You guys love to exaggerate. Buying one HT figure won't send you on a mad shopping spree.
yeah man, just buy macross and get 5x copies
I now have too many to remember without actively checking/counting them...
This is another thing I never got, buying multiples of the same figure. Though I guess HT found a good way for people to rationalize by offering a past figure with a newhathaircut
Also this. Like, if you can't display them what's the point of buying them? Hoarding just feels wrong. Let them be free ;-;
I swap my figures in and out of the boxes depending on what I want to display.
This is another thing I never got, buying multiples of the same figure. Though I guess HT found a good way for people to rationalize by offering a past figure with a newhathaircut![]()
Also this. Like, if you can't display them what's the point of buying them? Hoarding just feels wrong. Let them be free ;-;
This is funny because I recently put all my JoJo figures away so I could have a dedicated Star Wars shelf.
I swap my figures in and out of the boxes depending on what I want to display.
Which ones? The articulated ones or the statue legend series?
This is funny because I recently put all my JoJo figures away so I could have a dedicated Star Wars shelf.
Stitches and Arthas are probably two of my favorite figures. And the others aren't bad either. Not a huge fan of some of the choices other than Diablo and Raynor though. I hope they get every hero eventually.
Awesome, thanks!last place that has them at the best price
That can go for anything, really. It's why you see those people with crazy collection of strange stuff.
When it comes to Hot Toys I have yet to find something I really, really want. They came close with a few Iron Man figures but in the end I backed away from them due to the sheer number of choices available.
I had a dream my Scarlet Witch hot toy reservation converted. When I woke up it hadn't![]()
So do I. So does anyone else with 200+ figures.
If there was an AA equivalent for figure collecting, the moment when you realise you can justify purchases beyond your means of display would be the common element in the introduction stories of the worst cases.
I dream that one day I own a nice studio apartment where I have enough space to put countless Detolf. Sadly it's just a dream. I haven't even finished paying off mortgage for this apartment I bought with my brother.![]()
so you can do this
I kind of wish it wasn't true, but it is. I have so many anime waifu figures. So many.
This is funny because I recently put all my JoJo figures away so I could have a dedicated Star Wars shelf.
If there was an AA equivalent for figure collecting, the moment when you realise you can justify purchases beyond your means of display would be the common element in the introduction stories of the worst cases.
I am a big advocate of setting Hot Toys and any others free! I am personally not in to owning for the sake of owning them, or owning through some compulsion to buy them all and keep them hidden away for them never to see the light of day. Having said that some people are, some people dont want them to ever leave the shipper box or to have been touched by human hands and that's absolutely fine too, it's their choice, they spend their hard earned cash how they want to, they aren't hurting anyone, and it's not for me to judge. I worked in a comic shop for a long time and it confused me how people would not do what I thought they should with their collection...took a long time to realise that what people do with their collection is absolutely up to them. Everyones collection means something to them no matter where it is or how it's displayed, the same way my collection is mine and for me to do with as I please.
As for my personal collection a lot of mine are displayed, but they aren't all out because my home set up isnt perfect yet / doesn't lend itself to them being on display. I'm lucky to have even some space to display what I have, and even luckier to have a partner who is OK with the fact that I spend some of my disposable income as I do, I appreciate that others don't have that luxury.
Also much like art prints circulating / rotating what is on display can be part of the fun and can stop a collection from becoming stale.
If there was an AA equivalent for figure collecting, the moment when you realise you can justify purchases beyond your means of display would be the common element in the introduction stories of the worst cases.
Though speaking of JoJo, I considered getting a few stands but I had no idea where to put them. Closest thing to a stand in my collection in D-Arts Vile.
It's getting harder to justify now that the exchange rate is back to being trash.
Freaking sucks.=( Already planned to trim down my wishlist some more, but this just pushes it.
Welp. Looks like they moved onto ESB. Won't be long before they get to ROTJ.
That said I need a good Yoda in my collection. Hope they do a dagobah Luke next.
Forgot about that but I imagine he's the exception since they pushed out his 1/4 version earlier on. Either way I believe an insider over on the Sideshow forum said they have figures planned for ESB and ROTJ so we'll see them soon enough.Hot Toys just did a RotJ figure. (RotJ Boba Fett)
Nothing stops this train..
Must. not. be. tempted.
I just realised that I have quite a bit of Hot Toys now:
Captain America: Winter Soldier ver
Star Lord
Captain America: AoU ver
Iron Man Mk III Die Cast
Naked Snake from MGS3
Han Solo - A New Hope ver
Wolverine - Days of Future Past ver
Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark ver
Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom ver
Still coming:
Captain America: Civil War ver
Iron Man Mk 46 (Civil War) ver
Someone stop me please.
Show me, grandfather, and I will finish what you started.
Hot Toys first 1/4th scale collectible figure from Star Wars: The Force Awakens is coming. Prepare to meet the fiery dark warrior soon!
Happy Star Wars Day everyone and may the Force be with you!
didn't you cancel your pre-orders due to credit cards going high? crazy man =D
I have one:Must. not. be. tempted.
I just realised that I have quite a bit of Hot Toys now:
Captain America: Winter Soldier ver
Star Lord
Captain America: AoU ver
Iron Man Mk III Die Cast
Naked Snake from MGS3
Han Solo - A New Hope ver
Wolverine - Days of Future Past ver
Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark ver
Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom ver
Still coming:
Captain America: Civil War ver
Iron Man Mk 46 (Civil War) ver
Someone stop me please.
They just won't stop! 1/4 Kylo Ren coming soon. Will probably have a head sculpt this time.
I canceled just Wonder Woman.
Is there a 1/4th or 1/6th scale figure of Ripley from Aliens?
Nope. They did one around the time they first started but haven't released a new version yet. They been showing her off for like the past 2 years and still nothing.Is there a 1/4th or 1/6th scale figure of Ripley from Aliens?