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After Destiny, do you trust the games media more?


hide your water-based mammals
I don't know if I "trust" them more but I sure as hell did not expect a hugely marketed AAA game from a well known developper to get such reviews.
In a way, you're saying that marketing and hype machine would or should affect the scoring of said title? That's beyond wrong and why I use my own mind to determine things.


Destiny was a title that was hyped beyond belief and had a massive marketing campaign behind it, yet quite a few game review sites were critical of the game's failings and scored it accordingly. Do you trust them more now as a result?

I never really understood this. Imo the hype for Destiny was no where near Titanfall or Watch Dogs. And up until the alpha/beta the majority of the "hype" was non existent. I remember so many people saying how boring it looked, etc.

And I never completely trust reviewers. What's fun for me might not be fun for them.


Eh, I'll still trust who I trust. Mostly,the fine folks over at Giant Bomb and a few people at Gamespot. I also think this is a fairly unique situation where the reviewers played it the same time as the consumers.


Nope, and I fully expect most of them to moonwalk out of this mess via updated scores once the Activision's PR division gets into full damage control mode. We're slowly drifting through "everything was DLC" phase straight into "everything is early access" phase.


I never had any distrust to begin with. I personally found NeoGAF to be more of a hype machine for Destiny than any other big gaming site, and I was part of it because the Beta impressed me so much.


...why would I? There is extremely light criticism considering the circumstances.

IMO Destiny is exactly the sort of situation that should be a bloodbath by the games media--a MASSIVE amount of money was spent on an okay game that was hyped to hell, actively misrepresented (It can stand with Star Wars! Shared World! You can climb that mountain™!), then review copies are sent a day in advance of official launch and most places didn't have reviews for three days AFTER launch. Meanwhile due to the beta we KNEW the shared world added almost nothing, so it was a complete bullshit reason not to let reviewers in.

It made $500 million in INITIAL SHIPMENTS before a single review launched. This is everything wrong with AAA game development in one package. This is not okay and I am very disappointed I am not currently reading an article about what rotten shit transpired here.
For an industry were critics say to Nintendo that they should do something new and innovative and also giving the most "innovative" game ever made a 7/10... yeah i trust them more than ever.

I trust gamers who arent overhyped and arent paid by ads from the games on their websites.
No I trust them even less.

I've played beta and it didn't feel like 6/10 game at all but I'm giving them tiny benefit of doubt till I play full version - maybe then I'll see those fun killing things that turned this game into Duke Nukem equvalent in eyes of reviewers.


People say they don't trust reviews, they do.

I remember the hype for Haze and then the game bombed with the games media. Most ignored that after that.

Destiny, being online only, having an extensive preview to users, sheltered itself from the review influence. They made the users the reviewers with their approach.
I think it's cool that reviewers really are being upfront about their critiques of the game. I'm loving it a lot and while I'm not letting low review scores deter me in any way from playing it, I can really see all their complaints are valid and might be huge letdowns to some people.


Nope, I find reviewers just as random as always. Im enjoying destiny, alot.

I think alot of reviewers are missing the point.

Its a co-op focused, shooter. Designed for repeat play, self contained sessions.

I mean im not even takihg notice of the story, as far as shooters go....there is nothing else like it out there in terms of a set of very fun co-op vs the ai rounds.

Its got great mechanics.


I never let any gaming site influence my purchase in a game. I've been gaming long enough to know what I like and what I don't. I personally like Destiny a fair bit but the only thing I don't like about the game is the writing, really.


its a fantastic game and the media is to biased to recognize it. seems that hype is reason now to give a game a bad review. its pure clickbait.

Destiny is everything I expected it to be, and it's an amazing game to me.

Just because a lot of people got hyped up and had their expectations a little too high, doesn't mean that the media lied lol.
Never trusted them before and still don't. I've always relied on self reviews to play the game. I think that reviews, especially media hype should be taken at a medium level. I will never understand people who get caught up in the hype. I guess I could understand it from a huge loved franchise, but for new ones... There should be a lot more scrutiny than blind faith.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Actually it didn't start with Destiny. I'd say from the start of this gen, we've seen a lot of reviews that don't just blindly follow the hype. Reviewers finally started to realize that great visuals alone aren't enough.


I don't really care enough about games media to have ever trusted them or not trusted them... They're just entertainment.


I don't understand this rally to hate Destiny. Don't like something? Fine. But you're not going to make me feel duped or whatever agenda is trying to be pushed here for enjoying myself. If anything I feel like reviews were much more critical than they should be. I've been having a blast since the alpha, and the main game is more of that goodness. I can't wait to see where this IP goes in the future.


I've never relied on reviews to form my opinions, never really considered if I trusted these people.

I'd probably trust them with something like petting my cat, but I wouldn't let one of them into a room alone with my cat.
No difference. I don't get why people think destiny was this huge hyped up game. It's enthusiasm seemed totally created from the players experiences with the alpha/beta, not from media outlets. Sure it had its features but thats any major publisher flagship game.

I also think game reviewers and players were affected more from not having to have the review out prior to the games release. Maybe it relaxed some reviewers, they weren't rushed or had the usual outside pressures. And for gamers the ones that normally rage aren't because they have the product so they either don't care Or can see the reviewers perspective since they're playing it too versus just seeing hype videos and whatnot.

My vote would be to not have game reviews until after a week a game is out for all games. The diehards will buy it day one, the rest will likely get better perspectives of the products, and for more online only games you avoid the Bf4 situations.


I don't understand this rally to hate Destiny. Don't like something? Fine. But you're not going to make me feel duped or whatever agenda is trying to be pushed here for enjoying myself. If anything I feel like reviews were much more critical than they should be. I've been having a blast since the alpha, and the main game is more of that goodness. I can't wait to see where this IP goes in the future.

Yeah it is strange, usually there a month or two before the backlash threads.


Did we not have a thread about withdrawals after the beta and alpha.

Gamers hyped this up way more than the media IMO which is why people's response and the reviews were surprising to me.

Still, I think the majority of people who bought the game enjoy it.
I think I only read a piece about Destiny pre open beta. I bought the game beacuse of the beta and I'm having the same experience. So far I'm fine and having fun with friends. The problem is that some of them are too high and kinda breaks the experience. That didn't happen in the beta but I should have adverted.


Its too broad a stroke to lump the entire games media into one entity so its not a concept I can say I trust or distrusted in the first place.


I am suppose to trust them more, because for *once* they dont hand out 9s and 10s?

The damage is so devastating between the games media and the consumer that it will take years if not decades to even remotely repair it.


Trust isn't really part of the equation with games media for me. To me the games media's only purposes are entertainment, opinion pieces, and supportive information. The closest trust relationship I can find is that I trust the screenshots, videos and facts they are presenting are not manipulated from the source, and that is no more or less than before.
No because the same games media gave the game "over 180 awards and nominations" At least that's what Activision plastered on the cover next to the rating.


I don't get why this is a thing. Find a few writers to whom you either trust or share opinions with and go from there. I don't see why anyone cares about what every review for a game is. There's no one I follow at IGN or Polygon, I don't care if they review a game I don't like as high as they want.


No because there are tons of recent games that are much much much worse than destiny with great review scores.

Plus 95% of game sites/press etc are boring as fuck.

I really only come to hear and giantbomb and at this point I wouldn't care if GB even had reviews.


In a way? Maybe? I don't know, guess it's ours and their fault for hyping the game up so much in the first place.


No, they were the ones hyping it in the first place.

It's a very good game still though, even if it didn't live up to the massive hype.

Astral Dog

NO, but i dont get why they suddenly started to review games lower when almost anything AAA last gen was the best thing ever.


Not remotely. It just implies an unbelievable lack of consistency. Let's see how the next few months go. Is this a new norm? I doubt it. So far this is just a single case where the media, as a whole, seem to have decided that it's okay to shit on a big release.

The media have hyped this game up and are now slaughtering it because it failed to live up to the ridiculous hype. Because I did my research on the game, and played a lot of the beta, I knew what I was getting into and I'm happy with what I have got. I'm not going to call it a 9/10 or 10/10 game, because, at least so far, it isn't. At the same time, in a world where the unbelievably limited Titanfall gets ~85 on metacritic, this is no 6.


Title should be: "Do you trust other people's opinions." They're just opinions folks.

By the way, Destiny is FANTASTIC. (see, an opinion!)


I am happy for you that you are enjoying it.
I don't think it is just me... at least all my friends are.

But well most of my friends are Warframe's friends... so we already expected Destiny to be that great and the game delivered even more (like it the is the best loot system I already see in a game).

PS. I took the day off from work yesterday just because I could stop to play the game... thanks God I have a flexible job ;)
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