Terrible poster. Nice shop though.
Most Marvel posters are photoshop disasters :/ just plastered all of the cast in as floating heads on top of explosions...
Terrible poster. Nice shop though.
Where was Elizabeth? And goddam I want that Agent Carter series.
It was incredibly bad writing, only made worse by the fact that they tried to justify it with Paxton saying his stupid "Sorry, Bob" line. So he fully understands that he's shooting SHIELD agents.
I'm shocked we are still on the first season. WTF.
I'm a big supporter of 13 episode per season shows. Anything longer is usually just filled with mediocre episodes :/
After the past three episodes or so I feel like bullshit and straw were the two main ingredients of the first half of the season.
So, here are some images of Deathlok... in costume, I guess?
So, here are some images of Deathlok... in costume, I guess?
So, here are some images of Deathlok... in costume, I guess?
Ugh... disappointed.
He looks likea reject from Mass Effect. They took literally no inspiration from the comics.
So, here are some images of Deathlok... in costume, I guess?
He's probably going to get half blown up again, and that's what allows him to switch sides. But it also means he will need more metal and cybernetics so that's probably when they will complete his look. I'm assuming they don't want to show that metal leg too often because of budgets and deadlines, and it's only going to be harder with metal arms and half his face too.
So, here are some images of Deathlok... in costume, I guess?
Synopsis for "Turn Turn Turn"
Dammit, May.
Funny that some people are speculating that Scarlett Johansson will appear, due to her line of dialogue in The Avengers.
If May is actually evil and not merely keeping tabs on Coulson for what she believes to be his own good, I'd be surprised.
On further consideration... would this even make any sense? If her assignment is to keep Coulson from finding out the truth about his resurrection, she's done a pretty terrible job of it.
So, here are some images of Deathlok... in costume, I guess?
So, here are some images of Deathlok... in costume, I guess?
Smallville levels of badness.
Mahvel pls.
I'll keep saying it until more people realize the truth.
Simmons > Skye.
It could have suffered from what a lot of other shows suffer from because execs are too afraid to let things start off too quickly. Agents of SHIELD is a new tv show and they probably wanted to give people time to find the show, so the first episodes are more of a "weekly villain" thing with the least amount of character/overarching story development possible just so that people who aren't tuning in from the first episode forward can still hop on a few episodes in and not be completely lost as to what is happening.After the past three episodes or so I feel like bullshit and straw were the two main ingredients of the first half of the season.
Been championing this from day one brah. The glamour shots will come one day.I'll keep saying it until more people realize the truth.
Simmons > Skye.
I'll keep saying it until more people realize the truth.
Simmons > Skye.
Same thing happened to Hannibal. It's 100% studio interference trying to make a show a CSI-esque procedural.It could have suffered from what a lot of other shows suffer from because execs are too afraid to let things start off too quickly. Agents of SHIELD is a new tv show and they probably wanted to give people time to find the show, so the first episodes are more of a "weekly villain" thing with the least amount of character/overarching story development possible just so that people who aren't tuning in from the first episode forward can still hop on a few episodes in and not be completely lost as to what is happening.
Yes, it's somewhat dumb, but sometimes it just happens. It happened to Dollhouse as well and I'm not sure if it was forced or not, but Fringe & Supernatural began that way too (they had somewhat boring/standard "weekly case" episodes in the beginning, even the whole first season, with only some hints of something bigger looming in the horizon). The way it was, the original pilot of Dollhouse started things off very quickly with a no BS attitude and less of the dolls just doing some basic assignements. But then some stupid higher-ups decided it would be too much in too little time & they wanted to have an "ease in" period where nothing too major could happen and made Whedon spread what originally happened in that pilot into several episodes and not have any too major story development early on. Whedon tried to make the best of it (i.e. make "weekly assignement" episodes with at least some neat twist/idea behind it), but it still screwed up the pacing & quality of the first few episodes.
So, here are some images of Deathlok... in costume, I guess?
Not posting any spoilers here, but I've read the general gist of where things stand with SHIELD at the end of TWS, and I'm realllllllly curious to see how the show handles it. Especially since it'll have to catch up at least 4-5 episodes before the end of the season.
He looks like a digitized Mortal Kombat character.
Yep. I'm not sure how the show is going to handle such directly SHIELD-related fallout in only a few episodes.
But who'd be the bigger freak tho?
But who'd be the bigger freak tho?
They were not SHIELD agents.
That's supposed to magically make it better?
Simmons looks like she'd freak out if you asked for anything kinkier than missionar...
That's supposed to magically make it better?
They shared the concept art for Deathlok on Facebook. Yuck.