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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


problem with mods removing every post referencing it...lot of people never saw the posts, will wake up the next day, see that image on reddit or wherever and post it here. And then it gets deleted again...
I really hope that they finish the whole Jemma going to the other planet story line ASAP so we don´t have to deal with it anymore. I would be really disappointed if they stretched this thing to the mid season or beyond. Just finish it already because this part of the show bores me.

His revenge was good too, haha.


Link to the interview please.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Edited out. With that said, what's the difference between that and the myriad of other bikini pics of her I've seen posted here over the last few months?
I believe it's being seen more as a matter of courtesy because her boyfriend seemingly posted it by accident (he deleted it right after he posted it on his public Instagram).
Is season one of Agents worth watching the entire way through? I heard that it picked mid-way through the season after a terrible start and got good so I don't really feel like watching every single episode (unless I have to, in which case, I will). Is this the case?

io9 has a list of episodes to watch in catching up to season 1. Is that a good reference?

Appreciate any help.
Is season one of Agents worth watching the entire way through? I heard that it picked mid-way through the season after a terrible start and got good so I don't really feel like watching every single episode (unless I have to, in which case, I will). Is this the case?

io9 has a list of episodes to watch in catching up to season 1. Is that a good reference?

Appreciate any help.
Yes, you can jump through the first half of season 1. I don't know the io9 guide per say, but they'll surely give you the best bits.
Is season one of Agents worth watching the entire way through? I heard that it picked mid-way through the season after a terrible start and got good so I don't really feel like watching every single episode (unless I have to, in which case, I will). Is this the case?

io9 has a list of episodes to watch in catching up to season 1. Is that a good reference?

Appreciate any help.

Start after the one that has "The Dark World" tie in. Ep9 I think.


Is season one of Agents worth watching the entire way through? I heard that it picked mid-way through the season after a terrible start and got good so I don't really feel like watching every single episode (unless I have to, in which case, I will). Is this the case?

io9 has a list of episodes to watch in catching up to season 1. Is that a good reference?

Appreciate any help.
Yes. It starts out very slow, but steadily picks up pace. Keep going.


Season One fucking sucks. I got conned 3 times by "it's getting better" recommendations, and it was stupid shit all the way through. Season Two is when the characters actually got tolerable for it to be a good show.


Is season one of Agents worth watching the entire way through? I heard that it picked mid-way through the season after a terrible start and got good so I don't really feel like watching every single episode (unless I have to, in which case, I will). Is this the case?

io9 has a list of episodes to watch in catching up to season 1. Is that a good reference?

Appreciate any help.

If you're binge watching, the faults of the first half of season 1 aren't as great. So I'd almost suggest watching through them all.

If you don't want to see everything, then see the following:

Ep 1, 4, 7, 8, and then from 10 on.

Regardless of what you choose to do, skip episode 9 (Repairs). It's best to assume it doesn't exist.
Thanks for the help guys. Think I'll give the first few episodes a shot and then skip around to the important ones if it's unbearable. I just want to get to the good stuff as soon as possible.


I wonder if the showrunners think the show is overstuffed right now, hence the revived spin-off possibility. Kinda feels like it, but a lot of that is probably due to not getting Ward off the table.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
From episode 30 of the TWIMAoS podcast:

"We decided that Joss Whedon, having made the Avengers at the time (...), we said, hey, do you wanna come and make a pilot? And he said, yes, if the following things happen: one, we need Clark Gregg, there's no version of doing this without Clark Gregg. And two, we need people to actually write and produce the show."
-Jeph Loeb

"(...) and then I had a call with Joss, we both talked about how much we felt that Coulson's demise was important in the Avengers, we didn't want to undercut that in any way, but Joss had an idea which really became one of the core mysteries to be solved in the first season, which is that Phil Coulson thinks that he had a close call and recovered - we believe - with a fairly attractive massage therapist in Tahiti. And then from the very first moment that's brought up and Coulson walks away, it's revealed to the audience that a far darker mystery is involved in what brought him back. And that you don't come back without paying a price. From the minute Joss finished explaining that I thought, ok, this is gonna be very exciting."
-Clark Gregg

So the return of Coulson and even the whole Tahiti business were Whedon's ideas. I'm mentioning this because more than once I've seen people assuming Coulson being revived in AoS was a thing that bothered Whedon just because he thought it was important to keep the Avengers in the dark about it.


I'm not sure why anyone would think it wasn't Whedon's decision to resurrect Coulson. He loves Clark Gregg and he created the show.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
So what happened last episode can go one of two ways:
- Andrew really is Lash and lots of drama for everyone at SHIELD.
- Andrew is (probably an inhuman but) not Lash and Ward asserts himself as a dangerous psychotic mastermind.

I'm fine with either, both options would provide ample entertainment.

How are people still in denial about Andrew being Lash? WE SAW HIM TRANSFORM! It's Ward's dog all over again.
we didn't, we just visualized Von Strucker Jr's description, and he could very well be lying :p

Also, lol at Daisy stealing Fitz' new tech. "What? You're not the only one that has issues."
Loved this line, especially the deadpan delivery.

You know what? Andrew being lash and the crusade he is on makes perfect sense to me.

After the Bahrain incident his marriage fell apart and the child he and May had been trying for never happened. That was a direct result of someone who should never have gone through terregenesis gaining dangerous powers and using them to kill countless people.

When he went through Terregenesis himself he must have seen it as some sort of “divine intervention” and an opportunity to ensure that Bahrain never happens again so no one else had to go through what he did.
If Andrew is indeed confirmed as Lash, then I believe something like this is what they'll be going with.

i loved bobbi's mandarin. her tones were laughable! why cant they actually practice the chinese they use on tv? remember the awful arrow mandarin; "wuuuu ayyy niiiii"
All non-English languages tend to be like that on the vast majority of shows, but I'll be honest and say that I prefer when they at least try to do it rather than just have everyone always speak English for the sake of simplicity (also because at least I get a laugh or two when they absolutely butcher the language).

That was all on Hunter.
Seriously, they even call him out on it.

Hunter was the MVP this episode.

Good episode with some decent action and lots of fun lines. Lash remains trite and shit, but it's not like Inhuman Blanka is any better in the comics, tbh. Oh well.

So much of this. Hunter has gone from being generic muscle to becoming one of AoS's pillars. Nick Blood is also selling it like a mofo. His timing and delivery were on point.

Obligatory jifs:



The bottom 2 are excellent reaction gifs.

I'm the same way. Hemsworth can sometimes leave a bit to be desired as Thor, but it's got to be hard to find an actor who can fly, so I give him a pass.
LOL well played.

Chloe Bennet is the best.

Hail Hydra, Mr President.
Dami, now I want Bill Pullman on this.

Again, awesome XD

it hurts!

It's always amazing how *hard* Elizabeth Henstridge ships FitzSimmons.

Wonder if we'll ever get any Aos/ Netflix shows crossovers. I don't mean characters necessarily but ya know something.
We already got one, Daisy and Matt went to the same orphanage.
They totally have to meet and have Matt call her Mary Sue Poots

Season One fucking sucks. I got conned 3 times by "it's getting better" recommendations, and it was stupid shit all the way through. Season Two is when the characters actually got tolerable for it to be a good show.
Don't listen to ducky, he loves Hino and Level-5

I'm not sure why anyone would think it wasn't Whedon's decision to resurrect Coulson. He loves Clark Gregg and he created the show.
So what happened last episode can go one of two ways:
- Andrew really is Lash and lots of drama for everyone at SHIELD.
- Andrew is (probably an inhuman but) not Lash and Ward asserts himself as a dangerous psychotic mastermind.

I'm fine with either, both options would provide ample entertainment.
The second scenario doesn't make sense; Ward is so disconnected from the Inhumans subplot that there is no way he would even know that there is one of them killing others, let alone be able to provide an accurate enough description that would allow SHIELD to put two and two together.


Season One fucking sucks. I got conned 3 times by "it's getting better" recommendations, and it was stupid shit all the way through. Season Two is when the characters actually got tolerable for it to be a good show.
yeah if I'm recommending it, it's always going to be "just start with season 2" and I like those last seven episodes.

people are not patient enough to to slog through bad/mediocre episodes just to get to a good show. Even if Ward reveal and whatnot was fun as hell watching it live, I'd rather someone stick with the show through watching the better episodes.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
yeah if I'm recommending it, it's always going to be "just start with season 2" and I like those last seven episodes.

people are not patient enough to to slog through bad/mediocre episodes just to get to a good show. Even if Ward reveal and whatnot was fun as hell watching it live, I'd rather someone stick with the show through watching the better episodes.

Except it's better to watch the first season than not if you find it watchable as many did. So why not just recommend they start with season one with the knowledge that the first half is the worst of the series and then skip if they really can't stomach it? I don't think telling people to outright skip it is good advice, stuff like Ward's arc have no impact if you didn't watch any of season one.
Except it's better to watch the first season than not if you find it watchable as many did. So why not just recommend they start with season one with the knowledge that the first half is the worst of the series and then skip if they really can't stomach it? I don't think telling people to outright skip it is good advice, stuff like Ward's arc have no impact if you didn't watch any of season one.
Given how much TV is out there, I think most people who don't like the early episodes are more likely to give up on the show entirely than skip ahead.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Season 1 is okay especially the final third and it let's you appreciated Season 2 even more. It's all about expectations.


Don't think you should bother with this show if you can't get through the rough edges. So much of S1 is important to everything that happened in S2 and beyond. I would have a hard time caring about stuff going on now if I wasn't invested with the characters, and the payoff wouldn't be nearly as cool without all the build up.


Bitches love smiley faces
Season 1 is mediocre, even after the reveal. Bill Paxton is entertaining though.

I always recommend people watch it by keeping it on in the background while they do something else.


Season 1 is mediocre, even after the reveal. Bill Paxton is entertaining though.

I always recommend people watch it by keeping it on in the background.

That's how I got through it. I had given up on the show when it first started airing but after people started raving about season 2 I just watched season 1 while doing other stuff.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Don't think you should bother with this show if you can't get through the rough edges. So much of S1 is important to everything that happened in S2 and beyond. I would have a hard time caring about stuff going on now if I wasn't invested with the characters, and the payoff wouldn't be nearly as cool without all the build up.
Agreed. By skipping the whole of season 1 you meet an already evil Ward, an already broken Fitz, an already disrupted S.H.I.E.L.D., a relatively competent agent Skye, etc. Lots of things that work much better with buildup and payoff. Seeing Fitz and Simmons work together as an extension of each other is what makes what they go through in the following seasons so good too. AoS is very character centered, those things lose weight without what happened before and the show gets less interesting as a result.


Everyone says season 1 turned around at Winter Soldier, but I'd say that it turned around at the mid-season break. Most of the episode of The Bridge is ok, but the ending certainly ramps things up and leads into the whole TAHITI story. TRACKS is one of the best season 1 episodes. And then you have two filler episodes, Seeds, which is an excellent monster of the week, and Yes Men, which serves as the calm before the storm. And all through this, you get Bill Paxton.

The bad of Season 1 happens in the first half...0-8-4, Eye Spy, Girl in the Flower Dress, The Well, Repairs.


Unconfirmed Member
Season 1 made me quit AOS. It was only after much pestering from a friend and a very hungover Sunday that I managed to get through the awful first half.


tagged by Blackace
Everyone says season 1 turned around at Winter Soldier, but I'd say that it turned around at the mid-season break. Most of the episode of The Bridge is ok, but the ending certainly ramps things up and leads into the whole TAHITI story. TRACKS is one of the best season 1 episodes. And then you have two filler episodes, Seeds, which is an excellent monster of the week, and Yes Men, which serves as the calm before the storm. And all through this, you get Bill Paxton.

The bad of Season 1 happens in the first half...0-8-4, Eye Spy, Girl in the Flower Dress, The Well, Repairs.
Yep, it definitely turned around before the Winter Soldier bit.
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