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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3 |OT| Earthquakes Make Me Daisy - Tuesdays 9/8c


I know this can't happen but it would have been hilarious in a twist if he does kill Coulson and then Nick Fury just shows up and is like 'sup I'm back'.

Slightly disappointed this is HYDRA all over again though. Hope to be surprised.
I don't think it'll be Hydra, at least in the strictest sense. Red herring for something else but likely still sinister.

I hope Rosalind is Valentina so badly
Between Andrew saying that Daisy is growing into a leader, and Ward saying that SHIELD will crumble if Coulson is taken out of the equation, I'm calling it now.

The last line to be delivered before SHIELD disappears for ten weeks of Agent Carter will be:

"My name is Daisy Johnson, Acting Director of SHIELD, and we're coming for you."
Between Andrew saying that Daisy is growing into a leader, and Ward saying that SHIELD will crumble if Coulson is taken out of the equation, I'm calling it now.

The last line to be delivered before SHIELD disappears for ten weeks of Agent Carter will be:

"My name is Daisy Johnson, Acting Director of SHIELD, and we're coming for you."

I could see that. It would be a helluva cliffhanger, for sure.


any guesses on what's going on with the space program/portal? I'm extremely happy the story is tying into something waaaay deeper and will be leading into something big.





Get Inside Her!
Gotta love how Shield doesn't sit on its mysteries. Reveal something one episode, resolve it in the next. Next episode preview keeps that trend goin.


Will drop pants for Sony.
If Tom Cavanagh is ever done with the Flash, he needs to come on to AoS and take over as director of shield.
Is Coulson's plan with the ATCU a move to try to legitimize Shield within the American Government before the "Laws of Man" catch up?

Speaking of "Laws of Man", what legislation would they bring up to cause a Civil War? Annexation of Avengers, Shield, etc? Because the comic book version seems really lame.

I said this a while back. They said the words "legitimize Shield" in this episode and I knew I was on the right track; then the ending with Ward, Rosalind, and Coulson happened. Noooooo. lol

Robot Chicken spoofs Agents of SHIELD:


Lol, they must be watching a different show. Daredevil had irrelevant references to tell us that it even existed in the MCU, lol.


Dat ending. God damn. They actually did it. The Coulson/Rosalind ship is officially at sail. But I'm really disappointed that she's tied up with HYDRA, though. I was hoping that she'd simply be another faction with the ATCU and that she'd maybe end up breaking off and joining SHIELD or something.


But really, Fitz is probably really messed up with emotion. I can see why he wouldn't want to do anything yet.

I really hope they tie up Will and the other planet soon. It's almost time for the midseason break. Not because I hate it, but because SHIELD is on such a good run and the writers know when to end the story.

That Lash/Lincoln fight could've used some good Kevin Tancharoen fight choreography magic. One of these episodes, he needs to do a major fight scene involving Daisy and Lincoln.

I guess we can deduce that Lash's power, other than punching holes through people, is having ability to "read" people. Lincoln's "dark side" could be something to explore. But I hope it doesn't end up with him being part of HYDRA.

I guess I'm in the minority in that I don't actually hate Lincoln yet. He's been pretty inoffensive, and while his appearances haven't really been incredibly notable, I feel like the writers are just biding their time. Now that he seems to be part of SHIELD, I'm sure they'll utilize him more.


Great episode. Lincoln had some dollar store effects this episode but this may be the first episode I didn't mind him so much.
Done with Lou Ferrigno Gray Hulk. Time for Ward. This season can finally pick up.

I need accept that SHIELD is more of a drama than an action superhero show like Flash


I absolutely loved this episode. Glad they caught Andrew early. Got chills when Lincoln laid it all out for them and they slowly figured it out. I'm sure he'll break out of stasis or ATCU will mess up their evil plan or something.

Also legit started getting teary eyed when Fitz was crying. Dude is a phenomenal actor and elevates the trite material he's given.
I am so tired of Hunter. Just kill him off or make him useful, he does not offer anything anymore. Also, how the hell Coulsen gave him carte blanche to follow Ward while the Inhuman thing is happening, and it´s not like Shield has unlimited resources. Just kill Hunter off or make him useful. I am so tired of him.

The Fitz-Simmons crap needs to stop too. I get it Fitz got screwed, so stop wasting time on it.
A really great episode. Definitely one of the best so far, and this season has been pretty solid. I'm glad they didn't just off Andrew, and thank god they didn't kill Joey.

I like that all the different story threads are coming together now. That's what made S2 so amazing, and it looks like we're starting to see that here too.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
That was a fantastic episode, great stuff all the way through minus some wonky CG for Lincoln. The Lash transformations were really well done though.

Both Flash and AoS saved someone from falling. Bothe have their own Guantanamos. Waiting to see Zoom come out of the portal now.

Can we not post spoilers of unrelated shows in this thread? Not everyone watches them in order.


HUGE step up from last week. A great return to form. Less of the tacky misunderstanding shit, and just stuff happening all the time. Glad they're not dragging out the is-he-or-isn't-he stuff about Lash, and all the angst from the FitzSimmons stuff is getting sorted out. It's going to be exciting to see how things move forward from here on out.

The next episode promo looks great. Zero down time. Hopefully we'll get more from Fitz's investigations too. Is it just me or do the logos he's comparing look a lot like SHIELD's logo geometry too? Are they really going to tap into Hickman's Brotherhood of SHIELD stuff? o_O

Is the ATCU Hydra? Or... are they.... Leviathan? :eek:


It's nice that they are keeping things moving the season still lacks an overall drive. I was expecting it to the rise of Inhumans but that's kinda in the background for all the relationship drama.

Note to AoS writers:

stop trying to make Lincoln happen

I was pretty disappointed when Lincoln said he was sticking around at the end of the episode.


Yeah unlike Coulson's map hunt in the first half of S2, there really isn't a clear direction for S3 so far, but I think they're just working on building up new elements like the Inhumans outbreak, the ATCU, and the new factions in the backgrounds before going "big" in the second half of the season. Hopefully we get the Secret Warriors we deserve by early next year.


I am so tired of Hunter. Just kill him off or make him useful, he does not offer anything anymore. Also, how the hell Coulsen gave him carte blanche to follow Ward while the Inhuman thing is happening, and it´s not like Shield has unlimited resources. Just kill Hunter off or make him useful. I am so tired of him.

The Fitz-Simmons crap needs to stop too. I get it Fitz got screwed, so stop wasting time on it.

I rolled my eyes at his little outburst. like, dude is stranded on a planet, it isn't the time to jealous, goddamnit.
They do not drag anything out.
Sure they do. They just drag it out after the fact. They brought Simmons back immediately, then spun their tires with developing that further. I don't see how that's better or more commendable than front-loading the tire-spinning by waiting longer to bring her back.

Same with the Lash thing. They captured him right after the reveal, but now they're going to sit on that and spin their tires again. Just watch.

This season takes four times longer to do anything than it should. It's all about dragging things out. Look at Ward. Not one meaningful development to his story in seven episodes.
Also legit started getting teary eyed when Fitz was crying. Dude is a phenomenal actor and elevates the trite material he's given.

It's probably because he's the best actor that he gets the emotional drama-laden bits. FitzSimmons is the emotional core of SHIELD.

I rolled my eyes at his little outburst. like, dude is stranded on a planet, it isn't the time to jealous, goddamnit.
That would have been completely unrealistic. Fitz is a legitimately nice guy that is in love with Simmons so he would dude anything for her. However, it doesn't mean he's completely happy about the situation, and it completely makes sense for him to have his outburst while noone else is around.
Sure they do. They just drag it out after the fact. They brought Simmons back immediately, then spun their tires with developing that further. I don't see how that's better or more commendable than front-loading the tire-spinning by waiting longer to bring her back.

Same with the Lash thing. They captured him right after the reveal, but now they're going to sit on that and spin their tires again. Just watch.

This season takes four times longer to do anything than it should. It's all about dragging things out. Look at Ward. Not one meaningful development to his story in seven episodes.

You're mistaking dragging their feet with keeping the plot beats moving. Lash attacks, then Lash captured isn't a story. They've done that. The plot beat has happened. Then next plot beat is to see why he's doing it, what makes him tick.


It's probably because he's the best actor that he gets the emotional drama-laden bits. FitzSimmons is the emotional core of SHIELD.

That would have been completely unrealistic. Fitz is a legitimately nice guy that is in love with Simmons so he would dude anything for her. However, it doesn't mean he's completely happy about the situation, and it completely makes sense for him to have his outburst while noone else is around.

oh it makes sense and I'm glad the show is writing him accordingly to human behaviour but it's frustrating because of the will they wont they BS.


oh it makes sense and I'm glad the show is writing him accordingly to human behaviour but it's frustrating because of the will they wont they BS.

It's not though. I think it's been made very clear that Fitz will absolutely help and he's not pretending or bullshitting. He's a decent human being and he's not Hunter. That doesn't mean it's easy for him, and I think showing his frustration is fine. It doesn't change his determination or his ethics, but he's allowed to be jealous!


oh it makes sense and I'm glad the show is writing him accordingly to human behaviour but it's frustrating because of the will they wont they BS.

Ok, Spoilers: They will.

then one of them will die

Based on every Whedon show ever


This season takes four times longer to do anything than it should. It's all about dragging things out. Look at Ward. Not one meaningful development to his story in seven episodes.
Eh? Plenty has happened there. Ward isn't ruling the world yet or anything, but there are quite a lot of smaller developments that have happened with all things Ward.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Props to how they wrote May in this episode, with Ming-Na Wen doing good work too. She was fairly subdued overall and I was glad she was neither all-out angry nor in "but we can't! I love him!" mode. Somewhere in the middle, then going for it when push came to shove.

Hoping this helps move her character forward. I don't have a problem with May, but she's the least developed character from the original group and this episode made good steps towards remedying that.
So does it strike anyone else as odd that the fact an ATCU member got ambushed, punched in the face, and left in his car went completely unmentioned this episode?


Bitches love smiley faces
So does it strike anyone else as odd that the fact an ATCU member got ambushed, punched in the face, and left in his car went completely unmentioned this episode?
I imagine he's still sleeping in his car, much like how Huell is still sitting in a motel room.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
So does it strike anyone else as odd that the fact an ATCU member got ambushed, punched in the face, and left in his car went completely unmentioned this episode?
I just imagined the after credits scene being him passed out, still there.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Sorry about that, but what I said could be construed as general points.

I'll try not to cross the streams.

Yeah, they weren't big spoilers, no worries. Just wanted to get the point out there.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
This episode made me realize that Mack is the only one without a love interest at the base right now. Maybe with Joey joining the group... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This episode made me realize that Mack is the only one without a love interest at the base right now. Maybe with Joey joining the group... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Then Fitz will end up being involved in two love triangles. D:
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