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Pfft Phoenix's thing for Iris was cute but it hasn't got anything on Phoenix x Miles thank you very much :p

Dual Destines really helps to improve Apollo, so you should play it at least for that. It helps that it's an overall better game compared to AA4.

I'd strongly suggest playing Dual Destinies, as it expands on most of the things you addressed in your post. A lot of what happens with both Phoenix and Apollo is taken to the next level and I personally found it quite satisfying. The development they receive in AA5 is expounded exponentially by their experiences in AA4, and overall make each their character arcs stronger IMO. Both games enrich the overall experience of the series. I for one am very glad that the events of AA4 occurred, seeing where it eventually led us, and I think Apollo & co. are very strong additions to the cast. (His development in AA5 is among the best in the entire series IMO, and that wouldn't of been possible without AA4.)

As for the Investigations games, they are also definitely worth playing, the second one is especially amazing, but their stories aren't heavily connected to the main narrative so if you play them after Dual Destinies, there won't be much of an impact. There is one major plot point in AAI2 that will be spoiled if you play DD first, but you won't know it while playing, and when you get to AAI2, the plot point in question has such an obvious conclusion that I don't feel it's anything to worry about. I'd always recommend playing the entire series in order if possible, but if you're gonna skip over anything, the AAI games are the only ones I feel is permissible to do so, as long as you intend to revisit them, because they are definitely worth the while of any AA fan. (As for the Layton crossover, it doesn't matter when you play that as it isn't canon, and as long as you have a basic understanding of the series, you'll be fine.)

Ah, I'm trying to play them in order but it's just that I'm importing them all because it's cheaper that way and they're taking their time with the Investigations 1. (And I think 2 might have got lost in transit, I hope that's not the case. :s) I've heard some very good things about the second one so I'm definitely looking forward to that!

So yeah, I'm definitely not planning on skipping anything.

PLvsPW is already in my possession so I figured it'd be nice to play next that because AA4 made me miss Maya quite a bit. Plus I do like Layton games. That said I already bought Dual Destinies so that's just a download away. If Apollo really did receive his development in AA5 I might just have to go with that now to get rid of some of my negative feelings towards him and his game you know? And of course I could just wait for Investigations to arrive but I really don't feel like waiting. Decisions decisions.

Thanks guys.



I love this series
I'd been trying to place what some of the new DGS music reminds me of, and I realized: it's a lot like the AA film's music.

The soundtrack was my biggest problem with the film. Not that the songs in question were bad on their own, just mostly the whole thing was at a slow tempo or just silence for a big part of the film. I could forgive the bad pacing and awkward pauses in dialogue if it actually had hype music (which the series is known for!!), but as it is the film (especially the court sequences) was just tedious. :/

Anywhere i can buy the bluray?

Madman distributes it in Australia, not sure what region you're in though.

Yo, is the DD DLC worth $6-7? I hear the defendant is a whale, which makes me think that yes, it is in fact worth it.

IMO it's the funnest case of that game.


Yo, is the DD DLC worth $6-7? I hear the defendant is a whale, which makes me think that yes, it is in fact worth it.

Totally worth it. It's a pretty long, very funny case.


They play a part of the demo on CapcomTV.

At 33:45 when Asougi points out some contradiction or whatever, I think you can hear the Objection theme. Too bad they talk so loud during this section.
Although it could be a different track, because I don't think I ever heard it in a trailer and usually the AA trailers feature the Objection theme at some point. E.g. the music from the very first trailer sounded a lot like an Objection theme as well.
No probs, after you select New Game you should be able to scroll sideways to choose any case you want. Completing the last case also unlocks the title artwork thing for the final case too.

OH MY GOD!! This is what I wanted to hear! :D Thanks!!
Dahlia did nothing wrong
Well she (game spoilers)
has caused the death/killed three people already and it could have probably been the same with Phoenix.

Alright, time to start Chapter 5!

Alright, so this case will be Fey related. "The only thing I can channel is a TV" Oh my god it's Dahlia!! D: Or Iris I guess. Is Elise gonna kill Pearls or something? lol Dahlia has finally gotten new animation sprites! FINALLY! Hey, it's Larry just in time for the final case of the trilogy! :D "Your clothes may change, but you're still the Butz" Hmm, Iris is totally gonna be my client, right? And I guess Elise looks like the dead person at the beginning. So 'Iris' is hiding a secret. :/ HOLY BALLS WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! Did Phoenix just suddenly died?!

Investigation Phase
Oh. My. Judge.
I'M EDGEWORTH?! is this it? The moment I've been waiting for all this time?! Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney?!?! This music <3 Come on Edgey, it was your first trial, remember Dahlia! Stop glaring at this hahaha. "Thank god for inner monologue"

Oh yeah! My Maya-replacement: Gumshoe! All this dialogue!! "Maybe somehow it's all his fault" "The same could be said to you, Detective." "Do I really inspire this sort of frothing desire from the female masses" "Me as the Blue Badger..." Aww, so classic Udgey won't be the judge for the grand finale? :( And Godot isn't the prosecutor for this one? "This is why I hate childhood friends"

Edgeworth's fancy "Take that!", heh. "Psycholocks" oh my judge lol Alright, so maybe Iris is a twin of Dahlia or something and Bikini saw the actual Dahlia at the crime scene? Edgeworth's basically "NOOOOOOOO! I have to unlock them again?! Darn I hate this function of the game, You know what? I don't have time for this, you'll be at the trial tomorrow!"

Trial First Day
Oh yeah baby! It's Edgeworth time! And there's the other canadian Judge lol. Man does everyone in these games have bad memory or what. lol Oh sheez Franciska is gonna be the prosecutor?! She's gonna be in this case after all?! I thought it was going to be Payne or something LOL This if fantaaaaastic! 8) Everyone is giving Larry a hard time lol and haha perfect reactions for Larry's drawing, specially when the canadian Judge remarks that the court has never seen a flying criminal and Franciska is like "Well..." I'm glad Edgeworth did his child dream of being a lawyer, at least for a day. :)

Investigation Day 2 First Part
Ohh, so it was Phoenix in a hospital (Hotti's heh) bed the previous case! Aww, he put his faith in Edget and Larry. :) Wait, the events of the fake kidnapping happened in this bridge?! D: "But now, he's (von Karma) is gone from this world" Come on, Miguel, Phoenix is clearly stating that von Karma has the life sentence and isn't gonna get out of it, not that he's dead. Yes, keep thinking that. Hmm, so maybe Pearl went with the gravy to the place where Maya was (because well, Maya can't live without eating and Pearls worries about everyone) while Bikini was bathing and accidentally dropped the graby in the scroll.

OMG Godot's back after all!! Phoenix being the cause of his death, yeah, he's totally got to be Diego Armando. How could Phoenix be responsible for Mia's death? Also, Godot shutting Franciska up is totally awesome. Aww, I recognized that Gumshoe wanted to talk about becoming a wizard (before Franciska whips him) just like he did with Edgeworth. "Kurain's Master Talisman"? What? Don't tell me Elise is supposed to be Misty Fey or something. Lol Franciska stop stalking me :p Holy sh!t so it IS true, the victim of this case is MISTY FEY?! I can't believe they did bringed her back. Oh noes, an earthquake? Everyone grab your Edgeworths and ruuuuuuun.

Part Two
So close to finding Iris' secret, come on Edgeworth we all know it's Dahlia give me the evidence. Pearls lost her powers? No more Mia? D: Maybe Pearls tried to channel Misty or something?; Branches families hating on the main one? Is Morgan also involved in this? lol First the quick flashback to Edgey's nightmare and now Bikini mentioning it again, the DL6 case. Wow, this case really connects every game.
askdkawdokaasandsjodsAASJDAOFAJDWNDSAKOA Iris is Morgan's daughter?!!!!!!!!!!! And she's actually the TWIN of Dahlia?! DSJAASKQ0dmewdmpk<askOSAodsajodaj

So Morgan is just in jail and didn't got death penalty? Also why would Misty carry a sword in her staff? The note, I guess Morgan sent it to Pearl? It does say something about channeling. Or maybe to Iris or Dahlia. Also Gumshoe is such a bro. And most importantly.... Dahlia was executed?

YES!! Come on Edgeworth, you know it wasn't Misty's fault, but your father's, right? I mean, doesn't he recognize every time Maya/Pearl suddenly morph into the famous dead attorney that confronted him in his first case?

Hmm, so that's the tragic backstory. Eh, I still hate Dahlia's guts. Okay, so if Pearls couldn't channel her maybe Dahlia is really alive! OOOOH! Or it's just as Pearls said and someone else channeled her. But who else? Maya? She already was with Dahlia/Iris and Bikini. Wait, what if Godot's not actually Godot but someone else channeling him? He did say he returned from hell and the reports from the first case said he died. Plus he was absent for unknown reasons the day after the murder and trial so maybe that person was channeling Dahlia and not Godot therE? AHHH WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING

Wow, Edgey called Phoenix "partner". :D Oh yes, Judge is back!! And the other Judge was his brother's lol Haha, Phoenix's fever passed onto him. Yeah, it makes sense for Iris to cover up the murder just like Lana did back then. Holy first and second game, Maya is being accused of murder again?! I should have seen it coming, it isn't a PW game if it doesn't involve that. Maybe Morgan forced Iris to incriminate Maya?

"Sometimes I just sit back when those lawyers argue back and forth, I just wait for them to reach a conclusion" lmao Hey, Godot doesn't object for a penalty if you pick the wrong option of Larry's drawing. lol "You're trying to turn upside down the case, right? So why don't you start with the drawing?" Why is Godot trying to help me? So I guess it wasn't Max at the crime scene :p Wait What? This iris ISN'T Iris? It's Dahlia?!

Looking for a reason for Dahlia to kill Maya, and it just hit me, revenge against Mia. Alright, so if Misty channeled her, I think I get the picture. So Pearls didn't come to Misty's room, and because Misty didn't wanted her involved, she channeled Dahlia herself. But I don't get it, Dahlia was locked up in the cavern? As who/what? A spirit? How could she have switched places if Iris didn't channeled her? Misty's already dead and Pearls can't channel her. Wait, don't tell me it's Maya who's channeling her. Yup, yes she is!!!

YES YESSS THAT BREAKDOWN! Mia and Phoenix completely destroyed her. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Hey, the Judge actually had a development scene there. Dammit Godot now what? "Some beautiful woman seems to come dashing in at last minute to save you" Yeah that's actually true. Let's just end the trial with everyone happy :( Ugggh, I still don't know who the real killer is, but the hunch of it being Godot haunts me, and I don't want it to be true. Godot wasn't present until after the earthquake. Don't tell me he did it, please don't.

Is this the first time Maya is on the witness stand? Uggh does Misty's death really matter? Whatever person killed her was because Dahlia was in possesion of her body. No...nooo. ndoodoeoqweoooooooooooooo. Come on Maya, keep fighting! D: So the reason Godot didn't saw Maya's name was because he couldn't see it? Hey, Godot was trying to save Maya! All that convulted plan ending up like this :( "That makes sense, after all, my deductions are mostly not right." You're right about that Judge. The mask moment was so hype, especially since my life bar was super tiny. Ahh, Godot's story...

Don't tell me Godot is going to get death sentence or something. :( Come on give the guy a rest, he's put into a coma for 5 years, wakes up with loss of sight and has no reasons to live.

Ahhhhhh, so Iris' was actually Phoenix's girlfriend during those months, I can't believe it! :D And Phoenix drinking up a cup of coffe with Godot, it's damn right the end of the game. Heeeey, child Maya and Mia ;D And Phoenix's last objection of the game :((( Wow, Larry draws damn good after all. What an ending!

Man, this game is definitely my favorite of the series, and an awesome way to end the trilogy. I really can't believe AA5 is called after "Phoenix Wright" when only like two main characters from the trilogy return, it's not the same. I have read out some of TvTropes and GameFAQS and I was surprised at (game spoilers)
how there are many people that hate Godot or consider him in the level of Dahlia, let alone the fact that he's called sexist. Like, woah.
.Also, (AA5 spoilers I guess?)
I thought Phoenix was going lose his badge as an attorney or something? That's the reason Phoenix's presence in AA5 felt very "hype" and it was stated that it was his comeback, right? Something about him and Blackquill starting the Dark Age of Law. I got the vibes something like that was going to happen with AA2's intro and in this game Phoenix's "don't tell ANYONE about it, okay Gumshoe?" (even though the first 10 minutes of the trial Phoenix presents that).
So this is really the end huh, it was really awesome to experience such a fantastic trilogy, but I guess this is the end for me. It was nice meeting you all, goodby-

-Huh? What was that?


Hmph. As simpleminded as ever, Miguel.

-Edgeworth? What is happening?


He's right, you know?

-Apollo? The red and least important attorney from AA5?


...You recognize me that way? And hey, I wasn't the least important one!


Let's not get out of the main topic. I think it's time to present that piece of evidence, Justice.

You're right!

The Investigations take place after the trilogy and before AJ, right? So I'll start with it and see if I can somehow place AAI2 after I finish it, then I'll play AJ and finally replay AA5. Too bad I don't have enough money for PWvsPL lol

Characters I want to see return:
-All of Case 5 of AA1 characters, specially Ema and Mike.
-Any circus character except Regina
-Ron/Mask DeMasque
-Oldbag and Lotta again for the lolz
-El Tigre
-de Killer

Characters I do NOT want to see return:
-Maybe Adrian

AA hype goooooo!


Characters I want to see return:
-All of Case 5 of AA1 characters, specially Ema and Mike.
-Any circus character except Regina
-Ron/Mask DeMasque
-Oldbag and Lotta again for the lolz
-El Tigre
-de Killer

Characters I do NOT want to see return:
-Maybe Adrian

AA hype goooooo!

Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you...
But just wait and see.
I've used it and it's very, very good. Coincidentally, I just came here to say that, since I finished AAI2 a couple days ago.
AAI2 is so incredible. I wish is was more easily accessible to everyone since I think all AA fans should play it, but thank goodness we at least have a few options to experience it in English.


I am this close to start calling AAI2 overrated. It keeps making me think about how much people were talking up Danganronpa 2 before it was released in North America.
I am this close to start calling AAI2 overrated. It keeps making me think about how much people were talking up Danganronpa 2 before it was released in North America.
Well, both games are excellent and outclass their predecessor IMO so I'd be inclined to disagree with you there. But AAI2 would have to actually be more readily available though before I think anyone could legitimately say it's overrated.


Well, both games are excellent and outclass their predecessor IMO so I'd be inclined to disagree with you there. But AAI2 would have to actually be more readily available though before I think anyone could legitimately say it's overrated.

Yeah, I don't actually ever call a game overrated because I think the term is inherently flawed, so I was saying it more facetiously. But I do think I have a lesser opinion of AAI2 than most after having played it, even though I thought it was great. I'd put it on the same level as AAI, I think.
Well, both games are excellent and outclass their predecessor IMO so I'd be inclined to disagree with you there. But AAI2 would have to actually be more readily available though before I think anyone could legitimately say it's overrated.

All of this. I really loved DR2, and thought it was at least on par (if not more) with DR1. And although I didn't get to play AAI2 for the obvious reasons, I did watch a full translated playthrough, and I really like the case concepts more than AAI1.
Yeah, I don't actually ever call a game overrated because I think the term is inherently flawed, so I was saying it more facetiously. But I do think I have a lesser opinion of AAI2 than most after having played it, even though I thought it was great. I'd put it on the same level as AAI, I think.

I liked it more than AAI, it showed great improvements with the overarching plot element and tended to have more enjoyable characters.
But it still suffered from the not so snappy writing that could make things feel tedious at times, I'm not as high on it as others either.
All of this. I really loved DR2, and thought it was at least on par (if not more) with DR1. And although I didn't get to play AAI2 for the obvious reasons, I did watch a full translated playthrough, and I really like the case concepts more than AAI1.
The case concepts and structure of AAI2 is where is really shines. From start to finish is has the more coherency from a narrative standpoint of any game in the series IMO. The last two cases are like one giant mega case that hooks you from the word go, and that final boss. O_O

I liked it more than AAI, it showed great improvements with the overarching plot element and tended to have more enjoyable characters.
But it still suffered from the not so snappy writing that could make things feel tedious at times, I'm not as high on it as others either.
I went with the dowolf translation and I found it just fine. I'm not sure how the patch translation holds up, but I heard it's pretty great too. Obviously an in-house Capcom translation would make it the more congruous with the rest of the English games, but I'm satisfied with the way I experienced. (Except for now the fanbase has three different sets of names to call the AAI2 characters...)

Unless you're referring to the Japanese script, in which case, I haven't heard anything particular about it.


I went with the dowolf translation and I found it just fine. I'm not sure how the patch translation holds up, but I heard it's pretty great too. Obviously an in-house Capcom translation would make it the more congruous with the rest of the English games, but I'm satisfied with the way I experienced. (Except for now the fanbase has three different sets of names to call the AAI2 characters...)

Unless you're referring to the Japanese script, in which case, I haven't heard anything particular about it.

The patch translation was absolutely fantastic. On par with the Ace Attorney localization team's work and professional. I think he was talking more about the amount of dialogue and the game's pacing, which would be a fundamental aspect of AAI2 regardless of language.
The patch translation was absolutely fantastic. On par with the Ace Attorney localization team's work and professional. I think he was talking more about the amount of dialogue and the game's pacing, which would be a fundamental aspect of AAI2 regardless of language.
I found the pacing just fine so I guess I'd have to disagree with that. The cases were long, but I was interested the whole way through all of them so I didn't feel any part dragged. Nothing like the end of AAI, though even that wasn't so bad to me, but probably because I was aware of it beforehand.

Yyyyeeessssss! Omg. My mind.
Some of the best reaction animations in the series too. XD
I went with the dowolf translation and I found it just fine. I'm not sure how the patch translation holds up, but I heard it's pretty great too. Obviously an in-house Capcom translation would make it the more congruous with the rest of the English games, but I'm satisfied with the way I experienced. (Except for now the fanbase has three different sets of names to call the AAI2 characters...)

Unless you're referring to the Japanese script, in which case, I haven't heard anything particular about it.
Oh the fan translation was fine, pretty great even.
But FluxWave pretty much got it.

The patch translation was absolutely fantastic. On par with the Ace Attorney localization team's work and professional. I think he was talking more about the amount of dialogue and the game's pacing, which would be a fundamental aspect of AAI2 regardless of language.

This plus I find the characterisation of the main characters in both Investigations games a touch lacking, for instance I find Edgeworth lacks as much snark in the leading role (or should I say he feels more reeled in) and Gumshoe is duller than usual, this with the overall wordiness can lessen the enjoyment of the games even if the mysteries are still strong.
I found the pacing just fine so I guess I'd have to disagree with that. The cases were long, but I was interested the whole way through all of them so I didn't feel any part dragged. Nothing like the end of AAI, though even that wasn't so bad to me, but probably because I was aware of it beforehand.

My favorite case is definitely the
Singing dessert case with Gregory!

So delicious <3
Oh the fan translation was fine, pretty great even.
But FluxWave pretty much got it.

This plus I find the characterisation of the main characters in both Investigations games a touch lacking, for instance I find Edgeworth lacks as much snark in the leading role (or should I say he feels more reeled in) and Gumshoe is duller than usual, this with the overall wordiness can lessen the enjoyment of the games even if the mysteries are still strong.
Edgeworth was a bit tamer than usual I guess you'd say, but I think that's a product of his experiences during the original trilogy. I think he went through the most interesting internal conflict of any of the protags, at least until Apollo in AA5. As for Gumshoe, I definitely disgree with that. I LOVE his characterization in the AAI games, especially AAI2. His stuff in the final cases of the game are his best moments in the entire series IMO, and considering he's my favorite character, I was very pleased to see it. His relationship with Edgy and Kay is so sweet, and I thought he really got the chance to shine in this sub-series. (It's just too bad that part where you get to control him was so short...) His ending convo with Edgeworth? I can't.

My favorite case is definitely the
Singing dessert case with Gregory!

So delicious <3
That case killed me, in the best and worst ways. I love it so much. ;_;

Ugh, AAI2 is so great. It's awful that it's still the mostly unplayed hidden gem of the series. Why Capcom??? >_<

Penguin Slap

Neo Member
I consider AAI2 my second favorite game in the series. It doesn't have as many hilarious moments for me as the courtroom sections of the mainline games though.
However, the charaters introduced in this are some of my all-time favorites, there are plenty of awesome and sweet moments, and I enjoyed playing all the cases. (Though the fourth case dragged on somewhat. But the third case and the fifth case are great!) Logic chess was fun too.


It's from the TGS Special Court skit, which is available on Hulu Japan now.

Yeah, I think that's what was being talked about during that time they cut the stream but showed extended footage at TGS. Is this included with the game itself in all of that DLC?

I'm reminded of that unique AA5 demo which actually got localized, but this seems more elaborate.

Edit: Heh, they're actually merchandising their April Fools due to popular demand:



I'm reminded of that unique AA5 demo which actually got localized, but this seems more elaborate.

I really hope DGS gets a (web) demo as well. Love how they changed some stuff for the AA5 demo so that players who played the demo were actually surprised when playing the real game instead of being "spoiled" (of course nothing is really spoiled) of the first few segments.


Update about the OST - Capcom's official site confirms the release will have 67 tracks composed by Yasumasa Kitagawa (composer for the Ace Attorney half of Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) and Hiromitsu Maeba (new to the AA series, composer for Sengoku Basara 4 and other titles.)

My theory: Maeba is handling the "Japanese-style" tracks, Kitagawa the "England-style" ones. I'm also starting to think we will have a situation like PLvsPW where the first trial uses a different soundtrack than the rest - one of the songs in the recent trailer sounds very much like it could be a Cross-Examination Allegro theme, but it doesn't line up with the Cross-Examination Moderato theme for case 1 they've released on the website.

(I'm very excited about the possibility of getting two new sets of court music, if you hadn't noticed.)


My theory: Maeba is handling the "Japanese-style" tracks, Kitagawa the "England-style" ones. I'm also starting to think we will have a situation like PLvsPW where the first trial uses a different soundtrack than the rest - one of the songs in the recent trailer sounds very much like it could be a Cross-Examination Allegro theme, but it doesn't line up with the Cross-Examination Moderato theme for case 1 they've released on the website.

Do you mean this track? Certainly sounds like a different Cross-Examination theme (although it could be Moderato instead of Allegro).
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