I purposely don't shop with AmiAmi because of their draconian policies.
I like to have the option to cancel and such, if that means I pay a bit extra with BBTS, Amazon Japan or HLJ so be it.
I won't support those types of practices.
Indecisive collector's unite!
draconian policies?
by the way guys im not a huge collector of figures by any means mostly due to cost( and exchange rates) and space so i have skipped out on alot of figures over the years how ever a few years back i did jump on the ThreeA full scale Rex figure which is fantastic and i passed on the Ray figure as i wanted the version with a tail ie MGS2 ray not rising ray and on an unrelated note im pretty picky about paint work so its almost impossbile to find a perfect goku figure if all the paint work is on point the hair will probbly be off - talking SSJ here
any who now that Ray is a bit cheaper i have been considering it but the exchange rate kinda puts a damper on it
was wondering what other fair priced metal gear figs there are out there? ie i like the look of the medicom ones but they costs to damn much and i wish i wish i had picked up a play arts gray fox years ago when he was cheap sigh and iv skipped on pretty much every oppertunity to buy Sahelanthropus , the first megahouse figure looked good but im just not a fan of Sahelanthropus he feels very bland and uninspired ie looks like Rex if you pose him correctly ....
So who is getting the NECA 1/4 scale 1990s TMNT figs ?
and i wonder if they would consider making shredder , splinter and april or just other cast mebmers hmmm