So someone brought this up on the The Winter Soldier thread on the SHIELD subreddit:
They basically said what if Agent Hand, ISN'T Hydra, but she thinks that Coulson and Co are Hydra. Now to be fair, she did send Sitwell to the Lemurian Star, but eh, maybe it's possible.
I'm hoping very much this is the case.So someone brought this up on the The Winter Soldier thread on the SHIELD subreddit:
They basically said what if Agent Hand, ISN'T Hydra, but she thinks that Coulson and Co are Hydra. Now to be fair, she did send Sitwell to the Lemurian Star, but eh, maybe it's possible.
My guess:So if the Clairvoiant turns out to be (TWS Spoilers)Zola (which makes too much sense to not be it), how are they going to handle it in the Series?
Opening Shot, Coulson in front of his team: Wow, I didn't see that coming. The clairvoiant turned out to be this swiss Nazi/Hydra Scientist that put his conciousnes into a 1960's supercomputer. Luckily he was taken out during that whole hydra uprising thingy last week. So what are we going to do today?
My guess:They're going to find out that Zola had copied himself into a more modern supercomputer (which is conveniently in a smaller, cheaper-to-produce room), and the team makes it their mission to stop him so the algorithm he's devised isn't used again, and because he's still their primary mission. Skye will be the one to delete him for good, probably by somehow using the algorithm against him to find out how to beat him. There'll probably be an explanation that the algorithm can better predict Zola than anyone else since he's the one that's made it, and because of that his biases are reflected within it. Kinda like how someone's art can reflect what they find attractive or appealing.
I feel comfortable enough now saying that Simmons is a chocolate chaser.
So someone brought this up on the The Winter Soldier thread on the SHIELD subreddit:
They basically said what if Agent Hand, ISN'T Hydra, but she thinks that Coulson and Co are Hydra. Now to be fair, she did send Sitwell to the Lemurian Star, but eh, maybe it's possible.
About Agent Hand
I think she thinks Coulson is HYDRA. Her being a villain is probably a fake-out
I feel comfortable enough now saying that Simmons is a chocolate chaser.
So(TWS) right?Zola is the Clairvoyant
So(TWS) right?Zola is the Clairvoyant
So(TWS) right?Zola is the Clairvoyant
ORSomeone we haven't met yet using Zola's system but that could be a presence in the regular show. Or even Hand.
So(TWS) right?Zola is the Clairvoyant
I want her to be a villain damn it.
My bold prediction:
The AI program that Zola created for Project Insight is the Clarvoyant. The program originally detects threats to humanity, and eventually decides that all of humanity are too dangerous to survive, evolving into... Ultron.
Pretty sure she will be. May doesn't seem to be a villain or, at the very least she was unaware of the plan to takeover The Hub. More likely she was directly informing Fury at this point, especially since she knew enough about Guest House to inform the dead drop that "Coulson knows." So if she's with Fury, Hand would likely.. not be.
Which doesn't necessarily make her Hydra. There's more than just them and Fury's guys. She can be an independent factor. As I mentioned before, I'd love if she found about Hydra compromising SHIELD on her own, and now is acting on her own again to flush them out.
Also, it seems very likely there's a traitor among Coulson's team, and if it turns out to be Ward and/or Fitz (hoping it's Ward, fuck that character), it would make sense that she would try to off him by not providing an extraction team.
Contains some TWS spoilers/speculation
The problem with that is the compartmentalization. If even Fury couldn't be sure who was with him or against him and he is the only person to know everything, then how could Hand come to that conclusion herself? Especially with enough confidence to try to kill off specific agents like that? It makes far more sense that Hand is Hydra. Here's what I was about to edit into my previous reply before I double check the thread for new responses.
The Clairvoyant won't be Zola. That's too large and critical a reveal to happen in the movie when it was setup only in the show. Coulson's team would also be pretty minor to Zola in the scheme of things, so it's more likely that Hand is Hydra and as such was assigned to take care Coulson and take control of The Hub. It's also worth noting that Zola's algorithm doesn't actually predict the future so much as it takes peoples history and social networking comments, etc.. and predicts the likelihood that that person would become an eventual problem for Hydra. What The Clairvoyant was doing was looking specifically into Coulson and his team. Likely after the events of the very first episode. What should be considered is that Hand was both the one to relay the order to Sitwell to go to the Lemurian Star AND also specifically requested to debrief Simmons, separating her from the rest of the team. She also declined to take part in the actual search, instead returning to The Hub, which gives the opportunity to setup the pieces in play for the false lead on the coma patient. If anything, I think Hand is technically The Clairvoyant, specifically handling all the events we've seen in AoS by using the Algorithm that Zola created. This also creates the most clean plotting for both the Movie and the Show by means of having connections that aren't necessary for each other to see but still creates strong connections. By having Hand be The Clairvoyant, AoS viewers who've never seen any of the movies have villains that are tangible and known to them. For those who've only watched the movies, they're not missing out on further actions that Zola has taken and instead only miss out on a smaller subsection of SHIELD handling the "uprising."
More TWS spoilers etc.
I see where you're coming from, and I definitely agree that Zola is probably not going to be the Clairvoyant. I also can see the logic behind your reasoning for Hand's course of action.
But, knowing Whedon, I think that Hand is little more than a red herring. It just seems too convenient for her to be the Clairvoyant, you know what I mean? She does all those things exactly as you say, which seem to hint towards her being at least involved with the Clairvoyant, if not actually being the Clairvoyant.
I just watched the scene again, and Hand tells Sitwell and Coulson that Sitwell got orders from the Triskelion to go the Lemurian Star - it is never specified whose orders. And she goes to the Hub, yes, but she says it's to "pull their asses out of the fire when things go south" - which she did.
I also don't think Simmons' debriefing has to do with being separated from the team. After all, out of all the team members, Simmons is the one with the least field experience and such. If I had to guess, Hand either suspects her to be the Hydra mole and wanted to investigate/extract her, or Hand needs Simmons' expertise and/or connection to Coulson's team for something.
As for why Hand could know without being debriefed by Fury? Again - I want to think of her being a good guy, but one without the moral qualms of a Coulson. She's been shown as cold and calculating, so she wouldn't have any issue with acquiring information that she isn't supposed to have. And for an agent in her position, it shouldn't be too difficult to be able to find out about these things. All of SHIELD seems to be observing and wiretapping each other. Perhaps Hand is listening in on May's secret line to Fury.
All the pieces you mention just fall conveniently into place for Hand to be the Clairvoyant, but they're not as obvious as it would seem, and all could have alternative explanations.
I honestly don't believe Blake is a Hydra mole. It seems a bit extreme for a cover up to put him into critical condition, and him barely making it out alive.
Thanks, now I am snowblind.
AoS premiered at the end of September. So 1-2 months after if they stick to the same schedule.
TuesdayI just watched the ep and found it to be pretty solid. I won't be able to see Cap until the weekend after next, though. How soon will S.H.I.E.L.D. be picking up from Cap and spoiling the movie?
AoS is going to be taking place during TWS this upcoming ep.
Seriously after they straight up murdered those guards a few episodes ago? I'm waiting for all of them to burn. I thought that was why Victoria showed up on the plane.
Oh man, just came back from TWS.
SPOILERS:The show's name should be retitled "Former Agents of SHIELD"
Re: Amy Acker.
I've powered through the first season of Person of Interest and I would have thrown the towel on the second season had not been for DAT ROOT. The show is way procedural for my tastes, but AA knocked it out of the park. I already feel kind of bad for the rest of the cast, TBH.