here's a complete recorded build of the kit. you can skim through it as it'll show you the complete contents and the amount of building needed to see if it's worth it for you.
if you're more into figures than gunpla (modeling), i wouldn't recommend the hi resolution at that price range. it's pretty much a kit with a metal frame. and most likely will not have a high resale demand once it's built.
for gunpla: getting a 20-40 real grade or master grade kit is more affordable alternative.
for that price range, i'd get a metal build if you're more into displaying figures... plus in terms collectiblity, the resale value for most metal builds usually holds strong while popular metal builds sky rocket to extreme amounts as you can see with metal build 00 raiser, destiny, and strike freedom. as well as that flight option pack for the red frame you pre-ordered. These guys rarely get a reprint and if they do it's 3-5 years in between so they're never going to be over saturated in the market.
MB exia, is still shooting upwards in the 280-300 range even though pre-orders just opened last week for 150. you can easily get your money back with these if decide you want something else down the line.