearable.
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