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A Trump supporter insulted Patton Oswalt's late wife, which prompted him to respond..

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Patton is a treasure. Good on him for being able to put up with all the garbage that happens on Social Media. He has some real thick skin. Especially considering the circumstances. After his skirmish with the Ghostbusters trolls I feared that he was in a bad place. However, he seems to be more motivated than ever and it's good to see.


So fucking sweet that he was fired and had to delete all his media pages.

I used to try to be empathetic but the dark path just feels so much better. If these people want to up the stakes, let them. Let them expose themselves and ruin their own little lives.

You play the dead wife card, you get what's coming to you.
What the FUCK is wrong with people. Good for Patton but the fact he had to go to this length at all is seriously depressing.


I agree. The "emboldening" as people worry about it, is unimportant. It neglects that a political win doesn't represent the majority of people in the US or by extension, the world. If they feel emboldened to jump into the snake pit with racism, threats, mean things, and get torn down, arrested, fired or whatever then it's unfortunate but Trump being president can't save them from the public execution squad.


You can't embolden people who have no fragment of human decency. They were already acting like animals, might as well treat them like them.

Sorry man. Personally, I don't engage with online trolls.

IDK when you can ruin the troll's life for their own shitty behavior it seems pretty win-win.


Unconfirmed Member
People like me? What are you saying?

Steve Martin a well intentioned thing about Carrie Fischer, but came across incredibly misguided and creepy, and Patton Oswalt came to his defense blaming "SJWs".

The tweets:

Really...? That's what got you all upset? Thought people like you were just a parody of liberals but here we are.


benevolent sexism
I'm not putting the BLAME on him. Just saying sometimes you gotta step away. There's always gonna be trolls, especially if you have a celebrity account.
Was this one of those times? Oswalt came out ahead and a complete piece of shit suffered real consequences for his severely flawed character, as people should in a just world.
I don't even know what to say. I'm sorry had to go through that, he's one if my favorite comedians in the world.

That list tho. Patton went all in on that dude.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
In the morning, his account was gone. He'd closed it down (I assume). He'd also closed down his Facebook profile and professional page.

And then the realty company he worked for posted a message to their website about how Mr. Dead Wife Joke did NOT represent their company and that he was no longer employed by them
Got em 😂


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Everything in the OP is exactly what many of us have been saying.

It's a damn shame.

I hope things can get better in the years to come. I'm just amazed that some ppl are proud to be vile, vicious now that Trump is president.


Patton is dumb he just needs to have a level headed and well reasoned debate with these parasit-I mean people and then we'll all get along just fine

It's Twitter. It's a cesspool. What does he expect?
Celebs get way too carried away with this shit.

Wow I actually found someone ignorant enough to still think these kinds of attitudes are just lol zany internet antics and not a widespread phenomenon. You still think /pol/ is one big epic troll bro?



These three are great. He was really savage, and rightfully so.

How long ago was this? Cause that term has changed from someone on the very extreme Left that takes things way too far to just anyone who even slightly cares about social issues.

Yeah, I hate how it's thrown around for fucking anything these days.
It's a special kind of person (the ones that will be eating hellfire) to immediately target someones dead spouse as their go to insult.

That's just warped on a thousand different levels.
Wow I actually found someone ignorant enough to still think these kinds of attitudes are just lol zany internet antics and not a widespread phenomenon. You still think /pol/ is one big epic troll bro?

No I don't, "bro". Like I said, I get it now. He got a bigot fired.
But hey, at least I made this thread interesting. We all need someone to pile on.


Still awful all that Patton has had to endure the past year.

Unfortunate that so many shit birds reside in the US. Glad that Patton is around to deal with them appropriately.


I watched this unfold live and enjoyed every minute of it. This guy who insulted Patton's wife was dumb enough to use his business account which included his cell number and the company he worked for. Karma is a bitch...he got what he deserved. I hope this happens to more people who think they can say whatever they want and hide behind a twitter account
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