Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. |OT| Tahiti is a Magical Place (to...Hey guys, I found it!)

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That last scene with Garrett was totally Whedon. Man did this episode deliver. Hopefully they keep it up next season.

Also, missed opportunity for the new GotG trailer.

That Whedon scene totally caught me off guard. Also, amen about the Guardians trailer.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was intended and will be answered in season 2.

Wasn't Tripp sent off to get help? Coulson told him to get help and "make a lot of noise" on the way out.


I have no clue what the whole Patton Oswalt thing means. He mentioned brother, but it'd would be odd if they just happened to be twins doing the same job at 2 places, and "Billy" didn't seem to care. I've seen someone mention LMD's. Maybe clones?

I was thinking in some kind of Nurse Joy from Pokemon. Every secret base has one of this guys. xD


Junior Member
That Whedon scene totally caught me off guard. Also, amen about the Guardians trailer.

Wasn't Tripp sent off to get help? Coulson told him to get help and "make a lot of noise" on the way out.
See, even the Wee Baby Seamus agrees.

Hopefully that trailer comes out sooner rather than later.


I had thought they'd specifically tie AoS to Guardians but I wonder if it will be the other way around. We'll coming into season 2 knowing more about the origins of the blue alien dude.
The first 15 minutes were a bit meh, but everything else was AWESOME.

-Raina is amazing, I hope she's a big part of S2.
-Ian on the other hand, I hope he gets his comeuppance quite soon.
-Garrett's death was HILARIOUS.
-Simmons and Fitz's stuff was pretty intense. Elizabeth Henstridge doesn't get enough credit.
-I still don't know I feel about Tripp. Hopefully he gets some development.
-I'm glad Ward didn't die, and I'm glad they didn't instantly welcome him back to the team. He'll have some interesting stuff for S2.
-Speaking of, his fight with May was crazy!
-Fury's entrance was pure Jackson. I love him as Fury, but I'm glad he'll be in the background for a bit. It'll give him some new stuff to work with.
-Still don't care about Deathlok/Mike/Ace.
-Twin/clone(?) Koenig! :D
-Skye's bloody father, eh? Hmmmmmmmm...
-Coulson's promotion to Avenger AND Director of SHIELD is pretty awesome. I hope that means he'll be in the second Avengers movie.
-But what's up with his crazy alien(?) writing? Mysterious~
-Maria Hill for season 2 regular please!

Overall, I am so happy I stuck with the show. Once it got it's groove and realized that people want to see it be heavily serialized, with meaningful connections to the MCU, it really began to shine. Anyone wondering if they should give this show another chance, the answer is an emphatic YES.

Now, hopefully season two will get down to business right off the bat. That goes for Agent Carter too.
The first 15 minutes were a bit meh, but everything else was AWESOME.

-Raina is amazing, I hope she's a big part of S2.
-Ian on the other hand, I hope he gets his comeuppance quite soon.
-Garrett's death was HILARIOUS.
-Simmons and Fitz's stuff was pretty intense. Elizabeth Henstridge doesn't get enough credit.
-I still don't know I feel about Tripp. Hopefully he gets some development.
-I'm glad Ward didn't die, and I'm glad they didn't instantly welcome him back to the team. He'll have some interesting stuff for S2.
-Speaking of, his fight with May was crazy!
-Fury's entrance was pure Jackson. I love him as Fury, but I'm glad he'll be in the background for a bit. It'll give him some new stuff to work with.
-Still don't care about Deathlok/Mike/Ace.
-Twin/clone(?) Koenig! :D
-Skye's bloody father, eh? Hmmmmmmmm...
-Coulson's promotion to Avenger AND Director of SHIELD is pretty awesome. I hope that means he'll be in the second Avengers movie.
-But what's up with his crazy alien(?) writing? Mysterious~

Overall, I am so happy I stuck with the show. Once it got it's groove and realized that people want to see it be heavily serialized, with meaningful connections to the MCU, it really began to shine. Anyone wondering if they should give this show another chance, the answer is an emphatic YES.

Now, hopefully season two will get down to business right off the bat. That goes for Agent Carter too.

I'm hoping Marvel wises up and puts May and Fitzsimmons in a comic


Overall, I am so happy I stuck with the show. Once it got it's groove and realized that people want to see it be heavily serialized, with meaningful connections to the MCU, it really began to shine. Anyone wondering if they should give this show another chance, the answer is an emphatic YES.

I know that's what I was looking for from the start. Hopefully they don't regress at all and we hit the ground running with rebuilding Shield in season 2.


That was pretty good. Doesn't excuse the beginning of the series but the series had a pretty good recovery and I'll be there for season 2.
I can't wait to catch up, cut my cable right before TWS but had been following along afterwards. There's a DVR at a friend's place that will be receiving some quality time. After going through the first 15 weekly, the wait to get payoff being extended hasn't been fun!

By all accounts, this show has been on the rise.


Subete no aware
I guess I'm the only one who is disappointed that there were basically no consequences for any of the main characters. Even the deaths weren't deaths.


I guess I'm the only one who is disappointed that there were basically no consequences for any of the main characters. Even the deaths weren't deaths.
Handicapping one of your main characters, putting one in jail, and killing your hyper-charismatic big bad is definitely consequences.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I'm betting Patton's an LMD for sure. Clone or twin wouldn't say the exact.same.stuff. I'd have to compare the two scenes but it seemed verbatim. Good finale. Saw the Garett revival scene coming, but did not expect the abrupt end. Skye stuff unresolved, hard to tell where they'll go with it but with the stuff they did show I'm even more so very much doubting the Spider-Woman speculation is on the right track.


I'm betting Patton's an LMD for sure. Clone or twin wouldn't say the exact.same.stuff. I'd have to compare the two scenes but it seemed verbatim. Good finale. Saw the Garett revival scene coming, but did not expect the abrupt end. Skye stuff unresolved, hard to tell where they'll go with it but with the stuff they did show I'm even more so very much doubting the Spider-Woman speculation is on the right track.
You can do Jessica Drew without that name.


I guess I'm the only one who is disappointed that there were basically no consequences for any of the main characters. Even the deaths weren't deaths.

Garret is dead, Ward is a POW, Fitz is either in a coma or has some kind of mental deficiency, and Simmons is the new Hydra within Shield 2.0. Seems like consequences to me.
Enjoyed most of it, but the lack of any substantive answers about Skye is pretty frustrating given that her as-yet-unseen powers have been teased for literally half the season. Ah well, onto the wait for GotG.


I'm gonna need you to stop that.

Unless we get a bitter Fitz heel turn from his newfound disability. Everything taken away, friendzoned, confined to a wheelchair would be a fate worse than death. Classic comic book villain motivation.

Someone's gotta be Hydra within the new Shield. Tripp is too obvious.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
You can do Jessica Drew without that name.

Same thing as far as I'm concerned whether they don't call her Spider-Woman or not. The blood thing is a really weird clue. All signs so far pointed to something DNA based or alien origins, but that little detail also opens up mystical/demonic routes. Maybe instead of a Guardians tie-in, because that was left unresolved and the movie will have come out by the time season two hits, it's meant to foreshadow Dr. Strange stuff.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
I wonder how they're going to work him in if he's not the head of SHIELD anymore?

Not a huge deal. Fury Sr,'s not a part of SHIELD in the comics at the moment. Could do a Secret Warriors thing where he builds an off the grid team of supers and spies while Coulson re-establishes the public SHIELD.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
I guess I'm the only one who is disappointed that there were basically no consequences for any of the main characters. Even the deaths weren't deaths.
Perma-Dead villain, possibly mute former team member now in jail bad guy, and a most likely handicapped team member. I think if Fitz is permanently impacted, it's a fate worse than death. I hope Ward escapes though.
Still clinging to that theory?
To the very end. That plus Coulsons eventual implosion will make for a very nice pre-Avengers 3 SHIELD shakeup or collapse.

Oh yeah, thanks for the work you do Cornballer. It's much appreciated.
Damn it this FINALE


This was ...awesome ?

The coulson - fury dialogues were excellent

This was what i wanted , more or less


Decent end to a show that started off very weak. I don't really care about Skye at this point but it'll be interesting if she has cosmic marvel ancestry. Seeing as how she has seemingly no side effects from taking the healing drug yet it wouldn't be that far fetched.

Coulson becoming the new head of SHIELD is very nice. Totally leapfrogged over Maria Hill for that promotion lol. The drawing on the wall thing means nothing to me, just more links to cosmic marvel I guess?

It seems the trend for a lot of shows: do monster of the week, lose a ton of viewers, realize that the people that have stayed are the dedicated ones, switch to a more serialized format.

Hopefully season 2 keeps pushing the ongoing storyline, instead of falling back to case of the week. The writers have shown they're not good at this format, while with a serial format they've at least made a show worth watching, even if it comes off the back of Captain America 2.
Absolutely amazing episode. I need the Fall to get here just to get more AoS in my veins!

I wonder how they're going to work him in if he's not the head of SHIELD anymore?

Fury is still Fury. He doesn't need to be Director of SHIELD to have influence and be an effective Ally. Just as The Avengers don't have to have any connection to SHIELD to be a team.

Though make no mistake. Even without an official title, Fury carries enough clout that I have no doubt people will still call him "Sir" and follow his orders. He's that kind of leader.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Decent end to a show that started off very weak. I don't really care about Skye at this point but it'll be interesting if she has cosmic marvel ancestry. Seeing as how she has seemingly no side effects from taking the healing drug yet it wouldn't be that far fetched.

Coulson becoming the new head of SHIELD is very nice. Totally leapfrogged over Maria Hill for that promotion lol. The drawing on the wall thing means nothing to me, just more links to cosmic marvel I guess?

It seems the trend for a lot of shows: do monster of the week, lose a ton of viewers, realize that the people that have stayed are the dedicated ones, switch to a more serialized format.

Hopefully season 2 keeps pushing the ongoing storyline, instead of falling back to case of the week. The writers have shown they're not good at this format, while with a serial format they've at least made a show worth watching, even if it comes off the back of Captain America 2.

It's impossible to tell whether it was his influence or not but Jeph Loeb notably loves the monster of the week format and thinks too much continuity confuses the average viewer.


tagged by Blackace
Really enjoyed that episode.

I think the rebuilding of SHIELD is PERFECT for a second season TBH. I wonder how deeply it will influence Avengers 2, in terms of what they pull.

If Skye's dad is the Mandarin, OMG

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Really enjoyed that episode.

I think the rebuilding of SHIELD is PERFECT for a second season TBH. I wonder how deeply it will influence Avengers 2, in terms of what they pull.

If Skye's dad is the Mandarin, OMG

That guy being the true Mandarin did pop into my head when they were starting to show him. It's one of the only characters that fits both the alien and mystical angle too.
Garrett's "final form" resembled his mostly-robotic cyborg body in the comic universe:



tagged by Blackace
That guy being the true Mandarin did pop into my head when they were starting to show him. It's one of the only characters that fits both the alien and mystical angle too.
Definitely. I don't think they'd use The Mandarin for-TV though, or any other big villain, but it'd be cool.
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