I liked this episode. I would also love for May and Coulson to be killed off because they can't act their way out of a box on this show. Damn. It's downright painful sometimes. Skye isn't great, but she's better than those two.
that episode....wasn't terrible
Hopefully they stop taking breaks for weeks on end between episodes
More info and a Q&A with Jeff Bell via the link. Keep those spoilers tags coming on any TWS information. Thanks.In anticipation of the episodes that will culminate in the conclusion of the first season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel is rolling out a new initiative that will bring the series together with top artists from around the world: Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Art of Level Seven. According to Marvels press release, a different image will be released each week, timed to coincide with the shows upcoming episode. Each piece of art commissioned from a popular comic artist will feature a first look at an events key episodes, offering fans clues about the shows characters and plot. New art will be released every Thursday in advance of the series remaining six hours.
After after after after afterIf anyone answers this question they'll be my favorite person.
Should I watch the NEXT episode before or after Captain America?
Also I like the fact that I even have to make that decision. Feels like the show is finally going somewhere. Actually it feels like the whole season has been a set up for the past few episodes.
Also I like the fact that I even have to make that decision. Feels like the show is finally going somewhere. Actually it feels like the whole season has been a set up for the past few episodes.
If anyone answers this question they'll be my favorite person.
Should I watch the NEXT episode before or after Captain America?
Also I like the fact that I even have to make that decision. Feels like the show is finally going somewhere. Actually it feels like the whole season has been a set up for the past few episodes.
Is Victoria Hand in TWS? Does anyone know? Or is she still only in AoS at this point? I really want to see some TV to movie crossover.
There is no question, after is the only way. They need to have a recap of the Cap movie before the next episode cause the entire show will never be the same again.
It's insane what they are doing and now the entire point of creating a show makes sense. Marvel is brilliant.
Regarding Winter Solder, Please someone tell me Simmons wasn't in the.Shield headquarters that the helicarrier crashed into and destroyed
So the clairvoyant was basicallyArnim Zola right?
It would explain why they never tried to make it a traditional mystery.We don't know for sure yet, butit seems like it.
Good episode. But goddamn, if there's a season 2, please stop at 13 to 15 episodes. This is one of the rare ABC dramas where almost every episode feels like a slog to watch. Even shows with lesser stakes and mythology like Mistresses has got Agents beat. Mistresses is awesome summer TV btw.
The season opener is around the release of GOTG and the finale is around Avengers 2.
Assuming there's a second season, she will almost undoubtedly make an appearance. I don't think they'll be able to snag her as a regular like some are hoping, but I would be shocked if she didn't appear for at least a small arc.If we could get Sif for an entire episode can we please get Maria Hill for a full episode eventually.
Assuming there's a second season, she will almost undoubtedly make an appearance. I don't think they'll be able to snag her as a regular like some are hoping, but I would be shocked if she didn't appear for at least a small arc.
If AOS had progressed in a logical way to Cap 2 it would have totally spoiled the movie.
Just to be on the safe side, this opener won't spoil anything from Cap 2 will it?
Not directly but ... not worth it. See Cap 2 first.Just to be on the safe side, this opener won't spoil anything from Cap 2 will it?
Wow, I wasn't expecting anything near that quality in AOS after Deathlock's BS of an unveiling. I'm actually surprised. Cool
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Gee, thanks ¬¬
It straight up follows Hand's words near the end of the latest episode. And MOVIE SPOILERS/SPECULATIONJust to be on the safe side, this opener won't spoil anything from Cap 2 will it?
1. Hate/dislike Agents of SHIELD.Just to be on the safe side, this opener won't spoil anything from Cap 2 will it?
It straight up follows Hand's words near the end of the latest episode. And MOVIE SPOILERS/SPECULATIONyou best believe it does (to some degree) going by what we know about Cap2. I have yet to watch it, but it looks like SHIELD has a bunch of traitors in its midst.
AoS premiered at the end of September. So 1-2 months after if they stick to the same schedule.
1. Hate/dislike Agents of SHIELD.
2. Watch the last episode.
3. Go see Cap 2.
4. Opinion on this series will probably change on your ride home or maybe during the movie itself.
5. Watch the clip while you desperately wait for the next episode.
Bill Paxton is a GREAT add to the cast of this show. Hell, he even can take the place of anyone in Coulson's team and nobody will miss them, and by anyone i mean May/Ward/May/Ward/Skye