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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c




honestly, this episode showed precisely why Hunter and Bobbi ought to stay. They just bring so much more to the series than any other characters they have tried to bring in since.

The bar scene showed every single character I still (somewhat) care about. None of the Secret Warriors are compelling yet. Maybe this will give them enough screentime to actually make them interesting, but I have little hope.
Thought the ending was cheese and for a semi-backdoor pilot this didn't inspire that much confidence in a Bobbi and Hunter spin-off. I like the characters but I'm not sure I could see them carrying a show on their own. Also, I am not exactly sure what new element Most Wanted would bring to the table that SHIELD hasn't already delivered.
Geez, that A/V Club review goes as far as to suggest Most Wanted is ABC's way of quietly killing off Agents of SHIELD. I don't know about all that, especially when no one on the Internet seems confident in Most Wanted's viability.

That's a crazy theory. I don't buy into it at all.


Bitches love smiley faces
Episode was okay, I guess. Would've enjoyed ending more if I didn't know about Most Wanted.

Just hope they get this season in gear soon. I know stuff happened in the last few episodes, but it just seems like we're in a holding pattern.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Geez, that A/V Club review goes as far as to suggest Most Wanted is ABC's way of quietly killing off Agents of SHIELD. I don't know about all that, especially when no one on the Internet seems confident in Most Wanted's viability.

I would agree with the theory if they had actually proposed a Secret Warriors spinoff. Which actually makes much more sense than having Bobbi & Hunter away from the show. Keep the spies together. I hope Most Wanted either tanks or is just a short one season affair and we see them return to SHIELD.
Well that was boring. The whole episode had a Supernatuarl Bloodlines vibe to it

I have absolutely no interest in watching entire episodes with just Boobi and Hunter. Nope. The spin-off sounds like a terrible idea. This


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Christ, what a dull-ass backdoor pilot. Is this really supposed to have me begging ABC for a series order? Did nothing at all to sell me on Most Wanted as more than just a slight variation on the parent series - the same sorts of spy missions, with a smaller team!
I have enough TV to watch. If Most Wanted isn't up to snuff, I'm sincerely not going to bother. Bobbi and Hunter were good for 5 to 10 minutes max at a time, so this serves just nothing. Just give me Secret Warriors at this point. I don't like SHIELD spinning its wheels like it currently it.

Funky Papa

Well, there goes my interest on both AoS and Most Wanted.

I thought it was a better than average, fun AoS episode and an absolutely terrible backdoor pilot for Most Wanted. If I could only use a word to describe it, that would be bittersweet.

As I've said before, I think that Bobbi and Hunter were the best part of AoS, but I don't think they can pull Most Wanted without the kind of high quality writing the MCU is painfully lacking at this moment.

Geez, that A/V Club review goes as far as to suggest Most Wanted is ABC's way of quietly killing off Agents of SHIELD. I don't know about all that, especially when no one on the Internet seems confident in Most Wanted's viability.
I've been suspecting as much for a while. Something tells me that AoS could be folded after the next season, with Most Wanted keeping the SHIELD part of TV Marvel more or less alive.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Well, there goes my interest on both AoS and Most Wanted.

I thought it was a better than average, fun AoS episode and an absolutely terrible backdoor pilot for Most Wanted. If I could only use a word to describe it, that would be bittersweet.

As I've said before, I think that Bobbi and Hunter were the best part of AoS, but I don't think they can pull Most Wanted without the kind of high quality writing the MCU is painfully lacking at this moment.

I've been suspecting as much for a while. Something tells me that AoS could be folded after the next season, with Most Wanted keeping the SHIELD part of TV Marvel more or less alive.

That feels like cheating tbh

I know it's one word but it's also two words that some asshole smashed together.
Solid episode, but that bar scene definitely made me way more emotional than I expected it to.

Hopefully we get more Secret Warriors stuff now. Keep the spy stuff for Most Wanted.


I liked Hunter because he grounded the show. Everyone else is borderline super-powered or they are super geniuses or whatever. Even characters like Mack who are kind of written as if he's supposed to be an ordinary bloke -- he looks like a professional wrestler, he's great in a fight, and is also a super genius tech/hardware guy.

Hunter (and Trip before him) were competent and skilled but not crazy-super, for me that gave the show just enough of a grounding.


That bar scene though

:( Mack

Gonna miss Bobbi. Hunter too with his dumb antics. Guess those two are making room for the obvious "The OG Coulson team are in for a real scare when they meet the all new, all different Hive Ward and face off!" story line.

Meanwhile Mack will be mostly out cold and Lincoln... uh... does something. I guess.


Well that was an emotional ending to the episode. Had me legit choked up for a moment there.

The stinger scene though. I have to wonder, is the scene introducing Malick's daughter going to turn out to be our first glimpse of
Viper/Madame Hydra? I mean we already have Ward-Hive and Gorgon active, Baron Strucker is dead and Werner incapacitated. Whitehall/Kraken is also dead as far as we have been told so far, which leaves Viper as the only primary Villain from the Secret Warriors comics we didn't meet yet (unless you also count the Contessa, but she is far more linked to Fury than anything so I don't really see them using her on Shield)


Well, never heard of the Most Wanted show, that's a shame, quite like them in Shield and can they stop having Ward lookalikes in the team. Some of you, have a shave.
I get that Bobbi and Hunter were disavowed, but I don't entirely get why they didn't just fly out of Russia and join up with SHIELD later. Usually if an agent is disavowed they end up in prison or do the sentence, not get to walk free and have a semi-cheesy goodbye. Ah well.


I get that Bobbi and Hunter were disavowed, but I don't entirely get why they didn't just fly out of Russia and join up with SHIELD later. Usually if an agent is disavowed they end up in prison or do the sentence, not get to walk free and have a semi-cheesy goodbye. Ah well.

I think they were being watched. Wasn't that the deal with the guy sitting at the bar?
I think they were being watched. Wasn't that the deal with the guy sitting at the bar?

That's what I thought too but if that's the case why the hell did they all obviously stare at them and sending them drinks and toast them?!

God this is such a bad idea.


Yeah yeah, the feels, the feels. But honestly, that episode was so boring, I had to watch it twice since I drifted off the first time.

I think maybe I'm just overly anxious for the Civil War tie in, if its as good as The Winter Soldier tie in.


Oh boy, Bobbi said Sestra.

To my brother's annoyance, I could not stop laughing at this. Really at tons of the Russian, know random words thanks to SCARY RUSSIAN PIANO TEACHER, my retired mom trying to learn it for no reason, and of course, fanfic authors need to drop it into Winter Soldier fics.

The bar scene got to me more than I thought it would. Though part of me kept thinking "well better than Micheal Weston (sp I'm sure) got." (Never did finish Burn Notice.) Still seems wasteful to write them off so early for a show that doesn't even have a pick up yet, but hey! Networks.


Finally saw this, here's some stray thoughts, observations and stuff in no particular order.

  • Framing device interrogation? Ok, sure, but not really?
  • Mushrooms!
  • Oh! There you are Mack. Where were you last episode?
  • Where is this Cocoon they sent Lincoln? Is he going to sprout chemistry with Daisy when he comes out of it?
  • Darkforce! It keeps popping up.
  • Hunter, stop flirting while in enemy territory.
  • How is no one making Mockingbird? She's just walking around the meeting being suspicious. There aren't even any other women there.
  • That's a flimsy justification for them being burnt by S.H.I.E.L.D, TBH.
  • How is noone at the bar noticing the weirdos toasting through it? How is the obvious alphabet agent not noticing this if he's paying even a small amount of attention to them.
  • Malick has a daughter? Oh, she's HYDRA. Neat.
  • The bar scene is kinda cheesy, but I liked it well enough.
    MACK BABY ;_;
  • "¡De nada!" That's not Russian, Daisy stahp
  • How is it that no one in this multicultural, international spy cast can speak languages that aren't English.
  • Why do they keep trying to punch the shadow? Punch the general! He's right there! ...aaand he's gone.
Overall, I liked the episode, though I'm not exactly trilled to have Bobbi and Lance leave. Here's hoping Most Wanted is good.


  • How is it that no one in this multicultural, international spy cast can speak languages that aren't English.

Eh, not even the Russians can speak Russian. They kept using English in their super secret meetings, even when every one else in the room was Russian.
Finally saw this, here's some stray thoughts, observations and stuff in no particular order.

  • Framing device interrogation? Ok, sure, but not really?
  • Mushrooms!
  • Oh! There you are Mack. Where were you last episode?
  • Where is this Cocoon they sent Lincoln? Is he going to sprout chemistry with Daisy when he comes out of it?
  • Darkforce! It keeps popping up.
  • Hunter, stop flirting while in enemy territory.
  • How is no one making Mockingbird? She's just walking around the meeting being suspicious. There aren't even any other women there.
  • That's a flimsy justification for them being burnt by S.H.I.E.L.D, TBH.
  • How is noone at the bar noticing the weirdos toasting through it? How is the obvious alphabet agent not noticing this if he's paying even a small amount of attention to them.
  • Malick has a daughter? Oh, she's HYDRA. Neat.
  • The bar scene is kinda cheesy, but I liked it well enough.
    MACK BABY ;_;
  • "¡De nada!" That's not Russian, Daisy stahp
  • How is it that no one in this multicultural, international spy cast can speak languages that aren't English.
  • Why do they keep trying to punch the shadow? Punch the general! He's right there! ...aaand he's gone.
Overall, I liked the episode, though I'm not exactly trilled to have Bobbi and Lance leave. Here's hoping Most Wanted is good.

LOL @ no one noticing Bobbi walking around the meeting with Malick. That was ridiculous.


Geez, that A/V Club review goes as far as to suggest Most Wanted is ABC's way of quietly killing off Agents of SHIELD. I don't know about all that, especially when no one on the Internet seems confident in Most Wanted's viability.

I actually thought it was so they could replace Agent Carter and still point to having a female-led show on network TV without incident
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