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The new Dai trailer. O_O

Capcom is gonna be at the Anime Expo apparently. That would be a lovely place to confirm it's localization IMO.


The new Dai trailer. O_O

Capcom is gonna be at the Anime Expo apparently. That would be a lovely place to confirm it's localization IMO.

It'd be particularly poetic if ZE3 were also announced there, since DGS was first announced on the day ZE3 was officially put on hold.
It'd be particularly poetic if ZE3 were also announced there, since DGS was first announced on the day ZE3 was officially put on hold.
The circle of life.

Seeing both DGS and ZE3 be confirmed at the expo would be truly glorious. I do wonder exactly why Capcom is attending...


They're going there to publicly announce that a localisation was in progress, but cancelled due to a lack of fan support and lacklustre Ace Attorney Trilogy sales.
They're going there to publicly announce that a localisation was in progress, but cancelled due to a lack of fan support and lacklustre Ace Attorney Trilogy sales.
Are you applying to work at Capcom Golnei? You got their rhetoric down pat. You'll have to supply your own hoops though.

I'm gonna stay hopeful and say we'll get both DGS and ZE3 confirmed. It's the (fiscal) year of VNs!

Street Fighter of course.

Why must they have both Ace Attorney and Monster Hunter...
I don't think they'll be doing any SF reveals there. They've already confirmed a panel at SDCC and Evo is soon too.

I'm sure they'll have it at their booth, but I don't think they'd choose to break any news about it.


Famitsu score of DGS:
9/9/9/8 - 35/40

That's pretty good, although Famitsu scores don't mean much. I am more curious what they write about the game.


Takumi and Kojima confirmed in the latest issue of Famitsu that they'd love to make a sequel to DGS if it sells. If AA6 shows up at TGS this year, I would not be surprised at all to see the series move to an annual format, with standard AA games one year and DGS the other.


Takumi and Kojima confirmed in the latest issue of Famitsu that they'd love to make a sequel to DGS if it sells. If AA6 shows up at TGS this year, I would not be surprised at all to see the series move to an annual format, with standard AA games one year and DGS the other.
As long it's localized i will buy it. If not i will wait for the fan translation and buy the original cart for 2000 yen...



Ace Attorney eshop themes, and sale for Duel Destinies and Trilogy.

Perhaps I'm reading too much into this, but with Anime Expo approaching too, could there be something AA happening there?

Give DGS localisation capcom

Finally some good themes on the European shop.

Will be tough to decide which one to buy. Mood Matrix and Pixel Art have the best music, but I like the optical design of the other two more.

Maybe I just buy all of them.


Bought all four themes as soon as I heard the news. Really hoping we get a DGS localization announcement soon since these themes and the sale really came out of nowhere.


Bought all four themes as soon as I heard the news. Really hoping we get a DGS localization announcement soon since these themes and the sale really came out of nowhere.

I agree, my fingers are crossed! I bought the 4 themes also. Definitely a nice surprise today to see they released them.


The cover for last week's issue of Famitsu:


Was revealed on July 1st, but might as well post it here.


Phoenix Wright on the Project X Zone 2 box art. Got a better representation here than on the UMvC3 one.

Edit: Wait, woops, that cover is from last week's issue, not this week's. It's cool all the same; hoping for a great debut from the game this week.


The cover for last week's issue of Famitsu:


Actually that's the first artwork I don't like as much. Why do Iris and Susato look like distant admirers, who can't do anything on their own?

Edit: Okay, Iris is a 10 year old child, but Susato was always portrayed as capable and not easily impressed. And now she's nearly fainting over how cool Ryunosuke and Sherlock look like.

Anyways, can't wait for the release. Everything they showed from the game looked awesome so far.


I'm really happy to see Phoenix on the PXZ2 Cover. Especially since he's in the center and is easy to recognize!


Back when DGS was announced, Takumi sounded like he felt Susato was a very key part of the story, so hopefully she has more of a role to play than just "assistant" (and the same goes for Iris and Holmes.)

Game releases in a few days! I'll make an import thread if nobody else is going to (though I don't have time to give it the full |OT| treatment.) Also, I'm going to be streaming episodes 1 and 2 on release day if anyone's interested.
I hope Susato plays a prominent role in the story because I love her design and personality.

Also, definitely bought all 4 themes on my 3DS. I love them all, but I like the pixel and Widget ones the best. (I don't know why Gumshoe is excluded from the "main character" one... ;_;)


Back when DGS was announced, Takumi sounded like he felt Susato was a very key part of the story, so hopefully she has more of a role to play than just "assistant" (and the same goes for Iris and Holmes.)
Did they say anything new about her in the character introduction video?

Game releases in a few days! I'll make an import thread if nobody else is going to (though I don't have time to give it the full |OT| treatment.) Also, I'm going to be streaming episodes 1 and 2 on release day if anyone's interested.
Thank you for streaming, although I will only watch a few minutes in fear of spoilers. ;)

I am looking forward to the "I just want to know one thing" thread.


DGS is out in the wild; at least one Japanese user is already posting up walkthroughs about the game. Be careful out there if you speak the language.

If anyone wants an answer about the structure of episode 2 (DGS gameplay spoilers, no story spoilers):
there is no cross-examination equivalent, just Joint Reasoning and direct evidence presentation.


If we're to get a localization announcement for DGS soon, today at the SDCC "World of Capcom" panel (starting at 5:00 PM PDT, 8:00 PM EDT) would be the place to get it.


10(?) hours until abject disappointment. How can you foster false hope so readily, knowing the torturous pain it will visit upon us?


Really hoping we get that DGS localization announcement soon since the panel should be starting around 30 minutes from now.

I'm already trying not to get my hopes up but I want to BELIEVE.
I'm not getting my hopes up for an announcement tonight, but it would be very nice. Regardless, I'll never stop believing we'll get it here eventually.


AAI is a perfectly fine game. It's not on the same level as games like T&T or the original PW, but it's a fun spin-off and I love seeing Edgeworth interacting with the cast.

AAI2, however, is absolutely magnificent and is one of my personal favorite game in the series.


That's good to hear. I actually think my favorite in the series is AJ, and I have a hard time picking a favorite among the rest, so as long as it's in roughly the same ballpark with the rest of series I'm okay.


Managed to find a periscope of the panel and it looks to me that DGS will be a no-show. They're spending the last 10 minutes on merchandise.

The miracle never happen.


Yep, wasn't actually expecting it, but if it was going to happen anytime soon, I can't not think this would have been it.

We're not going to be hearing about DGS in English for a long time.
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