Question: Where are things at with Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?
PAUL LEE: It was obviously disappointing that we started with a very high number and it came down. It took a little bit of time to find our sea legs, but now the show is really doing well. Creatively, we are loving what were seeing for the back nine. Were doing a lot of work, and Im really enjoying doing this with Marvel. We can announce that Lady Sif is coming in, in Episode 15. Were shooting it now, and thats going to be absolutely integral to that hour of television. And then, theres going to be this really cool arc to the end of the season. Youre going to find out who the Clairvoyant is, and its going to be very, very cool.
Why do you think S.H.I.E.L.D. had so many issues, early on?
LEE: It did take us a little bit of time to find our sea legs. I think the key to us was really starting to work closely with the studios, and really figure out with our showrunners and all the creative brains, how we could have a show that didnt have Iron Man in it, but did have an incredible amount of the Marvel universe and an incredible amount of the mythology that went through there. We also took a little bit of time to get the balance between a procedural and an arc. Im so proud of how theyve now arced out the last nine episodes. But, thats something that many shows do, as they go through that.
What can you tell us about the possible Peggy Carter series?
LEE: In terms of Agent Carter, the script has come in. Its a really good script, written by [Christopher] Markus and [Stephen] McFeely, who are great. Also, Tara [Butters] and Michele [Fazekas] are on that one. That certainly has a chance to be on the network. Were looking for big, broad plays that we can plan on ABC, and really make great Marvel super-fan shows for Netflix. We think its a great balance, and the ABC Studios side of it are really enjoying it, as are Marvel.
Can you see bringing in Marvel characters who havent been referenced in the movie franchise, like She-Hulk?
LEE: I dont want to jump the gun on the Marvel universe and the Marvel characters because I speak for ABC on this, but theyre certainly ambitious to enjoy both platforms. Were thrilled to have Lady Sif coming on into S.H.I.E.L.D. Ive read the script on that and I think its going to be great. I havent seen it because theyre shooting it now.