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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Sotha Sil

Basileus777 said:
The Ironborn stuff would have been much better without 800 POVs there. Martin used to be able to give us the information we needed with everyone getting their own POVs. Theon, Asha, Victarion, Aerion...it's too many POVs for one family that isn't the Starks. I wish he had focused on 2 of those characters.

That's probably one of my biggest concerns with ADWD, that Martin is going to do the same thing. The book has 18 POVs...

Indeed. The Greyjoy POVs bring next to nothing to the story so far. "Only a godly man may sit the Seastone Chair! Bleaaaargh!"

Patchface is more compelling than Damphair and company when it comes to the sea. They are so disappointing and uninspired (by Martin's standards, of course).


No bald cap? Lies!
I guess Im one of the few who enjoyed the Greyjoy POVs. While I guess I can agree that they dont really add much to the overall story, for now, I do like all the characters and the insight into the Seven Kingdoms most distant and really foreign province.

Its a whole other world and really offers nothing to the kingdom, culturally they couldnt be more different and economically they have nothing to offer. Theyre just there. They may have mattered centuries ago when they controlled the Riverlands but thats long past.


Enduin said:
I guess Im one of the few who enjoyed the Greyjoy POVs. While I guess I can agree that they dont really add much to the overall story, for now, I do like all the characters and the insight into the Seven Kingdoms most distant and really foreign province.

Its a whole other world and really offers nothing to the kingdom, culturally they couldnt be more different and economically they have nothing to offer. Theyre just there. They may have mattered centuries ago when they controlled the Riverlands but thats long past.

I loved both the Iron Island and Brienne POVs. People just like to hate on Feast because it didn't move the Jon story along. Crows Eye is obviously involved in the story in the north somehow. You don't just name someone "Crows Eye" because it sounds cool, plus the horn.

Sotha Sil

neoanarch said:
I loved both the Iron Island and Brienne POVs. People just like to hate on Feast because it didn't move the Jon story along. Crows Eye is obviously involved in the story in the north somehow. You don't just name someone "Crows Eye" because it sounds cool, plus the horn.

I really like Feast, actually. It's just these characters I dislike.


No bald cap? Lies!
I wonder if anyone, Martin included, will come up with a sort of unofficial authors cut of AFFC and ADWD splicing together all the POVs from both books not just in chronological order, since the first half of ADWD takes place along side AFFC, but also so the story feels like its actually progressing more than in its actual published form.

We wont know for sure until ADWD comes out and we all read it to see if it really fills in the gaps from AFFC but I have a feeling that despite Martin's best efforts he wasnt able to get AFFC to flow and really tell the story he wanted and intended it to because of size limitations. There was simply too much he needed to keep in there but also too much he had to leave out. Without Dany and Jon the real main plots were missing from AFFC and it was mainly side plots that werent always clear as to how they would affect the main ones, if at all. So it would be interesting if someone could combine the two books in such a way as to make it all fit together and create a more complete, and possibly compelling, megabook of sorts.


Enduin said:
I wonder if anyone, Martin included, will come up with a sort of unofficial authors cut of AFFC and ADWD splicing together all the POVs from both books not just in chronological order, since the first half of ADWD takes place along side AFFC, but also so the story feels like its actually progressing more than in its actual published form.

We wont know for sure until ADWD comes out and we all read it to see if it really fills in the gaps from AFFC but I have a feeling that despite Martin's best efforts he wasnt able to get AFFC to flow and really tell the story he wanted and intended it to because of size limitations. There was simply too much he needed to keep in there but also too much he had to leave out. Without Dany and Jon the real main plots were missing from AFFC and it was mainly side plots that werent always clear as to how they would affect the main ones, if at all. So it would be interesting if someone could combine the two books in such a way as to make it all fit together and create a more complete, and possibly compelling, megabook of sorts.

ADWD would be a pretty bad book, if its chapters flow better with AFFC chapters intermingled than they do on their own.

Of course someone will try to put them in their chronological order, but I can't imagine that actually making the story better.


The Ironborn stuff would have been much better without 800 POVs there. Martin used to be able to give us the information we needed with everyone getting their own POVs. Theon, Asha, Victarion, Aerion...it's too many POVs for one family that isn't the Starks. I wish he had focused on 2 of those characters.

That's probably one of my biggest concerns with ADWD, that Martin is going to do the same thing. The book has 18 POVs...

The Ironborn are one of the most stupid, vapid, and uninteresting cultures of Westeros, and only holds on due to being the Martin's Mary-Sue. They have no economic nor demographic base, they contribute in nothing to the 7 kingdoms, they have no interesting culture or whatsoever, and military talking, they only have a (limited) maritime power. If at some point of the story the Iron Islands are re - taken by the seven kingdoms, I expect them to recieve a Carthage treatment.


No bald cap? Lies!
thy_ said:
ADWD would be a pretty bad book, if its chapters flow better with AFFC chapters intermingled than they do on their own.

Of course someone will try to put them in their chronological order, but I can't imagine that actually making the story better.

ADWD isnt my concern, quite the opposite, since most people consider AFFC the weakest in the series so far I thought it might benefit from the inclusion of ADWD chapters, not the other way around. And I dont think it would actually make the story itself any better, but more that it might flow better and be more palatable for the reader.

From what Ive heard from others it seemed like a lot of people got burned out in a way reading AFFC since it focused on only a few specific areas that really werent advancing the main plot all that much and they were wondering what was happening at the wall and across the ocean. So by including those Dany, Jon and Bran chapters in the mix readers would be getting the full picture of events and not just those in one part of the world. Given the series formatting style I dont think it could do all that much damage, if any. It would just be interesting to see if it would actually work out and in a positive way and bring together the two books that were originally meant to only be one. I still enjoyed AFFC immensely and I cant see ADWD being worse in any way.


Enduin said:
I wonder if anyone, Martin included, will come up with a sort of unofficial authors cut of AFFC and ADWD splicing together all the POVs from both books not just in chronological order, since the first half of ADWD takes place along side AFFC, but also so the story feels like its actually progressing more than in its actual published form.

We wont know for sure until ADWD comes out and we all read it to see if it really fills in the gaps from AFFC but I have a feeling that despite Martin's best efforts he wasnt able to get AFFC to flow and really tell the story he wanted and intended it to because of size limitations. There was simply too much he needed to keep in there but also too much he had to leave out. Without Dany and Jon the real main plots were missing from AFFC and it was mainly side plots that werent always clear as to how they would affect the main ones, if at all. So it would be interesting if someone could combine the two books in such a way as to make it all fit together and create a more complete, and possibly compelling, megabook of sorts.

Further complicating matters is that parts of Feast actually take place DURING Storm. Damphair just finds out that Balon was murdered in his first chapter of Feast. Who knows what other POVs were meant to coincide with Storm as well, since GRRM has said he moved new POV chapters from STORM to FEAST.

So let's assume Martin is going to be huge after he dies, which he won't be because when he dies most of that fat will disappear as he decays. *rimshot*

And when that happens I can see someone try and do it, but my god at the amount of work behind it.

Ikael said:
The Ironborn are one of the most stupid, vapid, and uninteresting cultures of Westeros, and only holds on due to being the Martin's Mary-Sue. They have no economic nor demographic base, they contribute in nothing to the 7 kingdoms, they have no interesting culture or whatsoever, and military talking, they only have a (limited) maritime power. If at some point of the story the Iron Islands are re - taken by the seven kingdoms, I expect them to recieve a Carthage treatment.

I guess they are somewhat Carthagians, but come on mannnnn, they're VIKINGS. Just not very threatening vikings that's all.


I really hated the Greyjoys initially, because they basically won the war for the Lannisters and set up the events that led directly to Robb's death.

I liked them more after AFFC. Their religion is quite interesting, and somehow I liked most of the characters, particularly Aeron. Theon is a total bitch, and Balon ruined everything for the Starks, but their relatives aren't bad.


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
So, did Weasal starve to death or what?

I read this a couple times wondering what you meant, so I never responded. I thought at first you were referring to Arya or Wease.

I had completely forgotten about the little girl.

I guess we'll never know unless she pops up in another POV somewhere. For the most part, with the realm being ripped apart in the rural areas and Weasel sneaking off into the woods, we can only guess that she was either captured, killed by wolves, or starved to death.
Martin would be my hero forever if we find out that damphair died from drinking too much seawater from his stupid waterskin he's always carrying around. Seriously, when he took a swig in AFFC I wanted to punch his face.

Either that, or he needs to get killed by patchface. Under the sea, aeron gets killed by me, I know, I know, oh oh oh!


elrechazao said:
Martin would be my hero forever if we find out that damphair died from drinking too much seawater from his stupid waterskin he's always carrying around. Seriously, when he took a swig in AFFC I wanted to punch his face.

Either that, or he needs to get killed by patchface. Under the sea, aeron gets killed by me, I know, I know, oh oh oh!

You're just being intolerant of his religion man. I thought GAF was pretty liberal.
bengraven said:
Mind Blown.

I'm reading the prologue to Feast and I wiki the characters, wondering if any of them are important. (I noticed that Walgrave seemed to know Maester Cresson)

Alleras, Pate's friend, is the son of a Dornishman and a Summer Island trader. He's amazing with a bow and has forged three of his chains already in just one year of being at the Citadel.

So I Google it and my mind is blown.

Alleras backwards is "Sarella". Sarella Sand, the daughter of The Red Viper of Dorne and a Summer Island trader, is also the only of Oberyn's bastards that is unaccounted for in Dorne. Doran says: "leave her to her game".

So the "bowman" and child prodigy Alleras in the prologue, is actually a female and one of the Sand Snakes, Oberyn Martell's bastard daughter.
That's pretty immense, never noticed lol

I don't have my copy of feast at hand but another one I did notice was that the guy brienne meets who is also searching for sansa is actually present at the end of feast in the eyrie. It doesn't identify him by name but a man with the same description is casually mentioned along with a few others.
Sir Hamish said:
That's pretty immense, never noticed lol

I don't have my copy of feast at hand but another one I did notice was that the guy brienne meets who is also searching for sansa is actually present at the end of feast in the eyrie. It doesn't identify him by name but a man with the same description is casually mentioned along with a few others.
isn't it ser shadrich the mad mouse? He's mentioned specifically by name as being one of the knights littlefinger introduces to sansa.
elrechazao said:
isn't it ser shadrich the mad mouse? He's mentioned specifically by name as being one of the knights littlefinger introduces to sansa.
Yeah must be, if I had my copy I'd check it, but I saw it mentioned on another message board and was surprised by the amount of people who didn't notice it. I love how subtle his writting can be
Sir Hamish said:
Yeah must be, if I had my copy I'd check it, but I saw it mentioned on another message board and was surprised by the amount of people who didn't notice it. I love how subtle his writting can be
I didn't notice it myself until readthrough 4. Ironic that shadrich of all people "found" sansa. I wonder if he knows.


Basileus777 said:
The Ironborn stuff would have been much better without 800 POVs there. Martin used to be able to give us the information we needed with everyone getting their own POVs. Theon, Asha, Victarion, Aerion...it's too many POVs for one family that isn't the Starks. I wish he had focused on 2 of those characters.

That's probably one of my biggest concerns with ADWD, that Martin is going to do the same thing. The book has 18 POVs...
Does anyone else fear that Martin has lost control of the series?
zmoney said:
Does anyone else fear that Martin has lost control of the series?
I find it hard to believe that we'll be able to see a good resolution with only 3 books left. As much as we've had, we're still in "set up" mode - dany coming to westeros, the others doing whatever it is that they're going to do ....if the setup to all of that is 4 books worth, then the resolution seems to me to require 4-5 at least.


elrechazao said:
I find it hard to believe that we'll be able to see a good resolution with only 3 books left. As much as we've had, we're still in "set up" mode - dany coming to westeros, the others doing whatever it is that they're going to do ....if the setup to all of that is 4 books worth, then the resolution seems to me to require 4-5 at least.
Martin won't survive 4-5 books....3 books maybe, 4 is a distant possibility. But you're right at the rate we're going I don't think he's going to finish the series.


Lionheart1337 said:
Had to dodge spoilers on the way in here. This thread should be burned to the ground I AM GOING TO READ IT BY MISTAKE ONE DAY DAMNIT!
It says READ AT YOUR OWN PERIL **SPOILERS FOR ALL BOOKS** in the title....your own fault.


elrechazao said:
isn't it ser shadrich the mad mouse? He's mentioned specifically by name as being one of the knights littlefinger introduces to sansa.

God damn, see? So many characters and 4th or 5th rate characters casually beating around the background.

I wonder how many others there are.
Lionheart1337 said:
Had to dodge spoilers on the way in here. This thread should be burned to the ground I AM GOING TO READ IT BY MISTAKE ONE DAY DAMNIT!
What is this I don't even....You came into this thread to tell us you had to dodge spoilers to come into this thread?


I don't know why everyone got up in arms about Arya going blind. It's fairly obvious that this is just a stage of the Faceless Man's development.


Neo Member
Ok, I wasn't sure if it was under Connington or Merryweather or someone else.

So many mysteries can be revealed by learning of that time period. Ser Barristan better deliver.
Pokielhl said:
Ok, I wasn't sure if it was under Connington or Merryweather or someone else.
I guess he could have come to KL under Connington, but I got the impression that Varys was around for a fair bit under Aerys.


Let's Wiki it!

He started his career as a spymaster under Aerys II, who relied more heavily on Varys the more paranoid he became. Varys counseled Aerys to close his gates to Tywin Lannister once he learned that Tywin had joined the rebellion.

Yep, Mad King Aerys.

I wonder how old Varys is then?


May contain jokes =>
bengraven said:
I don't know why everyone got up in arms about Arya going blind. It's fairly obvious that this is just a stage of the Faceless Man's development.

Agree 100%.
bengraven said:
I don't know why everyone got up in arms about Arya going blind. It's fairly obvious that this is just a stage of the Faceless Man's development.

Seems like a punishment for being Arya still and not "no one."
neoanarch said:
I loved both the Iron Island and Brienne POVs. People just like to hate on Feast because it didn't move the Jon story along. Crows Eye is obviously involved in the story in the north somehow. You don't just name someone "Crows Eye" because it sounds cool, plus the horn.

I'm not a Jon fan, and the reason I didn't like Feast was precisely because of Brienne's stagnant POV that didn't really move anywhere until she reached that castle out by the sea.


The Brienne chapters were bad because we knew she was going the wrong way the entire time.

They were good because they gave a good window into how the wars had affected life outside of the cities.
ultron87 said:
The Brienne chapters were bad because we knew she was going the wrong way the entire time.

They were good because they gave a good window into how the wars had affected life outside of the cities.

There was that one brief moment where she thought about heading to the Eyrie and I got excited for a second, but then she changed her mind and I was sad.
ultron87 said:
The Brienne chapters were bad because we knew she was going the wrong way the entire time.

They were good because they gave a good window into how the wars had affected life outside of the cities.
Precisely. It's an important POV despite the fact that she was going the wrong direction.

But why did she HAVE to go the right direction? Isn't that a little too predictable?
ultron87 said:
The Brienne chapters were bad because we knew she was going the wrong way the entire time.

They were good because they gave a good window into how the wars had affected life outside of the cities.

Her story would have been fine if it was 4 chapters. It just had an incredible amount of filler in it, especially considering she it literally retracing Arya's steps from previous books. And I thought Maribald's speech was a bit ham-handed, it feels like an authorial intrusion, like George Martin is the one saying it.


Does anyone else want to see Highgarden (The Reach) get butt-reamed before the series is over? That area seems like that have more of the typical story knight idiots who think war is good fun and chivalrous knights always win and always gain glory.

Enough pounding on the riverlands, I want to see high garden get some! Hopefully by the Dornish, since they are awesome. I wonder if this makes me a bad peson...
Gonaria said:
Does anyone else want to see Highgarden (The Reach) get butt-reamed before the series is over? That area seems like that have more of the typical story knight idiots who think war is good fun and chivalrous knights always win and always gain glory.

Enough pounding on the riverlands, I want to see high garden get some! Hopefully by the Dornish, since they are awesome. I wonder if this makes me a bad peson...

If I recall correctly aren't the Ironborn kind of fucking with them in AFFC?

Would also enjoy watching Dorne slaughter them.


Is casting speculation going to go here?

Because a few audition videos have apparently leaked, but my favorite thus far is one for Balon Greyjoy.

edit: Never mind, see it's already being discussed in the show thread. Would've assumed that was too spoilery, even for the spoilery thread, but ah well.


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
If I recall correctly aren't the Ironborn kind of fucking with them in AFFC?

Would also enjoy watching Dorne slaughter them.

Well, they are fucking with them, but not fucking them. Mostly just haring their coasts and what not. I want to see those prissy bastards get royally fucked. Get it done, Dorne!
LetsGoKiting said:
Seems like a punishment for being Arya still and not "no one."
Read the part when she first arrives. There are "blind" acolytes running around doing stuff. It's pretty clearly a part of the training.


I'm not sure how I feel about Arya being forced to abandon her identity. To become a Faceless man she's basically going to have to give up on her family identity and place in the world forever. Which isn't SO bad since it's been nearly obliterated by war, but when she meets up with/kills one of her own family members it will be sad to read.
bengraven said:
I'm not sure how I feel about Arya being forced to abandon her identity. To become a Faceless man she's basically going to have to give up on her family identity and place in the world forever. Which isn't SO bad since it's been nearly obliterated by war, but when she meets up with/kills one of her own family members it will be sad to read.

She didn't give up her identity though, she hid Needle away. I think it's just another sign she won't become a faceless man.
Basileus777 said:
She didn't give up her identity though, she hid Needle away. I think it's just another sign she won't become a faceless man.
And she still has nymeria. She thinks the pack is dead and she's the lone wolf, but she'll learn at some point that the pack survived.
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