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A woman at work never asks you non-work-related questions and generally shows no interest in having a reciprocal conversation. How do you respond?


Maybe she is very attracted to you but is seriously involved with someone else so ignores and distances herself from you as much as she can. Maybe she just dislikes you intensely.

Who knows. Ignore her and only speak to her when you absolutely must. Many people at work don’t want to be your friends, and they don’t need to be.
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Just be an adult an ask her what's the problem. If she says she doesn't fuck with you, leave it there and try to see what's good with one of her homegirls!

You: "Hey, we haven't talked in awhile! Everything good? You seem to stay clear of me, did I do something"

Her: "Yes. I don't like you."

You: "Ok, bet, say less."

Then go on about your day and again, talk to one of her friends!


Thing is every time you try to have a conversation, you can't help but notice that 1) you're always the one starting the conversation, 2) her answers are often short and closed, and 3) she never asks you any questions or shows any interest in knowing more about you.
She doesn't even lazily reflect your questions back to maintain the appearance of a two-way conversation.

You also start noticing the little things about her general behaviour towards you, which further reinforce your growing belief that she doesn't like talking to or being around you.
For example, you notice how when she arrives in the morning and says “good morning” to everyone, she barely makes eye contact with you.
Or how she only uses you to help her complete her tasks. Or how when you're both alone, she moves away and stays silent with her head buried in her phone. You've notice that when you ask her a question, she rarely looks up from the phone when answering it.

Taking all these observations into account, you just can't shake the feeling that for some unknown reason this woman simply isn't interested in knowing you.

Thoughts and suggestions welcome

Ok so what the hell do you need us to tell you that isn't already painfully obvious?

She's your co-worker. Not your friend, and certainly not your potential best friend. Why do you even care? Leave her alone and keep it personal.

As for why she's being cold, if i had to guess based on this thread premise alone? You're probably a stealth creep and you have made her uncomfortable with multiple thinly veiled attempts to get her to like you....and it probably only got worse once you started actively believing she dislikes you, and now she REALLY dislikes you.

There is literally no reason at this point to pursue a non-work-related relationship with this woman. If there was a chance, you already fucked it up, and at this point the only way to make it better is to just leave her alone and let her come to you, which probably wont happen, but you actively trying to fix it is almost certainly not going to do you any favors.


The #BelieveWomen mentality, which does exist (look at the Johnny Depp thing), is toxic and I wish it didn't exist. Both men and women can be asses, but if a woman makes an allegation against a man (sexual or otherwise) it shouldn't just be taken at face value. This goes vice versa as well, for men making allegations against women. If people are going to take sides, they should wait to hear everyone's side of the story first. But we don't live in a rational world, so that won't happen, which sucks.

Sorry to hear about your situation. Hope she gets whats coming to her.

#BelieveWomen is a very, very conflicting phenomena for me. As much as i loathe the idea of taking 3rd person accounts at face value with LEGAL repercussions.....It absolutely needs to exist because of the nature of sexual assault in general....but particularly because of how it works for women.

I've observed multiple situations in which women i'm close to, who get absolutely zero benefit from even bringing it up, give rape/assault accounts, and then proceed to do absolutely nothing about it because of various reasons, but nearly all of them are rooted outside of their own self-interest and fear of it backfiring and making the situation even worse. Which in most cases, is absolutely something that's possible.

They typically just take a "well, i learned something important" type "lesson" from the ordeal and try to bury it. But in every case, it literally changes how they view relationships, sex, and even when they can separate "rapists" from "regular men", it can subconsciously alter their views on men as well. Everyone deals with trauma different.

This isn't for the guy i quoted, and I'm not gonna go too deep into it, but if you're someone who is vehemently against this type of thing....try having a family member , or dating/being intimate enough to a woman who it's happened to before. Your outlook will change.

No, like seriously. When it happens to someone who's integrity you don't have to doubt, i promise you'll feel different about it. It is not a good feeling at all.
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Not much to say that hasn't already been covered. The fact OP came here and posted this longass creeperpost indicates an unhealthy obsession with this woman. Most normal people would quickly pick up on the signals and go on with their life accepting her as simply a coworker and nothing more.
She doesn't wash her hands properly either. Oh and she loves the Daily Mail, too.

Keep projecting but stop bothering me with your bullshit posts. It's getting creepy.

I mean, from everything you have said, and then this, sounds like you're better off just ignoring her.


So I've had some time away to think about this situation, and I've come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to find another job. It's got nothing to do with me having a thing for her. If it did I would not feel a sense of unease when I have to go in and a sense of relief when I leave. All of you "I Believe Women" guys instantly jumping onto her side are hilarious. You sound like a bunch of ResetEra posters.
It's seems you can't read. There is nothing sexual here. The fact that you still continue to push with this "you're a creep" bullshit is quite revealing. It's as if you desperately want it to be another case of a man harrassing an innocent woman just so you can get off on throwing insults and reinforcing your worldview.

I have repeatedly said that I am not interested in her in a romantic or sexual way, but it clearly doesn't make a difference. In your deranged your minds there's got to be an underlying sexual motive. A man cannot possibly just want to get along with a woman he works with. I must have done something terrible for her to react in this way. It can't possibly be because she's an unpleasant person.

It all goes to show how much power women command by simply being women. It's no wonder a woman can get away with so much more, especially when it comes to things such as psychological manipulation. As I've not encountered this sort of problem before I thought it would be a good idea to see how people with a disinterested view on things would deal with it, and that's why I made the thread. The response has been interesting and surprising.

Anyway, as difficult as things are at the moment, I am determined to find a way out of this situation.

Sincere thanks to those who opted to not just go all in with useless insults and genuinely offered their insights on the matter.

I won't be replying anymore.
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I've come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to find another job.

Yes, this is clearly the logical next step. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

I gave her no reason to dislike me.

There doesn't have to be a reason. There's just gonna be some people that don't like you, period. And you don't have to have a romantic/sexual interest to be a creep. You sound like a way over-friendly tryhard. If I worked with you I'd be annoyed and cold too, I'm not at work to make friends or engage in smalltalk.
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Christ dude. Just chill out. Our responses have nothing to do with her being a woman. It just boils down to the same thing. She doesn't need to be friendly to you. Ideally she would be respectful towards you.

This problem is all in your head. I work in an office of about 50 people. I know of at least 3 or 4 that don't care for me for whatever reason. I don't go out of my way to fix it. I just steer clear of them. And they stay clear of me.

Just learn to ignore them. If you don't have to work with them directly, this is a non issue. No reason to be melodramatic.


There’s a middle ground where the OP’s obsession with this person and not being liked is a bit much, but with him certainly not deserving some of the shit he’s getting in this thread.

Edit: Or at least that’s my casual read on the situation

Nah. He even rated her looks in his essay OP.


A man cannot possibly just want to get along with a woman he works with.

That's not what this sounds like though, it sounds like you're attempting to attain a level of relationship that she is obviously not interested in. You can "get along" with someone by simply having professional relations, saying hello and just talking about work related matters. You want more, she doesn't.

Would you simply reduce your contact with her


Would you risk making a complete fool of yourself by repeatedly trying to talk to her despite her lack of interest in you?

No, key point being that she has an observable lack of interest in you.

I understand that not everyone is gonna like me, and I'm ok with that....I have no idea why she chooses to behave in such an unlikeable way towards me, especially when there's no real reason or advantage to be gained. I mean I could perhaps understand her behaviour if I were trying to hit on her, but I'm not.

You are obviously not ok with it. You should be.

A man cannot possibly just want to get along with a woman he works with. I must have done something terrible for her to react in this way. It can't possibly be because she's an unpleasant person.

You can "get along" with someone by simply maintaining a professional working relationship and keeping it at that. There are several people I work with that I would not really enjoy talking to casually, or hanging out with at all, that I "get along" with professionally because we keep it at that.

I got fed up with the way things were and recently decided to say fuck it and minimised my contact with this woman. I no longer say hello or bye when leaving.

This is petty bullshit and does nothing for you.

Given that you've observed that she behaves "normally" to others but not you, I do honestly have suspicions of racism depending on particulars, or more likely she misread something you did. You could alternatively simply politely talk to her about it to get her perspective on her perspective.


Gold Member
Quitting a job because some woman doesn't seem to like you...


What a snowflake lmao.
Let's say you're the new guy at work. You're part of a small team made-up of a couple of guys and girls in an office-like setting. You're not there as much as the rest of the team, but you're there for a significant number of hours. Naturally, being the new guy, you attempt to learn more about your co-workers since you'll be spending many hours with them. You ask common questions to show that you are keen to find out more. You remember all that stuff about how most people love to talk about themselves and how taking an interest in people helps to nurture good relationships.

You attempt to learn more about one of the women you work with. She's single and a few years older than you (late 30s). She's from a cultural background where she would be regarded as being “on the shelf”. Looks-wise she's unlikely to turn heads instantly, but she is not ugly.

So anyway when you both get some down time during the workday, you ask some questions in the hope of learning more about her and her life. The questions are nothing intrusive or suspicious, just general questions you ask when you meet someone new.

Thing is every time you try to have a conversation, you can't help but notice that 1) you're always the one starting the conversation, 2) her answers are often short and closed, and 3) she never asks you any questions or shows any interest in knowing more about you.
She doesn't even lazily reflect your questions back to maintain the appearance of a two-way conversation.

At first, you put it down to the initial awkwardness and hesitation that people often experience when meeting for the first time.Your mind wanders whether she is on the spectrum or if she has some sort of social anxiety disorder. But as the days pass, you realise that her behaviour changes around her customers and co-workers. You notice that she's more than happy to chat and is very curious to learn more about other people, the very opposite of the closed-off woman you're used to.

You also start noticing the little things about her general behaviour towards you, which further reinforce your growing belief that she doesn't like talking to or being around you.
For example, you notice how when she arrives in the morning and says “good morning” to everyone, she barely makes eye contact with you.
Or how she only uses you to help her complete her tasks. Or how when you're both alone, she moves away and stays silent with her head buried in her phone. You've notice that when you ask her a question, she rarely looks up from the phone when answering it.

Taking all these observations into account, you just can't shake the feeling that for some unknown reason this woman simply isn't interested in knowing you.

I got fed up with the way things were and recently decided to say fuck it and minimised my contact with this woman. I no longer say hello or bye when leaving. I make no attempts to start conversations and keep communications work-related (which almost never happens at the moment). I don't even look at her unless I absolutely have to speak to her.

It's unsurprisingly created an unpleasant atmosphere. I've noticed that she barely says anything to me now – she recently went an entire day without saying a single word to me. She skips her lunch order if she knows I'll be buying and picking it up. It's petty stuff like that at the moment. Of course, it's made things difficult, but I really wanted to see what would happen if I dialled back on my contact with her. I just got fed up of being nice and polite despite the bullshit.

I understand that not everyone is gonna like me, and I'm ok with that. The thing is though I have to be around this woman for a significant amount of time. I have no idea why she chooses to behave in such an unlikeable way towards me, especially when there's no real reason or advantage to be gained. I mean I could perhaps understand her behaviour if I were trying to hit on her, but I'm not.

If it were any other setting, I would've ghosted her and wouldn't have given it anymore thought. I absolutely despise one-sided conversations and the accompanying general lack of effort. The problem is I have to be around her so it isn't so straightforward.

How would you guys deal with a woman like the one I've described above? Leaving is not an option at the moment. Would you risk making a complete fool of yourself by repeatedly trying to talk to her despite her lack of interest in you?
Would you continue to be nice, polite and attentive to her (taking this approach was frustrating which was why I recently stopped).

Would you simply reduce your contact with her and not give a shit about how
And that's why I gave up and no longer bother. I made this thread to see what other people would do if they were in my situation.
I've never been in that situation because I'm not a creep. Post a pick of yourself too. You're not telling the whole story. You're only giving your side. I want to see if you look like a penis head or something. Maybe you have a large alien like forehead.

.... maybe you reek of desperation. Maybe she's thinking 'oh god, here comes that dude that looks like a bottlenose dolphin'. It could be anything really.

Maybe you smell. Maybe she's thinking 'oh god, heres that dude that always smells like the ass of a dead porcupine'.

Maybe your one of those dudes that always has bread in their teeth. Maybe she's thinking ' oh kill me now. Mr. Forehead went to subway again today and now hes heading this way smelling like processed meats and with white bread and oregano in his crooked teeth.'

Guys, help me out here. There could be a thousand reasons.

Post a pick of yourself and I'll let you know.


Thanks for the informative post Matt. It's good to know someone understands where I'm coming from. A lot of what you said resonates with my own thoughts on the matter. Your last paragraph is exactly what I've done. I must admit the thought of whether she might cook up some #MeToo style bs as a way of getting me into trouble has crossed my mind, but I'm gonna make sure I don't end up that sort of situation.

You're absolutely right about not confronting her about it. This is something I'm not going to do, moreso because I'm not the one with the problem.
As mentioned in my OP, I've already picked up on the changes in her behaviour since I further reduced my contact with her. You'd think she'd be happier.

It's also funny and unsurprising how some posters presume I'm trying to hit on her. I've already been called obsessive and creepy and someone has enquired about my looks. It makes me laugh. I don't even have her number and it's already been several months. I don't see her in a romantic way (I'm not keen on being with a woman several years older than me).
Are you fucking kidding me?

You don't know her? You know nothing about her. You are going to just assume she is this huge lonely cunt becuase she won't give you the time you think you are entitled to?

You are not paid to fucking socialize. You are paid to work. She is paid to work. Not to talk to you, not to date you, not to be on your friends list. Just to work. Focus on your job, and leave her alone.

You give off this creepy stalker vibe, crying so much over a woman who has, by your own words, done literally nothing to hurt you.
Yeah dude, who cares?

I actually saw that as a positive at my last job. Oh this person that I don't give a shit about doesn't want to be my friend? Nice! I can just do my job, they can do theirs and it's all gravy.

If you're really leaving this job because this person won't have a non-work related conversation with you I don't know what to say. You sound like you're being overly sensitive, but if that's what makes you comfortable then it is what it is.

I wish you luck dude


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
All of you "I Believe Women" guys instantly jumping onto her side are hilarious. You sound like a bunch of ResetEra posters.
Lol I am pretty sure you are lucky there is not woman's perspective to believe here. All responses here are based on your very own post and to claim there is nothing sexual to it with you detailling her looks and how she needs to be married asap in your culture is pretty fascinating. You do not need to get a new job, you just need to leave her alone.


So I've had some time away to think about this situation, and I've come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to find another job. It's got nothing to do with me having a thing for her. If it did I would not feel a sense of unease when I have to go in and a sense of relief when I leave. All of you "I Believe Women" guys instantly jumping onto her side are hilarious. You sound like a bunch of ResetEra posters.
It's seems you can't read. There is nothing sexual here. The fact that you still continue to push with this "you're a creep" bullshit is quite revealing. It's as if you desperately want it to be another case of a man harrassing an innocent woman just so you can get off on throwing insults and reinforcing your worldview.

I have repeatedly said that I am not interested in her in a romantic or sexual way, but it clearly doesn't make a difference. In your deranged your minds there's got to be an underlying sexual motive. A man cannot possibly just want to get along with a woman he works with. I must have done something terrible for her to react in this way. It can't possibly be because she's an unpleasant person.

It all goes to show how much power women command by simply being women. It's no wonder a woman can get away with so much more, especially when it comes to things such as psychological manipulation. As I've not encountered this sort of problem before I thought it would be a good idea to see how people with a disinterested view on things would deal with it, and that's why I made the thread. The response has been interesting and surprising.
This is the most pathetic thing I've ever read on GAF.

You are going to quit your job, becuase a female (by the way, why are you bringing up her gender?Why did you include her relationship in this thread. You are crying a lot that people are bringing up sex, but clearly you care about that since you brought it up, again and again. Would you have created this thread if a guy didn't talk your ear off?) won't have small talk with you?

Mind, she isn't sabotaging your work, or harassing you, or anything. She just doesn't want to chat and eat lunch with you, and that means you have to quit. Un-fucking-real. It just makes me laugh.

And somehow, in your twisted mind, this plays to some bizaare "women are evil" bullshit narrative in your head. Instead of understanding something children learn in the third grade, you want to pretend you're the victim. This is some peak millennial bullshit
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So I've had some time away to think about this situation, and I've come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to find another job. It's got nothing to do with me having a thing for her. If it did I would not feel a sense of unease when I have to go in and a sense of relief when I leave. All of you "I Believe Women" guys instantly jumping onto her side are hilarious. You sound like a bunch of ResetEra posters.
It's seems you can't read. There is nothing sexual here. The fact that you still continue to push with this "you're a creep" bullshit is quite revealing. It's as if you desperately want it to be another case of a man harrassing an innocent woman just so you can get off on throwing insults and reinforcing your worldview.

I have repeatedly said that I am not interested in her in a romantic or sexual way, but it clearly doesn't make a difference. In your deranged your minds there's got to be an underlying sexual motive. A man cannot possibly just want to get along with a woman he works with. I must have done something terrible for her to react in this way. It can't possibly be because she's an unpleasant person.

It all goes to show how much power women command by simply being women. It's no wonder a woman can get away with so much more, especially when it comes to things such as psychological manipulation. As I've not encountered this sort of problem before I thought it would be a good idea to see how people with a disinterested view on things would deal with it, and that's why I made the thread. The response has been interesting and surprising.

Anyway, as difficult as things are at the moment, I am determined to find a way out of this situation.

Sincere thanks to those who opted to not just go all in with useless insults and genuinely offered their insights on the matter.

I won't be replying anymore.

Instead of mowing the lawns, I just hire a contractor and dig the yard up every few week.

This was a rgeat troll thread OP. Well done.
Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to how a person feels about somebody, in your case, how this woman feels about you in particular. Whatever vibe you have givin' off, it has made her feel uncomfortable in same form or fashion. I know you may mean well, but from her perspective, she is going out of her way to avoid you at all cost. Even though you may have done all the right things and want to be polite, especially as the new guy, she is straight up uncomfortable and wants no part of you in that personal environment. Negative energy is negative energy and yours is swirling around her and what she is givin' off as a counter-reaction is more negativity and that creates a toxic situation.

In the end, some people just don't gel. Not everyone is going to like you and you may have come off too strong right away. I say avoid her at ALL cost and if you can, STOP worrying about her. Act as if she doesn't exist and let the tension ease over time and maybe down the road, she may open up. Or maybe not. Just go about your business, read the room, do your job and off to home you go.
OP why take the time to write that text wall about a woman who doesn't care about you? TL;DR. The answer to your question? You don't respond at all. Move on. There are millions of women out there.
No I'm not autistic. When I meet new people, I ask questions. No I didn't ask them all at once. I spaced them out over a number of weeks.
How else are supposed to know about a person if don't ask questions? Most people don't just volunteer information about themselves, lol. When was the last time you heard someone say: "Ok I know you didn't ask but I'm gonna give you a run down of all my interests and hobbies and tell you a bit about myself"?
People talk when questions are asked.

All of this doesn't matter. She's getting ill vibes around you . You must evaluate your approach. Everybody is different and everybody has different boundaries. For instance, I have work buddies that I am totally great with. When I am with them, natural things happen. Laughter happens. Conversations happen. There's about 2-3 people that bring in a certain energy that ZAPS the room almost immediately. There's no logic to it, just bad energy. You brought bad energy to this woman's outer boundary and you got to abort mission. There's no other way and it's not her fault. You got to back off and keep things in the vein of a toxic co-worker relationship. It began and it ends with you. It sucks, but it's appropriate for you to co-exist.
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For the record, I consider myself a chatty; positive person. But there are days where I don't want to be bothered by anybodies personal life or even the slighest of small-talk. It's annoying, frustrating and gets old fast. Not only that, but it's a distraction. I am not at work for that when the going gets tough, especially on a work-load. Sometimes when things are slower or when the weekend is approaching? Sure, lets have small talk. Other than that, leave me alone so I can get my work done.

Astral Dog

I don't think it's resentment. She's more valuable to the business than I am. I'm literally the entry-level new guy. I have thought about asking her, but I have a feeling it will only boost her ego, which is why I haven't.
Dude you wrote a giant text wall on the internet about how she doesn't like you, you obviously care more than her so just ask! mr. i don't wanna bust her ego
I just read this whole thread wondering what the big update was going to be. Disappointment-ton

Well I got to the part where said he wasn't going to post anymore and was like ah shit its just going to be some shitpost
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Let's say you're the new guy at work. You're part of a small team made-up of a couple of guys and girls in an office-like setting. You're not there as much as the rest of the team, but you're there for a significant number of hours. Naturally, being the new guy, you attempt to learn more about your co-workers since you'll be spending many hours with them. You ask common questions to show that you are keen to find out more. You remember all that stuff about how most people love to talk about themselves and how taking an interest in people helps to nurture good relationships.

You attempt to learn more about one of the women you work with. She's single and a few years older than you (late 30s). She's from a cultural background where she would be regarded as being “on the shelf”. Looks-wise she's unlikely to turn heads instantly, but she is not ugly.

So anyway when you both get some down time during the workday, you ask some questions in the hope of learning more about her and her life. The questions are nothing intrusive or suspicious, just general questions you ask when you meet someone new.

Thing is every time you try to have a conversation, you can't help but notice that 1) you're always the one starting the conversation, 2) her answers are often short and closed, and 3) she never asks you any questions or shows any interest in knowing more about you.
She doesn't even lazily reflect your questions back to maintain the appearance of a two-way conversation.

At first, you put it down to the initial awkwardness and hesitation that people often experience when meeting for the first time.Your mind wanders whether she is on the spectrum or if she has some sort of social anxiety disorder. But as the days pass, you realise that her behaviour changes around her customers and co-workers. You notice that she's more than happy to chat and is very curious to learn more about other people, the very opposite of the closed-off woman you're used to.

You also start noticing the little things about her general behaviour towards you, which further reinforce your growing belief that she doesn't like talking to or being around you.
For example, you notice how when she arrives in the morning and says “good morning” to everyone, she barely makes eye contact with you.
Or how she only uses you to help her complete her tasks. Or how when you're both alone, she moves away and stays silent with her head buried in her phone. You've notice that when you ask her a question, she rarely looks up from the phone when answering it.

Taking all these observations into account, you just can't shake the feeling that for some unknown reason this woman simply isn't interested in knowing you.

I got fed up with the way things were and recently decided to say fuck it and minimised my contact with this woman. I no longer say hello or bye when leaving. I make no attempts to start conversations and keep communications work-related (which almost never happens at the moment). I don't even look at her unless I absolutely have to speak to her.

It's unsurprisingly created an unpleasant atmosphere. I've noticed that she barely says anything to me now – she recently went an entire day without saying a single word to me. She skips her lunch order if she knows I'll be buying and picking it up. It's petty stuff like that at the moment. Of course, it's made things difficult, but I really wanted to see what would happen if I dialled back on my contact with her. I just got fed up of being nice and polite despite the bullshit.

I understand that not everyone is gonna like me, and I'm ok with that. The thing is though I have to be around this woman for a significant amount of time. I have no idea why she chooses to behave in such an unlikeable way towards me, especially when there's no real reason or advantage to be gained. I mean I could perhaps understand her behaviour if I were trying to hit on her, but I'm not.

If it were any other setting, I would've ghosted her and wouldn't have given it anymore thought. I absolutely despise one-sided conversations and the accompanying general lack of effort. The problem is I have to be around her so it isn't so straightforward.

How would you guys deal with a woman like the one I've described above? Leaving is not an option at the moment. Would you risk making a complete fool of yourself by repeatedly trying to talk to her despite her lack of interest in you?
Would you continue to be nice, polite and attentive to her (taking this approach was frustrating which was why I recently stopped).

Would you simply reduce your contact with her and not give a shit about how it makes her or your other co-workers feel?

Or perhaps I'm overlooking another way of handling this situation in a way that is more favourable.

Thoughts and suggestions welcome
OP, find some quite time and ask her frankly in the most polite way possible.

There's really too many possibilities and it will only worry you needlessly. Sometimes the reason isn't even complicated.

For example, I have a female friend whom i used to talk frequently, then one day she seemed to avoid me and reduce interaction with me. I thought it might just be a phase or something else. But as it goes longer, it bothers me, wondering if I had done something wrong without knowing.

One day I just asked her politely and tell her the situation I'm experiencing, and said that at least if I'm wrong, then I know where I can improve myself. Turns out that it's just her friend taking a liking to me, and she's uncomfortable that our friendship will make her feel jealous. That cleared up a lot of things, and we interacted normally again.

Think of it this way, you are already not interacting with her, if things got cleared up, then congrats, you've improved your friendship, but if things doesn't improve, then there's nothing to worry anyway, you just continue not interacting.

You only stand to gain when you ask honestly straight up

edit: what a stupid necro, how do i delete this lol
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You work to make money so you don't live in poverty. You should not be interested in your coworkers. I don't care who you are, I didn't pick you. If you are the second coming of Jesus or the devil himself, or the next Hitler, it matters not a single bit to me. I will do a better job than her of pretending to care about your life but I'm a guy so there is little chance you will get the wrong idea and think it means we are going to have sex.
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