Would be nice to hear from
I'm here! It's just that as the new guy I don't have much to say; I'm basically seeing what you're talking about (like role names or strategies) and searching at a wiki.
Would be nice to hear from
Scrafty's Role PM said:You win when all non-town players have been eliminated from the game and there is at least one town player still alive.
Quick thing I noticed:
My PM says this too, so does this mean that there is or isn't a neutral, you think?
I should hope your PM says this too, otherwise you'd be on some team that isn't town. It's also on the Wendy Oldbag (good riddance) example PM. I actually think it's kind of weird that you felt the need to mention that your PM says the same thing about the town win condition as someone elses.
Would be nice to hear from
hope I didn't miss anyone.
Quick thing I noticed:
My PM says this too, so does this mean that there is or isn't a neutral, you think?
I should hope your PM says this too, otherwise you'd be on some team that isn't town. It's also on the Wendy Oldbag (good riddance) example PM. I actually think it's kind of weird that you felt the need to mention that your PM says the same thing about the town win condition as someone elses.
Yeah I realized that it looked bad right after I posted it. I would have edited, but it's against the rules :|
I bet you anything this is going to bite me in the ass later, as usual.
I feel like there is a neutral, and fitting with the theme, I feel like Edgeworth could be a neutral.
It seems weird for Edgeworth to be a neutral role in the game when he seems set to be so involved in the flavor.
So I've been thinking, and most likely all the PR in this game have important character names. Like... Phoenix Wright isn't going to be a normal town role.
So I think name claiming should be considered as serious as role claiming. Which is to say, don't do it. Or don't do it lightly.
I also am wondering about scum names. I think giving the scum PR obvious villain names is risky. Unless no name cop exists. Which may very well be the case. But then this creates the issue of "Ok everyone name claim now" and scum having to scramble to come up with plausible non-villain character names that won't get counter claimed.
Which may mean that scum has been given a list of names that are safe. This was the case in Election. So that also means that we can't be too lax. If someone seems super scummy, and the only thing saving them is something like "I'm Miles Edgeworth" then it may be best to not spare them over that.
Bonus speculation: Winston Payne is either a scum character or a neutral role in this game.
Only if we could use as system where everyone puts forward their name at the same time as to catch anyone out.
how much mafia have you played before?
Only if we could use as system where everyone puts forward their name at the same time as to catch anyone out.
Unfortunately even if we could all time coordinate, it wouldn't work.
There are at least a few characters that could conceivably be either scum or town depending on which version of the character is used. And then scum could have a list of safe unused names.
But we could possibly catch out doubles from scum using an obvious townie name that was already taken.
It seems weird for Edgeworth to be a neutral role in the game when he seems set to be so involved in the flavor.
But we could possibly catch out doubles from scum using an obvious townie name that was already taken.
In Election, scum team was given (by the Moderator of the game) a list of viable names to use for role claims. Names that were valid from a flavor standpoint, AND that were not already given to other players.
If that happened in this game as well, there wouldn't be any doubles.
no, we can't
I'm willing to guess that our characters are all named, that means that to avoid just such a thing occurring it is likely that Sorian provided the members of the scum team with fake identities that he knew were not otherwise being used. Like maybe there's no Klavier in the game and he gave them a Klavier role they could claim (amongst others).
In this scenario even if we all named our roles at the same time there would be a pile of town-looking or town-possible names and NO overlaps.
Well shit, I'm out of ideas.
well alright then, good game, lets pack it in and go home
do you have any opinions on any of the other players playing the game as of yet? any interactions that stand out to you or things that you think might be a little weird? or people you think are doing a good job?
I know we're only a few hours into it so I'm not really expecting a lot but that's really the job.
I think that we need everyone to post a few times first before we can start to draw any lines.
Why not? Any reason for it being "weird?"
Why Zubz? Weird.
Im all in favor of a Day 1 Lynch. It's ridiculous not to. I'm not going to blind vote now but I will have a vote by the end of the day.
At least now that I'm confirmed to be an ally of JUSTICE, no one can attempt to undermine or cast suspicion on me.
Would be nice to hear from
hope I didn't miss anyone.
My Chords of Steel are ready for-
It's an interesting mechanic/"power" for you to be outed immediately, Pearls. Being a confirmed town is incredibly useful right off the bat, and makes sure you smell good to everyone else right away. I don't particularly agree with it making you a prime target right away, because to scum, practically everyone else is confirmed town (neutrals aside). I do agree with you holding back and observing first before voting, because bandwagoning off your vote is an easy trick.
I'm here! It's just that as the new guy I don't have much to say; I'm basically seeing what you're talking about (like role names or strategies) and searching at a wiki.
Why not? Any reason for it being "weird?"
*drinks coffee*
mourning everybody,
i see we are off to a hell of a rolling start today!
Between the avatar, the intentional typo, and the use of the word "hell" I think you may actually be scum that is deliberately fucking with town. Knowing that nobody will take an early post like this seriously.
Go get her, sport.Hello everyone.
Chiming in just to let you know I'm here.
Although admittedly I've only been able to quickly skim through the thread since I've been busy. Working retail during the holidays sucks(plus I got a date tonight!)
Hopefully later on today or tomorrow I'll be up to speed and post some thoughts.
Just to be clear in case anyone questions my motives: I will not be casting a vote until everyone else has, and anyone who has not cast a vote near the end of the day will be scrutinized. Think independently, don't just follow what you think is a safe pick because you're afraid of being judged for it later.
*drinks coffee*
mourning everybody,
Ah, the lovely position of not being aware of the latest player memes.
Why was Zubz early day 1 vote weird and not Hipster Cthulhu's?