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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Basileus777 said:
She didn't give up her identity though, she hid Needle away. I think it's just another sign she won't become a faceless man.

They know she's got it hidden: hell they probably know where it is. The only thing she has in the world that isn't a memory. Needle is the one thing that can bring back the memories and identity. And because of that, I think that either:

1) they will force her to destroy it during the final stage
2) they will steal it and she will forget it was ever there
bengraven said:
They know she's got it hidden: hell they probably know where it is. The only thing she has in the world that isn't a memory. Needle is the one thing that can bring back the memories and identity. And because of that, I think that either:

1) they will force her to destroy it during the final stage
2) they will steal it and she will forget it was ever there
I disagree - nymeria dude! Psychic link is not just a memory.


elrechazao said:
I disagree - nymeria dude! Psychic link is not just a memory.

You might be right. I think we both might be right. Needle will be the one thing she's kept hidden to prevent herself from being 100% Faceless and when she loses it however she does, she is able to become a Faceless man.

Then she'll meet Nym and it will come back.

I'm still about 95% sure Arya is going to make us hate her at some point in the series. She'll kill a major character or dire wolf we care about.
bengraven said:
You might be right. I think we both might be right. Needle will be the one thing she's kept hidden to prevent herself from being 100% Faceless and when she loses it however she does, she is able to become a Faceless man.

Then she'll meet Nym and it will come back.

I'm still about 95% sure Arya is going to make us hate her at some point in the series. She'll kill a major character or dire wolf we care about.
Yeah, she's been too "good" and had too many "ok here's where things start to go right for arya" moments for things to actually go right for her....


it's 4th of July in my asshole
bengraven said:
I'm not sure how I feel about Arya being forced to abandon her identity. To become a Faceless man she's basically going to have to give up on her family identity and place in the world forever. Which isn't SO bad since it's been nearly obliterated by war, but when she meets up with/kills one of her own family members it will be sad to read.

I think its pretty cool, she was closest to John and she basically had to do the same thing as John, with The Wall and giving everything up.


elrechazao said:
And she still has nymeria. She thinks the pack is dead and she's the lone wolf, but she'll learn at some point that the pack survived.

my bet is Bran contacts her like he did with Jon. or jon does when he gets stronger since they are close


I didn't even realize until reading this thread that Arya was in Faceless-Man training. I knew the Faceless Men were in Bravos, but I always thought that she had joined some religious death-cult and not the actual order of assassins.

Gonaria said:
my bet is Bran contacts her like he did with Jon. or jon does when he gets stronger since they are close

So sad that there are only three direwolves left. :(
Puddles said:
I didn't even realize until reading this thread that Arya was in Faceless-Man training. I knew the Faceless Men were in Bravos, but I always thought that she had joined some religious death-cult and not the actual order of assassins.

So sad that there are only three direwolves left. :(
she did both

There are 4 direwolves left....bran's, rickon's, jon's, and arya's.


elrechazao said:
she did both

She joined two different groups?

Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention. She came to Braavos and entered the Temple of Black and White, but did she know what it was at the time? Where does the death cult part end and the order of assassins begin?
Puddles said:
She joined two different groups?

Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention. She came to Braavos and entered the Temple of Black and White, but did she know what it was at the time? Where does the death cult part end and the order of assassins begin?
No, meaning that the group she joined is both things in one.


Ayra is going to kill either Jon or Sansa following Faceless men order's at some point of the history, bet on it.
Ikael said:
Ayra is going to kill either Jon or Sansa following Faceless men order's at some point of the history, bet on it.
why - where are you people getting this "arya will kill her family" thing from?


elrechazao said:
why - where are you people getting this "arya will kill her family" thing from?

The Faceless men want her to forget who she is and become a killing machine. It's just a theory that she will be forced to kill her family.
I think the Starks are safe at the moment, at least for Dance. The original title of the 6th book "A Time for Wolves," leads me to believe the Starks are going to have somewhat of a comeback, but as we all know by now more tragedy will surely be involved along the way. What form that tragedy will take is anyone's guess. As long as Bran makes it through the series I'm ready for anything.


LegendofJoe said:
I think the Starks are safe at the moment, at least for Dance. The original title of the 6th book "A Time for Wolves," leads me to believe the Starks are going to have somewhat of a comeback, but as we all know by now more tragedy will surely be involved along the way. What form that tragedy will take is anyone's guess. As long as Bran makes it through the series I'm ready for anything.

I hope so. There are no adult Starks left - the oldest is 13 unless Benjen is alive or you count Jon. Still, the people the Starks cared about and who were there for guidance are dead (Luwin, Cassel, Mordane) and their castle has fallen. The kingdom has abandoned them and look at them as a family of traitors.

Their only allies are people they don't know and who are so busy with their own issues they hardly care about them, such as Edmure and Blackfish and Greatjon Umber and Howland Reed.

They're alone and young and while yes, very strong, without the proposed "5 year gap..."

Well, at this point I have a hard time believing a few kids are going to be able to return the house to it's former glory.
elrechazao said:
why - where are you people getting this "arya will kill her family" thing from?

There's some foreshadowing about Arya's death in GoT when Jon gives her needle; something about dying in the snow clutching needle. Initially I had always thought Arya was being trained to assassinate Dany, but if that truly is foreshadowing it could be Jon. So while there's isn't really some proof she's destined to kill her family, there's a possibility she's going to kill someone.


GRRM better not make me hate Arya by having her kill someone like Jon. She's my #1 favorite character, and if I started to hate her, I would be fucking pissed.

bengraven said:
I hope so. There are no adult Starks left - the oldest is 13 unless Benjen is alive or you count Jon. Still, the people the Starks cared about and who were there for guidance are dead (Luwin, Cassel, Mordane) and their castle has fallen. The kingdom has abandoned them and look at them as a family of traitors.

Their only allies are people they don't know and who are so busy with their own issues they hardly care about them, such as Edmure and Blackfish and Greatjon Umber and Howland Reed.

They're alone and young and while yes, very strong, without the proposed "5 year gap..."

Well, at this point I have a hard time believing a few kids are going to be able to return the house to it's former glory.

Well, he has said that Dance will have some chapters that go "well beyond" Feast, so it's possible we'll get the 5 year gap before Winds of Winter.


elrechazao said:
And she still has nymeria. She thinks the pack is dead and she's the lone wolf, but she'll learn at some point that the pack survived.
Even if she becomes a faceless man, she can still do all the stuff they do and still remember she's arya. she just needs to front a little bit.


bengraven said:
The Faceless men want her to forget who she is and become a killing machine. It's just a theory that she will be forced to kill her family.
Nah I don't think so....I think the Faceless men know who they are and where they all came from, but they just take on the identity of no one. Jaquen probably knew who he was originally before he became a Faceless Man but he's still no one...i dunno...I always figured it was something like that.

I think Arya DOES become a Faceless Man but I doubt she has to kill her family, but she is going to fuck someone up.


I just want Arya to dish out bloody revenge on all of the Freys, Lannisters, Boltons, etc.

I can especially see her being the one to kill Roose Bolton, since "fake Arya" is with the Boltons and she already has a pre-existing relationship with him (and has murdered one of his men).
With all the POVs in the North in ADWD, I think the fake-Arya and Bolston stuff is likely to get resolved before Arya could get involved. Theon, Asha, and Davos have to do something in the book...


PhoenixDark said:
There's some foreshadowing about Arya's death in GoT when Jon gives her needle; something about dying in the snow clutching needle. Initially I had always thought Arya was being trained to assassinate Dany, but if that truly is foreshadowing it could be Jon. So while there's isn't really some proof she's destined to kill her family, there's a possibility she's going to kill someone.
Winter is coming, so there's going to be snow everywhere.


Unconfirmed Member
How do you guys think Sam will affect the story? I don't see him becoming a maester by the end of the series. I'm guessing he'll just be caught up in The Alchemist's mischief.
sazabirules said:
How do you guys think Sam will affect the story? I don't see him becoming a maester by the end of the series. I'm guessing he'll just be caught up in The Alchemist's mischief.

There's not enough time for him to become a maester. But there's a faceless man, Sarella, the other Archmaesters, and even the Ironborn and Hightowers around him. Something will happen. Maybe he finds something important about the Others in the Citadel.


Basileus777 said:
There's not enough time for him to become a maester. But there's a faceless man, Sarella, the other Archmaesters, and even the Ironborn and Hightowers around him. Something will happen. Maybe he finds something important about the Others in the Citadel.
I see him having some magical ability, and also bitch slapping his father sometime before the series ends.


Basileus777 said:
Everywhere? We don't know how far south it will snow. Will it really snow in Dorne or the Slaver's Bay?


I was wondering who do you want dead the most? I want the Freys taken out severely but I think I want to see Bolton and his bastard dead more. Hopefully get to see it in Dance.


Basileus777 said:
There's not enough time for him to become a maester. But there's a faceless man, Sarella, the other Archmaesters, and even the Ironborn and Hightowers around him. Something will happen. Maybe he finds something important about the Others in the Citadel.

If there's a 5 year gap before Winds of Winter, isn't that enough time for him to become a maester?


Unconfirmed Member
Big-E said:
I was wondering who do you want dead the most? I want the Freys taken out severely but I think I want to see Bolton and his bastard dead more. Hopefully get to see it in Dance.

Daenerys. I wish someone would kill her for making me suffer through her chapters for three books with a soon to be fourth.


Big-E said:
I was wondering who do you want dead the most? I want the Freys taken out severely but I think I want to see Bolton and his bastard dead more. Hopefully get to see it in Dance.

Roose Bolton and then Walder Frey as far as non-POV characters.

The POV characters I want to see killed most are Cersei and Theon.

Actually, I want to see Damphair killed more than any other character, but that's just because he's annoying as fuck and I don't want to have to read one more of his awful chapters.


sazabirules said:
Daenerys. I wish someone would kill her for making me suffer through her chapters for three books with a soon to be fourth.
Bah...she's not that bad. Seriously you hate her more than the Frey's and the Boltons?


sazabirules said:
Daenerys. I wish someone would kill her for making me suffer through her chapters for three books with a soon to be fourth.

I think Dany is overrated by a lot of people, but I don't want to see her killed. She's one of the few "good guys" who has a shot at "winning" right now.


Unconfirmed Member
KingK said:
I think Dany is overrated by a lot of people, but I don't want to see her killed. She's one of the few "good guys" who has a shot at "winning" right now.

Yeah she probably doesn't deserve to die but I've never been a fan of her. Walder Frey and Bolton are high on the list. Gregor needs to die again if he is alive. I'll never forgive him for killing the Red Viper.

Littlefinger is who I want dead the most.
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
I want to see Littlefinger win.
I want him to win, then have arya slip a blade into his back just when he's about to start raping sansa. (you know he's going to try at some point)
zmoney said:
I think Sansa's going to off Littlefinger.

Yeah, that's my guess. Or rather she'll get someone to off him.

I'll miss him when he goes. He's rid us of Lysa and Joffrey, pretty much initiated the whole story and has been playing everyone. Then again, he did thrust those fucking Kettleblacks on us...
sazabirules said:
Gregor needs to die again if he is alive. I'll never forgive him for killing the Red Viper.

Gregor, if still above ground, is definitely some kind of zombiesque creature. He's dead, but I forgot-his-name, the fellow that Cersei basically replaces her old maester with, is a necromancer.

But the Red Viper was himself a very bad guy. I felt some sympathy for his character - trying to avenge the murder of family member is probably the most noble form of revenge - and yet GRRM drops hints aplenty about him being a very murderous fellow in his own right.

I just hope that GRRM leads his characters out of the dark, and gives the reader someone or something to be hopeful about in the series.


Unconfirmed Member
bonesmccoy said:
Gregor, if still above ground, is definitely some kind of zombiesque creature. He's dead, but I forgot-his-name, the fellow that Cersei basically replaces her old maester with, is a necromancer.

But the Red Viper was himself a very bad guy. I felt some sympathy for his character - trying to avenge the murder of family member is probably the most noble form of revenge - and yet GRRM drops hints aplenty about him being a very murderous fellow in his own right.

I just hope that GRRM leads his characters out of the dark, and gives the reader someone or something to be hopeful about in the series.

If Others can be killed so can zombie-Gregor. I know he was a bad guy as well but I was just rooting for him to win and was sad to see him die.
speaking of qyburn, I love how he's totally mild mannered, polite, courteous, intelligent, described as someone's favorite grandpa, and is one of the sickest evil freaks in the books. It makes my skin crawl that you don't really see what he's doing, he just says "ummm, she's a bit...used up" and stuff like that.


elrechazao said:
speaking of qyburn, I love how he's totally mild mannered, polite, courteous, intelligent, described as someone's favorite grandpa, and is one of the sickest evil freaks in the books. It makes my skin crawl that you don't really see what he's doing, he just says "ummm, she's a bit...used up" and stuff like that.
Yea.....dude was an interesting character to say the least
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