Jason Frost
Why this number exactly? Is there a reason?Earth-199999
Why this number exactly? Is there a reason?Earth-199999
Why this number exactly? Is there a reason?
My issue is that it's just dumb to have the show in this disingenuous limbo where they try to pretend it's part of the MCU when it clearly isn't. #itsallconnected is a fallacy and they should drop it and just own the fact that they are their own thing in the larger world of Marvel properties. By season 4 you aren't going to be bringing people into the show by half-baked assertions that it's totally related to the movies anyway.
That specific complaint has always been a pet peeve of mine. Cap had no way to contact him safely! The better question I never see brought up is where the hell was Captain America when the goddamn POTUS was kidnapped by terroristsThis is wrong. It's not in a limbo, it is all connected. You seem like someone that complains why doesn't Iron Man help out Cap in Winter Soldier. These people will never be satisfied.
Fitzsimmons are on Ultimate Spider-Man.
Well, that was bad.
Pretty much...Did they just sum up the TV show to the Movies?
God that hair. Daisy is sculpted from my dreams. I'm glad we're over the Government vs Shield is done.
What is the dynamic of Fitz and Simmons now
Budget Latina Quicksilver
Man never thought the smallville woosh would come back.
*Stands in place*
*pops out of frame with CG effect*
*pops back into frame with CG effect, this time holding something/someone*
*resumes standing in place*
quoting for relevance