Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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TWS goes a long way towards explaining a couple of the series' flaws (the general lack of interest in defining SHIELD proper and the team's relationship to it, the agonizingly slow pace of the serialized story arcs in the first half of the season).

That's not to say that it excuses those flaws or retroactively makes the earlier episodes better, because lord knows it doesn't.


I honestly feel like the first ep is a lot better than people gave it credit for. The Halloween Episode esque one was also pretty good.

Episode 1 Pilot - Good introduction to characters, good mystery, strong flow from beginning middle and end, Mike Peterson

Episode 9 "Repairs" - An actually good may episode, spooky, with a great performance from the guest character.

In fact looking back at the first 10, I am struggling to remember a single episode negatively aside from "0-8-4". As you say, it meandered, but reading the synopsis, you could tell that they were trying to space out introducing concepts and characters. I mean it has not been the best TV show ever, but I would not call those episodes bad either, more like guilty pleasures. The show runners can not be accused of lying when they said that the back half of the season would be a lot more Marvel.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
TWS goes a long way towards explaining a couple of the series' flaws (the general lack of interest in defining SHIELD proper and the team's relationship to it, the agonizingly slow pace of the serialized story arcs in the first half of the season).

That's not to say that it excuses those flaws or retroactively makes the earlier episodes better, because lord knows it doesn't.

Yeah, long story short: the show was poorly constructed in order to kill time waiting for TWS. They clearly were focused on TWS tie-in and what the show would really be and didn't put enough thought into the first half of season 1.

It is a flaw that several serialized shows have suffered from historically. Way too many horrible filler episodes while arcs and mythology are being set up.


TWS goes a long way towards explaining a couple of the series' flaws (the general lack of interest in defining SHIELD proper and the team's relationship to it, the agonizingly slow pace of the serialized story arcs in the first half of the season).

That's not to say that it excuses those flaws or retroactively makes the earlier episodes better, because lord knows it doesn't.

But I kind of fear that...
Will the show only getting interesting at times when it intersects with a Marvel movie release to really shake up the universe?

Like I can't imagine this SHIELD stuff will be resolved outside of the movies


From next episodes preview, I love how

Agent Hand shouts "he is a liar!"

I like Agent Hand. I hope we see more of her on the show


saw TWS and no it does not excuse in anyway the poor pacing, writing and general overall sense that agents of shield has had thus far.

its the exact opposite. because you know the end game and you still messed it up. people should be fired even more now.


Bitches love smiley faces
saw TWS and no it does not excuse in anyway the poor pacing, writing and general overall sense that agents of shield has had thus far.

its the exact opposite. because you know the end game and you still messed it up. people should be fired even more now.
That's my feelings about it.

It boggles the mind that they couldn't create a good front half when they knew what they were going to end with.
Everything sounds good except for this quote

The story isn't the main reason I've had mixed feelings about the show. Even then, the story should be satisfying on its own apart from a payoff. Quality doesn't need excuses.

So my thoughts about how the entire show was built upon the UPRISING Arc tie-in with Cap 2 was correct. It's so sad that the beginning of the show, and especially the Thor 2 tie in were all after thoughts. But atleast we are here now and next season should hopefully be awesome with nothing to tie into and nothing to line up with.
saw TWS and no it does not excuse in anyway the poor pacing, writing and general overall sense that agents of shield has had thus far.

its the exact opposite. because you know the end game and you still messed it up. people should be fired even more now.

Agreed, TWS doesn't excuse most of the show's problems. In fairness to the writers, though, knowing the endgame doesn't mean that Marvel Studios actually gave them the freedom to foreshadow TWS in anything but the most oblique and indirect of ways (at least, up until last week's episode).

I mean, I'm not a TV writer so I'm not going to say it's impossible, but it's hard to see how the team could have, say, stumbled upon
evidence of a conspiracy within SHIELD or proof that Centipede is connected to HYDRA
without spoiling TWS to a large extent.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Was talking with a friend about how the show should have gone in light of TWS. Basically this:

- AIM should have been the primary villain from word one. Say AIM cells are still being funded with offshore AIM accounts after the death of Killian.

- Don't constantly say "battle of new york" and tease Coulson's resurrection. Play it cool, let the audience assume it was a cheap trick - he didn't die, he just passed out in The Avengers.

- Build up to a reveal that another force is controlling AIM, just before TWS.

[TWS spoilers]

- HAIL HYDRA! Coulson's team is caught with their pants down and assaulted by Hydra elements eliminating non-Hydra SHIELD teams.

- They survive, find SHIELD destroyed, and Fury appears post-TWS to tell Coulson there's more to his death than he thought. And he was brought back for a reason.

- In the process of tracking down Hydra assets, Coulson discovers Fury appropriated scary things to bring Coulson back, and it was Fury's search for those things that helped him realize how deep Hydra was inside SHIELD. And running experiments on humans, leading to stuff like the twins.


Yeah, long story short: the show was poorly constructed in order to kill time waiting for TWS. They clearly were focused on TWS tie-in and what the show would really be and didn't put enough thought into the first half of season 1.

It is a flaw that several serialized shows have suffered from historically. Way too many horrible filler episodes while arcs and mythology are being set up.

First half of the season was definitely sub par, but I wouldn't quite go as far as to say they were killing time considering stuff like
Graviton and the Overkill device
are coming back.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
First half of the season was definitely sub par, but I wouldn't quite go as far as to say they were killing time considering stuff like
Graviton and the Overkill device
are coming back.

A few elements are important. Just needed to be woven into a tighter, more logical framework.


Bitches love smiley faces
Agreed, TWS doesn't excuse most of the show's problems. In fairness to the writers, though, knowing the endgame doesn't mean that Marvel Studios actually gave them the freedom to foreshadow TWS in anything but the most oblique and indirect of ways (at least, up until last week's episode).

I mean, I'm not a TV writer so I'm not going to say it's impossible, but it's hard to see how the team could have, say, stumbled upon
evidence of a conspiracy within SHIELD or proof that Centipede is connected to HYDRA
without spoiling TWS to a large extent.

Right, that's why we have the Clairvoyant. The show's own boogeyman to chase after.

I like Kai Dracon's idea of using AIM or some other entity
to mask Hydra's direct involvement. I keep saying it over and over. If you can't use Hydra, that's fine. The Marvel universe has loads of other criminal organizations to use.

The hackeyed references to NY and getting stabbed through the heart? Yeah, everyone could've used less of that.

I would've also liked Coulson to have some survivor's guilt over being resurrected. Have the character grapple over why he was resurrected. Too much focus on the how.


I would've also liked Coulson to have some survivor's guilt over being resurrected. Have the character grapple over why he was resurrected. Too much focus on the how.
While that sounds interesting, that would require much better acting from Gregg than we've been getting.
First half of the season was definitely sub par, but I wouldn't quite go as far as to say they were killing time considering stuff like
Graviton and the Overkill device
are coming back.

How can they ever hope to do someone like
Graviton justice
on the show's budget. Not to mention how much will they have to de-power him so the AoS crew can even begin to take him on.


No idea why everyone despises the show so much. I watch it every week and I thoroughly enjoy it. It's fun, generally light hearted and interesting to see them expand the marvel universe.

I hope the show goes on!!


No idea why everyone despises the show so much. I watch it every week and I thoroughly enjoy it. It's fun, generally light hearted and interesting to see them expand the marvel universe.

I hope the show goes on!!
It's a one step forwards, one step backwards thing, where the good parts are immediately counteracted by really dumb things (like sending men after Lorelai, the Raft thing in Ep2, etc.)


No idea why everyone despises the show so much. I watch it every week and I thoroughly enjoy it. It's fun, generally light hearted and interesting to see them expand the marvel universe.

I hope the show goes on!!

Some people expect an MCU movie weekly.
Some people expect an MCU movie weekly.

I really don't think anyone expected that. My only real issue with the show is it's become Agents fawning over Skye. Almost everything revolves around her, it's bloody annoying.

"What would Skye do. Skye sees things differently. Skye is so awesome. She's so special"

Jesus Christ.


No one expects that.

I think it is almost a fair comment, many people wanted/expected a team of supers, Jack Bauer esque power hour every week and made no attempts to disguise that opinion. A lot of the debate earlier in this thread centered around the idea that a show called Agents of Shield was actually about Agents of Shield.
I really don't think anyone expected that. My only real issue with the show is it's become Agents fawning over Skye. Almost everything revolves around her, it's bloody annoying.

"What would Skye do. Skye sees things differently. Skye is so awesome. She's so special"

Jesus Christ.
I like skye.. :(

My friend likes her too, basically watch the show for her
I think it is almost a fair comment, many people wanted a team of supers, Jack Bauer esque power hour every week and made no attempts to disguise that opinion. A lot of the debate earlier in this thread centered around the idea that a show called Agents of Shield was actually about Agents of Shield.

Yeah, a lot of people did and still do want Smallville: Marvel Edition.
I like skye.. :(

My friend likes her too, basically watch the show for her

She's not bad, the problem is all the characters and their actions seem to directly revolve around her and what she would do or how she would approach a problem or how she sees the world.

Bloody annoying to say the least...


tagged by Blackace
I really don't think anyone expected that. My only real issue with the show is it's become Agents fawning over Skye. Almost everything revolves around her, it's bloody annoying.

"What would Skye do. Skye sees things differently. Skye is so awesome. She's so special"

Jesus Christ.
The show has ALWAYS revolved around Skye. What do you mean become?
I dont really like or dislike Skye so far. My only problem is that all we ever seem to hear as has been mentioned is how amazing Skye is etc but we are never shown it. I have no real reason to be routing for the character, just being told I should be.


She's not bad, the problem is all the characters and their actions seem to directly revolve around her and what she would do or how she would approach a problem or how she sees the world.

Bloody annoying to say the least...

It seems like the writing over focuses on her habitually. It is not even how much screen time she does or does not get, it is how every other member of the team seems to notice her and value her more than anyone else.

She is great when she is not being over hyped by the rest of the team. Her acting is fine, as is her character, in fact she is one of the better characters along with Fitz and Simmons, but they do her a disservice by over stating her importance in like every episode instead of letting everyone function as a cohesive and fluid team.

Well, we got it... in terms of quality anyway.

Hey now, Agents of Shield may have some issues, but it is by no means Smallville levels of quality.

Smallville was crap
She's not bad, the problem is all the characters and their actions seem to directly revolve around her and what she would do or how she would approach a problem or how she sees the world.

Bloody annoying to say the least...

Maybe her power as an 084 is subliminal mind control. It'd explain a lot.


Bitches love smiley faces
I really wonder how the post-TWS episodes are going to be.
I guess Coulson says "screw it" and tries to reconnect with his ex-gf but that seems so inconsequential after all this Hydra business.


I really wonder how the post-TWS episodes are going to be.
I guess Coulson says "screw it" and tries to reconnect with his ex-gf but that seems so inconsequential after all this Hydra business.

My SHIELD is gone? Time to get laid. Hey, Cellist Lady, pick up your phone, the C-man is making a booty-call.


My favourite episode was probably the last one or TAHITI. Both were intriguing and reveal great things. The worst is definitely 084. I hated the characters in it, the premise, the setting. Actually everything.
It seems like the writing over focuses on her habitually. It is not even how much screen time she does or does not get, it is how every other member of the team seems to notice her and value her more than anyone else.

She is great when she is not being over hyped by the rest of the team. Her acting is fine, as is her character, in fact she is one of the better characters along with Fitz and Simmons, but they do her a disservice by over stating her importance in like every episode instead of letting everyone function as a cohesive and fluid team.

Absolutely agree. You've pretty much nailed what the issue is. She's not a bad character, quite the opposite, but how she's being written is making her extremely annoying and making the rest of the team seem incompetent...

Maybe her power as an 084 is subliminal mind control. It'd explain a lot.

It would explain a lot. I hope the 084 arc is resolved this season and it's not something that's hung over our heads beyond the finale into season 2.


Who does everyone hope
ends up being hydra? I want Ward to be bad.

Yep, he has great potential as a villain. Actually, I liked when he played the bad guy in the Loreli episode.

Btw, when the next episode is released, will we be able to talk about TWS without spoilers?
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