Just re watched all the marvel movies out on blu ray after loving guardians. Is this worth watching? After looking at AV club reviews I'm kinda put off.
what's the first post-Captain America 2 episode?
good to know because I've not seen cap 2 yet so I won't watch past that
Go get on that. It's the most accomplished of all Marvel movies so far, even if it's not as stupendously entertaining as Avengers.
Note: I have yet to watch Guardians of the Galaxy.
Please, please, give me anything you´ve got on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2! Ana
I can confirm the rumblings started over at io9 that Adrian Pasdar and a big, fake mustache will reprise the role of Colonel Glenn Talbot in the season opener.
Posted/fake or not? No big spoilers, but Talbot is apparently in the Season opener. http://tvline.com/2014/08/07/once-upon-a-time-season-4-belle-backstory/
I'm liking it. Admittedly, it has an awful start. The first few episodes are pretty bad, especially the pilot but once it gets going, it gets a lot better.Just re watched all the marvel movies out on blu ray after loving guardians. Is this worth watching? After looking at AV club reviews I'm kinda put off.
Just re watched all the marvel movies out on blu ray after loving guardians. Is this worth watching? After looking at AV club reviews I'm kinda put off.
Just power through the first 10-12 episodes. Everything after that gets much better. Especially over once the TWS tie in happens.
Just power through the first 10-12 episodes. Everything after that gets much better. Especially over once the TWS tie in happens.
Pics (and speculation) here:
Towards the end of the season they also seemed to acknowledge what their demographic (dudes) was via things like the staple gun to the boot, rather than the hyper-family-friendly bizarreness at the beginning.
Much better is vastly overstating it. The show goes from an F to maybe a D+.
What are the odds on Age of Ultron messing with Season 2 - similar to Capt messing with Season 1?
Looking at how things might line up (32 Weeks of TV with Agent Carter), and how ABC will no doubt be happy to skip weeks without airing an episode , I am getting a feeling both Age of Ultron and the Season Finale could end up showing in the same week - that could lead to some interesting.things for the universe of the show.
At least it looks like the show will have a much cleaner run this season without two films getting in the way mid season - if anything happens, it should be near the end - or at the very end.
I'd be interested in some silly crossover stuff to end S2 - even if it has to be convoluted as all hell
Hard to say but if anything stuff might lead up to the movie with maybe some elements of the season finale cliffhanger and episodes leading up to it but the movie is going to be out after the season should end so it shouldn't hold back the show the way TWS did.
What are the odds on Age of Ultron messing with Season 2 - similar to Capt messing with Season 1?
Looking at how things might line up (32 Weeks of TV with Agent Carter), and how ABC will no doubt be happy to skip weeks without airing an episode , I am getting a feeling both Age of Ultron and the Season Finale could end up showing in the same week - that could lead to some interesting.things for the universe of the show.
At least it looks like the show will have a much cleaner run this season without two films getting in the way mid season - if anything happens, it should be near the end - or at the very end.
I'd be interested in some silly crossover stuff to end S2 - even if it has to be convoluted as all hell
Huh? No, the movie opens May 1. The season should only end before then if it's cut short.
Hope Triplett doesn't become "the Coulson of AoU", where his death/sacrifice is needed to the trigger for Avengers to rally against common foe once again...
It sucks that the blu ray release for this is so late. September 9th? Only gives me 2 weeks to rewatch it all.
Hope Triplett doesn't become "the Coulson of AoU", where his death/sacrifice is needed to the trigger for Avengers to rally against common foe once again...
First half is going to be rough.On episode 4. Show is beyond lame so far. A serious step down from the movies, hopefully pushing through this will make cap 2 seem really good.
On episode 4. Show is beyond lame so far. A serious step down from the movies, hopefully pushing through this will make cap 2 seem really good.
The Shield academy ep should be added to the list imo.
On episode 4. Show is beyond lame so far. A serious step down from the movies, hopefully pushing through this will make cap 2 seem really good.
"Awesome" may be too strong a word, specially with so many incredible shows out there.
More like "enjoyable".
The second half is fairly awesome.
The second half is fairly awesome.
AoS writers are terrible.I'm so looking forward Agent Carter it's kind of ridiculous. I hope they don't screw that one like AoS. This time writers won't be tied by release schedules nor plot limits.
*All* of the movie folks.AoS writers are terrible.
It seems like more of the movie folks are working on Agent Carter, so it really gives me some confidence in it.
Jemma Simmons. I like her too.With DC shows like Flash and GOTHAM and Marvel ones like Agent Carter I don't think I will continue watching. I really dig the nerd Brit girl though
With DC shows like Flash and GOTHAM and Marvel ones like Agent Carter I don't think I will continue watching. I really dig the nerd Brit girl though
AoS writers are terrible.
It seems like more of the movie folks are working on Agent Carter, so it really gives me some confidence in it.
Haven't most of the writers done solid work on other genre shows?
I don't mean to absolve them of blame for S1's creative missteps, but given the considerable constraints they were likely under from ABC, Loeb/Bell, and Marvel Studios proper, I wouldn't consider SHIELD the best measure of their talent.
They were originally trying to make a show for unicorns.I don't know who's in the writers room outside of the showrunners, but they pretty much squandered their opportunity to tell SHIELD (in its heyday) stories. They knew TWS was coming and what the outcome was.
I'm sure ABC/Loeb/Bell didn't exactly help the situation. I don't think Marvel Studios drawing the line on certain characters/situations was as much of a problem as people make it out to be. They don't explain terrible characterizations or forced references to movies. (Well, Loeb/Bell might've played a part in that...)
I don't know who's in the writers room outside of the showrunners, but they pretty much squandered their opportunity to tell SHIELD (in its heyday) stories. They knew TWS was coming and what the outcome was.
I'm sure ABC/Loeb/Bell didn't exactly help the situation. I don't think Marvel Studios drawing the line on certain characters/situations was as much of a problem as people make it out to be. They don't explain terrible characterizations or forced references to movies. (Well, Loeb/Bell might've played a part in that...)