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It's been mentioned in the VN community thread, but after the last thread devolved into wild mass guessing and hype stairlift, I think the mods have opted to wait for an actual look at what's being teased before that particular merry-go-round can get going again.
Though the latest update adds credence to a very promising theory. :)

I can't stop thinking about the possibility if some Dai news tonight. It's been so long. Please Famitsu gods.


It's been mentioned in the VN community thread, but after the last thread devolved into wild mass guessing and hype stairlift, I think the mods have opted to wait for an actual look at what's being teased before that particular merry-go-round can get going again.

Just going to say, they could've waited until we actually knew if the one thing we were waiting for actually happened or not. The mods just acted without actually looking at thwat was happening in the thread.


Just going to say, they could've waited until we actually knew if the one thing we were waiting for actually happened or not. The mods just acted without actually looking at thwat was happening in the thread.
I think they were hoping people would wait without resorting to posting a lot.


I think they were hoping people would wait without resorting to posting a lot.

I'm just saying I've be a bit less bitter about it if they let us figure out if the last grasp theory was correct, then stepped in a locked it (regardless of the result) so a new thread could be made when new news popped up.

And, as its only minorly related to the thread, I'll drop this here.

Young Magus

Junior Member
I'm gonna come out and say the only thing I didn't like about this case was how Phoenix's and Larry's relationship was handled. I mean, in the first game, if I remember right, during the first when Phoenix talks about him, he refers to him as his best friend or at least a really close friend, and tells Mia he's the reason he became a lawyer, and during the fourth he really express his gratitude to him and even says he's doing it for both Edgeworth and Larry but not Maya (which in turn she gets mad). And now? "Uh, he's not that close of a friend to me. Plus I haven't contacted him for about two years" "Our friendship? That was then and this is now! I tell ya!" Even Maya is weirded out by this.

It kinda makes since, when you found out that your best friend was also the one who was responsible for the mess that lead to you being blamed for in the first place and waited 15-ish years to tell ya about it AND pay up then I would be all "well we're not THAT close" too
GSR, do you know approximately when last week the Famitsu info started being posted? I know it was unusually early. I'm hoping for a repeat tonight.


We should be getting news through the usual leaks in a few hours. I think that we'll have word on a prosecutor other than Payne? There was speculation that Watson would be in that role before.
We should be getting news through the usual leaks in a few hours. I think that we'll have word on a prosecutor other than Payne? There was speculation that Watson would be in that role before.
An actual child prosecutor? Franny better step off.

*insert child prodigy AA comic here*


Last-minute wild card bet: Holmes and Watson will be a prosecuting duo.

Also, no Famitsu buzz yet, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled. If it's a slow week it could be another 24 hours, but hopefully it won't come to that.


Nope. Looks like it'll come either in a few hours or tomorrow evening. (Even 2ch is complaining about it.)

(Fun fact: did you know 2ch rickrolls as well?)


never left the stone age
Hey AA GAF. I beat Dual Destinies (What a name) two days ago and

The hell at hilarious Fool Bright being the big mad, man.


Something that slipped under the radar: the April Fool's site credits Yasumasa Kitagawa for the music. Since the only music (besides the flourish when you open the page) is the TGS theme, seems like that's confirmation Kitagawa's handling DGS' soundtrack.




I've always known it wasn't getting localized. Can't hide the fact that it's not America this time around!

Why do people keep acting like this would be a problem for releasing the game in English? The game is set in London so it's not like they need an excuse for most of the characters to have English names. Keep the Japanese characters names the same and if need be put a small line about Wright's anscestor being Japanese making him part Japanese or some shit.


Because Capcom is dumb and any excuse not to localize it is one they're willing to take.

To be honest I don't think Capcom Japan gives a shit if the localization team has trouble coming up with pun names and the like. If it's not getting an English release it's because they don't think a spin-off game from a series that probably doesn't sell that great will sell well and isn't worth the cost to even give it a digital release, not because of it's setting or some imaginary localization issues. Also AAI2 is the only AA game that hasn't been released in English so I don't see why people worry so much in the first place.


1. It's a spin-off game.
2. They've said that AAI1 didn't sell well.
3. AAI2 didn't get localized (but this probably has more to do with the DS being on its deathbed already)

It also kinda doesn't help that they view the series as something that needs to be released digitally in the west.


I still wish they would just bundle AJ, AAI1, and AAI2 together in some other "trilogy" thing for the 3ds then just release TGAA and be done.
AA3 Case 3

Investigation 1
Okay, so Phoeni lost a case against Payne? lol Oh okay, it was just a random Xin Eohp.... this cases are getting innovative! If only AA2 didn't use the guilty client. Wait...no....noo.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

MAGGEY'S BACK?! Why game, why do you hate me.

Examining the chief of the station and the bodyguard from the detention room are always some of my favorite moments during investigation. Nice to see Ron not stealing anymore. Ohh, first time someone calls out the chief! And OMG!!! There's a Pink Badger!! Wow, did anyone else noticed that Phoenix acts a little different now? I think he's more, huh, relaxed about joking around and picking on Maya? Are we sure this is not the fake Phoenix we're playing as? :p Hmm why did that guy drew DeMasque in the newspaper lol

So huh, Jean, he's huh, something. This case gets more....unique? Dat old man design, I really love AA's cartoony designs. (Maya) "Do you want them?" (Phoenix) "No." Oh noes, Maya was stolen by Jean! "Note: Gossip with Maya about this later" Phoenix acts like if he's a teenager lol EW, Gumshoe has a crush in Maggey?! What the hell man, she's NINE years younger than you! Ahhh, that creepy girl. "Maybe you should stop being a spirit medium" Holy crap that guy must be Xin Eohp, right? Yup, he is..... Mia in a waitress uniform!!

Trial 1

"I bet you would have liked to have carried out the search, too..." Uggh stop with that shipping nonsense! Come on Gumshoe, finish your purpose of life and be as dumb as you can be!!

Hmm, the girl in the photo from Victor's testimony, is that the creepy girl from before? Oh my, Phoenix in a waitress uniform, everyone's dream. Well of course everyone wante to know how Victor's groin got soaked. I do feel bad for him, though.

investigation 2

Gumshoe stahp. Still not feeling the creepy girl's design, it looks kinda anime generic. That Sparta reference. Absolutely not a robot. lol Am I missing something with the puns of their names? gle-n-elg and lisa-b-asil. Why do people keep calling Jean a 'she' lol I do feel bad for the creepy girl, specially since she's involved with the murder.

Alright, so if everyone's testimonies contradict each other, I'm guessing two "murders" happened, and Glen didn't die in one of them. Sneezing into Godot would be he perfect way to win a trial, just look at MvC3! Two things Phoenix can't accept...."Poisoning and betrayal" First case reference huh. Lmao that ending with Gumshoe and El Tigre, seriously Phoenix, stop talking to the obvious killers about your vital evidence! You should have learn that from the first game.

Trial 2

Jean is a man, not a woman! lol "...And the ungodly cool guy with the mask over here?" You're damn right, Godot, you're damn right! "Ahh, not the hair!" *freaked out expression* LOL Phoenix's hair can't catch a break.

Yes! I knew there were two murders! Udgey is so good at this trial, specially when trying to talk french haha. Uff, I can't believe I pulled out the process of where was his body hidden without getting wrong. "Yo hablo español" Holy-!

Maya (and Udgey!) hiding never gets old Probably the funniest sequence before a testimony, "How about a penalty for those two jokers and the garbage they keep coming up with?" This applies to most cases in the series. :p "It was in my pocket." this trial! Didn't expect Godot to throw his coffe again, specially during the blackout. And justice is served! (I do got kinda worried when Phoenix said something along the lines of "Time to use some fake evidence!"

I almost didn't want to present the lunch to Maggey.

So yeah, this would probably be my favorite third case if it wasn't for my universal hate for
Maggey and MaggeyxGumshoe. And not just that, feels kinda lazy to reuse a client from before (except Maya)
All the side characters were amazing, though.
Poor Jean. :(
Once you've unlocked a case, it's available for good. Doesn't matter if you start a new game or anything.
Do I just start a new game, complete the first case quickly and then the other ones will be available?
It kinda makes since, when you found out that your best friend was also the one who was responsible for the mess that lead to you being blamed for in the first place and waited 15-ish years to tell ya about it AND pay up then I would be all "well we're not THAT close" too
Yeah you're right about that. Still, it makes me sad that their friendship is ruined.
AA3 Case Four

YES!!! Playing as Mia again, and starting with a trial! :D Woah is that Godot?! Wait he's Diego? Didn't Diego according to the first case? And he's a lawyer? This is way too strange. Aww, I feel bad for my client, specially when he puts those eyes.

Oh. My. God. Freakin' Edgeworth's first case was also Mia's?! And he has the jacket from the case 5 of AA1! Edgeworth, man, why did you act like an ass during Mia's murder case then? Hey, that's the judge from case 2 of this game! :D

Woah this is Gumshoe's first case too? lol And he's coat isn't dirty! :p Wait this murder occured in Feb 14th? My birthday? Oh noes, Dahlia is mentioned in the note, I recognized Valerie's surname but didn't remember it was also Dahlia's. Is this the case that left Mia traumatized and Dahlia ended up free from charges? "He must be Canadian" Huh? lol Hey, you're not Melissa liar! "I enjoy watching people fight too. That's is why I took this job!" What's up with this judge? Haha. Also his surprised face is amazing.

According to what Terry told me, I think I get the picture of what happened. Dahlia and her sister planned to betray him, so Dahlia took the fall with the diamond and is now known as Melissa Foster. So later, when Terry proposed the meeting, Valerie felt guilty and wanted to discuss revealing the truth with Dahlia, but because she didn't want to be discovered she killed her sister and planted the murder on Terry.

Okay, so I was right! But.... WHAT THE FUCK WITH THAT ENDING?! Oh my god you don't know how much I hate Dahlia now :mad: Imagine if Phoenix died like Terry! Grrr! So after that trial Godot went to discuss the case with Dahlia or something and she poisoned his coffe 'killing' him? So he faked his death or something? Or Godot Diego's brother, clone or something? I mean he does speak Spanish in the second case of the case. I guess everything will be discovered in the next case, since Phoenix said at the end of the first trial that he would be meeting Dahlia in a future or something along those lines.
Uh no, once you've completed a case it will be available from the case selection screen forever...

Maybe rephrase what your problem is? Perhaps I've misunderstood you.
Sorry if I'm annoying you. Hmm, how do you enter the case selection screen? I knew it would open after completing a case, but it doesn't happen anymore if you complete the final case of the game (which is where my save file is at), it just goes back to the title screen if I remember right.
Sorry if I'm annoying you. Hmm, how do you enter the case selection screen? I knew it would open after completing a case, but it doesn't happen anymore if you complete the final case of the game (which is where my save file is at), it just goes back to the title screen if I remember right.

No probs, after you select New Game you should be able to scroll sideways to choose any case you want. Completing the last case also unlocks the title artwork thing for the final case too.


AA3 Case Four

YES!!! Playing as Mia again, and starting with a trial! :D Woah is that Godot?! Wait he's Diego? Didn't Diego according to the first case? And he's a lawyer? This is way too strange. Aww, I feel bad for my client, specially when he puts those eyes.

Oh. My. God. Freakin' Edgeworth's first case was also Mia's?! And he has the jacket from the case 5 of AA1! Edgeworth, man, why did you act like an ass during Mia's murder case then? Hey, that's the judge from case 2 of this game! :D

Woah this is Gumshoe's first case too? lol And he's coat isn't dirty! :p Wait this murder occured in Feb 14th? My birthday? Oh noes, Dahlia is mentioned in the note, I recognized Valerie's surname but didn't remember it was also Dahlia's. Is this the case that left Mia traumatized and Dahlia ended up free from charges? "He must be Canadian" Huh? lol Hey, you're not Melissa liar! "I enjoy watching people fight too. That's is why I took this job!" What's up with this judge? Haha. Also his surprised face is amazing.

According to what Terry told me, I think I get the picture of what happened. Dahlia and her sister planned to betray him, so Dahlia took the fall with the diamond and is now known as Melissa Foster. So later, when Terry proposed the meeting, Valerie felt guilty and wanted to discuss revealing the truth with Dahlia, but because she didn't want to be discovered she killed her sister and planted the murder on Terry.

Okay, so I was right! But.... WHAT THE FUCK WITH THAT ENDING?! Oh my god you don't know how much I hate Dahlia now :mad: Imagine if Phoenix died like Terry! Grrr! So after that trial Godot went to discuss the case with Dahlia or something and she poisoned his coffe 'killing' him? So he faked his death or something? Or Godot Diego's brother, clone or something? I mean he does speak Spanish in the second case of the case. I guess everything will be discovered in the next case, since Phoenix said at the end of the first trial that he would be meeting Dahlia in a future or something along those lines.

Sorry if I'm annoying you. Hmm, how do you enter the case selection screen? I knew it would open after completing a case, but it doesn't happen anymore if you complete the final case of the game (which is where my save file is at), it just goes back to the title screen if I remember right.
Dahlia did nothing wrong


Hi everyone. I've been taking a very long time with playing through the series for a variety of reasons (the most important one being that my entire DS collection got stolen a while ago >_< ) but since I've been sick for months now (don't worry, it's nothing life threatening) I've had the time to replay the 3DS trilogy finally play Apollo Justice. I really needed the distraction. But I finished the latter today and I am very disappointed.

First of all I'd say I went in with an open mind, I was actually really looking forward to there being a new cast, I figured it'd be a nice change of pace. I also knew beforehand about
the timeskip, hobo Phoenix and his daughter
but I figured I'd be okay with it as long as they justified it with the story and filled in the gaps... but oh boy.

I thought that Apollo was bland as hell and that he lacked any motivations and Trucy seemed decent enough on her own but the whole
father-daughter relationship with Phoenix
felt really forced to me, I didn't buy any of it. And worst of all this game completely ruined Phoenix Wright for me.
His action during his last case seemed completely out of character to me and while he obviously had his reasons they didn't justify his current behavior to me either. And yeah, no filling in the gaps. I didn't expect these characters to appear in the current stuff but what happened to Maya or Edgeworth during all that time? There was barely even a mention of the former and none of the latter as far as I could tell. If you're going to include Phoenix Wright you need to address these things. And his plan? It seemed intriguing at first but it ended up being whole lot of nothing. Why would an ex-attorney stripped of his title even be involved with testing the jurist system? Yikes.

Now I actually did like the Gavin brothers. I thought having a friendly prosecutor around was a nice change of pace and
while their whole storyline felt unfinished to me Kristoph's psyche-locks and scar and Klavier's behaviour during the last trial... there seemed to be more to it?
I'm guessing this doesn't get resolved at all in Dual Destinies? It's pretty much the only thing that actually caught my interest.

And I didn't even talk about the actual cases there. 1 and 2 are pretty enjoyable, 3 less so but 4 was a just mess. There's also absolutely no sense of accomplishment in any of this, I know Phoenix got plenty of help from Mia at times but he still did plenty on his own too. Apollo pretty much gets everything handed to him. It's all really unsatisfying.

By the end I was wishing Apollo and Trucy never appeared again in the series but I aleady know that's not the case. Now to me they can still somewhat salvage Apollo simply because he was such a non character in the first place but Trucy really didn't work for me. I feel bad about it but I pretty much ended up hating both of them.

I was rather looking forward to Dual Destinies when I started AA4 but now I'm honestly not so sure anymore so my question here is if you guys think I'll end up enjoying it more? I'm sure I'm gonna play it either way but this has really killed my motivation for now. Perhaps I should play the Layton crossover first? I'd play the Investigations games first but they haven't arrived yet.

Sorry about the negativity there, I know AA4 has its fans but I really had to get this off my chest. Gonna get some sleep now. :s


Dual Destines really helps to improve Apollo, so you should play it at least for that. It helps that it's an overall better game compared to AA4.
Hi everyone...*text*
I'd strongly suggest playing Dual Destinies, as it expands on most of the things you addressed in your post. A lot of what happens with both Phoenix and Apollo is taken to the next level and I personally found it quite satisfying. The development they receive in AA5 is expounded exponentially by their experiences in AA4, and overall make each their character arcs stronger IMO. Both games enrich the overall experience of the series. I for one am very glad that the events of AA4 occurred, seeing where it eventually led us, and I think Apollo & co. are very strong additions to the cast. (His development in AA5 is among the best in the entire series IMO, and that wouldn't of been possible without AA4.)

As for the Investigations games, they are also definitely worth playing, the second one is especially amazing, but their stories aren't heavily connected to the main narrative so if you play them after Dual Destinies, there won't be much of an impact. There is one major plot point in AAI2 that will be spoiled if you play DD first, but you won't know it while playing, and when you get to AAI2, the plot point in question has such an obvious conclusion that I don't feel it's anything to worry about. I'd always recommend playing the entire series in order if possible, but if you're gonna skip over anything, the AAI games are the only ones I feel is permissible to do so, as long as you intend to revisit them, because they are definitely worth the while of any AA fan. (As for the Layton crossover, it doesn't matter when you play that as it isn't canon, and as long as you have a basic understanding of the series, you'll be fine.)
Well their relationship is taken to the next level and... you know what, forget it, it's not funny.
Oh, I see. I meant their individual journeys. As ripe with subtext as this series is, I never get anything between Apollo and Phoenix besides proud mentor and eager student. Apollo is already juggling multiple potential love interests (though Clay is #1 IMO), and Phoenix and Iris are end game. (With the thick Edgeworth tension always in play.)

Wow, I really am getting dizzy.
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