George Oscar Bluth II
It's getting better but still wildly uneven. Certain writers seem much better than others.Show worth watching? Haven't seen anything from it yet, but need something to watch.
Also, is there a place where all the episodes are up for streaming?
So I haven't watched since episode four or five. But now thatis going to be introduced I'm curious, have they had any other Marvel characters on the show other than Graviton's origins?Deathlok
Show worth watching? Haven't seen anything from it yet, but need something to watch.
Also, is there a place where all the episodes are up for streaming?
They just introduced Blizzard in the previous episode.
Victoria Hand. I think that's about it?
Vaguely optimistic after #AgentsofSHIELD set visit. Producers seem at least somewhat aware of, responsive to criticism. #TCA14
Bell, Jed Whedon, Tancharoen were more understanding of concerns. We'll see if show reflects that.
Sounds encouraging. We should be *hopefully* seeing the seeds of that in episode 14, 15.A couple quick comments from VanDerWerff after the Marvel event:
A couple quick comments from VanDerWerff after the Marvel event:
He also noted that post production takes a long time for AoS, so it's likely taken them longer to adjust the trajectory than some other shows might have.Sounds encouraging. We should be *hopefully* seeing the seeds of that in episode 14, 15.
Oh wow, that explains some stuff. Did they specify why?He also noted that post production takes a long time for AoS, so it's likely taken them longer to adjust the trajectory than some other shows might have.
Nope - he just mentioned it in passing on Twitter. I'm not sure about any of the particulars. Sounds like VanDerWerff is going to do a writeup on the visit for the Onion A|V Club, so hopefully we'll see that sometime soon.Oh wow, that explains some stuff. Did they specify why?
Are they turning Peterson into.a Deathlok?
Nah, that would be to cool for this show.
So I haven't watched since episode four or five. But now thatis going to be introduced I'm curious, have they had any other Marvel characters on the show other than Graviton's origins?Deathlok
Are they turning Peterson into.a Deathlok?
Nah, that would be to cool for this show.
congratulations.gifHeh, colbertcalledit.gif!
I'm glad I was wrong about the show not being cool enough!
They're going Back.
Just looked up who that character is.
More info on who will playLorelei.
With Centipede's being linked to Extremis and that was introduced as being developed by AIM. I'm think the Clairvoyant could be MODOK.
Funny, I've never heard of. Anyway, glad they're bringing Sif into this!Lorelei
Doughboy and Skye. I see real money between those two when on screen together...
I was talking about all that Whedon snark brah. DuhThis is not a Japanese show, brah.
But it could be...
Lots more via the link.But the thing that most heartened me was that all first season shows involve some sort of steering into the skid, some sort of course correction. In talking with the producers, I got the sense—first advanced by Loeb and Bell—that they were fumbling a bit to figure out how to tell a 22-episode story in a 13-episode world. Jed Whedon (Joss Whedon wasn’t present at the set visit) pointed out to me that in a 13-episode season, the story is usually kicking into high gear around episode six, because that’s roughly the halfway point of the season. Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. reached its halfway point just recently, and its story, too, is about to start moving forward at a quickened pace. Netflix and cable have changed how quickly audiences are willing to consume narrative, creating a willingness to watch shows with relentless forward momentum, shows that don't pause for anything. (Go and look at some of those early seasons of Buffy now; at the time, their pacing felt revolutionary and different, but now, they’re starting to feel a little slow-paced compared to what’s on the air at present.) There’s been plenty made of how Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. is something of a throwback show in its dedication to action-adventure tropes above all else. But at all times in talking to producers, I got the sense that they at least understood the story on this show needs to move faster and needs to have more concrete stakes. And because the post process on the show takes so long (due to all of the added effects), turning the ship may have taken a bit longer than it would have on another show.
Marvel TV impresario Jeph Loeb actually suggested the audience is really interested in Agent Ward, who, at least to my knowledge, is fairly routinely written off as the show's least interesting character among many
please don't let that dude touch those Netflix shows. please
What if the twist is Shield IS Centipede, and then of course the Clairvoyant is Nick Fury.
Speaking of crazy Shyamalan-esque twists. I was thinking, "Wouldn't it be funny if they did something REALLY crazy and reveal The Clairvoyant was Julia Carpenter and Skye was a mishandled clone (maybe daughter) of her?" I mean unlike Drew, Carpenter IS a known clairvoyant.
Looking at her on Wiki really quick, I'm surprised no one else has thought of it.
But isn't the Clairvoyant a man?
And Syke's background more closely resembles Jessica Drew.
Could turn out to be neither though, I just hope we find out for sure this season.
In the MCU mutants aren't a thing, they don't exist. ESP (telekinesis and mind reading?) also isn't a known thing, or at least not known about to SHIELD (below a level 8 clearance).Glad they're bringing Deathlok in, that's a really interesting connection that I personally didn't see coming. I really want this show to pull in way more Marvel characters, which they seem to be doing, so I'm happy.
Still annoyed they keep dismissing stuff like ESP and other powers though, when mutants are a thing (I know the rights are all stupid so they can't reference that, but still).