For crying out loud the man has a family
Is Malick's daughter supposed to be important?
Okay so run this by me again. If they're free to go then why can't they go back.
I'm sure this would be very moving if I cared about either of them.
Outside another head of Hydra?Is Malick's daughter supposed to be important?
Is Malick's daughter supposed to be important?
So Bobbi and Hunter leave so they can go get ready for their spin-off show, that will get canceled after a season, and then somehow, through the magic of TV, they'll be back on SHIELD!
I thought Agents of Shield had some sort of ratings problem which was why the Season 4 announcement took so long to come out. Why does Marvel/ABC thing a spin-off relying on two not so popular characters is going to do well?
Is that Hillary Duff???
All ABC ordered was a pilot. It still hasn't been picked up as a series yet. Could end up not going forward and they come back at the start of next season like "oh hey guys, we totally couldn't stay away!"When does the spin-off start? This Summer?
Yeah, even the delivery reminded me of her.Oh boy, Bobbi said Sestra.
All ABC ordered was a pilot. It still hasn't been picked up as a series yet. Could end up not going forward and they come back at the start of next season like "oh hey guys, we totally couldn't stay away!"
All ABC ordered was a pilot. It still hasn't been picked up as a series yet. Could end up not going forward and they come back at the start of next season like "oh hey guys, we totally couldn't stay away!"
Yeah, even the delivery reminded me of her.
No. The show flops, Hunter dies, and Bobbi joins the West Coast Avengers with Kate Bishop, where she belongs.
Fuck Kate Bishop. She can be in an animated Young Avengers short on a special edition BluRay in 2027.
That Bar Scene gave me feels
Mack ;____;
Why does this spin off even exist? I really don't get it. Bobbi and Hunter are great on this show and I've never felt they needed a spin off.
No. Forget her name but she was a regular on One Tree Hill
I can´t stand Bobby and Hunter. I am so glad that Bobby is leaving the show to star in her own because her presence her is unbearable. Just kill Hunter already.
she's super important
now that she's here
they don't have to pay for Powers Boothe every episode
I think everyone is fine with that.
Haha i noticed. I can´t wait for the new season of Orphan Black.Oh boy, Bobbi said Sestra.
Fuck Hunter and Mack, I would keep Mockingbird and bring Deathlok.
SW overloaded the cast, and Agent Carter S3 is in limbo.Why does this spin off even exist? I really don't get it. Bobbi and Hunter are great on this show and I've never felt they needed a spin off.