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After 4 years, DMczaf finally finishes Chrono Cross! Short review time! Spoilers!



1 word reviews are awesome! AWESOME!

I started playing this game like 3-4 years, then put it on hold. Earlier this week I said "Hey, I should finish Chrono Cross..."

Loved how Chrono Trigger started to come into the storyline late in the game. I used the Chrono Cross element on Lavos, what would the ending be if I didnt use it?

So far I've beaten 2 RPGs this year, KOTOR and Chrono Cross. See what happens when I dont have Madden?! Im playing RPGs! :(

Now I really want a Chrono sequel, damn you Square!


works for Gamestop (lol)
I have no idea how you can leave an RPG for 4 years, come back and beat it while still remembering the plot, etc.


Wario64 said:
I have no idea how you can leave an RPG for 4 years, come back and beat it while still remembering the plot, etc.

Thats not the whole story

I actually played up to a certain point twice in CC and quit, it was the point where after you save Kid's early in the game. Its not like I was that far in the game to begin with, not a lot to remember.

I dont know why that part of the game stopped me from playing all the way through twice lol


I'm playing through it also.

I'm currently near the beginning and the pacing is kind of slow and the story develops really slow.

The graphics and animation are top notch, though.

king zell

great game glad you enjoyed it :)

I think Monolith Soft deal with Namco will end soon.. so maybe maybe SqEn will get them to work on a new Chrono.. one can only hope :(


neptunes said:
DMczaf, I thought you only played sports games ;), though I wish I finished chrono cross also.

I do, but with a little over 2 weeks til NCAA 2005 I need something to play.

Since I have nothing to play til then I'll let you guys pick my next game to play




Kingdom Hearts

Skies of Arcadia Legends


DMczaf said:
I do, but with a little over 2 weeks til NCAA 2005 I need something to play.




DMczaf said:
I do, but with a little over 2 weeks til NCAA 2005 I need something to play.

Since I have nothing to play til then I'll let you guys pick my next game to play




Kingdom Hearts

Skies of Arcadia Legends

SoAL or FFIX if you want a charming, "feel good" RPG.

Xenogears if you want a story more like CC's.

I also liked CC. Don't know why people hated it so much. I guess they were expecting more of the same from CT or something. I want Chrono 3 too.
dm if you can find this rare psone rpg "Sparkling Wisdom: The Life and Times of Jgar & Wadsworth" then i suggest picking it up. it is a coming of age tale of a chosen warrior forced to do battle on the battlefield... and within! AWESOME combat system!


FrenchMovieTheme said:
dm if you can find this rare psone rpg "Sparkling Wisdom: The Life and Times of Jgar & Wadsworth" then i suggest picking it up. it is a coming of age tale of a chosen warrior forced to do battle on the battlefield... and within! AWESOME combat system!

I rather wait for JGar's Pillow Talk 2005 with new online lifestyle mode
I'm pretty sure Monolithsoft is majority owned by Namco, so it's not just a matter of "their deal ending". It's not like Square would need them to make a Chrono sequel anyway. The main holdup is continued development on FFXI.
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