SHF Phase II Clonetrooper and Genosis Battledroid out of nowhere.
Glad some of you guys liked your Phasma. Got mine today and I just hate it.
This is how I feel about No Man's Sky.
No Man's Sky is awesome though (unless you're on PC).
This is how I feel about No Man's Sky.
So Bandai is really focusing on the west now with the SOC line, at least with their latest two announcement.
I love the pics. Figuarts Ant-Man looks amazing.Finally opened up Figuarts Ant-Man and he's soooooooooooooooo much fun! What he lacks in accessories he makes up for in detail and pure quality! One of my favorite Figuarts in a while--I can't put him down!
Check out the full album here!
I mentioned it earlier that I believe Bandai got everything they could from the Japanese market.
Finally opened up Figuarts Ant-Man and he's soooooooooooooooo much fun! What he lacks in accessories he makes up for in detail and pure quality! One of my favorite Figuarts in a while--I can't put him down!
How does he scale with regular Marvel Legends figures? I was disappointed that the Marvel Legends Ant-Man movie figure didn't have the proper helmet.
Thanks for the pics, Diggeh! Might have to get that Ant-Man one of these days. He looks great. Looks like he should look fine with the Marvel Legends figures. Speaking of which, maybe I should post pics of what I have...
Marvel Legends:
DC figures:
Kaiyado Virtual On Temjin, and Bandai S.H. Figuarts Sailor Moon.
NiceHave you guys seen this Ghosts and Goblins figure on the way. I don't usually get figures anymore, but this might be an exception.
Have you guys seen this Ghosts and Goblins figure on the way. I don't usually get figures anymore, but this might be an exception.
Have you guys seen this Ghosts and Goblins figure on the way. I don't usually get figures anymore, but this might be an exception.
Yeah, I've been waiting for that Arthur ever since the prototype reveal! Union Creative is doing some awesome figures. They're even making a Beat from Jet Set Radio!
Couple that with the upcoming figma Ulala and you've got a Dreamcast figure renaissance!
This is fucking incredible!
Those are some cool Arthur and Beat figures. Doom Marine looks cool, too.
That's actually a custom Ulala done for a contest in 2009:
It was for a contest at Max Factory, though, which does the figma figures, so...maybe it might not look much different.
My advice to anyone considering a 3A figure of the space marine variety: stay away. They're practically guaranteed to have piss poor poseability thanks to the rubber undersuit and there's a 50/50 chance that the hands can't hold their weapons. Their Master Chief figures was awful and I regret purchasing it completely.
So we just got an email from Paypal today (who are not only processing our direct payments, but for the last few months our credit card payments as well), and they're saying that because of the incredible success of our most recent Mythic Legions pre-order, they consider Four Horsemen / Store Horsemen a "high risk" small business because we do things on a pre-order basis, and have decided that they're going to "part ways" with us beginning today without any sort or warning or conversation about the issue whatsoever. They're just done… Not only that, but they're also telling us that they're going to be withholding about 1/4 of the payments that were made during this current pre-order for six months just to make sure that there are no chargeback payment issues.
What this means to all of you who have placed pre-orders for the Mythic Legions: Covenant of Shadow wave, the Mythic Legions: All-Stars 1.0 wave and the Mythic Legions: Trolls is nothing different than usual really. They didn't withhold enough money from us to keep us from producing and shipping the figures (thank goodness!), but it's going to make things screwy on our end for a few days as we transfer over to another payment processor(s).
What this means to anyone that still wanted to place pre-orders between now and when the pre-order is supposed to end Tuesday night at 11:59pm is that you're still going to be able to do that, but you're going to wait until we get another payment method set up (maybe a day or two - we'll post an announcement), and you'll have to use another payment method besides Paypal to do it. It's quite possible that we'll only be able to accept credit card payments for the remainder of this pre-order until we get some other payment method set up, but we'll let you know about that.
Because of all of this crap we're going to extend the pre-order by an extra couple of days or so depending on when we get the new payment method set up. We'll make an announcement about that and let you know what payment methods can be used.
1/6 Hot Toys - BvS - Batman figure released
If you're keeping it Nintendo, the Figma Samus is amazing.Hi guys! I'm new here - nice to meet you all.
I obtained my first Figma today, Figma Link. It is an absolutely incredible figure with amazing articulation and possibility for poses.
I now want something to go along with him - was thinking about the Figuarts Bowser.
Hi guys! I'm new here - nice to meet you all.
I obtained my first Figma today, Figma Link. It is an absolutely incredible figure with amazing articulation and possibility for poses.
I now want something to go along with him - was thinking about the Figuarts Bowser.
So after coming to the realization I was probably gonna lose my entire collection due to flooding in the area, the water stopped maybe 10 feet from my house. Lemme tell you guys, I know things don't matter, my family could have gotten out, we had our plans, but holy fuck is it stressful trying to save what you can. I cannot express how sorry I am for people in the area who have lost everything.
But I'm back (at least when I'm at work cause house doesn't have internet and LTE sucks). Eat shit Diggle you tried to take it but you can't have it yet.
So, I lost my mind and purchased this. I already have Leo Aiolos and is interested in the new Sagitarius one so I thought, may as well?
1/6 Hot Toys - BvS - Batman figure released
Wait, why does Batman have a sniper rifle?
Freezy pls have you seriously not seen BvS or read Dark Knight Returns?