Aw man, didn't realize they were 1/12 scale and not 1/6 like the originals. Bummer.
6" is definitely becoming my go to on figures thanks to the excellent S.H. Figuarts and Figma lines.
Aw man, didn't realize they were 1/12 scale and not 1/6 like the originals. Bummer.
And you made them comic-con raffle exclusives"The response to our 'Golden Girls' products has been wild," Funko director of marketing Mark Robben told ABC News. "We created these as a passion project, and were blown away when it started trending on social media."
So many wonderful toy related stuff this week!!! Finally Ultimate City Hunter is available for pre-order at BBTS! I'm guessing Jungle Hunter will come later. Copped.
1000Toys's 1/12 Synthetic Human is available on BBTS for pre-order also (thanks to me). Copped!!!
So awesome. Waiting for Samus Figma and Jungle Hunter.
Ultimate City Hunter looks so great. I am so glad I waited for this guy. I don't think I'm going to pre-order from BBTS. He'll probably go up early on NECA's E-Bay store, so I'll grab him then.
I think Ultimate Jungle Hunter is being timed for release with the 20th anniversary of Predator. The next wave of AvP Predators looks awesome as well.
That Elder Predator is sooo good.
I actually mentioned that a few posts above ;p
Though even they closed preorders now. Bandai must be happy they decided to cater to western fans.
Oh no doubt about it, this release was made with Western fans in mind a shift perhaps trying to capitalize more from IPs that were really big outside Japan.
Picked these up a bit ago. I got S.H. Figuarts Luigi at a comic shop for $15.
Only $15?! Is that thing legit?
Well, he was loose, which is why he was so cheap. I should have mentioned that. He only came with one extra hand...but I didn't feel like paying the extra $20+ online for some more accessories.
Ah that makes sense. I figured maybe it was some bootleg the shop picked up, since most Bandai/GSC/etc figures are usually a little bit more when purchased from a comic shop. That's neat that they still sold it on its own, though.
They might technically fit, but IIRC Marios hands kind of peg on at an angle, and Luigis peg on straight, so thet would be loose or have gaps.
Luigi can take it, he's great at pegging.
Cool, Zombine! I never got the NECA figures because I wouldn't trust NECA with thin pieces of plastic with my life! Heard a lot of horror stories about breaking.
Too adult for you anyway.
David, I know you brought it up in the NYCC thread but I'all answer it here:
The Altus & P-body figures are phenomenal. I don't know if I took pictures of them, but after I got to see the level of detail they had I instantly added them to my buy list for the year.
As a mech guy you'll be thrilled.
Not really good for my wallet...
Holy hell, finally! The Gigantic Series GMK Godzilla is getting reissued, this time in North America via Diamond. Now he features translucent blue dorsal plates for extra badassery. Shipping January 2017!
Now give me that Shin Godzilla, X-Plus...
How many of your Earth dollars?
I'm not even sure what wave he'd be slotted into though. Guardians 2?
Two more to go...
Got some new Marvel Legends. I decided to add some Spidey villains to my collection. Up first, is Kraven.
I like this guy a lot. Really solid interpretation of one of my favorite Spidey villains. The two head sculpts are well executed and the colors perfect. I do wish his glider was larger though. I'm thinking I'll get a couple of those new NECA action stands. I could easily see putting this figure on one with his glider.
Last, but not least, we have Deadpool.
I waited on this guy to drop down to a reasonable price. The moment I saw him hit $20 on Amazon, I hit that damn buy it now button. So happy to finally have him. Just a great Marvel Legend. So many accessories. And those pouches! I'm sure Rob Liefeld was happy to see all them pouches. Though I think his ecstasy was short lived when he saw those feet.
Neat photos, but what happened to the black backdrop you had? A quick adjustment to white balance and sharpening would have done wonders for your pics.
Yeah but I wonder what else there is to release. MMPR Megazord and Voltron are the two biggest mechas that were way more popular outside Japan than in it that come to mind. I doubt the demand for Vehicle Voltron is anywhere near as close.
Neat photos, but what happened to the black backdrop you had? A quick adjustment to white balance and sharpening would have done wonders for your pics.
Lowest I've found so far is $375. Not gonna complain considering the original figure goes for over $700 on the secondary market.
Early prototype shot of the X-Plus Shin Godzilla. Spoilers.
Stuck between NECA Police Station Assault T-800 and Tech Noir.
Yeah, it's tough to choose between the iconic look and the '80s-ness. I'll probably go with the Tech Noir version since I loved that scene, alongside the gun shop one ("De Uzi nine millimedah").Police station look is probably more iconic but I love the 80s-ness of the Tech Noir. Plus I like the head a bit more. NECA really knows how to capture Ahnold's likeness which you don't get as much with the police version because of the sunglasses (which arent removable).
This is my latest haul and I'm mostly disappointed.
SHF Jango could be a lot better, especially for the price but it's decent enough and I prefer the look over the Black Series. Angela of Lost in Pardise is also disappointing in her movement and finally we have Shampoo from Ranma 1/2 but she isn't wearing her more traditional outfit and her hair is too purple.
Stuck between NECA Police Station Assault T-800 and Tech Noir.
Well, with the unexpected news of my wife and I having a kid, I canceled 4 preorders and ate the NRD and only have two preorders left. Old Luke and Arkham Joker.
I was going to keep all the preorders until I researched the cost of child care until they goto school and holy shit.