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A Wonderful Life en route to outsell The Twin Snakes (GCN 3rd party fight)


remember when predictions (me among them) that Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life would come close to The Twin Snake sales for month of March...

well, that didn't happen, but now that both games have had some time on the shelves, it looks like A Wonderful Life will end up having better legs, so this may be the first instance (and first system, GCN) where a Metal Gear Solid game gets outsold by a Harvest Moon game...

The Twin Snakes

March: 122,435
April: 24,299
May: 11,919
June: 12,044

Total: 170,697

A Wonderful Life

March: 68,126
April: 36,507
May: 27,812
June: 36, 452

Total: 168,897

Hmm, I wonder if A Wonderful Life for Girls can outsell Snake Eater?!

wouldn't that be cool...

check it out: (no 56k) http://www.ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=151


Tag of Excellence
Yay for me, I purchased both the day of releases and they were both well worth the price of admission.

A Wonderful Life has more staying power though, for obvious reasons.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Wonderful Life is the best in the series so far... but the music is pretty bad... =(


Deepthroat said:
I guess it's only a matter of time before we see a PS2 version then.

there is a PS2 HM game, has been out for a long time, and the GCN HM outsold the lifetime sales of the PS2 HM game in 2 months...


efralope said:
there is a PS2 HM game, has been out for a long time, and the GCN HM outsold the lifetime sales of the PS2 HM game in 2 months...
I was talking about Twin Snakes ;)


Deepthroat said:
I was talking about Twin Snakes ;)

oh ok...

well, they'd be better off letting people know of the existence of the game on GCN before blaming the GCN or it's audience...

It'll be cheaper and will probably result in more profits than a port...
Kuroyume said:
GCN owners should never bitch about not having cool Konami titles ever again...

Harvest moon should outsell that garbage. The last great Metal Gear was for the NES and putting it on a Nintendo platform again doesn't change that fact.
efralope said:
oh ok...

well, they'd be better off letting people know of the existence of the game on GCN before blaming the GCN or it's audience...

It'll be cheaper and will probably result in more profits than a port...

MGS TTS had fuck-of-a-lot-of hype. I can't think why the sales are so bag oter than the fact that MGS is not for cube fans.


It's weird, where i live (australia), those 2 games are insanely rare...i had to preorder both, after that they never got any copies of either game in at my eb or any other stores in my town. I asked the guy in eb the other day if they were getting more TTS in and he said the game was discontinued...no idea why


That's right--that was something that was discussed at length on the old forum. The lack of commericals or even an decent print campaign took many by surprise. Then combine that with the distaste for SK and fan's disapproval of the games final build (many have argued that is far from MGS2) and you get a poor selling game. I certainly wouldn't blame GC owners tastes--how many of you saying that would've bought the game if SK made this on your system (I like SK personally, so offense is meant)? That's a big part of the problem. The project was doomed from the start when gamers first learned that Konami was not making it in house.


I guess it's only a matter of time before we see a PS2 version then.

Wishful thinking.

Seeing as Nintendo footed the bill to make this version themselves through SK (while SK was still with em), there's really no chance in hell it will come to PS2. And remakes of PSX games don't exactly make sense on PS2 anyway, I can play MGS on PS2 now. I know that doesn't keep people from spanking off at the notion, but really, whats the point?

Even Square-Enix is like "Remake FFVII for PS2... WTF, dude? You can play it now on PS2."
ge-man said:
That's right--that was something that was discussed at length on the old forum. The lack of commericals or even an decent print campaign took many by surprise. Then combine that with the distaste for SK and fan's disapproval of the games final build (many have argued that is far from MGS2) and you get a poor selling game. I certainly wouldn't blame GC owners tastes--how many of you saying that would've bought the game if SK made this on your system (I like SK personally, so offense is meant)? That's a big part of the problem. The project was doomed from the start when gamers first learned that Konami was not making it in house.

i have good taste and i bought it. :| I also Really enjoyed it
ge-man said:
The project was doomed from the start when gamers first learned that Konami was not making it in house.

I think it was more of a reaction to the fact that it's not really a new game. Most gamers don't have much of an association with the developer, IMO...as long as the Konami logo's on it, it seems pretty normal to most, IMO.


TheGreenGiant--That's not what meant. The game is decent. What I was saying is that the severe dislike of SK played a big role in the game's performance. No one who bought it has poor taste, it's just that you can't blame hardcore fans and SK haters for not buying the game en masse. And actually, the problem is deeper than SK. I think there would've been similar reaction regardless of the developer.

When people were hoping for a Konami game, they weren't expecting to get a game that was farmed out to somebody else. It wasn't just about getting a certain franchise--Konami has some of the best artist and programmers working for them. I understand the main reason for the choice was likely for MGS3 time constraints, but that doesn't make the whole thing look better than Konami giving Nintendo a table scrap.


while I think that SK is a very good developer, I think some hardcore MGS fans may have been turned off by this fact...

that said, it has little to do with the overall success...

the mainstream doesn't care I bet, they just don't even know the game exists...


efralope said:
while I think that SK is a very good developer, I think some hardcore MGS fans may have been turned off by this fact...

that said, it has little to do with the overall success...

the mainstream doesn't care I bet, they just don't even know the game exists...

I said that as well. It's a lethal combination of a number of things:

It's a remake

It was made outside of Konami

That outside developer was SK, a group with as much haters as fans

Ads were nearly absent

It took more than one thing to make this a low selling title.
ge-man said:
I said that as well. It's a lethal combination of a number of things:

It's a remake

It was made outside of Konami

That outside developer was SK, a group with as much haters as fans

Ads were nearly absent

It took more than one thing to make this a low selling title.

MGS3 was the biggest strike against Twin Snakes. You can't really get people interested in a reamek when there's a completely new game coming out based on that series, and that completely new game looks considerably better than the remake. It was just bad timing for the remake. It'd done alot better if it'd made it's release date when it was scheduled for last year.


SolidSnakex said:
MGS3 was the biggest strike against Twin Snakes. You can't really get people interested in a reamek when there's a completely new game coming out based on that series, and that completely new game looks considerably better than the remake. It was just bad timing for the remake. It'd done alot better if it'd made it's release date when it was scheduled for last year.

to be honest, I think that MGS 3 has lost buzz since it's debut in E3 2003 when I kinda stole the show...

Not saying it won't sell well, but if anything, anticipation for the 3rd game would have helped Twin Snake sales I would think...
efralope said:
Not saying it won't sell well, but if anything, anticipation for the 3rd game would have helped Twin Snake sales I would think...

No because Nintendo was counting on MGS fans buying the GC for Twin Snakes, but that didn't happen because there is MGS3. I really doubt Konami's counting on GC owners to buy a PS2 for MGS3. They're just counting on existing fans buying the game on the system they already own.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
to be honest, I think that MGS 3 has lost buzz since it's debut in E3 2003 when I kinda stole the show...

I can't imagine where you got that idea...

It made a huge impact once again at this years E3...much more so than MGS2's second E3. Oh, and you didn't steal the show. :p

What's with all the Haterade? Do GAFers just follow games when they only sell over 500000 copies or something?

I'm afraid I'm not following you here...


No one's hating the game, it's just that we shouldn't be surprised that the game underperfomed. Just about everything was working against it, including Konami's apathy.


MGSTTS just wasnt handled that great. SK as the devloper, bad marketing, bad awareness, bad PR and more. Didnt surprise it didnt do that well.


dark10x said:
I can't imagine where you got that idea...

It made a huge impact once again at this years E3...much more so than MGS2's second E3. Oh, and you didn't steal the show. :p

I'm afraid I'm not following you here...

I think what he means is that when the game was first released, a lot of N fanboys were praising it and making a big deal out of it, but now that it has sold badly, we don't see it being praised like it was in that big-ass thread when the game first came out.
Miburou said:
I think what he means is that when the game was first released, a lot of N fanboys were praising it and making a big deal out of it, but now that it has sold badly, we don't see it being praised like it was in that big-ass thread when the game first came out.

Also note that a certain company is no longer at Nintendo...Notice the shift of opinion?


dark10x said:
I can't imagine where you got that idea...

It made a huge impact once again at this years E3...much more so than MGS2's second E3. Oh, and you didn't steal the show. :p

I'm afraid I'm not following you here...

woops... :p

well, thing is it seems to be getting lost in the crowd of all the fall blockbusters (especially in November against Halo 2, RE4, Echoes, GT4, PoP 2, etc...) compared to last year when it was basically been talked about and anticipated...


Jumpman said:
How did MGS: Substance on Xbox sell compared to Twin Snakes?

Ha! Just checked the archives. MGS2 Substance and Twin Snakes are almost identical at the 3 month mark. This is surprising, considering that Substance was released during the holiday season, with a full Television ad campaign none the less.

Kon Tiki

SolidSnakex said:
Also note that a certain company is no longer at Nintendo...Notice the shift of opinion?

Or it could be that they no longer have to make excuses for thier retarded member of the family anymore.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
well, thing is it seems to be getting lost in the crowd of all the fall blockbusters (especially in November against Halo 2, RE4, Echoes, GT4, PoP 2, etc...) compared to last year when it was basically been talked about and anticipated...

It hasn't been "lost in the crowd", though. In terms of hype level, it stands directly alongside those games. Actually, I'd say that MGS3, Halo 2, and RE4 all stand together as the three biggest holiday titles. One for each system? Makes sense...

Echoes and PoP2 certainly aren't recieving more hype than MGS3, though...and GT4 is just kind of its own thing.


I think the best equivalent to Halo 2 on PS2 is actually San Andreas (even though it's a October release)...

We'll see when it's finally released, but even if it's "standing alongside" these other blockbusters, that's quite a change from "standing out" from the crowd like it did last year...

maybe I'm wrong, but I just see Halo 2 sucking the life out of everything for a couple of weeks (cept maybe GT4) come November...
problem is:

Twin Snakes was a remake of a game that was released not too long ago.
It didnt offer too much when compared to the PSX version. it didnt.
gfx werent as good as MGS2. (some people are swayed by facts like that)

unless you are a pre-teenager, the chances are high that you would have already played MGS, similar situation to resident evil yes, but REmake changed and added ALOT more than TTS.
efralope said:
maybe I'm wrong, but I just see Halo 2 sucking the life out of everything for a couple of weeks (cept maybe GT4) come November...

No game at MGS' popularity will get lost in the shuffle. MGS, GT4, SA, HALO 2 ect. It's the games that never were really that succesful or don't have installed fanbases that are going to get completely lost. PoP2 is a good example of one of those games, when PoP1 got announced at its first E3 it got a ton of attention, not its sequel is shown and no one pays attention to it. That's because its not really a big gun, atleast not up to the level of those above games. Alot of other games will get lost in the shuffle too because they aren't going to have marketing campaigns like those games.


TheGreenGiant said:
MGS TTS had fuck-of-a-lot-of hype. I can't think why the sales are so bag oter than the fact that MGS is not for cube fans.

That's complete bullshit, I watch Adult Swim daily (and that's a fucking Nintendo bastion of advertisements) and I saw not a single MGS ad, or anywhere else, save magazines.


efralope said:
woops... :p

well, thing is it seems to be getting lost in the crowd of all the fall blockbusters (especially in November against Halo 2, RE4, Echoes, GT4, PoP 2, etc...) compared to last year when it was basically been talked about and anticipated...

Prince of Persia 2?
Metroid Echoes?
Resident Evil 4?

How could MGS3 get lost in those games?
You have it backwards.


SolidSnakex said:
No game at MGS' popularity will get lost in the shuffle. MGS, GT4, SA, HALO 2 ect. It's the games that never were really that succesful or don't have installed fanbases that are going to get completely lost. PoP2 is a good example of one of those games, when PoP1 got announced at its first E3 it got a ton of attention, not its sequel is shown and no one pays attention to it. That's because its not really a big gun, atleast not up to the level of those above games. Alot of other games will get lost in the shuffle too because they aren't going to have marketing campaigns like those games.

Out of those four games you mentioned, which one do you think will sell the worst (even if it is 1 million +)....

my guess is Snake Eater will come in 4th (out of those 4 games)....
efralope said:
Out of those four games you mentioned, which one do you think will sell the worst (even if it is 1 million +)....

my guess is Snake Eater will come in 4th (out of those 4 games)....

That's not really a big deal though. Because MGS3 will be in the top 5 best sellers this holiday. With the exception of H2 and GT4, I doubt you'll be seeing any of the other games you mentioned earlier in there.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
efralope said:
Out of those four games you mentioned, which one do you think will sell the worst (even if it is 1 million +)....

my guess is Snake Eater will come in 4th (out of those 4 games)....

Yeah, I'd agree... but that doesn't make it a bust if it sells a million plus... so what is your point? or did you just feel like troll MGS today?


MGS:TTS bombed because Gamecube's audience isn't fit for the series.

Not because it was developed by SK.
Not because the marketing was poor.
Not because of the quality. (I'd give it a 7/10)

Same with the core Resident Evil series for GC.

Had they been on PS2 I wouldn't expect anything under a million units sold in NA alone.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Insertia said:
MGS:TTS bombed because Gamecube's audience isn't fit for the series.

Not because it was developed by SK.
Not because the marketing was poor.
Not because of the quality. (I'd give it a 7/10)

Same with the core Resident Evil series for GC.

Had they been on PS2 I wouldn't expect anything under a million units sold in NA alone.

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