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Since we're talking about long cases, I'll ask again:

Oh, I remembered wanting to bring this up: Are we all in agreement that Case 3 in AAI2 is goddamn incredible?

As I see it, an instance where longevity really contributed to the particular gravitas of a case spanning such a long time, and it really highlighted how stimulatingly convoluted the case was despite its small (but significant) ensemble and place of action.
Case 4 of AA2

Awesome! Powers is back! :D And Oldbag and Lotta (again) too. lol Oh man, Jammin' Ninja has such a better design and idea for a show than Steel Samurai 2.0, why was he the one that died ):< Kidnapping Maya? Interesting plot point. So, huh, my client, he's really weird lol Kind of reminds me of Max from the previous case. At least he's innocent I guess. Nice to see Gumshoe helping as a bro. Why Adrian when they can use Adriana? Her design is cool, her personality just makes me want to take her down in trial :p Oh crap, Edgey's back! Edgeworth in this game really acts weird compared to his behavior in the last two cases of AA1 lol But I'm glad he and Powers got new animations.

Wow, didn't expect Franziska to get shot, so it's time to return against classic Edgey! Oh my god, Adrian breaking down, I want to feel sorry for her, specially with that scared animation, but her cold attitude from earlier just makes me go "HAHAHAHAHA TAKE THAT!" Edgeworth's a dick again lol So 'Shelly De Killer' huh?

OH MY GOOOOOOOOD! I freaked out when I saw freakin' Killer in Engarde's room. Like, woooAAAH. So yeah, that + Edgeworth said earlier about de Killer and his clients...

YES!! Finally a case where you're defending a guilty person!!! Aaaah, that Engarde transformation, where did he got that cup from anyways. Also oh my god why is everyone retarted, how could Phoenix not recognize de Killer? Of course he went away!

Alright, so trial time! Trying to find contradictions in a testimony that is correct feels so good! "If I could recieve a tip of that amount of money, I wouldn't be prosecuting!" LMAO at de Killer's presence in the court, specially his offers to Phoenix and how the Judge started getting scared. Wow, they actually used the "Adrian" thing as a point. Okay, if the thing you choose in that moment of suspense actually happened, I would obviously choose saving Maya. Like, seriously, whatever with Adrian.
Franziska time! Are there any other routes to go with? I chose questioning de Killer and then showing Engarde betrayed him. But wow, that resolution to the trial felt so satisfying 8) Loved Engarde's breakdown.

Looking back in retrospective, it's pretty cool to notice that if you presented most evidence to Engarde he would just say generic dialogue, but if you selected the radio, then it would be different. Still can't believe the deal with him. Like, his normal appereance was way too normal and he was dumb enough to be likeable, but he was the responsible for a suicide and ordered to kill someone (I thought their relationship was like some school friends that "Dude, I'm better than you!" but then it took that dark tone to it...) just for the fame, huh.

That ending was pretty awesome. Seeing Franziska crying! Hahaha. And aww, the drawing Maya made.

Honestly, in the end, I ended up liking it as much as AA1! AA3 is considered the best AA, right? :D Can't wait to start it.

RE: Von Karma, you'll really enjoy the Ace Attorney Investigations games then. He appears in both during flashbacks, and these flashbacks are pretty extensive.
Awesome! Now the problem is going to find here the games that are not included with the trilogy.


2-4 is easily the best case in AA2. AA3 is considered the best because it's just such a neat package that ties up the trilogy perfectly and still have a good story arc on its own. And 3-5 is just so good.


2-4 is considered one of the best cases in the series, and now you understand why.

Are there any other routes to go with? I chose questioning de Killer and then showing Engarde betrayed him. But wow, that resolution to the trial felt so satisfying 8) Loved Engarde's breakdown.

Sort of.
Screwing up any part of the "show a person evidence" segment, including de Killer's followup question, results in a bad end where Adrian is found guilty and Phoenix leaves the legal profession. It also led to the most poorly-timed typo in the history of the series.


There's no arguing with AA3's soundtrack or Godot but the fact that (AA3 spoilers)
the more outlandish elements of the series play such a central role
really prevent it from even coming close to being my favourite.

While people choose to get in arms about the circus and concert cases, I look at AA3 and see real highs - some of them genuinely great, others sticking out by their mere shrillness (what I was alluding to above) which I'm inclined to hold in lower regard - but also stretches in-between that are among the least memorable the series has to offer. And don't get me wrong, even those parts are entertaining and easily rank higher than anything that can be found in any other VN, but in the context of the series, there's some real slumps that people just choose to gloss over for some reason (remember 3-3? yeah,
it has Furio Tigre in it and that lady with the bandages and ???
). I'd strongly contest the idea of it being a neat package.

Anyway, the majority of fans will obviously not change their minds which leaves me in eternal bewilderment at the overstated reverence for 3. Maybe it has to do with a different perception of
? I'll have to think about that.


3-3 has Armstrong man. Also robot lady and SPARDA.

Yeah, I mean, it's obviously been years since I played it but I'm just trying to make the point that, in a series full of fantastic cases, this one is a bit less fantastic. Since my main gripes concern the Kuhrain stuff, however, I suppose we can just leave 3-3 be.

Also, all the cooks in AAI2 are more interesting than Armstrong. (This reminds me - Court-Records really need to get those AAI2 gifs up and running at some point!).


Trials & Tribulations is my favourite Ace Attorney game because I don't think there's a single weak case in it. 3-2 and 3-3 are both good cases with some fun characters and the other cases are all some of the best in the series. 3-3 actually has one of my favourite moments when
Furio falls for the bottle trick. It felt so good.


2-4 is easily the best case in AA2. AA3 is considered the best because it's just such a neat package that ties up the trilogy perfectly and still have a good story arc on its own. And 3-5 is just so good.

in all honesty i think it's the only good case in that game
Feeling totally drained/exhausted so I'm listening to some more AA music to get a boost. Series OST marathon almost done.

I want some new AA to play. Capcom, let's get going here. :/


Made a thread about it, but DGS will be at NicoNico Chou Kaigi next month, meaning new info is likely soon.

For reference, last time an AA game was at Chou Kaigi, it was Dual Destinies, and it brought with it this trailer showing off the gameplay. It was also preceded by a glut of new info about the game (Apollo's return, release date, etc.), and it kicked off the marketing that led up to the game's release in July of 2013. Here's hoping for a similar situation with DGS!

Also, since I don't think it was ever posted here: Capcom is hiring one-day playtesters for DGS if anyone here's in Japan. Deadline for application is 3/22.
The AAI2 soundtrack has so many great tunes. Everything about that game is so awesome, it's such a shame that so many non-Japanese AA fans haven't gotten to experience it yet. I truly hope that is remedied one day.

AJ/AAI/AAI2 Compilation when?


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Has Capcom ever commented on not localizing that game? It seems so weird: every other AA game has been translated, except that one.
It was during a particularly dark time for Capcom USA. Not that they've fully recovered. The company is still a shell of its former self.

Considering the series' penchant for rereleases, hopefully we'll have another version of AAI2 to request in the future. It is essential to any AA fan IMO.
Just beat case number two in Apollo Justice.

Who the hell ran over Phoenix Wright? That wasn't answered at all.

Is this answered later on?


It was
the victim, Pal Meraktis
. You find that out early on, but if memory serves it doesn't play much of a role in the rest of the case.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Oh god, in the third case of DD, the revelation that
the 3 friends wore bracelets and that their friendship was as strong as ever
, was so lame. The short fmv + voice acting made it even worse. Why did they have to put that in, every one of those cutscenes has been cringeworthy. Now that this case has gone into the deep end, I can't wait for it to end.


Oh god, in the third case of DD, the revelation that
the 3 friends wore bracelets and that their friendship was as strong as ever
, was so lame. The short fmv + voice acting made it even worse. Why did they have to put that in, every one of those cutscenes has been cringeworthy. Now that this case has gone into the deep end, I can't wait for it to end.

The voice acting for that scene is pretty bad in English, but I honestly think it's equally bad in Japanese. It's just feels kinda forced and out of place.

I really like the case itself though.


5-3 is a good case. The low points were the anime power of friendship cliche stuff that occurred in a select few scenes, and I wasn't too into Athena's
statue antics that happened near the end.
It made for some good banter between Athena and Apollo, at least.

I think anime cutscenes are a welcome addition to Ace Attorney and, overall, I enjoyed them in AA5 and PLvsAA. They'd just need better voice acting/direction.


Playing AA4 atm, I don't remember it being this good, Phoenix in AA4 is easily the best Phoenix, Shu Takumi should come back and make a true sequel to AA4.


Playing AA4 atm, I don't remember it being this good, Phoenix in AA4 is easily the best Phoenix, Shu Takumi should come back and make a true sequel to AA4.

Apparently, he didn't even want Phoenix Wright in AA4 in the first place and had to have it forced on him.

That did result in an awesome evolution of his character, but I think AA5 is just fine as a follow-up to AA4, seeing how much better a character Apollo became.


Good chance we'll get a Japanese release date next week, then.

Most likely.

That, and a whole bunch of info I hope. This game is still pretty mysterious.

True, but all things considered we've actually gotten a bit more DGS info than we did for DD back when that was being developed. For comparison:

Initial announce, no details beyond title: January 2012
Protagonist/assistant/setting reveal, first screens: September 2012
Apollo reveal: March 2013
Simon reveal, release date, and start of full marketing: April 2013

Initial announce, no details beyond "Takumi's working on it": February 2014
Protagonist/assistant/setting reveal: April 2014
Sherlock/Iris/gameplay reveal, first screens: September 2014
Asougi reveal, more screens: December 2014
Demo stations around Japan: January-March 2015
More info (release date, full marketing?): April 2015

DD was really an info drought until they kicked off their full marketing blitz.

In any event, looking forward to the info; if I had to guess, it'll be along the lines of release date, prosecutor, and info about case 2/the England trials, with a trailer at NicoNico Chou Kaigi.
Apollo was awful in AA4, but he was legit awesome in Dual Destinies

I liked him in both games, but I did definitely prefer him in DD as well :)

I think his issue in AA4 was that the game was so centred around Phoenix that his character had no opportunity to develop or even show that much :/
Playing AA4 atm, I don't remember it being this good, Phoenix in AA4 is easily the best Phoenix, Shu Takumi should come back and make a true sequel to AA4.

I like it more each time I play it. The soundtrack in particular is excellent, even by Ace Attorney standards.
Also, I bought AA Trilogy since it's on sale and it's really hard getting used to the missing frames of animation on characters. It's easier for me to ignore it on some characters, but others like Udgey seem a lot weirder.
It's time to begin AA3!


And even more oh MY GOOOOOOOOD WE'RE DEFENDING A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PHOENIX! Like woah, when the case began and I saw that spiky hair I was like "is that?.... No... it can't b-!" Doesn't Phoenix has that awesome sweater as DLC in Dual Destinies? Haha.

Alright, so Grossberg is completely useless. :p And hey, Winston had hair just like his brother in Dual Destinies!! Mia's voice sounds younger than I thought, haha. Also, this is from Phoenix's sneeze comes from in UMvC3 right? Awesome. Aaaah, I seriously can't believe this is how Phoenix acted before. Like, he's even worse than frickin' Larry. lol I guess the events of fourth grade really traumatized him.

Dammit Grossberg, stop talking about your hemorrhoids (also holy cow, did the Harlem Shake existed back then?!). The Judge and Winston falling for Dahlia, haha. Woah, okay, so she murdered Mia's boyfriend before. He was spanish/latin too. :( Arriving to the truth feels awesome as always. TAKE THAT DAHLIA! I do feel bad for Winston though. He went from being known for destroying rookies in court to fail to express his arguments (plus he lost his hair too lol)

Phoenix is still acting as weirdo even after the trial. lol I guess this is the point where he realizes what does it means to be lawyer and to defend people, huh. (This is way far more important for Phoenix to remember than a fourth-grade class trial). He mentions saving Edgeworth too. Would be cool if in AA1 everyone mentioned that they already knew each other because of the case. Also, imagine if the trial never happened to Phoenix and he became a lawyer with THAT kind of personality!

I need an Ace Attorney: Mia Fey game. NOW.

Young Magus

Junior Member
I liked him in both games, but I did definitely prefer him in DD as well :)

I think his issue in AA4 was that the game was so centred around Phoenix that his character had no opportunity to develop or even show that much :/


Poor kid got overshadowed in his own game ;-;. I had no problems with his character in 4 besides that tho.
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