So I'm in the early stages of planning a 2017 Japan trip and one thing I want to do while there is check out some shops for figures.
Do any of you guys and gals have recommendations as far as must visit stores?
It looks like a lot of what I want to do is in Akihabara, but I'm open to wherever.
Specifically, I'd love to pick up some Berserk figures, but would like to check out anything really.
Hey, Sugah!
Hey, Sugah!
That wave is ridiculous. Three figures getting scalped hard. I'm ordering a case right now.
EDIT: Aaaaand the store I was going to buy from sold out their preorders between last night and now.
EDIT: Found an open preorder at Entertainment Earth. Ordered. Also ordered 6" BS Hux, Asty and FN-2187 for non-scalper prices, ending a long nightmare.
Thanks! Cotton balls were used for the snow. The base came with the Magneto that's behind him, which is from the old Toy Biz Marvel Legends. Mr. Sinister and Cyclops are also from Toy Biz, as are the Sentinel parts tossed around. The Sentinel arm is there to help hide the big Sailor Moon logo on the base for Phoenix, and the foot of the Sentinel leg is keeping Onslaught up.Great collection, I adore your little DIY Iceman setup.
Which are the heavily scalped ones (Deadpool I'd imagine)? My local EB Games has a few and I may need to pick some up.
Thanks! Cotton balls were used for the snow. The base came with the Magneto that's behind him, which is from the old Toy Biz Marvel Legends. Mr. Sinister and Cyclops are also from Toy Biz, as are the Sentinel parts tossed around. The Sentinel arm is there to help hide the big Sailor Moon logo on the base for Phoenix, and the foot of the Sentinel leg is keeping Onslaught up.
Still need to get Demolition Man for the left leg for Onslaught, and Wolverine to get Juggernaut's head. I didn't mean to do it on purpose, but it kinda looks like Cable blasted his head off by shooting from behind his shoulder. Hah.
Oh, yeah, I changed the display again a bit ago, so now they're all shown off more clearly, and there's space for Wolverine. I also made another wire hanger stand for Magneto.
Deadpool, Wolverine, Rogue.
Yeah. I'm trying to locate one. Lots of Walgreens around me.Oh, man... the Walgreens-exclusive Punisher is out. That thing is nice.
GAF, please tell me I don't need this figure. It's expensive (Hot Toys pricing) and I'm not sure of King Arts quality. Also, do I need another Iron Man figure?
Filed under: #LookAtYourLife #LookAtYourChoices #ItsExpensive! #DoINeedAnotherIronManFigure?#KingArtsWho?
GAF, please tell me I don't need this figure. It's expensive (Hot Toys pricing) and I'm not sure of King Arts quality. Also, do I need another Iron Man figure?
Filed under: #LookAtYourLife #LookAtYourChoices #ItsExpensive! #DoINeedAnotherIronManFigure?#KingArtsWho?
GAF, please tell me I don't need this figure. It's expensive (Hot Toys pricing) and I'm not sure of King Arts quality. Also, do I need another Iron Man figure?
Filed under: #LookAtYourLife #LookAtYourChoices #ItsExpensive! #DoINeedAnotherIronManFigure?#KingArtsWho?
As much as I love Godzilla and other various Kaiju, I don't actually own any MonsterArts figures. Mostly only have NECA/Bandai Godzilla stuff. Been super tempted by Gamera though.]
King Arts have pretty decent quality, just a really weird scale. It's about the only version of the Mark II you're gonna find for sub-$300 at this point though.
NECA has a really weird scale, too.
I really only buy NECA 1/4 and their scale isn't that off for that particular line.
You need this figure.
You need all the figures.
all of them
TIL Diggeh is a bad bad influence![]()
He might have a good point 5% of the time I wouldn't put too much cash into Diggeh stock.
In other news, Hyper Japan in London is bring GOOD SMILE COMPANY ALONG and they will be selling FIGMA! This is great news, finally get some figures from the source without all the import hassle.
They sometimes bring one or two version of the Ryuko Matoi figure which sells for huge amounts due to it receiving no re-releases, so MASSIVE fingers crossed! Hopefully be able to bag some Kill la Kill Nendos too.
Just got this badass Master Chief from Mattel at Target. I'll probably be getting the Ghost with Elite soon. I wish that the Warthog they did was in this 6-inch scale, but instead it's for 12-inch figures, which I don't collect. Hopefully they do one soon.
They sometimes bring one or two version of the Ryuko Matoi figure which sells for huge amounts due to it receiving no re-releases, so MASSIVE fingers crossed! Hopefully be able to bag some Kill la Kill Nendos too.
Get 'em all! If you love KLK so much, load up! They're great figures.
If there was one franchise that GSC should re-release... I'm really sad that I didn't pick any of the Nendos or Figmas up at the time, as I was just getting into their figures :/ Now they are like unicorns and sell for top dollar.
I don't like that one eye didn't get enough paint at the top so it's just a lot of eyeball with no eyeliner, the paint just stops halfway above her right eye. Does color pencil work on such small fixes or does it have to be paint/exchange for another one?
You're the only person I know who freaks out to this extent over imperfections in the paint. For the price you're paying, you're not going to get one that's perfect. DC Collectibles by nature are like this pretty much across the board. You're probably going to find something wrong with every one. I would suggest either a fine-tipped marker or paintbrush. Or if you wanna go all-in, buy some real eyeliner for her.![]()
if i put eyeliner on her she will become real. And probably evil.
Not huge into Halo, but Mattel seems to be continuing the McFarlane legacy quite well, especially having a build-a-figure and tons of accessories. Most of the older figures were quite barebones.
Please excuse the paint on Mega Man. He came with shiny metallic paint that fell off within minutes of getting him.