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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


Writing was on the fucking wall.

On the other hand, please let this be a misdirection, like one poster said about Ward brainwashing him.

This actually makes a lot of sense, since Ward did say to the Security Council guy about him not knowing Ward's actual play.
Glad that twerp who couldn't act got the ax. Terrible.

Lash was obvious. Anyone who guessed otherwise has to give up speculation for the next couple of months.
Soooo, Coulson was married to Rosalind before Tahiti? Or maybe even before that? So she hates shield for taking him away from her, or she thought he was dead but now hes back?

Thats my guess anyway.


Glad that twerp who couldn't act got the ax. Terrible.

Lash was obvious. Anyone who guessed otherwise has to give up speculation for the next couple of months.

I really couldn't have seen how Andrew is Lash. The outside hint for me was the guy who sent the virus to track the Inhumans telling the ATCU and Coulson that Lash was "trying to help" or something along those line, and that's a pretty general statement you can say about anyone.

What else were clues in the past episodes to suggest it? The only other hint I could think of is Andrew buying medicine for a headache maybe.
I really couldn't have seen how Andrew is Lash. The outside hint for me was the guy who sent the virus to track the Inhumans telling the ATCU and Coulson that Lash was "trying to help" or something along those line, and that's a pretty general statement you can say about anyone.

What else were clues in the past episodes to suggest it? The only other hint I could think of is Andrew buying medicine for a headache maybe.

And Lil' Strucker freaking out after blowing up the drugstore, I guess?

I didn't see it coming either, but I wasn't giving the show 100% attention for the past few weeks.


Lash has a human personality.
Andrew obviously fish-oiled on vacation.

We were just hoping it wasn't that obvious. But it was.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Wow, I was so wrong. Thought the Andrew being Lash speculation was silly but I guess I'll eat crow on that one. The transformation scene was really well done!

I'm halfway through the episode. So far, every character is being put to great use, despite the variations in screentime. No one's wasting their screentime.

Yeah, I was just thinking throughout the show that I was loving all the interactions, seems like the show is really hitting it's stride and getting the most out of everyone right now. Some great bits of humour and action.


I'm halfway through the episode. So far, every character is being put to great use, despite the variations in screentime. No one's wasting their screentime.
Drew Z Greenberg has written some of favourite episodes of the show. Was expectedly pleased with tonight being by him.


What is so crazy is that everyone called it out but dude played it so cool I was in denial that it could be true because it'd be so out of character which is obviously the point. Man, really looking forward to how they follow this up. Also wonder if they're keeping Von Strucker alive.


Bitches love smiley faces


Has Lincoln told you guys where he is yet?

Just wondering.

I've got some ideas to improve the show. One: Lincoln needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two: Whenever Lincoln's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Lincoln?"


It was pretty obvious going into this episode that the ATCU guy was like communism.

Good interactions with May and Morse, glad they're done with the recuperating plotline.

My brother (with whom I watch the show alongside my sister and mother) really took an instant dislike to Simmons since the last episode (calling her names all throughout), kinda scares me actually.

Like how fast everything's moving. Andrew->Lash transformation wasn't that great, but I guess for network T.V. it's good.

Looking forward to the next episode, actually.

How are people still in denial about Andrew being Lash? WE SAW HIM TRANSFORM! It's Ward's dog all over again.


Ward's dog was intentionally left vague. This was not.
My brother (with whom I watch the show alongside my sister and mother) really took an instant dislike to Simmons since the last episode (calling her names all throughout), kinda scares me actually.
That's a huge red flag that you probably want to get in front of if you can.


I'm questioning why they spent that time trying to develop Von Strucker's kid if they were just going to kill him off this quickly. Not that I'll particularly miss him.

Hunter was a blast this episode. It's going to be the show's loss when he and Bobbi are inevitably written out.


I'm questioning why they spent that time trying to develop Von Strucker's kid if they were just going to kill him off this quickly. Not that I'll particularly miss him.

Hunter was a blast this episode. It's going to be the show's loss when he and Bobbi are inevitably written out.

We don't know if he's dead.


Yeah, I was just thinking throughout the show that I was loving all the interactions, seems like the show is really hitting it's stride and getting the most out of everyone right now. Some great bits of humour and action.

Hunter's been the glue this episode.

Also, lol at Daisy stealing Fitz' new tech. "What? You're not the only one that has issues."

Hunter needs to try to help Simmons next. I don't think they've had much screentime together overall.

Drew Z Greenberg has written some of favourite episodes of the show. Was expectedly pleased with tonight being by him.

The show had a good pace, everyone got their moment to shine, and credit to the AoS team for not lingering on Lash's identity for too long.

And like you said in another post, I always enjoy episodes where they show off new tech.
Now since Coulsen knows what the organisation does, he should break off the cooperation.
I would have been more surprised at the Andrew twist if not for 50 people calling it in this thread lol. I don´t care fro Bobbi at all. Ward should step his game up.


You know what? Andrew being lash and the crusade he is on makes perfect sense to me.

After the Bahrain incident his marriage fell apart and the child he and May had been trying for never happened. That was a direct result of someone who should never have gone through terregenesis gaining dangerous powers and using them to kill countless people.

When he went through Terregenesis himself he must have seen it as some sort of “divine intervention” and an opportunity to ensure that Bahrain never happens again so no one else had to go through what he did.


Now since Coulsen knows what the organisation does, he should break off the cooperation.
Obviously he's not going to and that's going to create friction inside SHIELD and between him & Daisy.

Ward should step his game up.
Well, Ward's now got the backing of that old dude that everybody else trying to get to the top of the remains of Hydra was supposedly afraid of. We can assume he has some serious power behind him, so that should help make Ward more of a serious threat.


You know what? Andrew being lash and the crusade he is on makes perfect sense to me.

After the Bahrain incident his marriage fell apart and the child he and May had been trying for never happened. That was a direct result of someone who should never have gone through terregenesis gaining dangerous powers and using them to kill countless people.

When he went through Terregenesis himself he must have seen it as some sort of “divine intervention” and an opportunity to ensure that Bahrain never happens again so no one else had to go through what he did.
Yeah, I can totally see the twist in his character, but a black man turning into scary, primal looking beast is a bit... unfortunate.


I totally loved the episode. More so than last week, because of all the character interactions. And the pace with which Shield moves its story forward. Lash reveal this week was just the right amount of mystery this question deserved. No need to drag it out forever.

Hunter with everyone (except for Bobbi) is gold. He is such a likeable fuck-up. His scene with Fitz was very funny, although it's ridiculous how he thought it was some grand gesture on Fitz' part.
You're not exceptionally nice for trying to save someone stranded on a planet. If you can help that person, you try. No matter who that is. You're an asshole if you don't.

Bobbi back in the field was nice too. Adrianna just has star written all over her. She could easily carry a show, but I would hope Hunter stays with Shield. For both their sakes.

Skye stealing Fitz' awesome toy was great.

Andrew as Lash is a good idea, I think. To have turned a side-character like that, clearly only meant as May's backstory at the time, into a major player worked well imo. I also especially liked that they specifically addressed the other red herring with the bald ATCU guy. It all came together nicely.


Chili Con Carnage!
I'm expecting another flashback episode now showing May telling Andrew "Oh if only Bahrain had never happened everything would have been perfect" over a seafood platter.


I totally loved the episode. More so than last week, because of all the character interactions. And the pace with which Shield moves its story forward. Lash reveal this week was just the right amount of mystery this question deserved. No need to drag it out forever.

Hunter with everyone (except for Bobbi) is gold. He is such a likeable fuck-up. His scene with Fitz was very funny, although it's ridiculous how he thought it was some grand gesture on Fitz' part.
You're not exceptionally nice for trying to save someone stranded on a planet. If you can help that person, you try. No matter who that is. You're an asshole if you don't.

Bobbi back in the field was nice too. Adrianna just has star written all over her. She could easily carry a show, but I would hope Hunter stays with Shield. For both their sakes.

Skye stealing Fitz' awesome toy was great.

Andrew as Lash is a good idea, I think. To have turned a side-character like that, clearly only meant as May's backstory at the time, into a major player worked well imo. I also especially liked that they specifically addressed the other red herring with the bald ATCU guy. It all came together nicely.
I definitely agree there. (and with most of your post, too!)

I wasn't that surprised by the reveal so much due to the rampant speculation but I was emotionally startled by it due to what it means for so many characters and how they handle it.

May's final line and Ming's delivery was a nice cap. What the hell happens now, exactly?

ETA: They definitely need more of rule breaking, stealing Skaisy. that killed me.
ok clearly andrew is not lash and the hydra kid was brainwashed into making may kill her lover like ward was tricked into killing his. ward knows. its too much of a coincidence that the guy left him alive and dying long enough to tell may these things. ward is 2 smart. hail hydra.


I think that was a pretty bad episode lol. Filled with misunderstandings, Hunter being all emo, bad Chinese accents, and just stupid plotting all round. Definitely not my cup of tea. Hopefully the Lash revelation leads to stuff going back on track instead of more dumb shit like this. The entire plan where they tracked Bangs was ????????. Really stupid shit! Lol.
Not feeling Hunter this episode. I know they were playing it for laughs but he was being an idiot. His "advice" to Fitz was gross. (Yeah, you should just leave some guy who saved your best friend's life stranded on a planet, because that's what men do.) I'm glad Fitz told him off.

Andrew as Lash was predictable but still interesting. He certainly turned on the menacing glare pretty quick.

Glad Bobbi is back in the field. 👍🏼
i loved bobbi's mandarin. her tones were laughable! why cant they actually practice the chinese they use on tv? remember the awful arrow mandarin; "wuuuu ayyy niiiii"


Yeah, even as someone with like ~6 months of experience with the language I could tell she was awful.

"How's your Mandarin? ...so, not good then?"


ok clearly andrew is not lash and the hydra kid was brainwashed into making may kill her lover like ward was tricked into killing his. ward knows. its too much of a coincidence that the guy left him alive and dying long enough to tell may these things. ward is 2 smart. hail hydra.
Damn this would be good.


Man I hate ComicBookMovie, and how they either spoiler episodes in the headline or in the intro text, so that I can't avoid it in my RSS feed. So now I know who Lash is, without even having seen the latest episode yet. I hope that isn't the big reveal of the episode but it probably is.


The character interplay was pretty good but the episode as a whole fell a bit flat for me. The Coulson/Rosalind plot thread was too on the nose and kinda boring. And did anyone else feel like the guy who plays Andrew overacted a bit?

ok clearly andrew is not lash and the hydra kid was brainwashed into making may kill her lover like ward was tricked into killing his. ward knows. its too much of a coincidence that the guy left him alive and dying long enough to tell may these things. ward is 2 smart. hail hydra.

I don't think Ward even knows about Lash


The episode was enjoyable enough but not amazing. It had some good moments.

ok clearly andrew is not lash and the hydra kid was brainwashed into making may kill her lover like ward was tricked into killing his. ward knows. its too much of a coincidence that the guy left him alive and dying long enough to tell may these things. ward is 2 smart. hail hydra.

This was my thinking too. Why spend so long torturing the kid when you know SHIELD is on the way and then not killing him quickly? Ward telling the guy on the phone that he didn't know what the plan is tells me there's more to his plan than we know. Plus Ward using the Von Strucker kid to get close to Andrew seems unnecessary when he could have just had his men follow him, he used Von Strucker for a reason.

Or maybe I'm just over thinking things.
Man I hate ComicBookMovie, and how they either spoiler episodes in the headline or in the intro text, so that I can't avoid it in my RSS feed. So now I know who Lash is, without even having seen the latest episode yet. I hope that isn't the big reveal of the episode but it probably is.
ComicBookMovie is crap and you're better off not reading it.


Remember how they beat up up and kidnapped a dude because their somewhat incompetent. Cause really there wasn't a better way to get his blood?
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