Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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Having seen all the spoilered text (didn't read any of it) and commentary that events in TWS would affect AoS, but not dramatically, AND just walked in from seeing TWS, I have to ask... How is it remotely possible that the events in TWS won't have a dramatic and profound effect on AoS?!?!

TWS was awesome, btw.

It's not. Not at all.


Tomorrow's new episode is still airing as planned, but they're showing two episodes back-to-back next week. 8-9 EST is going to be a repeat of Turn, Turn, Turn (tomorrow's episode), while 9-10 EST is going to be the new episode.

I guess tomorrow's is so earth-shattering that they want to give people as many chances as possible to see it?

im so pumped for tomorrow episode last week episode was amazing also
Samuel L. Jackson headed back to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for season finale.

In an interview with Vulture, Jackson revealed he had been on the "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." set fairly recently shooting another cameo, but was tight-lipped on any of the details of his role.

"I did! Last week! I just shot the end-of-the-season show," Jackson told Vulture. "You're trying to get me fired and killed! I don't talk about Marvel's business. None of us do. ... If they ask Kevin Feige and Kevin says, 'We'd like for you to do it,' I do."
Well, you know what, we will see what happens with shield after
. I am sort of looking forward to this cameo only to get some resolution.

My only problem is that they are not
referencing the infinity formula, which is what brought Coulson,skye, and probably fury back to life. Yes I know it came from an alien but, at least if they're going to reference something like that, lets just make it what it is supposed to be. Anybody remember when Bucky got owned by Sin the same way Coulson got it by Loki? What brought him back?

Honestly, it's pretty obvious as the why Fury brought Coulson back.
He is one of the few Agents he can 'trust'. Simple, bet that will be his answer and his entire cameo.
My only problem is that they are not
referencing the infinity formula, which is what brought Coulson,skye, and probably fury back to life. Yes I know it came from an alien but, at least if they're going to reference something like that, lets just make it what it is supposed to be. Anybody remember when Bucky got owned by Sin the same way Coulson got it by Loki? What brought him back?

Honestly, it's pretty obvious as the why Fury brought Coulson back.
He is one of the few Agents he can 'trust'. Simple, bet that will be his answer and his entire cameo.

I wouldn't bet on comic stuff to show up in the shows/movies as 100% exact. That road lies to Internet Badass memes.

I highly, highly doubt that what brought Coulson back was something that is going to be a huge deal in the movies.
My B.

Just came back to the thread to check if this was posted.

Glad that he's coming back for this. And frankly, just glad he enjoys this role to keep coming back.

Him and Chris Hemsworth, apparently. Chris said he'd play Thor for as long as they'd have him. This makes me happy.
Hemsworth is gonna ride Thor until the wheels fall off. None of his other roles seem to have garnered him much acclaim, so I think he knows to stick around.


Hemsworth is gonna ride Thor until the wheels fall off. None of his other roles seem to have garnered him much acclaim, so I think he knows to stick around.
My thoughts exactly. What else does he have besides Thor? Red Dawn broke my heart of how lame it was.
Me neither bro, me neither :c
It will be a sad day.
Because Marvel is genius at casting. I don't think there's anyone they've cast in a role that I haven't liked.

Seriously, they know their shit when it comes to casting. I'd say the only real misfires are Betty Ross and Bruce Banner for TIH movie. But that's just me, I'm still stuck on Bana and Connelly when the film came out.


Good man. You gonna post your thoughts on how it's gonna affect the show, too? Curious what the great Cornballer thinks ;D

Maybe it's just me, but in all of the TV-threads Cornballer posts in, I don't think I've ever seen him actually put in his two cents. He mostly just moderates and provides news updates. Why!?


So is ABC not streaming back episodes of this show anywhere? I was told to pick it up at episode 11, but Hulu doesn't go back that far. :(

Dammit, ABC. I want to watch. You're missing out on ad revenue.


So is ABC not streaming back episodes of this show anywhere? I was told to pick it up at episode 11, but Hulu doesn't go back that far. :(

Dammit, ABC. I want to watch. You're missing out on ad revenue.

On ABC's own website, if you login with your cable sub.
That seems like an odd statement. While its synergistic element will definitely help its ratings, aren't its ratings reason enough for it to get renewed?
Mostly because almost all the other freshman ABC dramas are tanking and it does reasonably well with the DVR boost. They'll renew it for those reasons and the synergy, but they can't be happy about how it's performing.
Why would the name change at all? I mean, honestly, think about it. Why would it change? If anything, keeping the name is more poignant.
Im glad Fury is getting another cameo.

I still wish some of the other avengers came on the show.
Maybe just a quick scene of Iron Man flying or Hawkeye providing sniper support.


Dang, I must be blind. I missed that option the first time I looked on the site. Thanks!

Ehh, maybe I really am blind. I just logged into the Watch ABC app with my cable info and it still only shows me the 4 most recent episodes.



I really hope the second season turns out to be the Peggy Carter show. I don't see how they can have two ABC shows anyway. Granted they'll probably fuck it up by having the same team of writers.
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