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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


Talbot was in Ang Lee's Hulk, played by Josh Lucas. But guess that doesn't really count since that movie is not a part of MCU.

Plus it was a horrible portrayal of him. AoS does a better job and Pasdar is fantastic. Makes me miss Nathan Petrelli.


Been fast forwarding Lincoln scenes...but wow, she's really pressing there.


Whats up with your Mac hate ? Dude is busy playing with his YOYO - let the man live for a bit.

I thought it was a real backhanded insult with what they did with his character in the inHumans arc. Making him acting director (somehow jumping all the way from mechanic) sounds good right, until you realise it was only because he's so unimportant he doesn't get to go into the field where the real story happens so they gave him the admin job.

Not claiming that it's because Shield treats its black characters poorly, but just that he seems a superfluous character in general.


I watched the episode of Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man guest-starring Fitz and Simmons. Y'all didn't miss anything. The voices were really Henstridge and De Caestecker, but the dialogue was just standard cartoon exposition. No jokes, no easter eggs, nothing cute.


Coulson: "Because they're the heroes SHIELD deserves, but not the ones it needs right now. So they'll hunt them. Because they can take it. Because they're not heroes. They're silent guardians. Watchful protectors. The Most Wanted."

"You know, Bobbi, we really are The Most Wanted."

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