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A Trump supporter insulted Patton Oswalt's late wife, which prompted him to respond..

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Patton Oswalt unleashes epic Twitter storm on man who trolled him about his dead wife

Patton wrote something on FB about it:

Well now, if I didn't learn me a bunch of fascinating stuff today.
Last night, a Peoria, Illinois realtor Tweeted a nasty "@" mention to me. He's a big Trump supporter. SoI must've Tweeted something nasty about his guy, right?

Well, no.

I Tweeted out a very positive, very benign Tweet in support of Sally Yates, and her risky stand on principle, which cost her her job. The realtor's response Tweet was along the lines of, "Oh, the nasty little troll has another opinion. Stick to show business and shut up." I'm paraphrasing. Another person who hates my Twitter feed's content who nevertheless follows me.

I Tweeted out something in support of someone. He reacted with immediate disgust and offense. Fine, whatever.


That was the first thing I "learned," and it was something I should have noticed long ago, but it took awhile to sink into my thick-ass skull.

What I learned was that when I Tweet or Facebook negative things about Trump -- comedic insults, mocking responses, etc.? Trump supporters will push back mildly, in that dismissive tone of, "Yeah, whatever. We won. Get over it." It's sour, but not vicious or threatening. It's a disagreement. Which is fine.

But when I Tweet something POSITIVE, or HOPEFUL, in support of a group that's been made to fear or doubt because of Trump and his ghoul brigade's actions? A helpful link for peaceful action? Praising someone who speaks up eloquently against the smirking racism of Trump's parking lot carnival of an administration?

THAT'S when the responses get violent, and threatening, and ominous. As if the language itself -- the grammar of thoughtfulness -- lands in their guts like glass shards. Empathy and understanding literally feel like an attack to them.

I Tweeted back an equally snarky response to Tony's initial Tweet. It was late, I'd had a bad day, I was in an awful mood, and something about attacking someone who's simply encouraging another human being landed wrong with me. He insulted me, I returned the insult. Moving on. Or so I thought.

THEN Peoria Realtor Tweeted out THIS little nugget, in response to someone Tweeting,

"Everyone stop having opinions!"

"I'm a psychic and I'm channeling his wife's opinions."

HA HA! My wife's dead. Zing!

Again, that was his FIRST go-to -- this patriotic, God-fearing, father of two. Insult someone and, if they respond? Go after their dead spouse.

So I started trolling him. And I never even mentioned the shitty, dead wife crack. It's not the first one the anime Nazis have sent my way. I've ignored every one of them (except for the ones Martin Shkreli farted out). I don't want to give anyone the satisfaction.

But again, it was late, I was in a dark mood, and he caught me at the wrong time.

But my trolling focused ONLY on his comically pathetic Twitter feed. At his clueless attempts at hyping houses. His creepy in-the-woods selfies while hunting. I saw that other people were giving him shit about the "dead wife" joke. I figured it was going to blow up in the poor slob's face without zero help from me.

In the morning, his account was gone. He'd closed it down (I assume). He'd also closed down his Facebook profile and professional page.

And then the realty company he worked for posted a message to their website about how Mr. Dead Wife Joke did NOT represent their company and that he was no longer employed by them.

And then the shit storm REALLY started.

Pro-trump accounts BOMBING my feed with "wife murderer Patton Oswalt" Tweets and "libtard cuck" Tweets and death threats and every variety of misspelled rage.

'Cuz here's the SECOND thing I learned.

The main thing that Trump supporters are excited about, now that he's president? Is that finally, at LOOOOOONG LAST, all of the awful things they want to say, that used to lose them friends and jobs and marriages? They're EXCITED about potentially getting to say them with ZERO repercussions. Just like Trump did. All the way into the White House. All the way into unlimited, forever power to spew any awful shit that comes to your head and no one dares correct you, rolls their eyes, or punches you in the nose.

But I'm afraid Peoria Realtor is going to the first in a long line of Trumpers who will realize, on the other side of firings and divorces and black eyes, that Trump's Teflon Umbrella covers Trump and no one else.

His cabinet and staff are going to learn that as well.

That might be fun.

Try to be nice. As far as that goes.
















semen stains the mountaintops
What kind of piece of shit do you have to be to use a man's deceased wife as the butt of your insult?
If I could give a 100 likes for this post.

Particularly the part about the teflon umbrella only covering one golden ass.

Somewhere there is a PhD psych student with all the field research they could ever want, for free.
Oswald unleashed the savagery.

I give zero fucks about that Trump loving asshole. You make fun of a guy's dead wife and you deserve your molars readjusted. He's lucky he just got kicked off social media and fired.


Note to self don't ever piss off Patton Oswalt and hope he continues to use his powers for good.


He is right and you see it even here. The most gentle and benign messages send these people into a tizzy.

You never know who has time and zero fucks


Jesus christ... "dead wife" was his immediate go-to. But #notallTrumpvoters, right?

I am by no means a religious man, but God bless Patton Oswalt.

Also those "endorsements" are fucking gold.
He is right and you see it even here. The most gentle and benign messages send these people into a tizzy.

You never know who has time and zero fucks

Welp, he has even more free time now that his pesky job is out of the way.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. The search for a Trump supporter who isn't a complete piece of shit continues


That was one hell of a facebook post. Very good analysis of the psyche of most 4chan/trump trolls.

They go even more crazy when they're confronted with shows of love and compassion (ie their reactions to pro-refugee videos/ads/campaigns/protests) than direct attacks on their beloved leader.


That was one hell of a facebook post. Very good analysis of the psyche of most 4chan/trump trolls.

They go even more crazy when they're confronted with shows of love and compassion (ie their reactions to pro-refugee videos/ads/campaigns/protests) than direct attacks on their beloved leader.

Very true. The amount of hate you see to any positive tweet is staggering. I can call Trump all kinds of names all day and it won't elicit a reaction.


Gold Member
this is what ive been saying. go after these peoples real lives if they attack you. Contact their employer or just blow their identity up for everyone to see.

They dont deserve anonymity.

Zen Aku

Oswalt for President Yo!

But on topic. I think the moment he tweeted about his dead wife.

That's when he knew... when keeping it real
goes wrong.


semen stains the mountaintops
Patton Oswalt using "SJW" unironically made me unfollow him

How long ago was this? Cause that term has changed from someone on the very extreme Left that takes things way too far to just anyone who even slightly cares about social issues.
Lol at those tweets, good job Pat.
I love that he didn't even bother responding to the dead wife thing and still managed to destroy the guy anyway.
You have to be quite a huge piece of shit to go after Patton's wife. He seems like such a genuinely good person. I remember him saying the only reason why he's alive today is because of his daughter. Fuck that former Trump supporter


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I continue to remind myself everyday to never cross Patton Oswalt. He's like a gunslinger of comedy.
You have to be quite a huge piece of shit to go after Patton's wife. He seems like such a genuinely good person. I remember him saying the only reason why he's alive today is because of his daughter. Fuck that former Trump supporter

Trump Trash, like their fearful leader, have no bottom.

Fuck them all, and good on Patton.
What I learned was that when I Tweet or Facebook negative things about Trump -- comedic insults, mocking responses, etc.? Trump supporters will push back mildly, in that dismissive tone of, "Yeah, whatever. We won. Get over it." It's sour, but not vicious or threatening. It's a disagreement. Which is fine.

But when I Tweet something POSITIVE, or HOPEFUL, in support of a group that's been made to fear or doubt because of Trump and his ghoul brigade's actions? A helpful link for peaceful action? Praising someone who speaks up eloquently against the smirking racism of Trump's parking lot carnival of an administration?

THAT'S when the responses get violent, and threatening, and ominous. As if the language itself -- the grammar of thoughtfulness -- lands in their guts like glass shards. Empathy and understanding literally feel like an attack to them.

this is something a lot of people need to understand.


So not worth it
This man has more balls and courage than any of the Twitter cunts that go after him. Hats off to you, Patton, a brilliant comedian and a terrific human being.



From what I remember he was going back and forth with a couple of writers on salon. He thought that they took their sense of injustice a little too far in their articles, taking offence with things that maybe they should ignore and that they should focus on bigger things. Otherwise they risked diluting their message. He took a lot of flack for it. You can probably find some articles on salon discussing it.

Pretty sure Anime Nazis are those who recommend School Days.

Also, the darkness in someone that makes them insult a man's deceased wife is dark and neverending.


I think that all the super crazy, trolling anime Nazis kids we see online are really just the standard republican that has always existed: They start out ultra shitty in their teenage years, then after society shoving back for a decade they learn to keep that shit on the DL. It'd explain why the shittiest Trump supporters you see are the 20 year olds online: They're still learning.


It's Twitter. It's a cesspool. What does he expect?
Celebs get way too carried away with this shit.

I agree that they shouldn't get carried away but honestly I don't know how they manage to handle the torrent of daily abuse they get on social media.

If I was a celeb I would have someone else manage my Twitter account. I would never read a single thing tweeted at me.


That seems like an overreaction considering how Patton is clearly a good guy.

Agreed. Context and intent always matters, and it's pretty obvious where Patton Oswalt stands on things. He doesn't exactly hide his views (nor shouldn't he). Just unfollowing him for that seems silly. I don't really get it.

I agree that they shouldn't get carried away but honestly I don't know how they manage to handle the torrent of daily abuse they get on social media.

If I was a celeb I would have someone else manage my Twitter account. I would never read a single thing tweeted at me.

This too. I'm always surprised by it. I don't have Twitter now because it doesn't appeal to me (I have no need to even accidentally glimpse some of the racist/sexist shit on there), but I'm always wondering why certain famous people are on there. I get it if you're starting out as a comedian or artist or something and you want some way to share your material, but someone like Patton Oswalt or Dan Harmon doesn't need any of that. It has clearly just made them depressed a lot of the time.

I don't intend or expect to ever become famous, but if I did I would never have a public social profile anywhere. Gotta keep your private life private somehow.

That said, Patton Oswalt does use his Twitter to reach out to people and help out by standing up to Trump. He's doing good work on there, and he's being productive on it. Sadly that means he has to deal with braindead sociopaths on a daily basis.


Agreed. Context and intent always matters, and it's pretty obvious where Patton Oswalt stands on things. He doesn't exactly hide his views (nor shouldn't he). Just unfollowing him for that seems silly. I don't really get it.

Just the soundbite society we live in. Overall context is missed for gotcha moments. Twitter is a disease.
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