Neat. I only got the Black and Gold version.
Is it a charge when they ship? Or charge immediately if you don't mind me asking
Waste of resources.
3A Transformers Generation One
Optimus Prime Classic Edition
Premium Scale Collectible Series
January 17, 2017
Waste of resources.
What is this garbage no one asked for this except Messi and no one listens to him anyway.
I will fucking fight you.
Headsculpt needs work, doesn't really look like Margot Robbie, step down from the other Harley model.
Bestbuy .COM 10" First4Figure Link Statue
Not a bad price. A F4F figure I would probably get (it says Dark Horse through?).![]()
Dark Horse is distributing it. Alex, the head (?) of F4F is checking into that. It's not suppose to say Dark Horse on that listing.
fullpay option:how much is that going to cost ?
i am G1 fan but once i see the full cost probbly wont be the fan that i throught i was
fullpay option:
fullpay option:
If you add a $10.01 and up item, you can use the visa checkout deal to get $25 off the orderBestbuy .COM 10" First4Figure Link Statue
Man Margot Robbie is easy on the eyes.
Am I crazy for thinking they aren't far off?
Bestbuy .COM 10" First4Figure Link Statue
You just want to believe.
It looks like a pretty good sculpt for a shit character.
Thanks for posting! Was going to myself but you beat me to it.
Any word on a release date for it? Not seeing anything on Best Buy.
I won't have you bad mouth Queen Harley.
1. Catwoman
2. Poison Ivy
3. Harley Quinn
How can she be queen when she's third best in line? Checkmate.
EDIT: This is like my first unintentional double post and it's all Messi's fault goddammit.
That list is completely upside down and complete bullshit.
Thanks for posting! Was going to myself but you beat me to it.
Any word on a release date for it? Not seeing anything on Best Buy.
EDIT: When you checkout it does say it's release date is March 19th just as a heads up to those who were looking.
That list is completely accurate I don't fall for the gimmick characters.
Yet you listed Catwoman first...
i didn't see on the 3A page:515.633AUD
probbly not or tho the REX figure they put out a few years ago was about 490USD posted - and the exhange rate was good
in fact that figure probbly dos not even take in to account tracked insured internationl shipping
just how tall is this thing ?
probbly wont be intrested in to much 3A do untill they bring out more metal gear and if the price is right
Thanks for posting! Was going to myself but you beat me to it.
Any word on a release date for it? Not seeing anything on Best Buy.
EDIT: When you checkout it does say it's release date is March 19th just as a heads up to those who were looking.
S.H. Figuarts Padme Amidala:
^ I would like to get that, never bought a figuarts before, so what do I need to do?
oh man, better be awake when preorders go live cuz they sell out so fast.
Ok so here's an update. Bestbuy will get the first shipment of these so their March date is accurate. The rest of the retailers will be getting them in May. This is all due to the factories being closed for the month due to the Chinese New Year.
^ I would like to get that, never bought a figuarts before, so what do I need to do?
pre-orders will open 1/20 16:00JST
set your clock to match whatever time zone you're in to that^ and you should be good.
i usually set my alarm 10 minutes before pre-orders go live.
What would be the best website to visit to order?
Padme is web exclusive...good luck!