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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


lmao Ward had the best damn reaction imaginable.

Who is Gideon talking about?

btw, if Ward is gonna become Taskmaster at some point, it might be cooler if - rather than SHIELD TAHITI'ing the shit out of Ward - Gideon is responsible somehow. Like maybe Ward gets fucked up and Gideon uses his massive wealth to rebuild him ala Robocop.

That exchange in the vault really felt reminiscent of Anakin and Palpatine of Revenge of the Sith discussing the secret to immortality and Darth Plagueis.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
That episode was amazing. Everything seems to be coming together. I sense some big things for the rest of season.

Bobbi's magnetic batons were freaking sweet. Hunter was hilarious as always, loved the hacker outfit. Ward was at times psychotic, charming, scary and lethal. He's become such a great character. Amazing considering how boring he was at the beginning of the show.

One thing you have to give SHIELD credit for is they get some really good actors for recurring guest spots. Both Constance Zimmer and Powers Boothe are doing great work.


Haha holy shit, the past week I've been thinking about Bobbi's comics bracelets and how cool it would be if the show brought a logical, and smart way for her to wear them through magnetic retraction in battle and then this episode straight up gives me that.

awesome awesome awesome episode.


it basically tied everything so far in the season nicely together and confirmed/avoided certain things I was worried about.

Coulson was playing Rosalind! he's not a dumbass!

Rosalind herself isn't a Hydra redux. yay!

Gideon is the World Council dude!

Ward's an imposing evil dick again. goddamn at that airplane stunt. :(


Good episode, though it was pretty exposition heavy in order to link everything together. Bobbi vs. Magneto Jr. was disappointing. But holy shit, that promo. GIVE IT TO ME.

Waiting 2 weeks is gonna suck :-(


So, can anyone tell me if the origins of Hydra jive with what was in the comics? Or did the show just come up with that on its own?

I love the idea of its origin, just wondering if that has been its origin since the comics, or if its new for the show...

Strongest episode so far. Love it

Really like the modernization symbol of Hydra and being hidden in plain sight

Lincoln being the first inhuman recruit is what I expected the show to be. To have inhuman recruits being part of the team. Like X-men. Now where's the Magneto inhuman

Finally done with that relationship fodder and move on


He was in the first Avengers

Yes, I know that, but on IMDB he is just credited as World Security Council, so I wasnt sure if he was supposed to be playing the same character, or if Marvel just signed him to play a different role on the show.
Yes, I know that, but on IMDB he is just credited as World Security Council, so I wasnt sure if he was supposed to be playing the same character, or if Marvel just signed him to play a different role on the show.

He's playing the same character. When in the containment cell with Rosalind, Coulson recognized his name when she mentioned it.


so glad that this series seems to have reached a consistency in quality that it lacked for a loooong time in the early goings

it really was a struggle for me to stick with it in season 1 and early season 2 but it's paying off now


Ehh, my thought's on Will being Hydra or at least a part of that other organization. He didn't seem too scared at that episode's stinger, so maybe he (and the inhuman trapped there) was scheming a way to send Simmons back as a test run.


Get Inside Her!
I like that when Bobbi zaps her batons back and catches them, she's like UNF and has to deal with the impact. It's a nice counterpart to how Captain America catches his shield like it's nothing, and plays to him having super strength and her just being a normal person.


Good episode. Lots of nice action, silly exposition to tie plot elements together, good momentum, and a ton of hacking cheese. Lol. I would definitely have preferred Leviathan, Brotherhood of SHIELD, or any other sort of ancient organization rather than the same old "everything was Hydra" thing that AoS seems to like to do, but it was handled decently all things considered.

What's interesting is how we know the perspective FitzSimmons had about the "blood sacrifice" was wrong from the start. We were always aware that the people going through the portal were willing participants, just not what the main agenda was. As it stands, it seems very likely that Will was in on it all, and that the plan was never to sacrifice people to the planet, but to make contact, conduct tests, and find a way back with the "master".

I think Will decided to keep Simmons alive because he was really intrigued by how she was the first to come through who wasn't sent for the same reason he was, and he wanted to see how it went. Maybe he has feelings for her, but in the end, he was playing for another side. Yay for Fitz? :p
I am so damn tired of this Fitz-Simmons garbage drama. Ward ftw. The hydra history was underwhelming. "No it was not Red Skull, blah blah". Still Ward is great, and this is the best episode of this season so far.
Just don't know what to say. Such a good ep, top to bottom. Shows been crushing it. I just sit on the edge of the couch with glee watching everything unfold. Really enjoying the journey and looking forward to the next.


It's 80 now. That's why a full season order for practically every show is only 20 episodes instead of 22 (or 26, like it used to be for ages).

It is still 88 and most shows are still 22 episodes. On ABC for a typical season, like the main actress is not pregnant: SHIELD is 22, Castle varies from 22-24, Grey's Anatomy does 24, Nashville is 21-22, Once Upon A Time is 22, Quantico S1 will be 22, Scandal is 21-22. How to Get Away with Murder is the only exception but that has to do with Viola Davis' movies. Their comedies tend to run even longer seasons with most of them at 24.


It was a good episode, but I really really dislike the idea of HYDRA being some ancient Inhuman worshiping cult and not the creation of the Red Skull.


It took some build up to get to this point in the season but the payoff has been worth it.

Tonight kicked things into high gear and I like that even threads that people assumed were wrapped up a few weeks ago have greater importance now. Ward was so great.

After the apparent killing of all the top leaders of Hydra, Ward "takes over" to find Gideon is still a high ranking member and Ward is "low on the food chain". Not only is the "Cut off one head, two more takes it's place" motto seemingly literally manifesting before our eyes as we see these heads hacked off, but they are apparently hiding in the shadows so well, that it's as if they are always one step ahead of everyone.

Calling it now, I expect Whitehall to make a reappearance soon.

And just for some MCU continuity speculation:

I know CA:TFA made it seem like Red Skull getting the Tesseract was about just getting great power, but this revelation makes Red Skull's quest for the Tesseract make even more sense since the Space Stone could open up portals through space. Unsure if they would take it that far in AoS to explicitly connect those dots, but everything after CA:TFA starting with The Avengers made it pretty clear that is the main power of the Tesseract and it would make sense that in the Red Skull's ancient studies of the Tesseract, that the ability would be talked about. It wouldn't even have to be a retcon if the Red Skull just decided he wanted to use it's power for his own selfish purposes, and didn't understand how to activate it's ability to open portals (until he accidentally grabbed it and was transported away), which SHIELD didn't seem to understand either when they had possessed it, until Loki showed up.


It was a good episode, but I really really dislike the idea of HYDRA being some ancient Inhuman worshiping cult and not the creation of the Red Skull.

What if the Inhuman they worship looks like this:

Calling it now, I expect Whitehall to make a reappearance soon.

That would actually be awkward because it would need some really obvious retconning. He was supposed to be some big Hydra mastermind who has survived since WW2, and have experimented on Inhumans and so on, in hopes of finding a way to unlock the powers of the Diviner. But in Season 2 it was painfully obvious that he had no idea what the Diviner actually was, and had little to no understanding of Terrigenesis. The revelations from this episode that Hydra has "always" known about Inhumans and the portal makes this very strange. It will probably be better if they don't bring Whitehall back after this.


What if the Inhuman they worship looks like this:

That would actually be awkward because it would need some really obvious retconning. He was supposed to be some big Hydra mastermind who has survived since WW2, and have experimented on Inhumans and so on, in hopes of finding a way to unlock the powers of the Diviner. But in Season 2 it was painfully obvious that he had no idea what the Diviner actually was, and had little to no understanding of Terrigenesis. The revelations from this episode that Hydra has "always" known about Inhumans and the portal makes this very strange. It will probably be better if they don't bring Whitehall back after this.

Well, it's apparently a retcon whether he comes back or not since it's not just Whitehall that is clueless about it all, but HYDRA as well. Doesn't mean him coming back ruins anything. His interests are still in line with lots of other HYDRA interests in the occult and unexplained, otherworldly things. I suppose he may not have known because he wasn't that high ranking in HYDRA as we were lead to believe. He was shown to be a researcher for HYDRA until after he was released from prison. He also spent many years sitting in a cell, so it's not a leap to assume he may have been out of the loop. Afterall, we find out about HYDRA's past directly from the mouth of one of the World Security Council top brass, presumably, there are many HYDRA heads that outrank him.


Damn, I love everything in this episode.
Hunter/Bobbi, FitzSimmons, Coulson/Ros, WARD! And even Mack.
Cant wait for the next episode.


- A|V Club review: Kisses, curses, and betrayals dominate a Hydra-centric Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
The prospect of Hydra having an Inhuman army is bad news for S.H.I.E.L.D., but a promising development for this series, which has been reluctant to really commit to the creation of recurring Inhuman characters beyond Lash and Joey Gutierrez. It’s understandable that the show wants to stay focused on the characters that make up its very large ensemble, but there’s an opportunity to introduce more spectacular storytelling to this series and the writers aren’t taking it. Hopefully this week’s reveals mean that the “Secret Warriors” storyline will finally kick into high gear, because S.H.I.E.L.D. is going to want its own team of good guy Inhumans to even the playing field.
Welp...there it is. Every events related to each other as it turns out.

Seems like this season is just getting started.

Also, seems like the first half was setting up why SHIELD will need a super squad. Season 2 end set up why Coulson and Daisy would want one. However, Fitz's tech and standard field ops could handle the inhumans we have seen so far. With the revelation that Hydra might have several terrigened inhumans in their ranks now, desire becomes necessity for SHIELD.
Best episode of the season thus far, really loved how they brought everything together, the FitzSimmons drama has been a little tiring but even that is being rolled into the main plot thread now. It's sorta crazy to think this is the same show going back to S1, such a fantastic jump in quality, characters & storytelling.

Evil Ward is best Ward and his reactions to Hydra's true origin was hilarious. And I could also watch Hunter continue to bumble his way through undercover assignments every week.


What if the Inhuman they worship looks like this:

That would actually be awkward because it would need some really obvious retconning. He was supposed to be some big Hydra mastermind who has survived since WW2, and have experimented on Inhumans and so on, in hopes of finding a way to unlock the powers of the Diviner. But in Season 2 it was painfully obvious that he had no idea what the Diviner actually was, and had little to no understanding of Terrigenesis. The revelations from this episode that Hydra has "always" known about Inhumans and the portal makes this very strange. It will probably be better if they don't bring Whitehall back after this.

Which is funny because aquatic inhumans get shitted on in inhuman society.

well even Hydra keeps secrets from itself . Look at the comics Hydra has factions at war within itself.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Hydra confirmed for Scientologists.
So, anyone have some idea what the thing on the planet actually is? Is there some possible comic counterpart?

And I was so happy that Coulson didn't turn out to be a straight up idiot at the prospect of getting some on the regular ...
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