Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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I really hope the second season turns out to be the Peggy Carter show. I don't see how they can have two ABC shows anyway. Granted they'll probably fuck it up by having the same team of writers.

If they cast Haley Atwell as Peggy Carter again... these this cannot fail.



If they cast Haley Atwell as Peggy Carter again... these this cannot fail.

They have stated if the show goes forward they would bring her in to play the role and they would hopefully be able to get Dominic Cooper to at least cameo every once in awhile as Harold Stark.


They have stated if the show goes forward they would bring her in to play the role and they would hopefully be able to get Dominic Cooper to at least cameo every once in awhile as Harold Stark.

I don't see why he couldn't be a lead character, its not like that Warcraft movie has any hope of being good.


I wonder Fury found any means to keep coulson alive is because Fury knew about the
inside job and he needed someone who he could trust.

Im pretty sure he knew about the
people for awhile.


If you have Hulu Plus tonight's episode is already up.

I don't even think you need hulu plus to watch it as I don't have it and it loads for me. Just watched the first 10 minutes before shutting it off (rather wait till evening when I' know - awake.


Oh yeah, I should mention that those first 10 minutes (or whatever long it is till the first commercial break) is just holy shit! This episode will no doubt be the best one we've seen.


you speak so well
By far the best episode of the show.

Holy fuck at that ending. I kind of expected Paxton to be the HYDRA agent but Ward killing Hand took me by surprise.


So I want to also mention that I completely lied in my last post and went back to finish the episode after downing a couple cups of coffee.

And....dear god. I have no idea what's going to happen next here.

A LOT of people called it beforehand, but the way it was handled was brilliant. Great action, great character moments, great exposition, greatness all around. That shout-out to the traitor Sitwell was epic too.


Oh hey, new episode today. No two week break! GG ABC!
Season 1: episode 17 "Turn, Turn, Turn"

Coulson and his team find themselves without anyone they can trust, only to discover that they are trapped with a traitor in their midst.


For those who already saw it: does it spoil anything about CATWS? I intended to go to the cinema this weekend.

Well...kinda? The overlying "oh shit" plot in Cap 2 is pretty much the same one here since both the movie and the show are intrinsically tied to what's going on with SHIELD. There's also a somewhat minor reveal of a character's associations that appears in Cap 2.

I would just suggest watching Cap 2 before this episode for maximum enjoyment. Especially because the end of this episode (minor spoilers)
happens right after the end of Captain America 2 and there is some major shit going on with SHIELD that was kind've a surprise in the movie.


Wow that Episode is insane. That is End of Season type stuff and yet we got 5 more :eek: First minute and a half and its music so good

Pretty big fuck up on NBCs part too uploading it this early. ABC is not going to be happy


damn, should have read that the episode leaked before highlighting spoilers. I immediately just assumed they were CA:WS spoilers.

Still, I like what I'm hearing.
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