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AAI has my favourite pursuit theme and JFA has my least favourite. It would be hard for me to rank all of them though, because except for JFA I love all the pursuit themes.


My favourite Cornered themes have to be AA3, AA4, AAI and AA5.

But really, the OST has been strongly consistent throughout the series and have always been good.


I was just finally having a good time with AAI when suddenly...
Larry and Oldbag back-to-back!
Man, if
shows up in this game I'm gonna hang myself.

edit: man, the
Steel Samurai, Missile, Mask Demasque
... so many callbacks in this case.


I was just finally having a good time with AAI when suddenly...
Larry and Oldbag back-to-back!
Man, if
shows up in this game I'm gonna hang myself.

edit: man, the
Steel Samurai, Missile, Mask Demasque
... so many callbacks in this case.

has a very small cameo appearance in the last case I think.


If I had to rank my top four Cornered themes, it would go thus:


People rag on the Investigations games, but they have some amazing production values going on.


has a very small cameo appearance in the last case I think.

Haha yeah, I did notice a few references to her, actually. Thankfully you don't ever need to interact with her, though.
I'm very close to the end of AAI now. I think overall it's been a good ride, but generally just overly wordy. I feel like the dialogue could have been cut down... dramatically and the overall pace of the game would have been improved.


I seem to be halfway through Case 2 of AAI2
I suspect either Dogen or the Warden as the murderer. I wonder if the team had a hard time translating the dialog in Case 2 because some lines felt unnecessary and would've made more sense in Japanese. Non the less enjoying it so far, and loving the short appearance of SHI-HOLD IT, BITCH-LONG LANG.
OMG, I have to say that Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is simply INCREDIBLE. I think it may even tie AA3 as my favorite game in the entire series. The characters are outstanding, the cases amazing, and the sheer amount of character development and backstory revealed is out of this world. I think it is a MUST for any hardcore AA fan.

I still have one more case to "play" (read: watch), but if it continues what I've seen so far (which it very likely will) I have no doubt that it will be phenomenal.

Capcom needs to get their heads out of the sand and get this game into English pronto. I can't even believe people are being denied something so awesome.
This isnt exactly the best thread to post about this, but since Shu Takumi was invovled, I'll ask anyway.
How was Ghost Trick? How is different to Ace Attorney? How does it rank overall amongst the AA series?
This isnt exactly the best thread to post about this, but since Shu Takumi was invovled, I'll ask anyway.
How was Ghost Trick? How is different to Ace Attorney? How does it rank overall amongst the AA series?

It's AMAZING. Very different from Ace Attorney in terms of gameplay, but the story has all those twists and turns you'd expect.

It's a puzzle point and click. You have to manipulate objects at specific times and in specific orders to create a chain reaction that completes a specific task. Sometimes it gets pretty tricky, but it's very fun.

The soundtrack is great as well. Very Ace Attorney-esque.


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!

Ok GAF, you win...I am ready to consume all.

(AA1-3 I am working through still on iPad, not shown)


Junior Member
Okay, I've been on complete media blackout from AA5 since a couple of months back because I still don't have a 3DS, but I assume some of you have completed it by now. And I just have to know: is it worth getting a 3DS for?
If I do get a 3DS I might jump on some other games as well, but this is the only game that really makes me want one.
(AA1-3 I am working through still on iPad, not shown)

Do you get Rise from the Ashes on ipad?

Okay, I've been on complete media blackout from AA5 since a couple of months back because I still don't have a 3DS, but I assume some of you have completed it by now. And I just have to know: is it worth getting a 3DS for?
If I do get a 3DS I might jump on some other games as well, but this is the only game that really makes me want one.


Personally AA1>AA3>>AA5>AAI>AA4>AA2

Dunno if that helps. I would have been hesitant to buy a 3DS soley for AA5.
Well, it's a good game. Everything they have done to improve the mechanics of the game I have agreed with and enjoyed. The 3D animations turned out to be far, far better then I had ever expected, but at the end of the day AA lives and dies on it's story and while the story is pretty good, but it's not aa1/3 level good, though I liked it more then the others.
AA5 is a great game, but I dunno if that's the ONLY game you want for the system it seems silly to throw down $120-$200 for one game. Course I'd argue the 3DS has the most exciting line up current and forthcoming off all major systems


I don't think it's worth it to get a 3DS JUST for AA5, but I wouldn't be able to resist anyways. I needed this game. But 3DS has so many nice games so it's worth it to get one even if you don't get AA5.

And now that it's been more than a week since I've completed the game, I think my final ranking would be AA3 > AA1 >> AA5 =>AA2 > AA4 (>> AAI).


Junior Member
Well, obviously I wouldn't simply stick with AA5 if I got a 3DS, there are many games that are compelling, just none that would make me rush to buy one compared to this game. Like I said I'll probably wait til the holiday seasons, see if there's any good sales. Otherwise I found a pretty good deal on a white XL + Mario Kart.


I agree with the others that AA5 is not reason enough to buy a 3DS, but I absolutely think that the system has an incredible lineup of retail and digital games, so I'd recommend it based on that. As for AA5 itself, I believe - and it seems to be a common belief - that's it's up their in the same tier as AA1 and AA3 in terms of quality, so it's a really solid game in the series.
The iOS version will also have even more typos and grammatical errors. Also all old musics tracks use the DS versions instead of the new versions. The cut-scenes will be cropped to a ridiculous ratio. The text sound will be different for no reason. Some animations will be cut or removed. There will only be one save slot in this version and you can not select a scene after completion either. No DLC is available.


I'm surprised AA4 never got an iOS port? Hopefully Investigations 2 makes to iOS if Capcom can't be assed to release it any other way.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Just finished AA5.

...honestly, I am a bit disappointed. The "reveal" of the final case was shocking, I admit, but in the end the villain failed to make a distinctive impression upon me, unlike the real villain in AC1's final + bonus case, AC2's final case' real villain, and especially the ultimate villain in AC3.


AC3 = AC1 > AC2 >>> AC5 > AC4 > AAI.

Oh, I also want to drop this while I am at it:

Speaking of final villains, the reveal of the final villain in AAI2 is AMAZING. The twists and turns this game takes are incredible, literally ever single thing is connected, there is ZERO filler. I am floored.

I still have a bit more to watch before I can give my final thoughts, but I love this game a lot. It really is phenomenal. :D
Speaking of final villains, the reveal of the final villain in AAI2 is AMAZING. The twists and turns this game takes are incredible, literally ever single thing is connected, there is ZERO filler. I am floored.

I still have a bit more to watch before I can give my final thoughts, but I love this game a lot. It really is phenomenal. :D

Oh yes, the FINAL BOSS of AAI2 is probably my favorite of the whole series, the biggest holy shit moment of the whole saga. It's weird how AAI2 is sooo much better than AA1.

I just started the final case of AA5, I wonder if this game will top it, I heard I'm going to be mindblown soon.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Speaking of final villains, the reveal of the final villain in AAI2 is AMAZING. The twists and turns this game takes are incredible, literally ever single thing is connected, there is ZERO filler. I am floored.

I still have a bit more to watch before I can give my final thoughts, but I love this game a lot. It really is phenomenal. :D

Oh yes, the FINAL BOSS of AAI2 is probably my favorite of the whole series, the biggest holy shit moment of the whole saga. It's weird how AAI2 is sooo much better than AA1.

I just started the final case of AA5, I wonder if this game will top it, I heard I'm going to be mindblown soon.

I want to slap both of you because so jelly that you two can understand Japanese.

So jelly.

*slap* *slap*
I want to slap both of you because so jelly that you two can understand Japanese.

So jelly.

*slap* *slap*

I don't know Japanese, I just saw the youtube translation, and oh my god it was so good.

My order so far is:

AA3 > AAI2 > AA1 > AA4 > AA2 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > AAI1

Right now I'd place AA5 as equal to AA1 but I'm still in case 5 day 1.
So I'm playing through AA2 at the moment. Why do people dislike this game? I just beat 2-3 last night, which I recall people saying is the worst case in the series, and I didn't mind it...


So I'm playing through AA2 at the moment. Why do people dislike this game? I just beat 2-3 last night, which I recall people saying is the worst case in the series, and I didn't mind it...

I think all of the AA games are at least good, so being the worst game in the series doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad game.


The final case of Ace Attorney 2 is the best case in the entire series. Case 2 was brilliant. 1 is the worst opening and 3 is a pretty weak case, but I mean, they're all still good games.

Anyway I just finished Ace Attorney 5 last night. It's probably on par with Apollo Justice for me.

AA1 > AA3 > AA4 > AA5 > AA2 > AI1

I'm waiting for the whole fan translation of AI2 to be out, cus I want to play the game myself rather than watch some guy play it on youtube. This is actually a thing, right? Like, last I heard they'd finished the first two cases? Might be a while but I'm waiting for that.
I want to slap both of you because so jelly that you two can understand Japanese.

So jelly.

*slap* *slap*
Man, I wish I knew Japanese. (One day.) I got to "play" AAI2 because of the amazing translation videos on YouTube by dowolf.

He goes through the entire game from start to finish, making sure to even translate most of the "unnecessary" dialogue, and also pauses the video and lists the evidence so you can figure out the contradictions yourself. It is really the next best thing to playing the game.

And his translation isn't some dry as toast type ordeal, he matches the tone of the characters PERFECTLY, and provides English pun names for all the characters. He really went above and beyond here, I am truly grateful to him for doing it. I plan to make a topic about the videos in the main gaming section of GAF tomorrow. They really deserve much more exposure, and dowolf deserves heaps of credit for what he's done.

BTW, AAI2 is phenomenal, and any AA fan owes it to themselves to go through it, even if they disliked the first AAI. I was extremely bummed out at the prospect of playing AA5 without experiencing AAI2, and now I can start AA5 with all the prior story bits in place, and not have to worry about skipping an entry. I really can't describe how deflated I felt about not getting to play AAI2, in a series that I feel is absolutely crucial to have played every game for maximum enjoyment. Hopefully we'll still get an official release for AAI2 in the future, but now my enthusiasm for the series has really returned ten fold. I am so pumped to start AA5. :D

And speaking of AAI2, final thoughts below...


Alright, so I think I can safely say that AAI2 is tied with AA3 for my favorite game in the series. Anyone that complains about AA games have too much filler in the middle, or not fleshing out the side characters enough absolutely must play (or watch) AAI2. As I mentioned in my last post, there is not one drop of superfluous content in AAI2, every single character, every piece of evidence, every moment of every case are all connected in one of the most seamlessly woven narratives in the entire series. Of course the trademark AA outlandishness is still there, but I don't think the series has ever done a better job of delivering a more cohesive overall experience.

I think a huge part of this is how developed the characters are in the game. The bond between Miles, Gumshoe and Kay is extremely prevalent, and very well fleshed out. You truly see why they are all so loyal to each other. Miles has some of most meaningful growth as a character seen in any AA game, and the expansion of Gregory's backstory is marvelous. And the newly introduced characters are some of the strongest in the series IMO. It really speaks volumes about how you can go from loathing one particular character for almost the entire game, to rooting for them with all your heart at the end. (Furst) And the way they transition Angela from a seemingly cold and callous individual, with no trace of feeling, into someone you truly empathize with once you understand the overwhelming situations she was facing is incredible. It is one of my favorite character arcs of the entire series. Add to that awesome side characters like Atticus, Lee and Aria, and one heck of a surprise villain, and you have an amazing cast. Plus, the returning characters were utilized fantastically, almost all adding to the cases meaningfully, and not just being trotted out for nostalgia factor. (It was so great seeing Lang, Badd, Franny, Will & Penny again.)

Add to that the cool logic chess system, awesome new sprites (some of the breakdowns are among the very best), and a great soundtrack, and you have a top notch entry into the AA series.

Sorry for such a long post, I'm just really excited. In closing, AAI2 is simply smashing. I think every single AA fan should play (or watch) it.


Man, I wish I knew Japanese. (One day.) I got to "play" AAI2 because of the amazing translation videos on YouTube by dowolf.

He goes through the entire game from start to finish, making sure to even translate most of the "unnecessary" dialogue, and also pauses the video and lists the evidence so you can figure out the contradictions yourself. It is really the next best thing to playing the game.

And his translation isn't some dry as toast type ordeal, he matches the tone of the characters PERFECTLY, and provides English pun names for all the characters. He really went above and beyond here, I am truly grateful to him for doing it. I plan to make a topic about the videos in the main gaming section of GAF tomorrow. They really deserve much more exposure, and dowolf deserves heaps of credit for what he's done.

BTW, AAI2 is phenomenal, and any AA fan owes it to themselves to go through it, even if they disliked the first AAI. I was extremely bummed out at the prospect of playing AA5 without experiencing AAI2, and now I can start AA5 with all the prior story bits in place, and not have to worry about skipping an entry. I really can't describe how deflated I felt about not getting to play AAI2, in a series that I feel is absolutely crucial to have played every game for maximum enjoyment. Hopefully we'll still get an official release for AAI2 in the future, but now my enthusiasm for the series has really returned ten fold. I am so pumped to start AA5. :D

And speaking of AAI2, final thoughts below...

Sorry for such a long post, I'm just really excited. In closing, AAI2 is simply smashing. I think every single AA fan should play (or watch) it.

I played the first 2 cases on the unofficial translation that is being made, and I actually loved it. The next 2 cases are still to be translated, but its a fan translation so I guess its gonna take some good time. Justine Courte (the female judge) has a pretty interesting persona, and apparently she hides some stuff regarding the Prosecutorial Court...
I won't watch the translated videos though, I prefer to play it me-self! :p
Man, I wish I knew Japanese. (One day.) I got to "play" AAI2 because of the amazing translation videos on YouTube by dowolf.

He goes through the entire game from start to finish, making sure to even translate most of the "unnecessary" dialogue, and also pauses the video and lists the evidence so you can figure out the contradictions yourself. It is really the next best thing to playing the game.

And his translation isn't some dry as toast type ordeal, he matches the tone of the characters PERFECTLY, and provides English pun names for all the characters. He really went above and beyond here, I am truly grateful to him for doing it. I plan to make a topic about the videos in the main gaming section of GAF tomorrow. They really deserve much more exposure, and dowolf deserves heaps of credit for what he's done.

BTW, AAI2 is phenomenal, and any AA fan owes it to themselves to go through it, even if they disliked the first AAI. I was extremely bummed out at the prospect of playing AA5 without experiencing AAI2, and now I can start AA5 with all the prior story bits in place, and not have to worry about skipping an entry. I really can't describe how deflated I felt about not getting to play AAI2, in a series that I feel is absolutely crucial to have played every game for maximum enjoyment. Hopefully we'll still get an official release for AAI2 in the future, but now my enthusiasm for the series has really returned ten fold. I am so pumped to start AA5. :D

And speaking of AAI2, final thoughts below...


Alright, so I think I can safely say that AAI2 is tied with AA3 for my favorite game in the series. Anyone that complains about AA games have too much filler in the middle, or not fleshing out the side characters enough absolutely must play (or watch) AAI2. As I mentioned in my last post, there is not one drop of superfluous content in AAI2, every single character, every piece of evidence, every moment of every case are all connected in one of the most seamlessly woven narratives in the entire series. Of course the trademark AA outlandishness is still there, but I don't think the series has ever done a better job of delivering a more cohesive overall experience.

I think a huge part of this is how developed the characters are in the game. The bond between Miles, Gumshoe and Kay is extremely prevalent, and very well fleshed out. You truly see why they are all so loyal to each other. Miles has some of most meaningful growth as a character seen in any AA game, and the expansion of Gregory's backstory is marvelous. And the newly introduced characters are some of the strongest in the series IMO. It really speaks volumes about how you can go from loathing one particular character for almost the entire game, to rooting for them with all your heart at the end. (Furst) And the way they transition Angela from a seemingly cold and callous individual, with no trace of feeling, into someone you truly empathize with once you understand the overwhelming situations she was facing is incredible. It is one of my favorite character arcs of the entire series. Add to that awesome side characters like Atticus, Lee and Aria, and one heck of a surprise villain, and you have an amazing cast. Plus, the returning characters were utilized fantastically, almost all adding to the cases meaningfully, and not just being trotted out for nostalgia factor. (It was so great seeing Lang, Badd, Franny, Will & Penny again.)

Add to that the cool logic chess system, awesome new sprites (some of the breakdowns are among the very best), and a great soundtrack, and you have a top notch entry into the AA series.

Sorry for such a long post, I'm just really excited. In closing, AAI2 is simply smashing. I think every single AA fan should play (or watch) it.

I'm still mindblown by the final revelation, and (Investigations 2 biggest spoiler)
how it was foreshadowed so much, Shelly de Killer referred to his client as "a monkey person" and yet I didn't even thought about it for a second. It also never crossed my mind that Knight and Simeon were the sons of the guys from case 3, fuck the game's amazing.


Furio Tigre is the best villain in the series though, which makes it entirely bearable.

3-3 is still the most enjoyable third case, in my opinion.

AA5 easily changed that but the bar was set fairly low (3-3 was my favorite third case before then as well). 3-3 is only great for the final moments in court. Great lols are had everytime I get to that part.
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