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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


Neo Member
i thought the romance angle was contrived. She barely knows him and all of a sudden she's in love with him?

also, i thought Ward's second in command got beaten up badly last ep. He sure healed up fast.


Maybe..she ate the poop? Eat. Squat. Repeat.



Can someone tell me how Simmons survived months on an alien planet with no food and probly very little water? You think she would be extr6mely malnourished at least.
She had a weird reaction to seeing red wine + she has some kind of a strong reason to go back. It's a possibility she wasn't alone or at the mercy of the location's nature for all those months. Maybe she met some other people/beings there, bonded with them some and feels that whatever she was running from in the first episode is a threat to those beings/people and she feels the obligation to go save them.

Or something to that degree.


I was kinda forgiving of Lincoln last season because he's pretty but if they're going to keep him around, they need to do a better job than this. The actor isn't helping, delivering all his lines with a dull monotone.


Axel Hertz
She had a weird reaction to seeing red wine + she has some kind of a strong reason to go back.

Remember she was covering her head wound to hide the blood? Blood is... red...

Gemma was actually eaten alive and her skin is being used by whatever creature tracked her down because of her blood! And now said creature is freaking out at the sight of wine (looks like blood)!

I feel it's going to take a while for us to understand what's happening with her.


ok episode. The inhuman stuff wasn't engaging and Lincoln does nothing for me.

the character moments were generally lovely though and saved the episode from being bland.

super happy the writers know better than to retread another SHIELD VS SHIELD stuff again.
Decent ep, not as good as the previous two but you can't win them all. Drunken subtitles were fucking hilarious. I actually liked the coulson / price banter, but it kinda trailed off for me as the ep closed down. Hope coulson has a plan, I don't like seeing him be the bitch on a leash. Lincoln doesn't do much for me but they mentioned suicide and some troubles he had which could be kinda engaging if crafted right. Wonder if he's going to be kinda like a ward parallel of sorts. FitzSimmons crushing it as always. Really interested in where she was.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
ok episode. The inhuman stuff wasn't engaging and Lincoln does nothing for me.

the character moments were generally lovely though and saved the episode from being bland.

super happy the writers know better than to retread another SHIELD VS SHIELD stuff again.

True. i think The Flash has got a lot to learn from AOS, because it seems they are rehashing the whole boring formula from season 1 again
- metahuman of the week appear, defeat the flash
- team discover metahuman's weakness and formulate plan
- the flash defeat metahuman
- sprinkle about 15-20 mins of overarching big bad (reverse flash) sub plot throughout the episode

Great to see AOS trying to mix things up.


I lol'd hard at Lincoln's power exhibition throughout the episode though. It looked like they were going out of their way to showcase all the different stupid ways his abilities could be harnessed. Really... silly.

I loved it, shows they were willing to get comicbookie with powers. not the bog standard stuff you seen a thousand times.
Lincoln - I dont need your help!

Shield - K.

Lincoln - ok I need your help.

Shield - K were here. Lets go.

Lincoln - you cant help me. I killed a guy.

*gets everyone captured



The Fitz/Simmons stuff was pretty good. The Hunter/May stuff was great. The Daisy/Lincoln stuff was okay. The Coulson/Rosaline stuff was AWFUL. I don't know why they would go in this direction, but it sucks. He shouldn't be working with them so easily, he shouldn't be selling his people out without a backup plan, and I don't even understand the thing with the snipers. Daisy's powers have a range limit? What? She moved a mountain last season. Literally! Boo!

I lol'd hard at Lincoln's power exhibition throughout the episode though. It looked like they were going out of their way to showcase all the different stupid ways his abilities could be harnessed. Really... silly.

Lincoln isn't his people. Daisy is his people, that's who he dealed to protect.


Lincoln isn't his people. Daisy is his people, that's who he dealed to protect.

By changing the terms of the agreement during a negotiation without his team knowing, he is endangering his people and putting their operations at risk. The idea that Coulson needs to "protect" Daisy is a fucking joke. It's just bad writing. That entire scene was just super convoluted and I expect better from the show.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I feel like last night's episode was just setting up how the rest of the half-season will go. The first two episodes of the season resolved what happened at the end of last season, and tonight sets up where the next six episodes will go leading into the midseason finale. That's why it felt kinda lame overall. It hopefully will get better.

She did say she found flora. Maybe she lived on eating their flowers?

Yeah, she probably ate the plants she said she found.


Definitely a wheel-spinning episode, but we saw some development in the inter-organizational struggle, some new Simmons stuff, and got to watch Hunter bludgeon a close friend to death. Can't complain TOO much.


Junior Member
I feel like, with the way the last episode went down, the Secret Warriors are gonna end up being led by Daisy behind Coulson's back. Daisy seemed to be at odds with Coulson over working with the ATCU, so this could be one way they're gonna bring in Secret Warriors.
Then again, I could be completely wrong, since I have no idea what happened in the comics. :p
Coulson is playing his card totally wrong. Instead of dumping Lincoln to save Daisy at first, he should have tried to save both Daisy and Lincoln in exchange of working with Rosalind from the beginning.

Now Lincoln is still on the run, Daisy had problem with Coulson, and Coulson still end up working with ATCU anyway.

I'm disappointed at you Coulson.
Coulson is playing his card totally wrong. Instead of dumping Lincoln to save Daisy at first, he should have tried to save both Daisy and Lincoln in exchange of working with Rosalind from the beginning.

Now Lincoln is still on the run, Daisy had problem with Coulson, and Coulson still end up working with ATCU anyway.

I'm disappointed at you Coulson.

I feel like there's a long game here. He wouldn't deliberately lose.
Coulson is a loser though. I mean, he just keeps losing stuff. He lost his life, he lost Lola, he lost his plane, he lost his hand, etc. :)

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you get the Destroyer gun, then they kill you, then you come back, then it's a magical place, then they steal your organization, then you get it back, then you lose your hand, then you win." - Gandhi
I feel like, with the way the last episode went down, the Secret Warriors are gonna end up being led by Daisy behind Coulson's back. Daisy seemed to be at odds with Coulson over working with the ATCU, so this could be one way they're gonna bring in Secret Warriors.
Then again, I could be completely wrong, since I have no idea what happened in the comics. :p
I got the same impression as soon as they cut to commercial after the ATCU guys came in with Mack. I figured the splitting off was going to happen right then and there, and was sort of disappointed when it didn't.

Coulson is a loser though. I mean, he just keeps losing stuff. He lost his life, he lost Lola, he lost his plane, he lost his hand, etc. :)
He lost Lola? I thought it was still on base.

What is Star-Lord even doing here


Chili Con Carnage!
Imagine if the reason Simmons wants to go back is that she met a boy in hell dimension and Fitz gets friend zoned again.


I feel like last night's episode was just setting up how the rest of the half-season will go. The first two episodes of the season resolved what happened at the end of last season, and tonight sets up where the next six episodes will go leading into the midseason finale. That's why it felt kinda lame overall. It hopefully will get better.
Yeah, this was just a set up episode. Kind of a lame episode when you have to wait for a week between episodes, but not a bad episode per se. Some good character interactions & such. Would work better if one was binge watching this, but yeah, as an episode with a week long wait after the previous episode and a week long wait until the next episode, it's somewhat unnoteworthy.


Why does it have to be a boy? Why can't it be a girl?
To be fair, there has been no indication for her romantic likes other than the obvious crush on Tripplet (RIP), although even that's debatable. She did say that she'd go on a date with Fitz, although the details are sketchy as to whether it was because she developped romantic attraction for him or just her not wanting to lose him again.

Oh, wait it was a joke, nevermind.
How about that eye candy this episode? Shirtless Hunter, shirtless guy from Spartacus named after a Pokemon, shirtless Lincoln, Daisy with an oddly revealing shirt (where does she shop?), May in leather, Simmons in the shower (eh...)

You would think ATCU would wear some sort of insulation against a guy with electric powers. Too bad Lincoln didn't hide in a power plant.

And why not give them Joey instead of Daisy or Lincoln?


- CBM: One-On-One Interview With Ming-Na Wen Regarding AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.
VOICES FROM KRYPTON: One of the frustrating things for me as a fan of S.H.I.E.L.D., was that the first 11 episodes ... I know I'm going all the way back to Season 1 ... were so frustrating, because it felt like nothing was really happening. Then all of a sudden it kicked into gear with Captain America: The Winter Soldier, tying into it and then all the way through the rest of that season and second season, just kicked ass. Did you view that as an opportunity to let loose, as well, when they were able to tie into Winter Soldier? And did that change the show?

MING-NA WEN: It did. I think any show has their growing pains, and especially the first season, I believe our executive producers and our entire writing staff, everybody's hands were a little bit tied, because there was this agenda, which we didn't know about. They didn't tell us that it was going to be so tied into Winter Soldier, so there was a lot of logistics that they had to work around timing-wise. That certainly doesn't help, I don't think. At the same time, I think they did help to develop the relationship between the first six main characters and what S.H.I.E.L.D. was about. In a way, even though the pacing was a little slow and the expectations were different than what the audience wanted for Marvel, ultimately that was hard, and understood, I think that's the process of any show: to just keep developing creatively. At least we were heading in the right direction!


By changing the terms of the agreement during a negotiation without his team knowing, he is endangering his people and putting their operations at risk. The idea that Coulson needs to "protect" Daisy is a fucking joke. It's just bad writing. That entire scene was just super convoluted and I expect better from the show.

I just view it that Coulson isn't smart at all when it comes to Daisy. He sees her as a surrogate daughter, and in spite of knowing she's an agent and generally treating her as one, she tends to become a blindspot for him in that he doesn't always action professionally or rationally when it comes to protecting her.
He's kind of similar to Cal, except without the mood swings.


Remember when Raina turned Inhuman and didn't look bad?

What happened?
Lash just needs some damn clothes. Running around shirtless just emphasizes how ridiculously big his head looks.

Either that or get him a muscle suit so he looks more proportional
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