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It really shows how healthy the 3ds became when people are having trouble fitting in game releases.
How healthy the 3DS is, or how unhealthy our gaming habits have become?

Not that it's a bad thing, but I see a game with promise, and I want to play it. For once I'll say thank god I don't have any income, cause if I did, then I'd have purchased waaaaayyyy more games than I have to play.

Okay, no. My habits are just unhealthy. The 3DS is just too awesome now.
I can fit AA5 into my schedule but I can't quite fit it onto my 3DS, I need to clean my fridge soon and if Animal Crossing has to perish so that Ace Attorney may live then it will be done.


It really shows how healthy the 3ds became when people are having trouble fitting in game releases.

I recently purchased SMT4, ACNL, Project X-Zone, Kid Icarus Uprising, Code of Princess, and Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon X. Not to mention I still have my GBC Zeldas to finish, my recent attempt at Hard Mode in FE:A, and I've never actually played Ghost Recon.

But when AA5 lands nothing else is getting played until it is finished.


Last OT question (for people who've completed AA5 only, and please don't spoil me in the answer lol)

Is it spoilerly to mention in Simon's bio that he
was convicted of murder

Nope. I mean it's pretty much the basis of his character. I think there's a brief period where you know he's a prisoner but not that
it was murder
, but it's no longer than a single investigation scene if so.


Oh man freaking Turnabout Ablaze is so loooong! How'm I going to finish this case and still have time to squeeze AJ in? Gonna buy AA5 and still be late starting it, buuuh.
Finished AAI2. Fantastic game. Personally for me it is easily better than AA4 and AAI1. It also is objectively better than AA2, but I'm not sure yet if I personally feel that way as I still really like that game as well and nostalgia might be a factor.


I'm really enjoying Justine Courtney in AAI2. She and Ray Shields are such excellent foils for Edgeworth. I finished case 2, so now I'm gonna youtube the rest, but these two characters are just such excellent additions to the universe. Also there's a TON of JFA references in this game. Very interesting.

Gotta finish AAI2 today and AJ case 1. Man, I feel like I'm racing against a clock, haha.


I'm torn between waiting for the full AAI2 patch and just watching the whole thing on Youtube.

Also gotta start (re)playing AJ and finish it before Thursday. Should do the same with AAI.
I'm really enjoying Justine Courtney in AAI2. She and Ray Shields are such excellent foils for Edgeworth. I finished case 2, so now I'm gonna youtube the rest, but these two characters are just such excellent additions to the universe. Also there's a TON of JFA references in this game. Very interesting.

Gotta finish AAI2 today and AJ case 1. Man, I feel like I'm racing against a clock, haha.

You're going to try and watch all AAI2 case 3-5 in a day? tell me if you did it because that's crazy.


You're going to try and watch all AAI2 case 3-5 in a day? tell me if you did it because that's crazy.

That was my goal. Then I realized it wasn't as enjoyable as playing them, so I've just shelved AAI2 until it's fully translated. Still gonna try and play through AA4 between today and Thursday.


That was my goal. Then I realized it wasn't as enjoyable as playing them, so I've just shelved AAI2 until it's fully translated. Still gonna try and play through AA4 between today and Thursday.

Guess that settles it; I'll wait until the full game's translated until I import the game and play it for myself.


Finished AAI just now.
Jesus Christ, Alba was a bitch take down. Easily the closest thing the series has had to a actual "final boss" since Von Karma.


Finished AAI just now.
Jesus Christ, Alba was a bitch take down. Easily the closest thing the series has had to a actual "final boss" since Von Karma.

I dunno, I figure
Kristoph Gavin
was a pretty "final boss" character. In his own way,
Matt Engarde
was, although
was too sympathetic to count.


Whaaa-? I thought it was great. Sure it wasn't the most elegant final sequence of events, but
having an absolute gauntlet of Rebuttals right at the end
was fun to tackle through.

I suppose the reason you enjoyed it is the reason I abhorred it. It's been a while since I've played it so I might get some details wrong, but
here's a guy with diplomatic immunity who talks about how he has a plane to catch over and over again but stays to listen to Edgeworth yammer on for no real reason but to humor him? It was long, plodding and just felt like the most unsatisfying "gotcha" moment in the entire AA series. Not to mention how it also had the puzzle that stumped me the most in the series with a very specific piece of evidence that I thought would have worked with other things I presented.
That was my goal. Then I realized it wasn't as enjoyable as playing them, so I've just shelved AAI2 until it's fully translated. Still gonna try and play through AA4 between today and Thursday.

I understand, but I still found it a great way to see the game. I loved it and it feels great to be done with it before AA5.


You're going to try and watch all AAI2 case 3-5 in a day? tell me if you did it because that's crazy.

These three cases took my whole weekend, but it was totally worth it.

AAI2 is such a great game, although
maybe they kinda overdid it with ALL those connections and how basically EVERYTHING is tied together. I still love how they resolved Gregory's last case. Ever since PW:AA I wondered what kind of case that might have been.
Why are people saying case 5 in AAI2 is super long. It's seemed like standard final case length and considerably shorter than case 5 in AA1. Is the sheer amount of evidence giving people that impression?
I think if I had like another 2 weeks I'd watch it and play AA4 at a leisurely pace. As it is I'm like "HAAAA 3 Days to finish 3 cases in AA4!!"

Why rush things? Just enjoy the games at your own pace. Your going to ruin the fun and get burnt out if you rush through them that fast. AA5 isn't going anywhere.


Why rush things? Just enjoy the games at your own pace. Your going to ruin the fun and get burnt out if you rush through them that fast. AA5 isn't going anywhere.

I have no legitimate answer. Honestly if I haven't finished AA4 by Thursday I won't start AA5 anyway until I have beaten it. Can I download DLC without starting the main game, though?


I think you can go get the DLC costumes as soon as you boot up the game, since there's an "Extras" menu now. But since I think they'll be free for a few weeks, it's not like there's a rush.


Didn't know whether this was appropriate to post in here or the OT, but I think I may be a little bit excited for Thursday (despite my reservations with the eShop):
Should probably change that decal soon...

Also contemplating going to the streetpass event Capcom UK are doing, where they've got the film on in the background. Anybody else here know about that or going to it?


I kinda really want that Phoenix statue. Anybody know if those're being sold for the poor, unfortunate souls who don't live in Japan?


Probably only ebay now, I originally got mine from Nippon Yasan, but both them and Play-Asia have long since sold out.

There's one on Ebay for 300 bucks. I could get the whole (less quality) AA3 cast set for a third of that.

I want both of these things, but not that badly haha.
Didn't know whether this was appropriate to post in here or the OT, but I think I may be a little bit excited for Thursday (despite my reservations with the eShop):

Should probably change that decal soon...

Also contemplating going to the streetpass event Capcom UK are doing, where they've got the film on in the background. Anybody else here know about that or going to it?

Woah! Where'd you get that decal from?!? :O

I'd be all over it, if I didn't have the Zelda Edition 3DS already... -_- Maybe for that one day I cave and buy an XL?


Woah! Where'd you get that decal from?!? :O

I'd be all over it, if I didn't have the Zelda Edition 3DS already... -_- Maybe for that one day I cave and buy an XL?

Heh, I had the Zelda 3DS myself before going for the XL. I did sort of regret my decision before I got the decal.

I got it from this person on eBay, but strangely everything they had for sale is gone. I emailed them with several different designs I'd hashed together in GIMP and the dimensions I wanted; they told me which ones were possible and how much they were. It wasn't too expensive - £6/$10 for the 2 of them, delivered.
Had a full silhouette one before, but part of it started peeling because I kept pulling the 3DS in and out of my pockets (don't know why I didn't place the decal the other way round the first time):

Hopefully they're still in business. I've just emailed them to check.


So guys, which antagonist theme do you like the most? All of them are pretty awesome. Godot's is my favorite, but all of them are good.

Miles Edgeworth: The Great Revival

Damon Gant
, Anyone?

Franziska von Karma: Franziska- Great Revival

Morgan Fey
: Kurain Village Theme

Shelly de Killer: The Whim of a Murderous Gentleman

Godot: The Fragrance of Dark Coffee

Dahlia Hawthorne
: Distant Traces of Beauty

Calisto Yew
: Let Me Laugh

Quercus Alba
: The Enemy Who Surpasses the Law

Justine Courtney: The Goddess of Law

Kristoph Gavin
: Solitary Confinement

Klavier Gavin: I am a Worse Prosecutor than Winston Payne

I think the most interesting is that the series' resident ultimate evil,
Manfred von Karma,
does not have his own theme.
So guys, which antagonist theme do you like the most? All of them are pretty awesome. Godot's is my favorite, but all of them are good.

Godot's, no question about it. I listen to it whilst reading by the fire, and all my troubles melt away...

Also, this page is going to be an absolute spoiler minefield for any mobile users with YouTube embed enabled :p


Godot's, no question about it. I listen to it whilst reading by the fire, and all my troubles melt away...

Also, this page is going to be an absolute spoiler minefield for any mobile users with YouTube embed enabled :p

I hadn't thought of that. Should I edit out the links? I don't wanna spoil for people.

Also AAI games have great soundtracks like dang.
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