Glenn Talbot, the man who spent years hunting the Incredible Hulk in the comics, will receive new life this April courtesy of actor Adrian Pasdar in Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Pasdar will don Tablots signature moustache and military garb in an upcoming episode of the hit series, and just as the character proved a thorn in the Hulks side through the decades, the actor hints hell cause some trouble for our favorite Agents as well.
While we cant say too much about when, where, why or how Talbot will make his debut, we had the chance to chat with Pasdar himself to get a taste of what his character will bring to the show, the amount of research that went into this role and much more! Check out our EXCLUSIVE first look photo at Pasdar in full costume as Talbot, then scroll down to hear more about how the role came together! I had to open up here by saying we talk quite a bit for all our animated shows, so its kind of unique and strange that I now get to talk to you about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Adrian Pasdar: Yeah, its the same universe but a whole different galaxy! To start with, how did your role as Glenn Talbot come about with S.H.I.E.L.D.?
Adrian Pasdar: In the same way that Iron Man [in Marvels Avengers Assemble] came up. I got a call from my good friend, ["Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Executive Producer] Jeph Loeb. Would you come and do this role? and I read the character description and I thought, Oh man. Here it is again. The sanctimonious [jerk]. Thats what theyre coming to me for. [laughs] His ways the only way! I said, Jeph, are you trying to tell me something? He said, No, not at all! Nobody can play this quite like you, but no. [laughs] So he came to me and I said yes. Very cool. So what was it like then suiting up as Talbot? Beforehand, did you do any research into him at all or talk to Jeph about what they were looking for as a character?
Adrian Pasdar: I did my research that I [normally] do which is pretty in-depth and obviously pretty easy to do with a character like this. The best part of the whole thing is that I was actually in ToysRUs with my nine-year old in Times Square. We were in New York for the Super Bowl, and thats when I got a call from Jeph. [My son] heard me very patiently talk to Jeph and as soon as I hung up, my little boy Beckett said, Whats the job, Dad? Whats the job? and I said, Well, do you know Colonel Talbot? and he said, Glenn Talbot? Yeah, everybody does. I said, Well, they asked me to play him. He said, Well, dad. Heres what we gotta do. We gotta go to Midtown Comics right away because you know the guy on the second floor with the beard? I said, Yeah. Weve gotta find him and ask him what he thinks and his questions. Hell help you out.
So we left ToysRUs and made our way to 40th and 7th and went upstairs, and my man that I was looking for wasnt there but theres no shortage of help. I go in there a lot whenever Im back home with my kids, theyre big comic book fans, so they know me fairly well. Im not sure if, as a dad they know me, or I know that they know me from some jobs that Ive done. But whatever it is, the combination, theyre always very helpful and very nice. So we went in there and in no time at all, I had no shortage of guys helping me out finding everything I could about Talbot. And oddly enough, one of them was embarrassed that he had to dig into a database. He looked at me like, Im so sorry, dude. Im going to have to dig in. He had to go to the phone in his hands. I said, Hey man, its cool. Were both learning and I couldnt do this without you. Youre a huge part of what Im going through right now in trying to figure out who this guy is. I certainly dont want to approach it [like some shows approach] legal dramas, where they just base it on whats come before. Not that it has anything to do with real courtrooms. Anybody whos been in a real courtroom will tell you its nothing like the movies. Probably a lot more boring.
Adrian Pasdar: Yeah, and a lot more real. Anyway, that doesnt really resonate in films or super hero movies. I didnt want to base it on the excellent work that had come before, in Marvels The Avengers and things like that. I just wanted to dig deep into the comics where it came from. And thats what I got to do, through the help of the good folks of Midtown Comics in New York City, I was able to bring this guy to life through a series of pictures and just the graphic imagery, the novels and the cartoons that I was able to access through their help. Really, in the end, thats what its based on. As much as youre playing a [comic book] guy. I learned this through Iron Man, it really doesnt matter what I think about who he is because everybody has such a huge idea about what they think the guy is. You have to meet their expectations rather than define it by your own, and its not pandering at all. Its just a little more difficult way of bringing something to life. You cant just rely on your instincts and your imagination, you have to match up with what the expectations are from the people who are hiring you and watching you. What about when you put on the outfit itselfor Talbots trademark moustache?
Adrian Pasdar: Its hard to look serious in that hat, man. You look like a New Jersey State Trooper if you wear it wrong. Nothing wrong with New Jersey State Troopers, but the outfits are a little funny. Just wearing that Air Force hat, you really gotta be able to pull that off. That was the hardest part. But the moustache, we spent a long time on that, a couple of days. That was probably a thorn in the side to make-up and hair people. I had a week to prepare and as macho as I like to think I am, theres just no way I can grow that mustache in a week so we had to cut up a $400 dollar mustache and try it on knowing that it might fail and theres not always room to do that in the make-up department.
So anyway, we came through and it was fun to be on the set and work with these folks on the show. The way that they filmed [my scene] was very interesting. It was a live feed. [Coulsons team are] in the control room and I come over a monitor. So I was filming it in another room off of a camera, [and] it was a live feed to them in that room, so it was really happening. It was in-camera, it wasnt going to be superimposed, so my face would come on eight feet tall and six feet wide. I dont know how much people can handle of that. Im glad I didnt have to look at it. But it was fun to be able to talk into the camera, and they had a microphone set up and a speaker so I could hear their responses and we played the scene out in real time. Its kind of like a throwback to old television, where they would go from room to room with the camera. Theyd go from Camera A to Camera B and then come back on to Camera A and then move over to Set 3 and itd all be happening in real time. Thats very cool. I know that Talbot, so far, is in the one episode. I dont know if theres anything you can tease whether fans can expect to see much more of him down the line?
Adrian Pasdar: Oh yeah. I would imagine. As willing as I am to jump when Jeph calls, there had to be a little bit more in it than just an episode for me. So I cant say much more but the mustache is in a locker and its being taken out and prepped as we speak for next week. Every show needs a jerk, [and] I guess Im that guy. I make everybody else look so nice. I think it was Walt Disney who said it, The shows only as good as the bad guy is bad. Yep. Its an important element to have.
Adrian Pasdar: Like I said, they dont have to do too much. They just have to not look like me. Im the bad guy. Let me be bad and then they look like shining knights in comparison. But they dont have your mustache.
Adrian Pasdar: And Clark Gregg is a great guy. It was great to work with him, what a sweetheart he is. Fun to work with that part of Marvel lore now that hes going to be forever remembered as that guy.