Xam, I hope you realize that this incredibly passionate indictment is going to reflect very badly on you if Star flips town.
If you're that sure, though...
If you're that sure, though...
Asking publicly helps paint a more Town picture of yourself, which is good for Scum.You seem to forget that if I were scum I wouldn't have to ask publicly.
Asking publicly helps paint a more Town picture of yourself, which is good for Scum.
It's also nice to see Town insights as a result of the question and use that to change/improve your performance in future games.
If you don't want to hammer, I don't want to force you to do anything, alright? Your vote is yours to use as you wish.Xam, I hope you realize that this incredibly passionate indictment is going to reflect very badly on you if Star flips town.
If you're that sure, though...
I am fairly certain I was not targeted by Scum for a kill tonight. I wonder if Bowlie killed Riorius last night, the Neutral killed Bowlie, and Scum tried to target Scrafty again.I sincerely hope Jailor is not our only protecting role, because otherwise we are pretty much screwed.
I like the fact that non-killing roles bypass the jailor protection, since that pretty much means Xam was not protected by a jailor type of role, so now the fact that he is alive means there was a switcher or he was not a target. But that still not explains why he was not able to get the gift.
I have some questions.
Do you know if the person you jailed gets attacked?
Does the jailee know they were jailed?
Do you have any sort of private chat ability?
Why did you care so much about the Neutral on D1?
And for the time being
I sincerely hope Jailor is not our only protecting role, because otherwise we are pretty much screwed.
I like the fact that non-killing roles bypass the jailor protection, since that pretty much means Xam was not protected by a jailor type of role, so now the fact that he is alive means there was a switcher or he was not a target. But that still not explains why he was not able to get the gift.
OH GOD THE PUNSAnd now you see why I was so cagey about it earlier.
Also, is there a potential synergy between you and CornB in being able to stop his item flow?
No to the first 3. As for the neutral thing, I already established why I brought that up. I thought it was a good starting point for some conversation. I was also under the assumption that it was a non-survivor /self removing Neutral. Though, "Why did you care so much about the neutral" implies I went on and on about it, and I only made like...1 post?
And now you see why I was so cagey about it earlier.
It's not the question I mean...100% unintended.
I don't think so, because I was markedly confused when Scrafty started talking about items and I had to check my role PM again.
Unless this isn't the question you're asking.
It's not the question I mean
CornB was talking about how he HAS to give an item out every night, and that he runs the risk of giving it to a scum or neutral. However, you can roleblock him to stop it from spreading, persay.
Do you know if your roleblock extends to the use of items, or is it not that complex?
She blocked ScraftyDevil both nightsStar Jail blocked Scraf N1 and Xam N2?
She blocked ScraftyDevil both nights
I prevent a person from using their role and from being targeted by kill abilities. They aren't notified if I do this. I'm not notified if someone targeted the person I used it on. Non killing abilities can be used on people I jail.
I prevent a person from using their role and from being targeted by kill abilities. They aren't notified if I do this. I'm not notified if someone targeted the person I used it on. Non killing abilities can be used on people I jail.
and this is what you understood from your role pm?
Well, yeah. Not really much I can do about that.Hmm but that also means that there is no way for people to know if you are saying the truth or not about your role. No notifications of any kind means no proof, only your word, and the fact that non killing abilities can go through like they are nothing is weird, sounds more like a doctor than a jailor, the only thing that makes your role similar to a jailor is that you roleblock your target while protecting it.
I would say that unless one has a role that explicitly states that another player is scum/town the majority of a Mafia game is based off of speculation and connections one makes based off people's posts and (re)actions.Its fairly simple really, me and Star are the most suspicious and that is not going to change, and I would vote for her to save myself, since I know my role and I don't know hers. But you guys have nothing on me and nothing on her, that is a simple fact. All is speculation and metagaming. You are just going to force either of us or both to claim when the night is about to end, and I guess that could be helpful, so yeah, go for it.
I'm not 100% sure, obviously. I just stated my opinion and wanted to see reactions. StarSketch didn't even respond while you became quite jumpy. As for me building a narrative to get you guys lynched consecutively I don't think its true. I'm just stating my opinions based off of what I read and know now. If and when we learn more info(either through people talking, the lynch's result, the night actions) then I'll adjust my opinions and suspicions accordingly. If suspicion still falls on StarSketch or you then I will certainly consider voting for either one of you. If the new info dimishes my suspicion of either one of you/ I become more suspicious of someone else at the moment/something clears you guys as Town then I will place my vote elsewhere.There is something that concerns me and that is how sure you are that me and Star are working together, it seems to me that you are trying to build a narrative that will have two players lynched on consecutive nights.
If you flip town, no, that wouldn't automatically exonerate Star, we'd have to also judge Star based on her own actions and posts.What would you do if I flip town? Would that exonerate Star of your suspicious? And what if I flip scum? Would that automatically make Star scum too?
Yeah, I specifically prefaced my opinions and theory with that to clarify that I have been looking at QB/Drago/you most closely than anyone else and that perhaps there was some bias to it plus I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt(because again you got replaced) and see how you'd react to my opinion(hence why I didn't vote for you on my theory post).You used a word, tunneling. I have been guilty of this before and the problem is that you stop considering options where you might be wrong. It seems reasonable that me and Star are scum, but is that the only option?
I don't think the answer is a "definitive 100% Yes"(as stated above). but I still feel like I have the right to vote for either of you. Especially for you when you state the latter. Why would I convince Xam to inspect the surviving one? It's already been stated that it's not good to openly state the one individual whom Xam should check, especially when there's the possibility that there could be a Scum switcher. If they exist, they could switch Xam's stated target with a confirmed Townie like Scrafty and thus Xam would be presented with a green check, taking away suspicion from the initial target. To me, for you to say that is scummy, that you'd want me to push Xam to choose the target and that you'd want the specific target to be stated out in the open.If you think that the answer is a definitive 100% Yes, then vote for any of us, and be sure to convince Xam to inspect the surviving one.
How am I eager? I just wanted to voice my opinions and see what you and the others thought about them. I didn't even vote, specifically because I want everyone to talk and so that we get more information as the day progresses. Why aren't you calling everyone else that has already voted for StarSketch eager?You have 2 more days to try to get other players to talk, you know, why are you so eager in having any of us lynched?
Is this question to force me to potentially role claim? So that if you do die at least Mafia will know if I'm a powerful townie or not, and if I were to be then they would have a good target to kill?Do you know something we don't?
She could have been wrongly accused. The possibility of being innocent is definitely there. She could also be a neutral. Today she's been awfully rambly, it could obviously be because she's nervous about having so many votes on her, but she certainly does resemble TWE during his last minutes. And now she's role claimed, I'll have to google Jailer to see what it says. Of course, Sorian could've modified the role from any original roles but it's a good idea to get an basic understanding on Jailer. Her role does seem awfully specific and convenient though.Again, I don't know if Star is scum or not, but to me her actions seem like that of an wrongly accused town player so far. Yours seem like a scum or neutral trying to get town to waste a day and a night. And that would only be if you know you lose nothing getting both of us out.
I explicitly stated that my theory, if true, of wanting to lynch Hipster Cthulhu was created by TWE and DragoThat is exactly my point, his theory is flawed and from my point of view, wrong. I think is more likely than either one of us is scum/neutral or that both of us are innocent. He is basing his whole theory in both of us working together, but as other have pointed out that is a silly assumption to make, since Star seems to be struggling by herself, and I am shaking the silly notion that QB wanted to follow Scrafty because he wanted to play it safe.
If StarSketch had also voted for Hipster Cthulhu then yeah I could've added her directly to the theory but that never happened. My direct suspicions of her were stated in my last post.He votes for Hipster Cthulhu even though he says TWE's "the most suspicious player now". This post was also after all of TWE's weird gifs and posts. Why? Could it have been that TWE and Drago were working together to try and sway Town and lynch Hipster Cthulhu(TWE votes Hipster Cthulhu after this, backs up my theory but it certainly is also very risky for scum to do this so close to each other but TWE was certainly desperate at this point) instead of TWE and added the mistrust of TWE at the end of the post just in case their plan didn't work and he could fall back on that? As he does below.
Hmm but that also means that there is no way for people to know if you are saying the truth or not about your role. No notifications of any kind means no proof, only your word, and the fact that non killing abilities can go through like they are nothing is weird, sounds more like a doctor than a jailor, the only thing that makes your role similar to a jailor is that you roleblock your target while protecting it.
Also Phoenix was our watcher (Well, one of his three abilities), and I find it really unlikely we have a second one, so scum has nothing to fear about been watched.
I'll try and get some reads down before the end of the day.
At risk of setting off unnecessary alarm bells, I do have to agree with I forget who that a lot of the suspicions I'm seeing do seem to be people clinging to pretty innocuous things and just pounding them. The thread stinks a bit of horseflesh, particularly in regards to QB. Has anyone checked up on Epic Mafia current theory? Is his suggestion what is actually the go-to move for that community? If so, there is much ado about nothing haunting him and his predecessors. Gafia has their way of doing things but it isn't the only way, as much as I do disagree with QB's original suggestion. I honestly see the constant reference to it as a convenient alternative to finding someone who wants to no-lynch day 1 and trying to build a scum case off of it when it's really not a viable option in this community despite its advocates usually volleying the ball of it around d1 regardless of their alignment.
Recent other thoughts:
There seem to be a lot of killing roles in play.
Starsketch's claim seems very convenient, and so does the fact that Xam is still alive. No notifications seem a bit strange but it also seems a bit crazy to claim for actions that intuitively most of us will wonder about, like jailing Scrafty without preventing her receiving items. I like Salva's idea of testing it with Ezekiel. More thoughts in a bit.
I prevent a person from using their role and from being targeted by kill abilities. They aren't notified if I do this. I'm not notified if someone targeted the person I used it on. Non killing abilities can be used on people I jail.
Honestly, I don't give a fuck about what they do and don't in Epic Mafia. I saw it as an attempt to get around having responsibility for the vote he did for that day, which is very scummy. If that is the way they play in epic mafia? Great, I don't care.
Also, the Ezekel idea was from me and not Salva. Why do people keep skipping me or crediting things from me to other people? It's Retro giving credit to Gorlak for MY awesome quote about Outer Gafia all over againI also just thought about the fact that this idea would probably open up Scrafty for being night killed. However, lynching Sketch and her flipping jailor would also do that.
Additionally, Star, the idea of you not having a private chat with the person you jailed is very suspect, because we've already had a confirmed role that can instigate private chats.
Valid point.I've seen other variations on the role. In one game, jailor was just a standard role blocker
Additionally, Star, the idea of you not having a private chat with the person you jailed is very suspect, because we've already had a confirmed role that can instigate private chats.
If Scrafty tried to use the item last night, then she should at least know if she was role blocked.
Yeah, I was thinking about that, and Scrafty is such an obvious target, I actually was expecting Mafia to NOT target her. On the other hand, she probably did get protected last night.
And this still doesn't explain why the other two died.
What's up with this post from earlier, StarSketch? According to you, you protected Scrafty N1, so why speculate on if someone protected her or not? Also, if Scrafty was such an obvious target, why did you protect her?Well, yeah. Not really much I can do about that.
Well the PM says Jailer so...
I don't think I was targeted for a kill last night.And of course that it seems like there was something protecting Xam last night.
I don't think I was targeted for a kill last night.
I am 90% sure DeKiller tried to give me his calling card and it failed, because as of now everyone has checked in and no-one got a calling card N2. And if I was supposed to get the calling card, Scum wouldn't want to kill me that same night, otherwise they probably would have killed Roy N1.
Star's actions make sense enough. Protecting Xam would be pointless if you're going to roleblock him too. Scrafty is a confirmed townie with no night actions, so there's no downside to protecting her. If we treat the role as a doctor + rb then it's reasonable enough that an item could still be given, and the rb part resolves the issue of the doctor permanently protecting the cop.
I'd say that the role is plausible enough. The issue is that it's not verifiable.
Ah, I see Roy already suggested having her block Zeke tonight. I have two issues with that plan:
1) that it tells scum who the doctor is going to be on.
2) if scum have a rb, they can fake it.
But as you say, if we lynch her then 1 isn't an issue anyway.